Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 811: My Benefactor! Undoubtedly lost 2 more



One after another, the god pattern masters knelt down, and one after another, formation masters, alchemists, and weapon refiners also knelt down. Even Ziyuan Tianzun and the master craftsmen around him were also kneeling at this moment. ! All of them bowed solemnly towards the arena.

In the eyes of everyone who has dealt with the divine pattern, Ye Qianli at this moment is the living Emperor Tianfu and the teacher of all of them.

Under the Sanskrit sound, the order was reorganized, and the super divine pattern appeared in the world! A brand new divine pattern of the word "Heng" was imprinted on Hong Tianbing's divine weapon with a domineering aura.


There was the sound of Qingyue's weapon, and at the moment when this divine pattern was engraved, it resounded in everyone's hearts like the sound of heaven! Sonorous and sonorous, outstanding born.


The balanced power of the nine-attribute divine patterns poured into Hong Tianbing's weapon at once, and the five-colored divine splendor on the sky followed closely.

The spirit of Chaohua, the light of the divine pattern, the power of Ziwei Star, and the divine breath of Shenhua, they all merged and symbiotic at this moment, and they evolved and formed together, creating the embryo of a divine weapon.


When the four kinds of divine powers stabilized, Fang Tian's painted halberd in front of Hong Tianbing's eyes had already shone with a lavender streamer, shining brightly! The breath is introverted and extremely domineering, with a hidden demeanor of a domineering party.

A generation of magic soldiers! As if taking shape.


Ziyuan Tianzun cheered on the spot, he could see that this Fangtian painted halberd would be at least a fourth-order artifact, if Hong Tianbing could hold it steady! It is not difficult to upgrade and forge it into a fifth-order artifact.

If it is not allowed by the competition! Ziyuan Tianzun wanted to play right now, to replace Hong Tianbing, to forge the extraordinary Fang Tian painted halberd with his own hands.

This is an excellent divine embryo, in this world! Ziyuan Tianzun asked himself, even if he tried his best, he might not be able to forge such a good weapon embryo.

It's not that his skills are not good, but that it's a matter of state and opportunity, every extraordinary weapon! Its formation has a certain degree of chance, and it cannot be fully manipulated by the skill of the refiner, the ability of the god pattern master, and the attainment of the formation master.


"Good soldier!"

Regardless of whether they are experts or laymen, all strong people can perceive that Fang Tian's painting halberd in Hong Tianbing's hands is definitely an extraordinary weapon.

Even if it's just a baby! The awe-inspiring and domineering aura it exudes clearly has the potential to break through the sky. Such a magic weapon is too touching.

But at this very moment!


Ye Qianli fell lightly to the ground, and she fainted. She tried her best, but she could no longer hold on. She had exhausted all her cultivation strength and spiritual power.

In the Nine Powers Refining Master Competition, if you leave the field, you will retire! That is to say, being delisted will not be counted as a contestant, which made many people's faces change.

But just when everyone had different expressions and Rong Mo had stood up, Ziyuan Tianzun said, "Please Daozong welcome him to recuperate. I promise, this is not counted as a retirement."


Before some people could protest, Rong Mo had already appeared in front of Ye Qianli, and he had already bent over and hugged her into his arms, and a certain little eye socket on his shoulder was red again.

He also stretched out his short arms subconsciously, trying to touch his mother's pale face, but his small arms were so short that he couldn't reach them for a long time.

Some people couldn't help but want to laugh, but now Dao Yun said, "Zi Tianzun, your decision is probably not in line with the rules of the competition, and it will disturb the order of the competition."

As soon as Dao Yun's words came out, many people naturally echoed them, including the big bosses of other forces who also voiced their protests. After all, there were similar situations in previous years, but once a person left the game, he was sentenced to retire and could not get any rewards. .

It should be noted that there are ranking rewards in the Nine Powers Refining Competition, and generally speaking, the rewards are very generous. In addition to the rules, people from all parties naturally agree with Dao Yun's words and think that the rules cannot be broken.


However, Ziyuan Tianzun said sonorously, "This Tianzun is both the host of this competition and the first judge, so this Tianzun has the right to make such a judgment, and no one who has the same divine pattern will have the right to do so." Objection! What do you think?"

This question comes out.

"Thumbs up!"

Whether it was the refining masters behind Ziyuan Tianzun, or the professional masters related to the gods in the audience, they all responded meaninglessly.

There were endless voices of approval, and even Tianzun Feng Yuan, who was standing next to Tianzun Ziyuan, stood up and said——

"This sparring is, in the final analysis, a grand gathering of craftsmen, divine pattern masters, and formation masters! As for the three masters, we all respect the Emperor Tianfu as our teacher.

Today's contestant, Ye Qianli, reproduced the strokes of the heavenly master for us. She is our mentor. We all ask her to rest and rest, not her exit. "



Countless voices of second opinion came out one after another, at this very moment! No matter what power they are, the professional masters who share the same belief in cultivation all stood up and spoke out.

Ye Qianli, she shocked them so much!

How lucky they are to be able to witness such a legendary scene in their lifetime, nothing but gratitude! They could no longer treat Ye Qianli with a second emotion.


This is not an exaggeration.

Even many super masters know that Ye Qianli's performance is related to the subtle state she entered, and she may not be able to reproduce today's achievements in the future.

But just based on today's performance, this "guidance", she is enough to become their "mentor", the insight and shock she brings to all special professionals! Is it subversive?

Otherwise, those god tattoo masters in Abyss City would not risk offending the mistress and "protect" Ye Wuji together, which is not nice to say!

At that moment just now, whoever ruined Ye Qianli's "good deed" will drive all the divine tattooists in the audience crazy! They will all fight that destroyer desperately.

Even those who are participating in the competition, they would rather lose the game than allow Ye Qianli to be interrupted! At this point, Dao Yun could understand that she was just not reconciled, so she struggled to protest.


Faced with the unanimous opinion of all the divine pattern masters, Dao Yun could only say, "I am just raising an objection. I am afraid that some contestants will not accept it. Yun, I have nothing to say."

"Mother of the Abyss is worrying too much." Tianzun Ziyuan answered the words, and other masters also agreed. Daoyun bowed and sat down beside Ye Wufang again, but his heart was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

After all, judging from the current situation, Ye Tianjiao will undoubtedly lose, but the gambling capital...

"Husband, what should Jiaojiao do?" Daoyun couldn't help asking Ye Wufang for help. She couldn't let her precious daughter abolish her self-cultivation and suffer such humiliation, absolutely not!

What's more, the old man can't let it go, that is the foundation of her precious eldest son's talent for awakening the Dark Lord, how can he let it go? No, absolutely not...

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