Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 344 Abandoning Inheritance? On the group! [monthly pass plus change

On top of the head of this ancient star-soul beast with green hair, tall as a mountain, and blood-red pupils, there is also an ancient astrolabe that makes it feel very familiar.

This made Ye Qianli, who also noticed that this ancient star soul beast was unusual, suddenly murmured a little confusedly, "Ziwei Astrolabe!?"

The original astrolabe of Emperor Ziwei?


No! ?

Ye Qianli and the magic box were dumbfounded at the same time, but the ancient star soul beast was not dumbfounded at all, it was already a fangs! They devoured them one by one in a box.

The violent beast's breath came to cover her face, and Ye Qianli's face changed in shock, but she didn't get stunned again! Instead, the quicker you are in a hurry, the divine sense moves!


Ye Qianli, a half-aboriginal, had already fled hundreds of miles away with the magic box from the front of the ancient star soul beast, holding her beautiful prince, and even let the magic box quickly hide their aura.



The forgotten Xiao Bai Miao let out a tragic hiss, and then went silent, so frightened that Ye Qianli hurriedly ran back, uh... what the hell!

She really didn't forget Xiaobai Miao on purpose, it was really Xiao Miaoji, she didn't pay attention when she was in a hurry! Should have been swallowed.

It's just that Ye Qianli had to hurriedly flash back to save Miao, but Rong Mo stopped him in a clear voice, "Don't care about it."

Ye Qianli: "..."

She silently lit a wax for Xiaobai Miao, and then she didn't. She hurriedly went back to save Miao. After all, she heard what Rong Mo said, Xiao Bai Miao would not die at least.

And at the same time!


The star soul ancient beast that bit the sand is also a bit stunned!

Although the two people just now were not big in its eyes, they were meat after all.

The point is, it didn't sense that the two people ran away? However, it seems to have the breath of life in its mouth? But why can't you chew the meat?


The star soul ancient beast was a little puzzled, with a pair of scarlet bloody eyes, so it revealed a few strands of doubt, this was an opportunity in the eyes of Ye Qianli, who was observing it from a distance!


"Magic box, what's the matter with the astrolabe on top of this star soul beast?" Ye Qianli was very afraid of this, and she could also sense that this ancient giant star soul beast was very strong.

She was so strong that she couldn't actually find the bottom, but if she had a head-on fight, the opponent could kill her with just one claw, which was very dangerous.

"I guess it may be the guardian beast inherited from Emperor Ziwei." The magic box speculates on the barrage, and it feels very big. After all, if its speculation is correct, then...

Weak chicken and two fools, how could it be possible to obtain inheritance? This ancient star soul beast can beat a group of ninth-order talents, not to mention the second idiot is only a second-order talent.

If it wasn't for his semi-indigenous status, and it helped to cover up his aura, he would have long since become the belly of the ancient star soul beast, feces in feces.

As for Prince Mei...

Well, although he is strong! But against this ancient star soul beast, I'm afraid it won't work.

After all, on top of this ancient beast, there is an astrolabe of Emperor Ziwei! This astrolabe, if it didn't make a mistake in guessing, I'm afraid it would be able to activate it on its own to assist the ancient star soul beast! Protect the inheritance of Emperor Ziwei.

In other words, this ancient star soul beast definitely has the combat power of a super divine beast.

"Second fool, I think your inheritance, I'm afraid you can only give up." The magic box said truthfully, although it also felt very sorry.

But the fact is that Ye Qianli can never defeat the star soul beast, and can only withdraw! Otherwise, dying is equivalent to losing your life.

"Are you kidding me?"

Ye Qianli gave up when he was willing to give up? After all, she has already tasted the sweetness of Ziwei Xingchen's talent, and she will fall in love with it like light before she wakes up!

If this person is completely awakened, he will definitely be able to teleport like Rong Mo! When it comes back to the Great Perfection, it must be even better.

Such a perfect speed talent is simply the first talent to escape! Cough, that's not right, the speed is the first, the super talent of fighting and hanging.

Ye Qianli felt that it would be very difficult for her to give up just like that, with the big fat in her mouth... She was really reluctant.

However, the magic box continued to pour cold water and said: "I don't want to joke, the question is can you win this guardian beast? Anyway, I can't."

"What about meeting your needs?" Ye Qianli refused to accept it. Although she also knew that this was a bit difficult, she really didn't want to give up this talent.

"The problem is..." The magic box was about to go back.

Rong Mo's voice said clearly, "Want to obtain the inheritance of Emperor Ziwei?"

Hearing that, Ye Qianli's eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately looked at the beautiful prince beside her, and nodded straightly and said, "Yes, yes, is there anything your Highness can do?"

"You're thinking too much, and he's definitely not good either." The magic box continued to send out barrages and pour cold water in Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Qianli ignored it, anyway, she felt that since Prince Mei had spoken, there should be a way! And... She suddenly remembered that Prince Mei had seen it early in the morning that she was connected to the ancient battlefield.

So does it mean that, in fact, he also has an indescribable connection with the ancient battlefield? Otherwise, how could he have noticed that she had the aura of an ancient battlefield?

The results of it……

"Yeah." Rong Mo replied with certainty.

"Hey!" Ye Qianli didn't say a word, and kissed his face first, Rong Mo's long eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and then he held her in his arms and said lightly, "Be honest."

"Hehe..." Ye Qianli was used to the training, hehe smiled without caring at all, and only asked, "Then what can your Highness do?"

"Kill this ancient star soul beast." Rong Mo replied simply.

The smile on Ye Qianli's face froze for a moment. She also understood the truth. The problem is...

"The ancient star soul beast is very strong, and the Ziwei astrolabe on its head is estimated to be able to assist it on its own. We're afraid we won't be able to beat it, right?" Ye Qianli said.

"Yeah." Rong Mo didn't deny it, after all, his Four Signs Divine Body had not fully recovered.

Ye Qianli: "..." So, isn't the beautiful prince teasing her? Can't beat, how to kill? If you can't kill it, how can you get the inheritance?

But the fact is, Rong Mo has said clearly, "Xiao Bai can tear open its head."

"What?" Ye Qianli was a little confused! noob? Cute little white meow? This is impossible, it is a quasi-divine beast-like existence.

If Xiaobai Miao can be so powerful, can she be burned into a bald man? This bullshit blows a bit too much...

But Rongmo has continued to explain: "But it can't resist any attack from the star soul beast, you need to create opportunities for it, can you?"

This question made Ye Qianli fall into thinking, and she forgot to question for a while, Xiao Bai Miao can really tear apart that big guy's head?

After a while, Ye Qianli's eyes were fixed, and she looked at the star soul beast in the distance and said, "I should be able to create a chance for Xiaobai to take a breath, is that enough?"

And Rong Mo's answer was...

ps: After writing the customs clearance, I found that there were still more than 50 votes left to meet the standard? Anyway, this seat is powerful! Let's add more first, hahahaha... [Look at me laughing so sadly, dears, if you hold the monthly pass again, you will be spanked, woo woo woo...]

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