Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1725 Invade Wanyu as an army of death! [ask for a ticket

Everyone is here!

Yaocheng suddenly didn't know how to answer the words, after all, the "Marquis of Pingxi" in the room can't speak demonic words, if he really met someone, wouldn't he be revealing his secrets? !


"Get out!" Di Sikou, who is "Marquis of Pingxi", yelled a demonic voice that was changed due to rage, and the whole body was shocked! The incomparable fighting spirit of the Beginning God Realm stunned all the people outside the house on the spot.

After half an hour...

"Your presumptuous official! Get out now! Get out now!" The city lord of Kongliu City hastily rolled away as he spoke, so he dared not stay any longer.


It's terrible, okay?

Almost died of shock!

Sure enough, the nobleman's face is not so easy to see.

The city lord of Kongliu City originally just wanted to show his face, but he never thought of offending this important person. Of course, this will go as far as it will go.

Yaocheng was worthy of being the former big prince's bodyguard, so he reacted very quickly, he opened the door and went out to scold the big fair-skinned demon.

I don't know what it was to scold, but the big fair-skinned demon said "yes, yes" again and again, and then hurriedly led him away trembling, not daring to disturb him again.

When Ye Qianli saw this, she turned her head to look at Di Sikou, and felt that it was a good idea for him to pretend to be Ping Xihou during this trip.

"What kind of shit." Di Sikou actually cursed a little nervously, "Can't we just let us go smoothly?"

"Di Sikou should learn a few more words of demon language." Yaosheng felt that Di Sikou was still very talented in languages, and planned to teach him a few more words. Anyway, waiting blindly is waiting, and learning to speak is also waiting.

"Everyone learn a few words, just in case of emergencies." Yao Sheng pondered, there will definitely be more unexpected situations in the future, so it's better to be prepared.

"We are all listening." Qi Fengyue said, and she even learned a few words, the pronunciation of Yaoyu taught by Yaosheng before is not bad.

Seeing how powerful the "students" are, Yaosheng naturally yelled harder and harder. He is also very skillful, first teaching everyone the simple pretentious demon language that the nobles need to use in conversation.

In this way, half an hour passed quickly, and the big fair-skinned monster didn't dare to neglect, as soon as the time came, he came to report and said that the rail car was coming soon.

That is, it has not arrived yet...

"We'll talk about it when we get there." Yao Sheng said as if holding back his irritability, he was also a playwright.

"Yes, yes, yes." The white-skinned demon hurriedly backed away, feeling that the temper of this group of people was getting worse and worse. At the beginning, although Ping Xihou was impatient, he was still able to say a word to him.

Later, when the city lord came, they were all blown away, and now even a little demon dared to yell at him! Really, he didn't dare to say anything, he was one level lower than the city lord's official, just an eighth-rank official.

But just as the white-skinned demon retreated, there was a "buzzing" sound, and Yaocheng's eyes shone, "It's the sound of a rail car entering the city."

"The rail car is coming?" Ye Qianli was a little relieved.

Di Sikou and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they could finally leave.

Yaocheng also opened the door again and walked out, thinking that he would see the big white demon return, who would have thought! The big receptionist didn't return and did not say anything. Instead, there were scattered voices, which sounded from the position where the rail car stopped.

That's not even counting...

"Boom rumbling!"

It seems that there is one rail car after another, and at this time, they are coming one after another! ?


Yao Sheng immediately reacted and said, "It's not that the dispatched train has arrived, it should be that the original train from Kongliu City has returned."

"This is not a bad thing, it can be regarded as the arrival of the rail car." Yao Ming thought about it, and he would be able to leave this bird place soon, but he was really worried.


"It's not quite right." Yao Sheng felt that there were a little too many people getting off the rail cars, "It's not that the trains are empty, but I'm afraid they have to be recruited."

"What do you mean?" Ye Qianli heard a bad feeling.

Yao Sheng also frowned and said, "It should be that the number of troops is not enough. The Nineteenth Prince asked the conscripts to return to the original vehicles to continue the conscription, and also sent more trains. I am afraid it is a large-scale conscription."

Ye Qianli immediately knew something was wrong, "I'm afraid the head of the conscription regiment is an acquaintance of Marquis Pingxi?"

"It's possible." Yaosheng's face was not very good.

But Di Sikou said, "It doesn't matter what kind of bird he came from. Since I have to go back to the nineteenth prince's tent on urgent matters, naturally I won't chat with them, and it's fine."

"I hope." Ye Qianli was still a little worried.

Rong Mo is an old god, and he doesn't seem to be worried about this, but his appearance, coupled with his wicked features, makes him look very sinister, as if he is thinking about some shady secrets.

So, there is a huge difference between a good-looking person and a bad-looking person making the same expression. Anyway, Ye Qianli feels a little hot-eyed now.

Fortunately, although it became noisy outside, no one came to disturb Rong Mo and his party. The big fair-skinned monster was obviously frightened and didn't dare to disturb him any more.

at the same time--

"Boom rumbling!" When a rail car entered the city, Yao Sheng guessed that the dispatched rail car should have arrived, but he was worried that if he went out now, he would bump into "acquaintances".

But Di Sikou said, "Let's go. After all, we are in a hurry. If this train comes, I will still be squatting in this room. It seems not right, young master, what do you think?"

"En." Rong Mo nodded, but stood up first.

Di Sikou just got up, and under Yaosheng's opening door, he swaggered towards the rail car boarding point, and the group of them were the high-level officials of Mount Sumeru, even if they pretended to be "neither human nor ghost", Where is the natural temperament.

So they are in a hurry! It has the evil spirit that strangers should not enter, or they will die, but it frightened the originally noisy reception point into silence.

"Hurry up and dispatch the cart!" Di Sikou was already full of hostility as soon as he got to his position, he let out an extremely anxious snort, which made the big fair-skinned monster tremble with fright.

"Quick! Quickly adjust the track." The white-skinned demon hurriedly ordered his subordinates, and he also left the head of the conscription regiment, and rushed towards "Pingxihou", this big man! He really didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

The people at the reception desk were probably all frightened, and no one reacted for a while, Rong Mo and his party went up to the rail car smoothly, and Yao Sheng, who was walking at the end, had already stepped onto the rail car!

but never thought--


The head of the conscription regiment, who was left behind by the white-skinned monster, actually yelled at Rongmo and his party in Wanyu language with a perfect accent! This sound...

Drinking Yaocheng's heart and gallbladder almost burst it! How did this person say the language of Wanyu, did he see something? How can this be good! ?

ps: Aww~ Don’t my dears love me? Why don't you vote monthly for King Li? ? ? woo woo woo...

————Here is the dividing line of envy———

This time in the author's salon, I am envious of some author babies who can code while playing, and can calm down and code wherever they go.

For a person like me, the environment is too noisy, the keyboard is wrong, not a desktop, the font is wrong... I can't feel the codes, it is difficult to get into the state, so generally if I know in advance that I need to travel, I will try my best to go out first. Save some manuscripts, even if the writing is hurt, in order to keep updating, I save the manuscripts day and night.

Before going out, for about half a month, I was suffering from injured hands and blind eyes, writing until the early hours of the morning, woo woo woo...

The real name is envious of going out with a notebook, and you can easily code out tens of thousands of other author babies! Why can't I be such a scumbag? [Every time I type outside, I am dissatisfied with my manuscripts, obsessive-compulsive disorder, turbidity cannot be cured...]

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