Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1698 Tian Si Kou must die! 1 more

"..." The banquet hall, which was already quiet, became a little quieter because of Di Sikou's roar. Even the new head of the demon department, Yao Singer, who has been having trouble with his brain, heard the conspiracy smell.

The soldiers of the Eighteen Banners were not in a hurry to curse anyone, but instead looked at Tian Si Kou thoughtfully, and also looked at Di Si Kou meaningfully.

But Liang Zhaoli couldn't bear it any longer, "Di Sikou, you have rebellious feelings, don't spit out blood. According to what the Dragon Emperor said just now, the young master was assassinated yesterday, but my father was killed when the banquet was about to begin. People are severely injured!"

"That's right! My family member of the Liang family can testify to this matter. At that time, there were still many strong men in the city standing around to watch, and you can invite them to confront each other!" Liang Zhaoyuan also retorted with righteous indignation.

Di Sikou ignored the two young men, but stared at Tian Sikou, and shouted every word, "I know I've been tricked by you, I can't explain clearly, but how dare you Tian Sikou bleed at Xumi?" Swear, say that you did not assassinate the young master, nor framed me, otherwise——

You Tiansi Kou will be bombarded by five thunders! The soul is scattered, and there will never be peace in the Liang family! The whole family is wiped out. Do you dare to take this poisonous oath? "

"You..." Liang Zhaoli's face changed drastically and he wanted to stand up. After all, this poisonous oath was so vicious that it was going to bring the entire Liang family down, but——

Tian Sikou, who had just recovered a little, held Liang Zhaoli's shoulders, and after thanking Ye Qianli, he stood up and said, "Di Sikou, although we don't have a deep friendship, we don't. It's shallow, why do you insist on clinging to me?"

"Old thief! Don't be hypocritical! If you hadn't been dying when you came here yesterday and begged me, why should I use the wind of nothingness in my body to help you swallow the destructive power of the dragon's palm, so that I have hardly recovered now?" .

If not, I don't need to swallow the ambergris wood to suppress and force out the destructive power of the dragon's palm, but today I have to take the blame for you! Your intentions are so vicious. "The more Di Sikou thought about it, the colder he became.

Although he didn't really get too close to Tian Sikou, after all, a rough guy like him prefers to make friends with generals and have similar temperaments.

But as the same Si Kou, Tian Si Kou begged to come to the door, and said so badly, he naturally wouldn't leave him dead, who would have thought! This rescue turned him into a traitor? !

Di Sikou was angry and hated! And chilling.

He was angry at himself for being stupid, for being framed without knowing it; he hated Tian Sikou for being vicious and cunning, for betraying Mount Sumeru, and he wanted to blame him; believe him……

Even though he really disrespected the young master yesterday! But he has already received the punishment he deserves, and he doesn't complain; but he, Gu Mu Da, is a godly man, why has he ever done such double-faced things?


No matter whether it is the Dragon Emperor or his former friends, none of them believed him.

Di Sikou suddenly felt very tired, but he still wanted to pull Tian Sikou down, and still wanted to argue hard! After all, if everything is as the Dragon Emperor said, Si Kou must be the one who rebelled that day.

He was wronged, wronged! But Tian Sikou must die too, he can't let this old thief cause misfortune again.


"Di Si Kou insists on biting me, for my Tian Si, for my Liang Mansion, and for my Liang Chengyong, I would like to swear a blood oath, a poisonous oath!" Tian Si Kou responded word by word.

Di Sikou's huge eyes widened, and he stared at Tian Sikou more and more fiercely, "Excellent! Then you post it, I want to see if you really dare to swear this oath."

Di Sikou didn't believe it! Tian Sikou really dared to swear such a poisonous oath with blood, but he just wanted to get away with it, he would never let this old thief succeed, let's see what other tricks this old thief has.


Tian Sikou really put his heart and soul into it, and beat every word! He swore sonorously, "Liang Chengyong swears to Sumeru today!

Never assassinate the young master, never frame the local bandits, otherwise Liang Chengyong will be bombarded by five thunders! The soul is scattered, and the Liang Mansion will never have peace! until the whole family is destroyed. "

As soon as such an oath comes out! The gazes of the gods and ministers at the scene became more and more subtle, and everyone subconsciously believed that Tian Sikou was not rebellious.

After all, such a blood oath! A poisonous oath, even if the person who swears it is Tian Sikou, but such an oath, under the witness of Mount Sumeru, still has terrible power of judgment.


Mount Sumeru did not move, it did not judge Tian Sikou.

This shows that everything Tian Sikou said is true!

Then the person who lied must be a disikou.

"Di Sikou, are you satisfied?" Tian Sikou also asked Di Sikou dejectedly, and sighed, "I have calculated thousands of times, but I didn't count them. It turns out that you are a traitor. I was really injured by a thief pretending to be the Dragon Emperor. Fang taught you the healing method of "fighting poison with poison". I never thought...

You actually betrayed Mount Sumeru! You betrayed my king, but you still want to frame me. You are the one who sneaked up on me just now, but I don't understand, how can you pretend to be the Dragon Emperor and hit the Dragon Destroying Palm? "

When Tian Sikou said this, he couldn't hold on anymore and almost fell to the ground, but he was held firmly by Liang Zhaoyuan, so he didn't fall down, but even so...

"Pfft!" Tian Sikou was still extremely angry and vomited blood again.

"Tiansi Kou, don't get excited, your injury can't stand the toss." Ye Qianli persuaded from the side, without expressing any views on the case.

But Ye Qianli really didn't expect that things would develop like this, let alone that the two Sikou would bite each other to such an extent that poisonous oaths and blood oaths came out.

But she looked at Tian Sikou, as if she had been wronged, and he looked at Tian Sikou in disbelief, obviously did not expect that the latter would really swear that Xumishan also admitted his innocence.

If it wasn't for Di Sikou's confirmation, Tian Sikou really fell into the palm of the dragon yesterday, and he really helped Tian Sikou, he really would have doubted whether he had wronged Tian Sikou.

But Tian Si Kou Que Que actually fell into the palm of the dragon! It is indeed not today, but yesterday! Yesterday, Di Sikou suddenly realized that he really couldn't tell.

"Disi Kou, what else do you have to say?" Dragon Emperor also asked tiredly.

"I..." Di Sikou wanted to say, he is really innocent! But when he raised his eyes, all he saw was suspicion, dark anger, and hatred.

Obviously he didn't do it! But it was all done by him. He didn't understand what happened in it, and he even wanted to plead guilty and forget it.


"I didn't betray Sumeru! I dared to betray the king..." Di Sikou wanted to say that he also swore, he had never done it before, and of course he was not afraid to swear.

But Tian Sikou had already vomited blood and interrupted, "Di Sikou, you have come to this point, you still want to quibble, you want to force me to death, are you satisfied?"

"I..." Di Sikou wanted to yell back with his eyes wide open.

However, Rong Mo has already decided in a cold voice, "Enough!"

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