Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1723 Daughter! I am your father! 1 more

Ye Qianli recognized the voice, but couldn't help but said, "Why is it you again?"

And Rong Mo obviously recognized the owner of this voice, so his ultimate move was a bit more relaxed, but it was also very fierce! Knock that shadow directly to the ground.

"Cough!" The black shadow staggered two steps unsteadily, and then stabilized his figure and turned into his original face, which surprised Ye Qianli who recognized him, "Why are you here?"

"Little Lord!"

"Young master!" Yao Singer and Qi Fengyue, who sensed the movement, also flashed over at this moment, and saw the extra Yao Ming.

Ye Qianli has complicated emotions towards this Great Demon of the Demon Realm who is suspected of being the Western Demon, but generally speaking, when he was in Wanyu, this person was regarded as an opponent, and he still has the inheritance of the King of Wanyu.

It's just that Ye Qianli never expected that this big monster would come to the Heavenly Demon Realm, but how did he come here? This is a bit too weird.

Rong Mo obviously wanted to know the answer to this question, so he didn't kill him, and asked, "Where did you come here?"

"I..." Yao Ming originally wanted to say, "Why should I tell you", but after seeing Qi Fengyue and Yao Singer, he said honestly with understanding, "I entered this place through the gap under the Yaomo Mountain."

Before Rong Mo sealed the gap, they went back to the Yaoming of the Yaomo Mountain, sneaked into the crack, and sneaked to the side of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

And his experience also made Ye Qianli ask speechlessly, "You are really courageous, didn't you guess that this is the Sky Demon Realm?"

"Of course I guessed it, but I didn't guess it beforehand. The situation in the Sky Demon Territory is so complicated! Fuck, I thought I couldn't go back." Yaoming recalled her recent experience, and she was also a little scared.

Ye Qianli said in disbelief, "You also wanted to attack this chariot just now?"

"Heh, heh heh..." Yao Ming, who was able to bend and stretch, quickly said with a smile, "It's nothing, I'm here to find you."

"I believe in your evil!" Ye Qianli smiled sarcastically, and said very bluntly, "If you don't call me honestly, you will stay here forever."

"Girl! You are not being kind, I almost became your father anyway, you..."

"Shut up!" Ye Qianli said coldly, "Say it?"


Yao Ming's mood is a bit indescribable...

He originally boasted that he had no opponents after advancing to become the Queen of the Realm. Even in this weird Heavenly Demon Realm, he rarely met opponents. He never expected it! This little girl Pianzi and her husband have specially found more powerful helpers.

This gap...

Yao Ming looked at the burly Di Sikou, the alluring Qi Fengyue, and the strong Yao Singer, and he knew that if he dared to play tricks, these three would definitely let him know, "Why are flowers so popular".

Thinking of this, Yao Ming could only honestly say, "I have been looking for this chariot, one of them has been lurking in this area for a long time." The implication is that he admitted his goal just now, which is this chariot. chariot.

"How do you know that this chariot is in this area? When you first came here, you were in this area?" Ye Qianli asked two important questions.

Yaoming replied with a wry smile, "I was miserable when I came here. How could it be as smooth as you guys? I seem to know everything. After searching for a long time, I realized that there is a dungeon in the Tianyao Domain. To enter the dungeon, you have to use this chariot .”

Having said that, Yao Ming roughly told his experience, and Ye Qianli knew that when he first came here, he was not in this area, and he was sent to the vicinity with a group of wounded.

At that time, when Yao Ming heard that his identity would be checked in the dungeon, he was afraid that he would be caught out and executed on the spot, so he ran away looking for an opportunity to return to the Yao Domain.

But I never thought that every place in Yaoyu is exactly the same! Walking in it is like walking in a maze, you can't tell the direction at all, and you are almost fascinated by the wasteland.

"Later, I searched for this stronghold out of nowhere, and eavesdropped for a long time before I realized that there was only one way to return to the Demon Realm. I became an invading soldier who should be recruited. I also realized that the cities in this ghostly place called the Sky Demon Realm were all built underground. , and rarely.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured out how to disguise myself as a pure-blooded demon from the Demon Realm, so I waited for the opportunity to sneak into the chariot and go to the dungeon. "Yao Ming explained why he wanted to use the chariot.

"Do you know how to disguise yourself as a pure-blood monster?" Ye Qianli felt that this was the most valuable.

Yaoming also knew what she meant, but he said hesitantly, "I already have a demonic aura in me, so it's easier to pretend, what you say..."

"The evil spirit will not stop us from waiting." Yao Singer said immediately.

"Then it's easy to handle." Yaoming elaborated on the secret technique of demon transformation that he had researched, and explained, "They actually just check the purity of the demon energy, and occasionally make the person under inspection demonize."

"You inquired so clearly?" Ye Qianli was dubious.

"There is someone in this stronghold who is my 'friend'." Yaoming said confidently, good-looking people have good friends everywhere.

"So, we can pretend to be their group." Di Sikou heard a strategy and said, "Young master, we may use our identity as Marquis of Pingxi to get close to the nineteenth prince and directly contact the holy prince. Mountain!"

"What do you want to do?" Yaoming felt that these people seemed to be very dangerous, if he mixed up with them, would he get cold early instead.

"That's a good idea." Rong Mo also had this plan, and asked Ye Qianli again, "Li'er, you might change the district chief into Pingxihou?"

"Pull off Pingxihou's skin, that's fine." Ye Qianli said viciously.

Di Sikou: "..."|Can he refuse!

"Do you want to put on a demon skin?" Rong Mo refused.

"That's not necessary. Look at this loach clan. When he is not demonized, he is no different from a normal person except for a little green skin. Your Highness can pretend to be him." Ye Qianli knew that this person had a cleanliness habit.


But Rong Mo said, "I don't like green."

"What's wrong with being green?" Ye Qianli didn't understand.

Qi Fengyue chuckled and said, "Young master is such an upright man, of course he doesn't like green."

Ye Qianli! ! !


At the end of the day, Rong Mo didn't choose this green loach with better looks, he would rather become a little demon with thieves' eyebrows, but Yao Ming became that green loach.

"I actually don't like green either." Yao Meditation chose it! But Ye Qianli was not selected, Yao Ming felt that she was taking revenge on her father for him.

After the group changed their faces, the rest of the big and small monsters were killed and thrown into Ye Qianli's ancient battlefield, and they used the chariot to head towards the dungeon.

The dungeon is quite far from the stronghold, but the chariot is extremely fast! Fortunately, the chariot has its own track and does not need to be operated. After starting, it will rush to the dungeon by itself, otherwise it will not be easy to operate.


It's almost there! Yaocheng suddenly reminded——

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