Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 814 Learn from Qianli! The 5th update of Tianzun's disciples is asking for tickets

Following the sound of another Qingyue weapon clanging out of the air, many people's eyes were fixed on Ye Wuhei, and even Ziyuan Tianzun and others had suspended the discussion, and all looked at the competition field.

At this moment, the divine weapon that seemed to be embryonic in Ye Wuhao's hands was a Yanyue Saber, the length of which was basically the same as Hong Tianbing's Fangtian Painting Halberd, both of which were heavy! Big magic weapon.

The difference is that Fang Tian's painted halberd is obviously much higher in terms of the fineness of the embryo! Although the Yanyue Knife Embryo in Ye Wuhao's hand is also spiritually extraordinary, it obviously doesn't have the kind of momentum to dominate the group of soldiers.

But Fang Tian has a painting halberd!

Even if it is just an embryo, it already exudes such a crushing aura, so only in terms of embryos, Fang Tian's painting halberd clearly wins.



The Crescent Moon Knife, which is basically forged by Ye Wuhao, has been continuously polished by him! Sublimating, this made Yanyue Dao's divine aura more and more intense.

As Ye Wuhao, whose state was not affected at all, continued to exert strength, Yanyue Dao had exuded a cold and chilling aura, which made many people outside the field feel a chill down their spines.

The key is--


Ye Wuhao, who was constantly exerting strength, had already forged the Yanyue Knife with Ziwei's True Fire Yun, and at the same time, he had accumulated strength with his left palm and slapped it! Called out a brand new kind of divine fire - the real fire of the sun.

It's not over yet!



When Ye Wuhao slapped out his right palm, another kind of extraordinary divine fire—Taiyin True Fire was also summoned by him! It was used to burn and forge his Yanyue Dao.

But this didn't surprise the audience, because many people knew that Ye Wuxie himself had awakened three kinds of divine fires, and he was the best of all fire masters.

But many people don't know it! Ye Wuhao not only awakened three types of divine fire, he also awakened more! Among the ten original divine fires, the most yin-qi is the fire of hell and ghost fire.


Ye Wuhao is still at this moment, directly killing the hellfire and ghost fire! All of them were sacrificed, which made Ziyuan Tianzun and countless master craftsmen sink their breaths! He stared at Ye Wuhei.

And at this moment, the audience once again clamored, "Oh my god! There are five kinds of divine fire talents, how could Ye Wuhao awaken so many divine fires? Did he grow up eating fire..."

"No, no, this is not the key. The key is that this Yanyue Saber can withstand the power of the five great fires?"

"have no idea,……"

have no idea! have no idea……

At this moment, not to mention ordinary people outside the arena don't know, even Ziyuan Tianzun doesn't know! Although once the embryo is formed, generally speaking, it will not be fried.

But Ye Wuhei's attempt was astonishing. It is not unheard of for five kinds of divine fires to consecrate divine weapons at the same time in the history of weapon refining, but it was not done by a weapon refining master.

Because the five kinds of divine fire with different attributes must be controlled by one person! It's really too difficult, although it's not as difficult as Ye Qianli's balancing the nine-attribute divine pattern array, it's not much worse.


"Heaven and earth are boundless, the sun is really rising, the sun is setting, hell is on the left, the dark is on the right, and Ziwei is in the middle of the sky, all obey my orders! Forging—" Ye Wuhao's vast cultivation base and spiritual power are here Right now! He erupted with a powerful demeanor unique to him.



The rolling five kinds of divine fire released extremely pure and extremely different divine breaths, which were constantly suppressed by Ye Wuhao! It is stored in Yanyue Dao.

"Small! Waist! . . . "

The more and more sonorous clanking of weapons is showing that! Ye Wuxie's forging magic weapon is extraordinary, even if his weapon embryo is not as good as Fang Tian's painted halberd, but his forging skills are far superior to Hong Tianbing.

What's more...

Ziyuan Tianzun also praised, "His forging technique has made a breakthrough. He has never sacrificed five kinds of divine fire at one time before. He has obviously gained insights from Ye Qianli's divine strokes! Ye Wuxie is worthy of being a contemporary The best refiner."


The craftsmen from all sides also looked at Ye Wuhao with complete admiration, even though he had gained inspiration from Ye Qianli! But after a while, he was already able to "apply what he learned"!

With such ability, the craftsmen from all sides had to be convinced. Even if they saw something, they still hadn't figured it out, but Ye Wuhao not only figured it out, he also made a breakthrough.

Ye Wuhao, although he is average in divine pattern! But his forging skills are undoubtedly excellent, which makes many people can't help but think——

If Ye Qianli really has the blood of the Abyss Ye family, then the combination of her and Ye Wuxie! It can definitely refine all kinds of magical weapons that are rarely available in the world.

Their cooperation! I'm afraid it can already be equated with Ziyuan Tianzun.

With this in mind...

Many people have subconsciously looked at Ye Qianli, Ye Wufang too!

As the patriarch of the Abyss Ye family, Ye Wufang naturally knows better what it will mean to the Abyss Ye family once Ye Qianli and Ye Wuhao are combined.

The elders of the Abyss Ye clan also understand! so……

"Should we let him go first?" A clan elder suggested to Ye Wufang secretly.

Hearing this, Dao Yun immediately retorted in a low voice, "This sinful descendant can be of great use to Tianjiao, and Tianjiao is waiting to use him to awaken the talent of the Dark Lord."

"..." The clan elder stopped talking, after all, awakening the talent of the dark master is also very important to the Abyss Ye family! But……

"Brother, don't forget, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat." Ye Lao Liu, who appeared next to Ye Wufang and others at some time, reminded leisurely.

He was reminding Ye Wufang, as well as Dao Yun and the clan elders, don't forget the bet that Ye Tianjiao and Ye Qianli have made, as far as the current situation is concerned! Ye Tianjiao has lost.

This left Dao Yunming with nothing to say, but she held Ye Wufang's hand very tightly, so tightly that she almost scratched Ye Wufang's hand.

And at the same time!


Following the loudest clanging sound, the Yanyue Knife, which had been sharpened by Ye Wuhao, released the cold air of Sen Sha in the audience! Everyone in the audience stared at him in shock.

At the same moment—


When the five great divine fires are about to dissipate, it will be above the nine heavens! But a crescent moon came out of the sky, and in an instant, it turned into an endless moonlight, and merged into the Crescent Moon Saber.


The whole body of the Yanyue Knife is cold and bright, and this magical weapon with a cold body and excellent breath is completely completed! It drew praise from all sides.

So far, many people know! The soldiers in the group of Abyss City must be the number one magic soldier in this field. As for who is the second place?

After the magic weapons of all parties were refined one after another, Ziyuan Tianzun and other members of the judging panel quickly made a final conclusion on this, and Daozong's Fang Tian's painted halberd was finally listed as the second place.

The Artifact Refining Competition, which lasted for more than ten days, is about to come to an end. Ziyuan Tianzun, who is the host and chief judge of this field, announced the ranking and awards!

He said solemnly, "Everyone must know that I have said frankly that I want to choose a successor in this competition, and now..."

Before Ziyuan Tianzun finished speaking, Dao Yun's voice suddenly came out, "Zi Tianzun, wait a minute!"

ps: Belated fifth watch! My hand hurts and I changed the keyboard, and the writing is not very smooth, and it is a bit late, so what? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ It’s cool to watch, remember to vote! The update in the early morning is on time. If you can’t wait, you should go to bed first. After all, you have to go to work, school, etc., okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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