Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1799 Super Glass Queen! Kill the demon! 2 more

"Whoosh!" Yi Baobao, who flew out quickly, had already dragged his little uncle and ran into Di Sikou's arms, acting as a thief 666!

Si Kou, who was so smooth, was stunned for a moment, he couldn't hug the little guy in time, but a certain little guy yelled to remind him, "Hold!"

Di Sikou hurriedly protected the little one, and even the little bewildered young boy, to his heart. Although his movements were stupid, they were swift.

And such a scene also froze Yao Tianyu in front of Ye Qianli, he never thought that someone would be able to see through his trajectory and block his moving route.

Of course, he didn't even expect it! The speed of a little milk baby would be so fast that he didn't even see it clearly, and the little baby took the little boy to the arms of the burly man.

Yao Tianyu was taken aback by the changes in the two sides, and this one was enough to change a lot, so he naturally gave up trying to catch Rong Xi again.

However, Yao Tianyu, who was staring at Ye Qianli, felt that maybe this little girl in front of her could barely be a hostage? He was a little unsure.

After all, in Yao Tianyu's view, females are just a tool for reproduction. From his point of view, Ye Qianli does not have any value as a hostage, but——

Before Yao Tianyu's "evaluation" could be completed, Ye Qianli had already taken the lead, and a black pen appeared in her slender hand.

The pen was unremarkable in appearance, and there were childish graffiti on the pen. The whole body was so black that it was not eye-catching, and even the breath was not outstanding.

However, when Ye Qianli held the pen! The primordial aura that suddenly emanated from the pen body, as if time and space had been opened, drew the ancient energy from the sky.



The hearts of all the creatures who have been attracted by Ye Qianli for a long time are jumping in their hearts! Staring intently at the raging flame beauty in lavender soft armor who stopped in front of Yao Tianyu.

At this moment, Ye Qianli was exuding a faint purple glow all over her body! Just like the burning Ziwei Emperor Star, exuding a soul-stirring nobility! Domineering, breathtakingly beautiful, and so bright that people can't look directly at it.

At this moment, Ye Qianli's glazed eyes emitted a fire-like light, like a bursting star, bursting out with the most terrifying destructive aura, as if it was going to burn the sky and the earth, and shatter the universe.

At this moment, the aura around Ye Qianli almost overwhelmed the strength of the Disi Kou, and with every gesture, she was like the queen of ten thousand domains, holding the sky! The recruits are the nine stars and the boundless universe.


At that time, people only thought they saw the ancient goddess, she came from the sky! Grasping the star in hand, swearing at Fang Qiu, writing about nobility and strength.


At that time, people can all see that the stars are moving, the wind and clouds gather and disperse, the thunder and rain are like pouring rivers, and the sun and the moon alternate! Reversing day and night, the celestial phenomena that opened up the world.

And this is Ye Qianli's spiritual power, after she advanced to the Beginning God Realm, the first thing she wrote down! Primordial god-level divine pattern is also the strongest divine pattern she has written so far, and it is also her original divine pattern, named - Zu.

It contains the rules of opening the sky and destroying the earth. It is a shocking commander! The top-level divine pattern of destruction that changed Yao Tianyu's face on the spot is not weaker than the peerless divine pattern of "Zhu Tian".


This kind of divine pattern made Yao Tianyu recover from the "valuation" in an instant, and quickly grabbed Ye Qianli head-on, trying to prevent her from writing this earth-shattering divine pattern.


He is too slow.

Ye Qianli, who has been brewing this divine pattern since she left the boundary, has already gathered her power on the Hongmeng magic brush transformed from the Hongmeng magic box.

Writing it now is like writing at your fingertips! There was no setback, but in the blink of an eye, it had been written, and when Yao Tianyu was about to stop it, the "ancestor" divine pattern had already slashed at his face.


Ye Qianli's voice was as cold as ice! Full of resentment and murderous intent, all turned into this one, that one "ancestor", if she wants this demon heaven, she will die without a whole body! There is no place to die.


At this moment, all the creatures in the audience witnessed with their own eyes the power of this peerless divine pattern, as soon as it was born! The space is cracking, as if it is about to be shattered.

Even, some people seem to have heard vaguely, the sound that seems to be whimpering in the sky, which has been whimpering from all directions, and it is also suspected to be the sound of wind.

But the Shishen-level powerhouses present, especially the Shishen-level powerhouses on Wanyu's side, knew clearly that this was Tianqiong crying!

In the past, King Cang was able to slaughter the sky, and the sky was screaming; today King Li can conquer the sky, and the sky is crying, drinking and pecking, is it predetermined.

And such a divine pattern! It also made Yao Tianyu, who wanted to stop Ye Qianli, have to change his tactics and directly burst out the strongest monster body gushing out the billowing monster energy.



In the entire domain, because of the "ancestor" divine pattern and Yao Tianyu's counterattack, the world-abusing power exploded, affecting all living beings on the scene.

Even the distant West Three Thousand Regions and North Three Thousand Regions all felt a clear sense of shock, and all cultivators above the domain master level at the Wanyu level were also attracted by this dazzling wave from the west. All eyes.

Countless master-level cultivators who swept up the space were all shocked by such a celestial phenomenon. Practitioners in their respective regions, especially those in the three thousand regions in the west and north, can basically feel that there is an instantaneous abnormality in the aura of heaven and earth.

"This is……"

"What gods and celestial phenomena?"

The melon-eating domain masters from all parties who don't know the truth are all asking each other, but it really made them ask some clues. In fact, since the seal of the demon domain was exploded, news has been spread from all parties.

"It is said that the pure-blooded demon clan has revived and invaded my Wanyu again. The Feng clan posted an army notice. I didn't think so at first, but now it looks like it may be true."

"I heard that the Qin family is also conscripting the army! Could it be that there is really a demon chaos?!"

"The Zhu family is also conscripting troops." Because several super clans in the Southern Three Thousand Regions are conscripting troops, the local cultivators of all parties have vaguely guessed something about the situation.

And similar phenomena have occurred in the East, West, and North Three Thousand Regions, and because of the frequent occurrence of visions in the West, practitioners who didn't pay much attention to it at first started to join the army.

However, there are also quite a few practitioners who do not have the desire to repay them, but still think selfishly that if the sky falls anyway, there will always be tall ones to support them, so they are not needed.

But they never thought that only everyone works hard to protect their homeland! Everyone contributes to seal the victory faster. They only think that if the tall ones can't stand up, then they don't need to fight anymore. They might as well wait to die.

Fortunately, there are still many passionate monks who cheered up and shouted, "My generation of monks! Don't be insensitive, but use the ancient emperor, the former king of warehouses, and the ancestor Pangu to contribute to the rise and fall of my world. Fang Wu is ashamed of his cultivation."

"Be a hero in life! Be a hero in death. Go! Join the army."


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