Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1797 Bloodbath your entire clan, sacrifice to my parents!

The powerhouses from all ten thousand domains lost their voices one after another, and Zhulong and Bai Fengchun even rushed towards Rongxi at the fastest speed, but their speed was still not as fast as the few pure-blood monsters who flashed in front.


Head and head quickly turned into a demon! The god-level pure-blood monster, like a hungry wolf and a ghost, devoured Xiang Rongxi and wanted to eat him directly.

As for Rong Xi himself, he was as quiet as if he was unconscious, still lying quietly floating in the air, as if he had fallen asleep, and his whole body exuded a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Big Dreams Without Boundaries originally took Rong Xi himself as his own destiny, sending everyone into his dream, and using his ideas to make the people on his side stronger.

This is Rongxi's unique innate supernatural power, and it is also a large-scale supernatural power that can affect the overall situation of the battle. The only shortcoming is that when he is using his supernatural power, he is really asleep and does not have any resistance.

Therefore, Rong Xi obviously ignored his own life and death when he used the innate supernatural power of Dreams Without Boundaries, but even if everyone in the audience knew that death today would be a glorious death!


Rong Xi is too young.

He is the youngest player in the game, he is still a child.

"Young master!"

Bai Fengchun desperately wanted to stand in front of Rong Xi, he knew that this young man was the master's uncle, the master liked this child very much, and he also admired this young man very much.

"Sui'er!" The Demon King even regarded Rong Xi as his tenth son, and right now he was scared out of his wits by this scene, and his heart ached.


Many creatures in Wanyu are in pain! They all wanted to protect Rongxi, especially the million soldiers who guarded here first. They knew more about Rongxi's role and his differences.

He is the youngest son of the King of Ten Thousand Realms! How could he die here? Of course he can't.


An extremely fast black shadow swept away Rong Xi at this critical moment, and the several primordial-level pure-blood monsters who were so quick to bite into the air were all taken aback for a moment.

At the same moment, people could clearly see that Rong Xi was already covered in hair! A gigantic black-haired Sirius.

He stood silently in the dark space, with sadness all over his body, and a pair of huge wolf eyes filled with blood-red pain and hatred.

How can it not hurt? Ye Wuji, who lost both his master, his daughter-in-law and his beloved son, how could he not be in pain, he was in so much pain that he almost couldn't get over it.

How can you not hate? He can't wait to kill the whole race of the pure-blooded monster race, so that the hatred in his heart can be relieved.

So, when Ye Wuji handed Rongxi over to Zhulong and Bai Fengchun, he exploded!


Extremely sad! The extreme pain and violent hatred burst out from Ye Wuji's throat, making people feel sad and shed tears.


"Om! Om,..." A strong man who knows Tianguan is also at this moment! From "Indifference", he walked behind Ye Wuji.

"Junior brother, we will help you." After Wudao said softly, the few hundred Taoist priests who knew the sky exploded their hair crowns like madmen.

And with the power of their palms! But all of them were submerged into Ye Wuji's incomparably huge wolf body, into his body.


The crazy and wild Ye Wuji is at this moment! It broke out, the battle power of the beginning god level, and rushed towards him, and the pure blood monster of the beginning god level who was also coming to Rongxi smashed it.

"Give me back!"

This is a heart-wrenching accusation!

"Return my master!"

This is an extremely sad roar!

"Give me back my daughter-in-law!"

This is a frantic battle of endless death.

People didn't know before that the most powerful way of Zhitian Guan is the wild way, which tore apart all rules and order and has no rules.

Know the moment when people see! When the two god-level pure-blood monsters who rushed to the forefront were easily torn apart by Ye Wuji's wolf claws, people knew that Zhitianguanyedao, as its name suggests, is wild and violent! Invincible.

People in Zhitianguan are waiting, waiting for Ye Wuji's eruption, because they all know that Ye Wuji, who has experienced the most painful loss today, will inevitably erupt in silence! So they hadn't been in the war before.

Until this moment, they turned into Ye Wuji's power and achieved Ye Wuji's invincible explosive battle form, but they were not happy.

"Bada, bada..." Erdao, a rough guy, couldn't help crying. If he could, he wouldn't want to see such a junior.

At this moment, none of Zhitian Guan is happy because of Ye Dao's strength, what is there to be happy about? The temple master is gone, and although the temple master's young apprentice has become extremely miserable, he is in pain, what is there to be happy about?

Even though Ye Wuji tore several primordial-level pure-blood monsters in succession, the scene was still full of sorrow, and the little old man, the high priest, was the first to shout, "Why are you so sad? Kill!"

"Yes! Kill!" The kings of Wanyu, who touched their blood and tears, rushed up to help Ye Wuji, but what they didn't notice was——

Has eyes, has been eyeing again! The source of Rong Xi's gaze, which was protected by the strong men of Wanyu, was at the opened passage between the two sides.


A bewitching voice came at this very moment! Suddenly, he rushed towards Rong Xi who was held in Bai Fengchun's arms.

"Get out!" Bai Fengchun's old eyes were opened, and he instinctively wanted to protect Rong Xi, but he was torn into pieces of flesh and blood on the spot by peach petals.

"Roar!" Zhulong quickly turned around, trying to protect Rongxi with his flesh and blood, but he was slapped away with a palm, because the person who shot was Yao Tianyu who had already awakened.

And at this moment, Yao Tianyu, who had walked out of the tunnel, had a violent aura of "gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas" all over his body.

Even if the wound on the top of his head hasn't healed yet! But he couldn't stop him from wanting to grab Rong Xi's heart, because he had already vaguely sensed that the reinforcements from Mount Xumi were really coming.


Before the reinforcements from his Heavenly Demon Domain arrived! Rongxi is naturally the best proton.


He thought beautifully, but the reality slapped him again!



Just when Yao Tianyu descended in front of Rong Xi, there were nine powerful primordial-level yin qi! Already at this moment, they emerged from nothingness and stood in front of Rongxi.

Yama of the Nine Palaces! showed up.

They are really the demons and monsters of the Nine Palaces of Yama, they are like the Nine Gate Gods, surrounding Rong Xi, they are all gloomy! All of them have Rakshasa faces, fierce and ugly.

That's not even counting...



Nine Halls of Yin Soldiers! It all came too.



The Yao Tianyu who was stopped! However, he burst out billowing alien blue peach blossoms, and violently tore at the Nine Palaces of Yama, "The person I want! You can't stop it!"

"Let! Me! Come!" Ye Qianli's voice came at this moment, and said, "Yao Tianyu, revenge for killing your father! Vengeance for killing your mother! Only blood can wash your family, and you can sacrifice it!"


Da Lier: This is the longest and slowest road I have traveled! [Crying out with a "wow\

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