Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1701 The little lady who protects the cubs! 4 more

Although he had guessed something, Xuan Sikou still did not expect that Tian Sikou was really a traitor! But she didn't understand why the Young Master's family, who had already entered the inner hall of Xumi, was still in the area of ​​the banquet hall in the outer hall?

"Xuan Si Kou?" Tian Si Kou was obviously surprised by Xuan Si Kou's arrival, after all, he had arranged for the Di Si Mansion and Tian Si Mansion to cause trouble, and let the eldest son guard the Xuan Ling Mansion.

But at this moment, Xuan Sikou not only turned black, but she also coughed "cough, cough, cough..." and coughed up blood! The breath also weakened sharply.

Instead, Tian Sikou sneered a little reassuringly, "It seems that Xuan Sikou is already in danger, for the sake of my comrades, I advise you not to get involved in this matter, and go back to your Xuanling Mansion."

"Cough, cough..." Xuan Sikou was still coughing, unable to respond to Tian Sikou's words, but she did not leave, and tried her best to suppress the injuries in her body.

Worried about her safety, Xuan Chaozi had already helped her fall to the ground, and kept feeding her a burst of vitality, which made Ye Qianli look sideways.

But this time Ye Qianli didn't say anything, she just hugged the quiet little Yi'er, and as the third child who was still hugging Rong Xi, she looked like a scared little lady protecting the cubs.

"Do it!" Tian Sikou saw that Xuan Sikou was not afraid, and naturally he would not give up, but he did not make a move himself, but stared at Xuan Sikou.

Although Xuan Sikou didn't look very good, Tian Sikou didn't underestimate her because of it, but...

"Heh." Xuan Sikou sneered softly, "Tian Sikou, if you dare to touch the young master, I can take you and be buried with me, do you believe it?"

After she said this, a circle of spiritual mist rose up silently, surrounding everyone present, including Xuan Sikou himself.

The dozens of black shadows who were about to make a move subconsciously stopped, and Tian Sikou's face darkened as he stared angrily at Xuan Sikou, "You activated the life and death hexagram!?"

"Good eyesight." Xuan Sikou smiled lightly, looking extremely weak, but the spiritual mist around him was getting thicker and faintly scattered into black and white lights.

"You crazy woman!" Tian Sikou's face turned dark to the extreme, "For this useless young master, you actually want to die in the line of duty?! Is it worth it!?"

"It's worth it." Xuan Sikou stood firm and looked at Tian Sikou with eyes like water, "Everything about me is bestowed by the king, and my loyalty is still there despite the endless years! Unlike you, the real black heart and black lungs, even you There are hundreds of people in the Liang family, all of them are ignored."

"Hey." Tian Si Kou smirked, "After I control the young master today, I will wait for an opportunity to destroy the king's retreat, and the Dragon Emperor and Di Si Kou are at the Xing Tian Gate again. What will happen to my Liang family?"

"You set up an ambush at the Xingtianmen?" Rong Mo finally opened his mouth. Although he had already determined that the traitor was actually Tian Sikou, the arrangement between him and the Dragon Emperor had just started, and Tian Sikou came to kill him, which made him feel a little nervous. caught off guard.

Especially when he heard that the Dragon Emperor was set in an ambush again, he was really worried. After all, in his layout, the Dragon Emperor and the Di Sikou were also the most important part, so nothing happened to them.

"Hahaha! Of course, otherwise, how could the old minister suggest that the young master send the local chief to Xing Tianmen?" Tian Sikou still responded to Rong Mo very respectfully.

But he was obviously going to rebel, and he had already torn his face, and he still put on such a submissive face, which really made Ye Qianli sting, "I really shouldn't have saved you before."

Tian Sikou heard the words, but he smiled strangely, "Young madam, do you really think that the old minister will die?"

"Could it be that Tian Sikou can restrain the dragon's palm?" Ye Qianli asked with a sneer.

"Of course, otherwise, how could the old minister procrastinate until that moment? The old minister still has important things to do, so how could he not cherish his own life?" Tian Sikou also asked back.

But Rong Mo said with a sneer, "Dragon Emperor's attack is beyond your ability to save yourself, and you should stop deceiving yourself."

"That's what the young master said." Tian Sikou didn't argue, anyway, it didn't make any sense at all, and the one who made him dare not do anything directly was Xuan Sikou.

But Tian Sikou didn't think that Xuan Sikou was really willing to sacrifice his life for righteousness, just to restrain him, so he was not in a hurry, after all he could afford it, but Xuan Sikou couldn't.

Xuan Sikou really wanted to waste some time, after all, once the hexagram of life and death occurs, everyone in the formation will die. She has already seen her own life and death, but the young master, the little young master, and the three young masters cannot die. !

The king's blood is all here, how could Xuan Sikou be willing to let them die together, she couldn't bear it! So as long as there is still hope, she would rather waste it.

Xuan Sikou didn't believe it! Only she will escort.

Even if the Dragon Emperor fails to return in time, the rest of the gods in the city are not dead bodies! They will definitely make moves, as long as she buys more time, Tiansi Kou will definitely lose.


"Buzz!" Tian Sikou felt that Xuan Sikou's life-and-death formation was weakening, and he gathered his palm together! A cloud of nothingness.

"The wind of nothingness." Rong Mo's face darkened slightly. Although he didn't expect that Tian Sikou could control the wind of nothingness without the law enforcement bag of nothingness, but he was not surprised, but Xuan Sikou's life and death formation might be broken.

Xuan Sikou obviously saw through this point, so she burst out decisively, "Guasha!"

"Gang Mie!" Tian Sikou slammed the sky with his palm, and the terrifying wind of nothingness, like a spider web, spewed out a web with his palm as the center, enveloping everyone including himself in an instant. , everyone present.


At this moment, the power of the life and death hexagrams directly collided with the power of the nihilistic wind on the same level, creating a shocking fireworks.

Such a scene made Vigilant stare at Huang Chiyan on the side of the Sumeru Hall, and immediately roared, "Zhenghuang Banner is up and down to listen to orders! I will go to the Sumeru Hall to escort you!"

Qi Fengyue also took the same action as Huang Chiyan, and she has already mobilized all the strong beasts and rushed towards Xumi Temple! She felt that there was something wrong with Di Sikou's case before.

Just now when she saw people from Xuanling Mansion went to the Ministry of Industry, she also sneaked in to eavesdrop, and she heard something bad! But she originally wanted to take someone to Xingtianmen, but she never thought...

There was a fighting atmosphere on the side of Sumeru Hall! It was still Tian Si Kou and Xuan Si Kou's forces facing each other, so Qi Fengyue naturally shifted his target and came directly to Xu Mi Temple.

It's just that Qi Fengyue came very quickly! but--

Tian Sikou, who shook Xuan Sikou so much that he vomited blood with a single palm, had already captured Xuan Sikou head-on, and ordered, "Take everyone down quickly!"

"Whoosh!" Dozens of black shadows suddenly appeared like ghosts, and directly pinched at Rong Mo's family. Their strikes were fast and sharp, and even the space was frozen.

It's too late! then soon-

"Hexagram lifelong flower."

ps: This is a new update, I will post the evening 1 update together later, let’s have a look~

Still working on it, wait a minute...

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