Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 836 Retribution is not good! The prince is heaven 3 more votes

At the same time, in the abyss Ye Mansion, in Ye Tianjiao's room! A cloud of absolute black mist was gathering, and Ye Tianjiao's figure "shaked" out of the black mist.



Ye Tianjiao, who was vomiting blood as soon as he fell out of the black mist, turned extremely pale! Because although he can use the power of the divine sword, the holy abyss, the space moves out of the abyss.

But the power of the mother seal is too overbearing! Ye Tianjiao activated it, so this anti-sacrifice will not end unless the sacrifice is over.

Ye Tianjiao is very aware of this, and he also knows that he is powerless to resist backlash! He could only ask for help, "Sheng Yuan, find me, my father..."

But this will be able to sense the movement in his room! Those strong guards who belonged to him knocked on the door immediately and said, "Young master?"

"Quick..." Ye Tianjiao spat out a mouthful of blood, and Shenjian Shengyuan opened the door with sword energy, and the people outside naturally saw the bad Ye Tianjiao.

for a while...

"Quick! Tell the Patriarch, Mistress and the old Patriarch, quickly—" Ye Tianjiao's housekeeper shouted immediately, and at the same time ordered people to guard outside Ye Tianjiao's house.

But with the Divine Sword Shengyuan guarding Ye Tianjiao, ordinary people can't get close to him at all! But his state of vomiting blood and his weakening state are so shocking!

The key is……

"What? The array is broken?!" Ye Tianjiao's guards, who were about to go to the abyss to report their urgent situation, faced the same team! Ye Mansion's teleportation array malfunctioned.

The first failure! So is the second seat! The third seat is still... both. Not only that, all the communication jade slips were also "faulty", and no one could contact Ye Wufang and the others.

Everyone in the Ye Mansion panicked! It also made those who were attending the banquet vaguely aware that something big seemed to have happened in the Ye Mansion.

However, although the atmosphere in Ye Mansion is chaotic, it can be patrolled! Not one guard was missing, and the order was not disrupted, so no one dared to mess around.

The bottom line of Abyss Ye's well-managed family is still revealed at this moment, otherwise, ordinary families may not be able to survive such a major event.

After all, at this very moment, the strongest of Ye's direct lineage! And Ye's core figures are all on the edge of the abyss, and the rest outside are basically stewards and loyal servants.

But this means that Ye Wufang, Ye Chongde and others cannot come to help Ye Tianjiao! And they still don't know at this moment that Ye Tianjiao, whom they have placed high hopes on, is about to die.


"Father, do you want to send someone down to have a look?" Ye Wufang asked in a heart-to-heart connection between father and son. He felt a little uneasy because he was afraid of accidents.

Although he felt that according to their pre-planned situation, there should be no surprises! But he is indeed a little uneasy at the moment, he is afraid of accidents.

"Alright." Ye Chongde also agreed, although the Abyss Dark Wolf and Sirius Killing Wolf below were scary, he still let the two saints of the Ye clan go down to have a look.

As a result, the place below is naturally quiet, quiet...

"The wolves and people are gone? Is the training room safe?" Ye Wufang felt a little weird, he subconsciously looked at Rong Mo, but the latter just stood Shi Shiran.

"That's right, there is no life, and the training room is safe." The saint who came back from Mrs. Ye also felt strange.

Because the wolves surrounded the practice room before, they didn't see the scene of Xiao Rongyi pushing the door, so of course they didn't know that the mother and son had entered the practice room.

Later the wolves dispersed, not in a swarm, they all waited for the Sirius Wolf to close the door before they dispersed slowly, and now there is "no" one of them.


"Did Sirius kill Ye Qianli bring that Ye Qianli to the abyss, trying to avoid the entanglement and absorption of the mother seal?" A saint of the Ye family guessed in a low voice.

At this moment, the members of the Ye family ignored Rong Mo for the time being, and they had a small meeting at the side, because the current situation was unspeakably weird.

Rong Mo is as stable as Mount Tai! The abyss was silent.

"Father, let me go out and have a look." Ye Wufang became more and more uneasy, he just wanted to go out and have a look, besides, it would be shameful for the Ye family to have no one to entertain them at such a big banquet, so he called on Dao Yun, let her go back to the banquet hall.

Dao Yun originally wanted to stay and witness her son's peak awakening! But she also knew that Ye Wufang would not agree, she could only follow his arrangement, and he would never tell her about important matters.

For example today! Although everything went as she wished, what she did was like a clown, the two of them watched her from the sidelines.


It has always been like this.

Saying that she is the mistress of the abyss, but she has always been an outsider, because she does not have the blood of the abyss.


When Ye Wufang took Dao Yun to open the teleportation formation, he frowned and said, "Why is there no movement in the formation?"

"What?" Ye Chongde asked from a distance.

Ye Wufang tried again, but still couldn't activate the formation! This made him return to the edge of the abyss immediately, and then he stared at Tianzun Feng Yuan and Rong Mo.

"Patriarch, what's the matter?" Ye clan elders asked one after another.

Ye Chongde and other saints of the Ye family were also looking at Ye Wufang, and the latter said with an ugly face, "The teleportation array can't be activated, I'm afraid it's man-made."

"What!?" The elders of the Ye clan were startled when they heard this!

Ye Chongde frowned even more, staring at Feng Yuan Tianzun with serious eyes and said, "You did it?"

Ask this out! All the powerful people also looked at Feng Yuan Tianzun one after another. They are basically eating melons today, but they feel that this drama is too big.

Feng Yuan Tianzun, who was stared at by Ye Chongde, stroked his beard and smiled, "Naturally."

"You!" Ye Chongde stared sullenly at Feng Yuan Tianzun, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Of course I want everyone to wait here. Didn't you Abyss Ye want everyone to witness the peerless demeanor of your grandson Ye Tianjiao? This old man is helping you." Feng Yuan Tianzun expressed empathy.

"You don't need to do this! I order you to repair this teleportation array, or don't blame me for being rude!" Ye Chongde shouted coldly, tearing his face.

Feng Yuan Tianzun looked at him with a sneer and said, "Why do you want to be rude to me? It's not me, Feng Yuan, talking big, but the failure of the teleportation array up and down in your Ye Mansion, except for me, Feng Yuan! And my young master Feng Yuan! , no one can solve it, and!"

Speaking of this, Feng Yuan Tianzun paused for a moment, and then he continued to say sarcastically, "You are only doing your broken teleportation array when you are the Tianzun?"

"What does Feng Tianzun mean?" Ye Wufang felt bad!

Feng Yuan Tianzun sneered, "Didn't Patriarch Ye realize that there are far more formation masters coming to your Abyss City this time than the previous Nine Powers Refining Masters?"

"..." Ye Wufang stopped talking, and he just stared at Tianzun Feng Yuan! Of course he was aware of it, but although he arranged for people to watch these formation masters, he didn't expect such a big situation! ?




The power of the abyss in the abyss has changed! They are constantly gathering towards the practice room where Ye Wuji is! And the old man himself...

ps: I have seen a lot of kisses recently, telling me to pay attention to hands and health care, thank you my dears! I have been doing finger exercises, love you guys (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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