Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 809 Let the little overlord! Glass face slap 3 more

They have gathered on the group of Abyss City! And more and more gathered, directly illuminating the whole city, such a vision of heaven and earth, is naturally a sign of the embryo of a spiritual artifact.

And once the spirit weapon embryo is formed, no matter what happens afterwards! It will at least be an artifact of the spirit-opening realm, and it is impossible to fall into a spiritless artifact.

"Ye Wuhei may be able to refine a third-order artifact this time, with complete spiritual wisdom! His spirituality is extraordinary, and he should undoubtedly be the number one person in this session." Dao Sheng said to the point.

"Well, Ye Wuhao is really extraordinary, so it depends on the divine pattern. Ye Wuhao's own divine pattern is average. Ziyuan Tianzun commented that his divine pattern is too rigid, so it depends on Ye Tianjiao." Dao Yuan also said.

"Wow!" A certain little leopard cried out in displeasure. He obviously already knew that "Ye Tianjiao" was the villain's name, so he was not happy that Daoyuan mentioned her.

"It's the little ancestor, let's not talk about her." Dao Yuan also understood at this moment, this little guy is upset that he mentioned "Ye Tianjiao", he is really a bully.

"Hmph." A certain little leopard snorted coldly, its little face was still tensely looking at the field, with the solemn appearance of a little kid.

"This little one..." Dao Yuan really wanted to touch this little guy, but he was also afraid of being hit by him. After all, this little guy hurts when he hits someone. The key is that he can't even touch it after being beaten, what a loss!

And at the moment when Dao Yuan's hands were itching, Ye Tianjiao's whole body was emitting aura of aura, and everyone in the audience knew what this kind of glow represented.

"Sure enough, it's the innate god tattoo." Many people said, but this innate god tattoo is not unique to Ye Tianjiao, so the spectators are relatively calm.

But when Ye Tianjiao sacrificed a half-person-high purple-gold wolf hair brush engraved with mysterious patterns all over the body, the audience really went into an uproar!


"Tianfu magic pen! This is the magic pen of the emperor Tianfu. It has actually been in the hands of Miss Ye Jiu. It is said that it contains the inheritance of the talented emperor."

"That's right! No wonder Miss Ye Jiu is so young, but she has such advanced attainments in divine patterns! No wonder..." There was a lot of heated discussions at the scene.

This made the magic box couldn't help complaining in his heart, "I didn't expect the real Tianfu magic pen to fall on the opponent of the second fool. It's really blind."

But he just finished complaining, and Ye Tianjiao over there was already helping Ye Wuhao to inscribe the divine pattern, which also attracted the attention of Ziyuan Tianzun. After all, the Tianfu magic brush itself is extraordinary, and Ye Tianjiao's divine pattern attainments are indeed very good.

Therefore, Ziyuan Tianzun also praised, "Every stroke of Ye Tianjiao just made up for the lack of aura on Ye Wuhao's divine pattern. The uncle and nephew cooperated very well, and this artifact must be extraordinary.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be able to refine into a fourth-order artifact - the Ascension of Wisdom Realm, and the power of the artifact itself will be able to block a strong person at the Divine Stage Realm. "

After the old slippery man praised Ye Qianli, he praised Ye Tianjiao in detail, which made Dao Yun's face look a lot better, but her eyes were still dark.

At the same time.


There is a five-colored divine flower, which also centered on the top of the Daozong group's head, and began to spread to the entire Abyss City, and there is a hidden tendency to compete with the Abyss City clan.

This caused many people to immediately pay attention to Ye Qianli, thinking that she might also perform well, but——


The person in charge of cooperating with Hong Tianbing in engraving the array of divine patterns was not Ye Qianli, but Blind Old Man! The two elders cooperate with each other tacitly, and you are busy with each other.


"Could it be that Ye Qianli is not a master of divine tattoos?" Many people subconsciously raised such doubts, and if this was the case, Ziyuan Tianzun might still accept Ye Tianjiao as an apprentice.

