Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 839: The Dark Lord Reappears! Abyss of Glass 3 Request Tickets


I don't know if it's the occasion! Still cooperating, Ye Wuji's body exploded with a crazy breath, because he is already at this moment! He jumped into the realm of combat power of the seventh-order altar.

If Nian Beast is here, it will definitely vomit blood! Because Ye Wuji's state is equivalent to a high-level beast realm, but it is still fighting hard in the Tianbei, only a middle-level beast realm.

The key is! Ye Wuji's advanced strength is still rising, rising! rise up...

"How can I help?" Ye Qianli asked puzzledly. Although she was still a little worried about whether the foundation would be unstable due to such an excessive surge, the magic box actually said so, so why should she worry?

Her grandfather can go up again! Then go up...

"Give him another drop of Taiyi True Water! His bloodline strength is obviously not enough, and the mother seal can no longer feed back his bloodline power. It seems that the Tianjiao must die or find a way to stop it." The magic box popped The screen said.


Ye Qianli complied immediately!


And when the second drop of Taiyi True Water merged into Ye Wuji's body, the power of the mother seal was obviously stimulated to become more active! It is absorbing the power of the abyss even more frantically.


"Not enough! The power of the abyss is not enough, you have to help him." The magic box barked, it is very clear how much power it needs to absorb to advance to the next generation of saints!

And this sacrificial array opened by the Abyss Ye family, although it can absorb a lot of abyss power, it is far from enough for Ye Wuji.

After all, such an impact is against the sky, and the energy required is naturally even more against the sky! Ordinary people, or even the entire abyssal forces, may not be able to smash out such a "holy god" in a short while.

But the magic box knows, Ye Qianli can! Because she is the abyss.

If what Ye Wuji needs is other power, then there is no way out! But he is not, what he just needs is the power of the abyss, and Ye Qianli has no other powers, but the power of the abyss is absolutely necessary.


"I understand." Ye Qianli understood, and she handed the sleeping little leopard to Sirius, letting him protect her son, and she! Naturally, the move should be enlarged.

But this is definitely her happiest! The happiest time to zoom in, so...

"Dark Lord of the Abyss, Rong."

As soon as Ye Qianli summoned the Abyss Dark Lord talent, she didn't have any reservations! She directly merged with the dark lord of the abyss, and her aura also changed at this moment! Her pupils changed from light brown glazed to scarlet.



"Buzz! Buzz!..."

The entire ancient abyss made a trembling hum, endless abyss power! Especially the purest abyssal forces that have been deposited in the depths of the abyss, they have all been mobilized.

Such a change made Ye Laoliu startled! Standing on the edge of the abyss, only he can perceive that there has been a change in the depths of the abyss.

And this change...



It caused Ye Lao Liu's blood to tremble, which is a kind of joyful trembling! His dark master talent appeared without his prompting.


This made Ye Chongde ask in puzzlement, "Sixth, what are you doing?"

The rest of the people were also looking at Ye Laoliu, because his talent, the dark master of the abyss, was released too abruptly! The point is, as soon as the dark lord of the abyss "appeared", many people already felt palpitations subconsciously.

Regardless of whether it is a person from the Abyss Ye family! Or the big bosses of other forces, they were all released by Ye Lao Liu! Captured by the savage and ferocious aura of the dark master's talent.

Therefore Ziyuan Tianzun communicated with Feng Yuan Tianzun in a low voice, "This Ye Lao Liu, he actually gave me a sense of danger, Feng Yuan! What about you?"

"Hmm." Feng Yuan Tianzun also looked at Ye Laoliu with fear, even more fear than Ye Chongde! Because of his intuition, Ye Laoliu is more dangerous than the saint Ye Chongde.

And Ye Laoliu's danger comes from the "Dark Lord of the Abyss" he urged! Even if this "Dark Lord of the Abyss" is just sitting cross-legged in the air, without even opening his eyes, he looks dignified and elegant.

