Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1706 Young Master, We Love You! 2 more

This pure-blood king demon should have been blocking the opening with his own body, otherwise he could vaguely sense its existence even if he didn't check carefully.

However, Rong Mo felt that at his father's level, it was impossible not to perceive the existence of this hole, but considering his father's spirit was hindered, he couldn't be absolutely sure.

Perhaps this strange pure-blooded demon king hibernated in when his father was injured. If so, this pure-blooded demon king was lucky.

"No." Rong Mo frowned slightly and thought, probably because of the successful drilling, this pure-blood king monster was able to be sure, and his father's body had a problem, so he dared to do it.

Just invading Mount Sumeru, I'm afraid it can't be conquered overnight, every year, the Heavenly Demon Domain should have been operating for many years, how about...

Rong Mo asked Dragon Emperor to arrange someone to interrogate. After all, the current Tiansi can no longer be used due to the Tiansi Kou, so Longdi can only be temporarily held in charge of Tiansi.

"Is there any rebellion in Xingtianmen?" Rong Mo asked again.

"It's been dealt with cleanly. It's all the outliers who have problems. Xingba, the head of the Xingtianmen, has settled the matter. This monster can be arranged for Xingba to interrogate, he is good at it." Dragon Emperor solemnly suggested.

"That's fine, but people still want Uncle Longdi to imprison him personally, and try to find out the information from him as soon as possible." Rong Mo wanted to know the specific plan of the Sky Demon Realm.

Even Mount Sumeru was moved, Rong Mo believed that the problem on the Demon Realm might not be the overall problem, he needed to know more about the inside story, and make arrangements early.

"Young master, don't worry, I'll transfer Xingba directly, and by the way, brother and sister Liang Zhaoyuan and Liang Zhaoli, as well as people from Tiansi and Liangfu will all be interrogated." Dragon Emperor arranged.

"Yes." Rong Mo's understanding of Mount Sumeru was not as good as that of the Dragon Emperor, and he naturally relied on the Dragon Emperor for such a detailed arrangement, so he had no objection.

The Dragon Emperor then summoned someone to spread the message, asking Xing Ba to come to Sumeru Palace immediately.


But when Rong Mo and Long Di were arranging matters, Shen Tianyun, Qi Fengyue and others who ended up kneeling in front of Rong Mo one after another.

"Why are you like this?" Rong Mo asked inexplicably.

Shen Tianyun was the first to say, "Young Master, please punish me!"

"Young Master, please punish me." Xuanyuan Cheng and others, but all the ministers of the nine ministries here also knelt down to beg for punishment. Lard has been deceived, please punish the young master."

Not only them, but also the officers and soldiers of the Eighteen Banners around them, as well as the strong men from various ministries, knelt down and shouted in unison, "Young Master, please punish me."

Rong Mo slightly raised his long eyebrows, his voiceless voice was slightly cold, "Why should you be punished?"

"Disrespecting the Lord, self-willedness, disobedience to discipline, giving the thieves an opportunity to take advantage of, is really a veteran's mistake! Please punish me severely, Young Master." Di Sikou was the first to kowtow and lead the mistake.

Di Sikou only found out after being taken away by the Dragon Emperor! The young master didn't doubt him at all, but just acted for Tian Sikou to expose Tian Sikou completely, and take the opportunity to uproot all rebellions.

But he is extremely stupid, not only being used by Tian Sikou! He also harbored resentment towards the young master, and kept secretly calling the young master stupid and a useless dog.

The results of it?

It was him who was useless.

The young master not only uprooted Tian Sikou, even this pure-blood king demon was caught, and even the gap in the plane was pulled out by the young master.

Who is useless? It is clear at a glance.

"The ministers and others are self-willed, in a dangerous situation, do not seek unity, refuse to accept the young master, please punish the young master severely." The ministers, and even many soldiers of the Eighteen Banners understand that the young master is in such a dangerous situation today because they are not united lead to.

If the young master is not the young master, but the king! Many of them should have appeared at the same time as Qi Fengyue and Huang Chiyan, not late.

Because they don't take the young master to heart! Only the young master's crisis, the old thief Liang Chengyong must have seen this point, and dared to make a move.


"The veteran should take full responsibility!" Cai Siheng from the Ministry of Industry knelt down in shame, "After the banquet, as the minister of the Ministry of Industry, I should stay at the scene and assist Liang Zhaoyuan to return the formation of Xumi Hall to its original position.

But the old minister was secretly dissatisfied with the matter of the local bandits, so he didn't stay, but left directly, so that Liang Zhaoyuan could take advantage of it! Failure to bring these formations back together led to rebellion being able to invade the Sumeru Hall, my lord! He deserves death. "

Speaking of this matter, Cai Siheng has indeed assumed the first-class responsibility. If he hadn't been distracted, Liang Zhaoyuan could not have taken advantage of his position to keep the outer formations of Sumeru Hall in a state of entertaining the gods and ministers, and Liang Chengyong would not have been able to. Then smoothly enter the Sumeru Hall.

Now that the dust has settled and Rong Mo and his family are fine, Cai Siheng knows that he has neglected his duty! It is a heavy responsibility, and death is inevitable.

"If something happens to the young master or all the young masters today, my minister! How can you face the king, please punish the young master." Cai Siheng burst into tears with guilt.

"Young master, please punish me." All the ministers of Sumeru were deeply aware of their crimes! The king handed Mount Sumeru to the young master for their help, but what the hell did they do?

In addition to the Dragon Emperor, there were only three ministers, Xuan Sikou, Qi Fengyue, and Huang Chiyan, even if they were hesitant, they still didn't come to escort them because of small losses.

The rest of the gods...

"Little Lord."

The more they think about it, the more frightened they become! It is also deeply discovered that so many years of peace have given them people such a comfortable self-esteem and self-esteem.

It was okay when the king was there, but when the king was not there, no one was pressing them, and they floated away!

Fortunately, there was no major mistake! Otherwise, tell them what face to face the king.

they are just...

He deserves death!

As for Rong Mo, who saw all the gods confessing their sins one after another, he didn't say anything immediately, but the more he said nothing, he planned to plead guilty and self-repentance from the gods, the more they thought about it, and they understood it more deeply. consequences of the event.

They are all smart people, but they are blinded by one leaf.

Now that they have repented, naturally there is no need for Rong Mo to beat them, they all figured it out on their own, and because of this, the more they thought about it, the more they regretted it, and they all shed a cold sweat.

"Get up." Rong Mo didn't intend to punish these veterans.

But Di Sikou and the other veterans were ashamed and said, "Young master, you should punish me to wait, otherwise I will be ashamed to face you."

"Punish you all, so that the pure-blooded demon can take the opportunity to wash away Mount Sumeru?" Rong Mo asked coldly.


The gods and ministers were taken aback.

I heard their young master said calmly, "Since we all know that we should take the blame and make meritorious deeds, we all kneel here and cry, when did this young master become the old mother you are waiting for? I can't comfort you one by one."


Um? ? ?

"I dare not wait!"

Cai Siheng, who cried the most, hurriedly wiped away his tears and stood up with embarrassment on his face.

at the same time--

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