Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1779 Beginning God Level Dalier! 3 more

The Nineteenth Prince was about to sneer and retort! Yao Chang roared back in grief, "Elder Prince, be careful! The Sky Demon King has indeed fallen."

Yao Tianyu:? ? ?

Yao Tianbin:? ? ?

The two princes, who are all powerful in the world of demons, were all stunned by Yaochang's roar, and they didn't realize for a long time what the meaning of these words was.

Yaochang knelt on the ground, crying blood, and said, "Ten days ago, the celestial beads in the Tianxian Palace were shattered, and the Tianxian Mountain also disappeared."


"What did you say!?" Yao Tianyu and Yao Tianbin uttered their voices one after another, and they could hear the unprepared panic from the other's tone.

It's okay to talk about Tianzhu and so on, Tiantian Mountain has disappeared! What's the meaning?

"The subordinates wanted to investigate, but the turbulence in the space formed by the explosion of Kongliu City hindered the investigation army. They have never returned, and they have not been able to send back any news.

But Tiantian Mountain has indeed disappeared! The dzi beads did shatter. "Yao Chang didn't even know how he got through the last ten days.

He blocked all news! But he himself really couldn't bear it anymore, especially the disappearance of Tiantian Mountain, he knew he couldn't keep it a secret for long.

Such a big mountain! It was the only mountain in the Sky Demon Territory, and it disappeared just like that. Even if he temporarily used the psychedelic formation to create a virtual image that the Tiantian Mountain was still there, it would be seen through sooner or later.

After all, this is not a clever method. I'm afraid that some people have suspected it now, but everyone hasn't thought about it, so they didn't notice it.

After all, no one would think of Tiantian Mountain as a holy mountain! It will disappear! Even if there is really a Lenovo, then absolutely dare not think about it.

But the fact is that Tiantian Mountain really disappeared.

"Prince, what should I do—" Yaochang cried bitterly, he had been waiting for the nineteenth prince to leave the customs for many days! He has been waiting since he returned to Tiantian City.

However, what the nineteenth prince closed is a death test, unless he comes out by himself, no one can do anything to him! Yaochang could only wait, exhausted physically and mentally.

But the nineteenth prince who was questioned by Yaochang, he didn't know what to do!

what to do?

What else can I do?

If this is true! Then there is nothing to do!

no no……

"It's not true!" The Nineteenth Prince didn't believe it, he called the chariot immediately, and had to see it with his own eyes! But he was calling the chariot, and Yao Tianyu said contemptuously, "Are you stupid, don't you have a ready-made teleportation array?"

"It's gone." The nineteenth prince had no time to explain, and had already left in a hurry.

Yao Tianyu's face was very ugly, but he understood the meaning of the nineteenth prince, so he followed closely. The two brothers went to the outside of Tiantian City together before they started fighting.


There's no after that.

The swaying phantom of Tiantian Mountain can hide the ghosts who deceive themselves, but they can't hide the demon Tianyu brothers who have entered Tiantian Mountain and can truly understand the existence of Tiantian Mountain.


"It's really gone!?" Yao Tianyu's face was pale, and he didn't know what happened to him during the days when he was sealed! ?

But even Yao Tianbin, who knew some inside information, was still very confused! He was very confused, he never thought that such a sudden change would happen.

His father is really gone?

Tiantian Mountain, is it really gone?


Where is he?

what is his name?


The bewildered Nineteenth Prince didn't come back to his senses until he was shaken severely by Yao Tianyu, and he heard, "Nineteenth! What's going on?"

"I, I don't know." The Nineteenth Prince replied stutteringly.

"How could you not know?!" Yao Tianyu wanted to beat up this brother, but wanted to know the details even more, so he could only growl and ask, "Say! What happened recently!"

The nineteenth prince was sober after being sprayed with saliva all over his face, and he didn't care about having a quarrel with this elder brother anymore, so he just told all about the previous incident.

Yao Chang also supplemented the follow-up matters with insight, but because Kongliu City exploded, he couldn't find out any follow-up, so there was not much effective information to provide.

But the Nineteenth Prince, who calmed down, quickly thought of the plan to annex Mount Sumeru, so he also told the matter, and concluded, "Father, I am afraid that he wants to use his plan to devour Mount Sumeru so that the other party will not be on guard. The other way around?"

"Impossible!" Yao Tianyu still didn't believe it, "If King Sumeru is that powerful, how could I just be sealed and still run back?"

"But..." The Nineteenth Prince was about to say that the world is unpredictable.


Tiantian City shook violently! No, to be more precise, the entire Sky Demon Realm is shaking, and every piece of ground is cracking, just like the previous Demon Realm, but the speed is not so fast.

"Damn it!" Yao Tianyu looked at the cracked ground, what else did he not understand? What else can you not believe? Even if he wanted to deceive himself, he couldn't deceive himself.

"How could it be..." The nineteenth prince was also frightened by such a crack, and was dumbfounded again.

Yao Tianyu didn't stay in a daze anymore, he knew it very well! The Sky Demon Territory, and even their race, have reached the most critical moment of life and death.

"Immediately issue an edict to call all the big monsters, no matter how old or young! Male or female, all of them will invade the Ten Thousand Territories." Yao Tianyu issued a stern order, a desperate order.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Territory! There is only one way for the pure-blooded demon clan to go - to invade Wanyu, and they have no way out.

"Brother!" The Nineteenth Prince stared blankly at his elder brother, wanting to object, but when he looked at the crack under his feet, he knew that there was really no way out.


The Nineteenth Prince still had hope in his heart, "Maybe we can go to Mount Sumeru to have a look. Father may not be dead yet, waiting for us to help."

"Then we will split up. I will lead the army to invade Wanyu, and you will take people to Mount Sumeru." Yao Tianyu didn't want to fight anymore, he had already realized that he might give Mount Sumeru some time!

Therefore, Yao Tianyu, who had finished speaking, immediately detained the nineteenth prince to give orders, and then he personally commanded an army of tens of millions, and rushed to the demon domain.


at the same time.

At Mount Sumeru.


When Ye Qianli released wisps of subtle qi all over her body, the aura of the entire Mount Sumeru seemed to resonate! "Om" trembled.

Such movements...

It made the gods and ministers of Mount Sumeru all slightly surprised and said, "Young madam has advanced?"

As if to confirm the conjectures of the gods and ministers, the resonance from Mount Sumeru became louder and louder, and the entire Mount Sumeru emitted a faint purple light.

The Tianyi True Water that was originally hidden in the "gap" refracted colorful streamers one after another, absorbing the dark forbidden Shiyuan more and more tyrannically.


The aura around Ye Qianli was like a sprout breaking through the ground, suddenly breaking through that layer of barriers! Towards the pinnacle of power that opened up the world.


The state of Ye Qianli's spiritual power is at the moment when her cultivation base is broken! From the Domain King Realm, it directly expands to the Beginning God Realm, which can cover all regions of the Ten Thousand Territories.


Naijiyi: Today is a day without Moeyi, miss me?

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