But Feng Yuan Tianzun had an intuition! "He" is terrible, as long as Ye Lao Liu is willing, he can definitely defeat Ye Chongde, and such an assessment makes Feng Yuan Tianzun startled.

"Abyss Dark Lord" talent, so tyrannical? Then he, they...

Feng Yuan subconsciously looked at Rong Mo, because he was a bit lost, after all, Ye Lao Liu had been silent for so many years, he really didn't expect it beforehand! Ye Lao Liu actually has such a strong combat power. He thought that Ye Lao Liu had at most the combat power of a semi-saint, but now...

Ye Laoliu showed a complicated smile, and replied slowly, "Going back to father, it's not what I want to do, but someone attracted me. The purest power of the abyss made my blood resonate."

"Is it Tianjiao?" Ye Wufang asked immediately.

Ye Laoliu smiled, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, after all, the training room is sealed, but these forces are pouring into the training room."

Hearing that, Ye Wufang said with certainty, "Then Tianjiao must be awakening!"

"Yes, it must be." Many clan elders also echoed, after all, none of them thought that anyone could break the blockade of the practice room.

It should be known that when Ye Laoliu was in the training room, the seven heavenly gods in the clan tried it together, but they couldn't push the door of cultivation at all.

As for breaking open the door of the training room? That's even more impossible.

These training rooms dug on the wall of the abyss are the painstaking efforts of countless generations of their abyssal clan. The materials are all collected from the dark stones of the abyss in the depths of the abyss.

Those are the ancestors who had awakened the talent of the dark lord of the abyss, with the help of the divine sword Shengyuan! Pieces were carefully collected from the depths of the abyss, and cast on the training room.

So even if Slaughtering Sky Wolf and the pack of wolves were there, Ye Chongde and others never worried that the practice room would be broken open, so they could always live in peace with Rong Mo as master and servant.


They can't even count! Xiao Rongyi has the divine body of Shiyuan, Wanli is no different to him, he is just too young.

So even if it was Ye Lao Liu, he looked at Rong Mo with a complicated expression, because he knew it very well! If it was a normal awakening, the initial movement would not be so loud, then it could only be an unusual awakening! This means that Ye Qianli may have been tricked.




These pure abyssal forces do not seem to have passed through the formation in the training room! Gathering to the practice room, but pervasive, from all directions to form a system? !


Could it be that……

Ye Qianli is also in the training room? Moreover, she caused the movement? this……

Ye Lao Liu was a little stunned! But the "Dark Lord of the Abyss" emanating from his body suddenly opened a pair of blood pupils at this moment, the key is——


"Buzz! Buzz..."

The entire abyss is lit up, the power of the purple-black abyss! They are like ignited fireflies, lighting up inch by inch from the depths of the abyss until they fill the entire abyss.

Ps, I'm going to open the show again, are you ready for the cuties? Hurry up, 2333~


Another: I am afraid that I will have to update six thousand [that is, the sixth update of the thousand-character chapter] recently, and I will go out at the beginning of the month to participate in the group's author salon, so... I want to raise my hand, but I can't.

Starting today, you need to write at least 10,000 words a day before you can save some manuscripts. Because the salon meeting and the round-trip journey will take about ten days, at least you have to save a few days of manuscripts, otherwise you will stop updating. After all, you can’t feel like you are at home when you are away from home. Such a good code word, I don't want hydrology.


Explanation: In fact, there is no rule. The author must pay 8,000 more. If you don’t pay more, you owe someone. The author is also a human being, and there are holidays at work! Closed on Saturdays and Sundays, sick leave, personal leave.

But I also know that the treasures who follow the article are "waiting to be fed", and I can't bear to let the waiting kisses wait for nothing, so I will do my best to update, and occasionally there will be a burst update [exploded twice]. Although not the most diligent, but also It's hard work.

Please don't spray moral kidnappers and keyboard warriors, thank you~

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