Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1685 It's a reunion! 3 more

Xuan Sikou's voice was hoarse, like a demon, and his beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of blood, which made the housekeeper even more frightened, "Si Kou, retreat quickly!"

Xuan Sikou still sat quietly in the hall, letting the demons corrode her cultivation, feeling the heart-wrenching pain, but she didn't find it hard to bear, on the contrary, she felt refreshed.

"Si Kou..." the butler tremblingly yelled, secretly blaming the young master.

As Xuan Sikou's confidant, Xuan Chaozi, the steward of Xuanling Mansion, knows very well that Xuan Sikou's inner demons originated from the fact that King Sumeru brought back the princess and the three young masters.

In the past tens of thousands of years, Xuan Sikou could silently admire King Sumeru. Although he didn't get favored, he didn't feel resentful, and he was happy with it.

But that's because Xuan Sikou believes that in this world, no one can make King Xumi tempted, and no one! Let him walk from the lofty mountain top to the mortal world.


The appearance of Princess Xumi broke Xuan Sikou's confidence, and made her gradually breed demons in the past ten years.

"I should give up." Xuan Sikou stroked the center of his brows, knowing that she should never be born with such a demon, but she couldn't control it, just like she couldn't control her love for King Sumeru.

Knowing that it was impossible, he fell into deep trouble.

Knowing that it shouldn't be, I just didn't enter.


"Young master, but you went back?" Dragon Emperor thought that the young master should have finished his work.

But Rong Mo shook his head and said, "Go to Tian Si Kou's mansion to deceive people."

"Young master?" Dragon Emperor was a little surprised.

"Let's go." Rong Mo didn't explain much.

The Dragon Emperor didn't ask any more questions, he just picked up Rong Mo and his party, and then disappeared in Wanyu City, making people think that they had returned to Sumeru Hall.

Little did they know, the Dragon Emperor had appeared in the Liang Mansion without anyone noticing, and without making a fuss, he swept Tian Si Kou Yin's eyes and ears into nothingness, and shocked the latter.

"Dragon, Dragon Emperor?" Tian Sikou looked bewildered and startled, he really didn't understand the deep meaning of Dragon Emperor's actions.

The Dragon Emperor hadn't done such a "sneaky" thing for a long, long time, but he was a little embarrassed to be seen. Fortunately, Rong Mo had already stepped out of the dragon's back.

Tian Sikou saw Rong Mo just now, but he couldn't help but raised his heart, and still tried his best to politely say calmly, "Young master."

Rong Mo nodded, then asked, "What is Tian Sikou's opinion on today's matter?"

Tian Sikou obviously didn't expect that Rong Mo would ask this question, he really couldn't answer it for a while, to be honest, he didn't analyze it well yet.

But he already subconsciously felt that the seemingly nonsensical behavior of the young young master should actually have a deep meaning, especially after hearing this question, he felt so.

Therefore, after being silent for a while, Tian Sikou asked speculatively, "The purpose of the young master's discord with the third division is to let the traitor feel that there is an opportunity?"

"Go ahead." Rong Mo said encouragingly.

Tian Sikou sneered, but he didn't take it seriously, but said respectfully on his face, "Di Sikou was severely injured, Xuan Sikou was offended by you, and the old minister returned the void law enforcement bag. The people behind the scenes must feel that, The near future is a good opportunity to make another shot.”

Rong Mo nodded appreciatively, "Then what do you think is the purpose of the traitor?"

"First kill the young master, the Dragon Emperor, and the other young masters, and then wait for an opportunity to destroy the retreat of the king and princess." Tian Sikou did not doubt him.

Rong Mo nodded again, but stretched out his hand again and said, "Since Tian Sikou understands, I will hand over the bag of nothingness to this young master for temporary safekeeping."

Naturally, Tian Sikou did not refuse, and presented the void law enforcement bag to Rong Mo again, saying: "The old minister will wait for the young master's good news."

After Rong Mo accepted the void law enforcement bag again, he asked the Dragon Emperor to send Tian Sikou back to the Liang Mansion. During this period, no one noticed that Tian Si Kou was "captured" and passed by, and the entire Liang Mansion was no different.

After finishing all these, Rong Mo asked the Dragon Emperor to send their family back to Sumeru Hall, which is also going home.

"Oh! Go back!" Rong Ze was the liveliest, and when he heard that he could go back, he naturally danced the happiest, and complained to Rong Mo, who suddenly remembered something, "Brother, I was going out to meet you and sister-in-law early, why don't you go out?" I have a nephew! The third brother won’t allow me to go.”

Rong Lin who was "revealed" was a little speechless, but he still couldn't help but say something, "Brother didn't have time to talk to you at that time, why did you make trouble?"

"I..." Rong Ze wanted to say that he could help!

But the Dragon Emperor had already opened his mouth and said, "Here we are."


Sumeru Hall.


This palace located at the top of Mount Sumeru, the highest place in Wanyu City, is like the Qionglou of the Immortal Palace, lingering in the clouds, hidden in the misty depths.

Rong Mo looked at such a palace, although he could see that every part of the palace was built exquisitely, and the materials used were all top-quality materials that have long since ceased to exist in Wanyu, but...

However, Rong Mo couldn't feel any sense of home in such an ethereal palace, which made his eyes, which were originally full of anticipation, droop down in a little desolation.

go home?

Rong Mo's long and black eyelashes concealed the inexplicable and unexplainable complex feeling in his eyes. He just felt that coming back was not as good as he expected.

As for Ye Qianli, who clearly felt his loneliness, she had already naturally held her Highness's hand, and clasped that hand tightly again.

"Beautiful!" Xiao Yi'er felt that the gold in front of her eyes was shining! The bright red and white hall is very beautiful, and it seems to be delicious! He loves it.

"Hahaha..." Rong Ze laughed immediately, "It's beautiful! Let's go, Second Uncle will take you shopping."

"Brother?" Rong Xi was sensitive to the fact that his elder brother seemed to be in a bad mood, so he subconsciously approached and said, "Father and mother are in seclusion, so we can't come to welcome elder brother. When they recover, our family will be reunited." !"

Rong Lin who was at the side smiled and said, "Why wait for the reunion before mom and dad get well? We can go to the place where dad and mom are retreating. They will definitely be able to sense us, and we will be reunited. "

"It makes sense! Then let's go quickly." Rong Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at his elder brother expectantly, hoping to see the emotions he wanted to see in his eyes.

But Rong Mo hadn't had time to give the emotion that the silly brother wanted to see, he found it with a frown! There seems to be something wrong with the breath of Sumeru nearby.

But at this moment——

"Let's go!" Rong Ze was fine! Pulling Xiao Yi'er, he rushed towards the main hall in front of him, "Yi'er, Yi'er, Second Uncle told you, Er..."

"Little Er Shao, be careful!" Dragon Emperor's voice cut off Rong Ze's enthusiastic words at this moment, and its huge dragon body quickly surrounded Rong Ze and Yi'er.

Rong Mo even protected Ye Qianli in his arms immediately! A pair of cold black eyes, staring at them with chilling eyes, right in front——

ps: The progress of daily life and drama is staggered, alas~

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