Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1695: The Dragon Emperor draws Zhaoli! 1 more

"Suspected me?" The Dragon Emperor bared his teeth and grinned, a pair of dragon eyes added a hint of sarcasm, which made everyone in the audience feel heartbroken.

Those present who have been with the Dragon Emperor all know that such a Dragon Emperor is a sign of anger! Don't look at the Dragon Emperor's kindness, as if he has no temper.

But anyone who is familiar with it knows that it has a violent temper! In fact, just like its huge dragon body, once it attacks, even the king will have a headache, but it has been cultivating itself for many years, unexpectedly...

The Dragon Emperor was blown up today!

That's right, some people dared to pretend to be it and murder Tian Sikou, how could it not explode?

But at this meeting, Rong Mo had already said, "Please take your seat."

The Dragon Emperor was slightly stunned, his eyes fell on Rong Mo who was speaking, and he met a pair of deep, pure and dull eyes, making him narrow his eyes slightly.

Rong Mo reached out his hand to touch the long beard of the Dragon Emperor, and stroked it lightly, like a hair, causing a dark light to flash in the Dragon Emperor's slightly narrowed eyes.

In an instant, all the people present who were trembling at first felt that the pressure on their bodies was slightly relieved, and the Dragon Emperor seemed to have calmed down a lot.

Rong Mo also spoke again, "Daliang Sikong, please help your father to his seat."

"Yes, young master!" Liang Zhaoyuan wiped off the sweat from being frightened by the Dragon Emperor, and quickly helped the old father beside him.

But Liang Zhaoyuan had just made this movement, but Tian Sikou let out a "wow"! Spit out a big mouthful of old blood.

Liang Zhaoli, who was behind the two of them, turned pale with shock, "Father!"

"Father!" Liang Zhaoyuan was also taken aback.

However, Tian Sikou relaxed his breath and his body went limp! It was so dark that he fell down, but fortunately he was supported by Liang Zhaoyuan, otherwise he would have fallen to the ground.

"Minister of Medicine!"

"Here we come!" Yaoyuan rushed out the moment he saw something was wrong, and at the same time he responded to the words, he was treating Tian Sikou.

But after a while, Yao Yuan, who had clearly seen the clues, had already asked Liang Zhaoyuan to carefully lay Tian Si Kou on the ground, and he quickly pierced the silver needles emitting bright silver light into Tian Si Kou's heart. veins.

"call out!"

"Whoa! Whoa,..."

Yao Yuan's injection speed was very fast, Ye Qianli had to use his right eye to see clearly where his needle was placed, he could see it! Every needle he drops is exactly on a cardiovascular, sealing all the input and output of the "communication" between the human body and the heart.

This kind of treatment is suitable for the symptoms, because Tian Sikou's injury was caused by the dragon's palm, which is similar to heart failure, but it is different from normal heart failure——

After being crushed by the dragon's palm, the heart will not only fail rapidly, but will continue to wreak havoc on the victim's limbs, bones, and other internal organs.

In this way, even if the cultivator has a strong self-healing ability, the body will suffer heavy injuries before the destructive power of the dragon's palm is completely forced out.

In addition, the one who made the move was the Dragon Emperor! In this world, except for King Xumi, no one can stop the destructive power of Dragon Destruction Palm.

Only by supplementing with ambergris wood that is more than 100 million years old can the destructive power be restrained a little, and then slowly recuperate, there is a slight possibility of recovery.

That's why the medicine made a decisive decision, sealed Tian Sikou's heart, and then took the ancient ambergris wood that was spared in the Qiankun medicine bag, forced the medicine into the silver needle, along the outer end of the silver needle, and injected it into the The inner end of Tianskou's cardiovascular place.

This kind of treatment can make the medicinal effect of ambergris wood inject to the wound as quickly as possible, suppressing the destructive power, but it is a pity...


"Zheng! Zheng!..." As soon as the medicinal effect of ambergris was injected, the silver needles of the original medicine were broken! It is impossible to stabilize the medicine in the heart.