After all, Ziyuan Tianzun's lifelong unique knowledge is mostly related to the divine pattern! No matter how good Ye Qianli's savvy is, no matter how genius she is, if she doesn't have the talent for divine patterns, then everything will be useless.

However, many people felt that since Ye Qianli should bet, she must be a divine pattern master, but why didn't she exert herself? Many people can't figure it out.

When the rudiments of Abyss City and Dao Sect were basically formed, and the god pattern arrays of both sides were inscribed to the end, people noticed something was wrong! because……

"That blind old man from the Taoist sect, he and Master Hong actually inscribed gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light and darkness on an embryo with Master Hong! Divine patterns of nine attributes, this..."

"Is this going to kill you? This is definitely going to explode!" Many master craftsmen became irritable.

Because the divine patterns of similar attributes and symbiotic attributes can appear on the same embryo, but the divine patterns of mutual restraint and completely opposite attributes cannot! This is a person who refines tools, common sense!

The artifacts in this world also have their own characteristics, and there is no all-attribute artifact, so whether the artifact is suitable depends on whether the artifact matches the talent of the user himself.

But the blind old man guided Hong Tianbing on this young weapon! The divine pattern formations engraved with nine attributes are all pure single-attribute super divine patterns! this……

Not to mention the onlookers making complaints, even Hong Tianbing wanted to stop the engraving a little bit, but then he thought that Dao Sheng had said that he should completely trust these two assistants.

That being the case...

Hong Tianbing went all out! He used his divine pattern attainments to fully cooperate with the blind old man! Deduce the divine patterns of the nine attributes into a purer and more extraordinary!



Qi Hina really couldn't bear it! There is a situation of conflict with each other, and even the gods in the sky are about to disperse because of this, after all, once the god pattern array with conflicting attributes acts on the baby.

A young device that is still in an unstable state can easily explode! In the end everything comes to naught, nothing...


The craftsmen outside the arena suddenly cursed in pain! After all, spiritual artifacts are the ultimate pursuit of the craftsmen throughout their lives.

Destroying a beautiful child in front of a refiner is tantamount to killing their dream lover! It's an unforgivable crime, Hong Tianbing and Blind Old Man must be killed.



At the moment when Daozong's group was regarded as dying! Ye Qianli, who was standing upright, also appeared in her hand, the Tianfu magic brush of the same style as Ye Tianjiao.


"It's the celestial talisman magic brush again!?" The audience was stunned and in an uproar, because the breaths of these two celestial talisman magic brushes are exactly the same! It feels very real.

Even a boss of Ye Wufang's level, he didn't recognize it! Ye Qianli's celestial talisman magic brush is suspected of being fake, as if there were two celestial talisman magic brushes in this world? !

It's not over yet!



The originally colorful sky of Abyss City has darkened at this moment, and stars are shining! Only the astronomical phenomenon headed by the northern purple star.

No one could understand such a scene! But the magic box understands, the magic box that has been turned into the magic pen of the talisman, it knows very clearly——

Ye Qianli! She wants to summon Ziwei Xing, she wants to use Ziwei Star to dominate Zhongtian, balance the overlord characteristics of the stars in the sky, and evolve them into a super rune that can balance the nine attributes.

Unique! Unique, just like the youth Fu Tian! Yifu reorganized the rules of Cangjie's creation of characters, created a new order of divine patterns, and wrote the super divine patterns that truly belonged to her, Ye Qianli.

ps: Alright, our Da Lier is going to break the universe again! This wave of operations must be cheered by votes to make it more enjoyable! Hahahaha~

Another: These two days, my fingers are too painful, take it easy, first six thousand updates [that is, most of the authors in the bookstore have 6 updates, and one update for me is equal to their two updates], and I would also like to thank the many relatives in the comment area for their understanding And support, memoda (づ ̄3 ̄)づ I love you, my little padded jackets.

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