Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1762 Fishing depends on ferocity! 1 more

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon King, he has not stopped doing anything, and directly attacked Mount Sumi! Although he knows, now is not the best time.

But the Sky Demon King is very clear that if he doesn't strike again, there may be no chance to strike again. After all, he already knows very clearly that the person who was lurking in Tiantian Mountain and heard him talking to Nineteenth Son must be Rong Mo. .

In other words, the opponent already knows all of his plans! So what else is there to say? If you don't start now, when will you wait? When the opponent is ready, he will start all over again? impossible.

The Heavenly Demon King asked himself that he didn't have that patience, and he wasn't sure that he would be able to accomplish anything. He knew very clearly that he was able to almost succeed this time, and that he annexed Mount Sumeru without anyone noticing it was entirely due to luck.

It just so happened that Mount Sumeru in front of him was willing to degenerate and became weak by himself! It is only because he succeeds in attacking and "demonizing" all kinds of Tiansi Kou, such an opportunity will probably never come again.

After all, the self-willed King Sumi already has a reliable heir! Even the little boy of the heir feels more reliable than his old sons!

Thinking about this kind of...

The Heavenly Demon King deeply felt that he couldn't sit still and wait for death! He had to take advantage of the previous advantage before the opponent had time to deploy, and strive to expand the advantage.

Furthermore, when the Sky Demon King thought of it! Such an existence like him is actually being treated as food by a little Sumeru cub, he just can't swallow it! mouth! gas!

Damn it! It's so irritating, that brat dared to eat him blatantly! ?


The Heavenly Demon King was so angry that he almost lost his sanity, but when he reached Mount Sumeru again with his strength, he even heard the words that Xiao Yier wanted to roast his limbs! ! !


I was so angry that I was deformed! ! !

The Heavenly Demon King was originally very firm! The will to roll up his sleeves and do it was immediately strengthened to the extreme, and with his furious anger, he mobilized all the "foreshadowing".


"Bang! Bang,..."

In Mount Sumeru, those Mount Sumeru people who were "planted" by Yaotian Liao before, all exploded into plumes of black smoke under Yaoyuan's dumbfounded attention, and quickly disappeared towards the square space.

Fortunately, Yaoyuan had been prepared for a long time and isolated these people in a specific space. Seeing such a change, he immediately exploded the isolated small space and extinguished all the black smoke.

I have to say, Yaohara's hand! It really cut off a lot of help from the Sky Demon King. After all, the number of recruits who were discovered and guarded by Yao Yuan has grown to twenty-eight.

If the things in these people's bodies exploded in Mount Sumeru, it would be considered a very good internal support for the Sky Demon King.

However, Yaoyuan wiped out all these dark lines!

The Sky Demon King, who was so angry that he sensed it, couldn't help but swear, "Damn it!" He was really lucky, how could even these hidden threads have been pulled out! ?

In spite of his anger, the Sky Demon King still wanted to forcibly attack him, but he soon discovered that not all the hidden threads had been pulled out, and a small part was still preserved.

And the existence of that small part was the result of Tian Sikou's conscientious planning for the Sky Demon Territory after he was demonized. He knew very well that if something happened to him, the Tian Si Mansion would definitely be targeted for investigation.

Therefore, Tiansi Kou still buried a lot of hidden threads in Disi Mansion and Xuansi Mansion, especially Di Si Mansion, so in these two places, there are still a few hidden stakes that have not been investigated in time.



"Chi Chi!..."

The strands of dark threads turned into strands of black threads at the moment when these hidden stakes were exploded, entangled in the space of Mount Sumeru, and quickly diffused into a network of connections with the black strands from the Sky Demon King.

The Dragon Emperor, Xuan Sikou, Di Sikou and others who noticed this all changed their faces, and Xuan Sikou seemed to realize something, "The Heavenly Demon King is going to devour Mount Xumi, and he has been preparing for a long time."

"The dog is so brave!"

"Who gave him the courage!?" Mount Xumi's face turned green with anger, but he also knew with a sinking heart that the reason for the Sky Demon King's daring to do this was not simply because he was insane.

The Dragon Emperor was the first to ask, and Xuan Sikou, who was more experienced in this way, said, "Xuan Sikou, do you know how to undo the opponent's sorcery?"

"Let's take a look." Xuan Sikou replied in a deep voice, but his expression became more and more dignified as he sat down cross-legged to perceive those black lines, making the faces of all the gods and ministers look unhappy.

After all, all the gods and ministers including the Dragon Emperor could immediately notice that the moment these black lines melted into Mount Sumeru, they seemed to become one with Mount Sumeru.

This is also the reason why all the gods and ministers did not start immediately, but observed carefully. They all have an intuition that if they act rashly, it may make the gaffe even more troublesome.

And Xuan Sikou's answer after opening his eyes also made the intuitions of all the gods and ministers come true!

"I'm afraid it can't be removed, at least we have absolutely no ability to remove it." Xuan Sikou stated in a heavy tone, "These black lines have the same aura as Mount Sumeru, and Mount Sumeru does not reject their presence."

The implication, that is to say! Sumeru Mountain is willing to "merge" with these black lines, so even if these gods want to help eliminate them, they can't do it at all.

What an existence Mount Sumeru is! Could it be that their courtiers can dominate?

Therefore, Xuan Sikou could only express helplessly, "We can only wait for the young master to wake up, and then discuss."

The Dragon Emperor waited for the ministers to remain silent. Of course they understood that the only one who can dominate Mount Sumeru right now is the young master, but the young master is still unconscious.

This means that they can only watch the Sky Demon King be arrogant! ?


The Dragon Emperor is not reconciled! He cast his eyes on the little one who urged Rong Xi to grill the octopus, "little master."

"Ang?" Xiao Yi'er sucked his saliva and looked at the Dragon Emperor blankly.

The Dragon Emperor met his clear and pure cute eyes, but he was very serious, and asked in a tone of discussion with the leader, "Can you drive away those black lines in the sky?"

Hearing these words, Xuan Sikou and others looked at the sky in shame, choking speechlessly, they really didn't expect it! Such a mighty and capable boss like Dragon Emperor, unexpectedly there are moments when he goes to the doctor in an emergency?

It actually asked the little master, who was only a few years old, if he could deal with the Sky Demon King? ? ?

this question...

How could the Dragon Emperor ask that out! ? ? ?

It's out of standard!

The little master is so small, how could he possibly be able to deal with the Sky Demon King!


Xiao Yi'er's answer was not only within their expectations, but also completely beyond their expectations, because he responded like this, "Why rush?"

"They are not good!" Dragon Emperor replied seriously.

"I think it's pretty good!"

Dragon Emperor:? ? ?

"Grandpa Dragon Emperor, you want to catch a big fish!" Xiao Yi'er said earnestly.

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