"Not good!" Yao Yuan's face changed greatly, "The power of Dragon Destruction Palm has fully exploded, Tian Si Kou came late, and I, Yao Yuan, can't save him anymore."

"What?" Liang Zhaoli's face changed completely, and he knelt down to the Dragon Emperor subconsciously, "Dragon Emperor! Please hold your hands high and spare my father."

Huang Chiyan, the head coach of Zhenghuangqi, couldn't help scolding, "Xiaoliang Sikong, don't talk nonsense! Tian Sikou has already said that he is suspected of being the Dragon Emperor. The Dragon Emperor was at the banquet the whole time, so how could he attack Tian Sikou?"

"But..." Liang Zhaoli wanted to say more.

The Dragon Emperor sneered coldly, "If it's really me who made the move, I'll be powerless after an hour. If I don't use the ambergris wood with sufficient medicinal effect at this point in an hour, I will die."

Liang Zhaoli was dumbfounded, but Yaoyuan had already said from the side, "What the Dragon Emperor said is true. It can save people within an hour. After an hour, the destructive power of the Dragon Destruction Palm will be ineffective, so the two Sikong are preparing for the funeral." Bar."

"No, it won't..." Liang Zhaoli couldn't believe it, and Liang Zhaoyuan also widened his eyes! Unexpectedly, it was so late.

"Let me try it." Ye Qianli said, already about to replace Yao Yuan.

But Liang Zhaoli pushed Ye Qianli, "You little dog pretends to be merciful with a mouse!"

But the Dragon Emperor didn't let Liang Zhaoli meet Ye Qianli at all, so he pulled her away!

"Li Li!" Liang Zhaoyuan was startled.

However, Liang Zhaoli was sent flying and smashed against the wall of the entrance hall, causing her bones to "crack" in pain.

"What the hell! You dare to make trouble in front of the young lady. I don't want to show off the old dragon. You will treat the old dragon as a reptile?" The Dragon Emperor was in a very depressed mood! Because there is fire, it cannot be fired, and the young master will not let it go.

All the gods were taken aback by the Dragon Emperor, and they dared not speak, and no one dared to help Liang Zhaoli. Even Liang Zhaoli himself didn't dare to fart, let alone groan.

Ye Qianli also took over Yaoyuan's work smoothly, and the thin flower vines protruding from her fingertips were like silver needles! Pierced into Tian Sikou's heart, using the same treatment as the original medicine.

The difference is that Ye Qianli's Taiyi God Flower is full of vitality and can resist the destructive power of the dragon's palm! Furthermore, Ye Qianli did not seal off the lung tube that was fed into the heart, and sent all the medicinal power of the ambergris wood into the lungs, which stimulated the activity of Tian Sikou's lungs.


Yao Yuan's eyes lit up immediately, knowing that Ye Qianli wanted to use the power of Tian Sikou's lungs to forcefully infuse the medicinal effect of ambergris into Tian Sikou's heart.

With the lung qi mixed with the medicinal power of ambergris! Resist the destructive power of the body dragon's palm, in terms of the five elements, the lungs are gold! It can produce water, the heart belongs to fire, and gold water can overcome fire.

If you can control it...

"It's really possible!?" Yaoyuan didn't expect that his years of experience in practicing medicine were not as good as that of the young lady, the young lady, and he was almost ashamed to death.

But Yaoyuan also knew that even if he thought of this method, he wouldn't dare to use it on Tian Sikou, he didn't have the guts, he was afraid he couldn't afford it.

But Ye Qianli is different, she has always only had two standards of life and death in healing people, if she can save a living person, she can do everything she can, dare to think and use!

Military doctors in the field don't have much time to think about it.

Seeing that the situation of Tian Sikou seemed to be stabilized, Rong Mo heaved a sigh of relief, but turned to Longdi and said, "Take down Tian Sikou."

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