Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 858: The most domineering! Glass guard 3 more

"Boom! Boom——" There is a rolling abyss power, and immediately from the ancient abyss! What was suppressed by the Potianmen poured into Ye Laoliu's body.


Ye Laoliu's aura immediately became extremely fierce! Extremely barbaric, his eagle-like sharp eyes also turned red in an instant.

Except for Ye Qianli, Ye Lao Liu is definitely the one who has the highest degree of fusion between ancient and modern times and the Dark Lord of the Abyss! The Abyss Ye family strongman who has awakened the talent of the Dark Lord of the Abyss.

Therefore, even though he only has a ninth-level cultivation base, Tianzun Feng Yuan has a feeling that he is stronger than Ye Chongde, because his combat power is indeed extraordinary.


He provoked, after Ye Shengqian died, the number one attacker of the Abyss Ye family! He was ordered by his father to cut through the mask protecting Rong Mo's master and servant.

And he's going all out! Sanfa frowned.

"Grandpa, please stop Ye Laoliu, Mr. Rong Xiaolang is my guest minister of Daozong." Daosheng asked earnestly from the side.

Shengfa glanced at him and said, "If he didn't kill Ye Shengqian, it's okay, he killed Ye Shengqian, are you sure you still want to protect him?"

"Bao." Daosheng didn't hesitate at all.

But Ye Tianjiao said from the side, "Uncle, since he killed the clan ancestor, he and my Abyss Ye family have had a personal enmity, uncle should not interfere."

"Tianjiao's words are very true. No matter how much promise you have made to others, what you have done before is already enough. Don't be arrogant anymore. Aren't you really going to declare war with the Abyss Ye family?" Shengfa also asked in a deep voice.

When Dao Yun heard it, he wanted to say something from the side, "Grandpa, you..."

"You shut up." Shengfa stopped her from speaking, he knew it very well! Dao Shenghui's decision today is definitely related to Dao Yun, a shit-stirring stick.

He didn't like Dao Yun at all, but her son Ye Tianjiao really caught his eye! This child is extraordinary, given time, he will be able to fly nine days, reappearing the demeanor of the peak swordsman of his holy family, and his achievements are not inferior to his holy magic.

It's a pity that this child's surname is Ye, if the surname is Sheng! After a hundred years, he will not have to worry about being under the Nine Springs.

Shengfa thought regretfully in his heart, but Daosheng said affirmatively, "I know grandpa's intention is for my Daozong's sake, but freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

Sheng'er's decision today is not only because of the guest, if grandpa can't help, Sheng'er will continue to do his best, and will do his best to protect the little man and his family. "

"You..." Shengfa glared at Daosheng, only thinking that this kid is simply stubborn! But although Dao Sheng's expression was gentle, his determination was extremely firm.

"Brother, are you deceived by lard? Could it be that two outsiders are more important than your own sister and nephew?" Dao Yun couldn't help questioning.


"That's right." Dao Sheng replied, and he looked up at Dao Yun and said, "For the last time, don't call me elder brother again. I can't afford to be your elder brother. You can't even be my guardian." Instructor, my suzerain doesn't want to die that day without knowing why."

"What do you mean?" Shengfa's expression changed slightly.

Daoyun wanted to explain, but Daosheng had already said, "Since grandpa protects Tianjiao, let's protect him. Sheng'er bids farewell."

Having said that, the Taoist sage has already bowed to the Holy Fa, and he is about to lower his sword and go away! She was so decisive that she refused to listen to anyone's persuasion, which made Shengfa...

"Bang!" Shengfa knocked Daosheng unconscious with his palm, and fell to the ground with his sword! Handing him over to Dao Yuan, he exhorted, "Look at him carefully."

"Tianzun Shengfa, you..." Dao Yuan naturally saw the scene of Shengfa knocking the Daoist unconscious, he wanted to hate him! But his level is obviously not enough.

But Dao Yun pissed him off and said, "Don't be ignorant, my grandfather did this for the good of your Dao Sect!"

"Bah!" Daoyuan spat at Daoyun very rudely, which could be regarded as venting his dissatisfaction with Shengfa Tianzun, but after he finished "Bah", he hugged his senior brother Daosheng and retreated to the side.

Even though his arms couldn't twist his thighs, Dao Yuan firmly believed in it! This group of people bullied the Rong Mo family today, and they will get their retribution in the end! None of this family is a fuel-efficient lamp.

He just waited for them to reap the consequences, not today! It's tomorrow, not this year! It is next year, there will always be a day of revenge.

Daoyuan's attitude naturally made Shengfa very unhappy, but he would not care about the little Daoyuan. People at his level usually have a relatively large structure and will not be easily touched by ordinary things. Once he finds something! It's also hard to change.

But when Shengfa "dealt with" Daosheng, Ye Laoliu also completed his momentum! The sky and the land have been completely darkened, and the black ax swung by him has accumulated enough power from the abyss!

"So strong..."

All the powerful men were shocked by Ye Laoliu's axe, and his scalp went numb! They stared at the big ax covered in scarlet blood in the purple and black, and felt that the violence of thousands of beasts was accumulated in it, once it exploded...

"The defensive formation is afraid that it will be broken." Seeing this, Tianzun Ziyuan activated the blood fiend again, and the Sect Master of the Demon Sect stared greedily again.

And at the same time!


Feng Yuan Tianzun also lit up the Tianque long halberd again, and he obviously knew that the defensive circle built with the energy of the teleportation array was about to be broken.

But at this moment, Rong Mo was still closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, and the holy man exuded by Feng Yuan Tianzun forced him to brush his silver hair lightly, shining a frosty and snowy beauty.

Even if he looks very imaginary, no matter if he is a member of the Abyss Ye family! Whether it's the big guys, or the Saint Fa Tianzun, they all pay more attention to him.

No one wants to miss out on the excitement! We must see how he makes a move this time, for sure...


Ye Laoliu's apologetic voice also came out at this moment, but he had sworn to his dying mother that he would never betray Abyss Ye! Will always fight for Abyss Ye with all his strength.

This is his blood oath, a blood oath made in his mother's reincarnation! He can't betray, otherwise his mother will enter the animal realm forever, living life after life like pigs and dogs.

That's his mother...


Ye Lao Liu could only close his eyes and do his best! As soon as it is cut down, there is a violent frenzy, like a waterfall falling from the sky, like a galaxy collapsing! Fill the sky, follow the black axe! Attack Rong Mo's master and servant.

But at this very moment—


Rong Mo opened a pair of silver pupils, inside his body! There is a wave of immortal power that is about to come out, and he himself is about to stand up.


"Your Highness!"

Ye Qianli's voice sounded in the abyss, using the door of the stone chamber! Ye Qianli, who directly smashed the python king seven inches into pieces, had already smashed her child in her arms, and flashed to the abyss.

And this abyss! It's her, her speed in it! Naturally, it was extremely fast, so in the blink of an eye, she had already arrived at the abyss, under the gate of heaven.


The Tianmen was closed by Rong Mo, after all his wife and children came back.


Ye Lao Liu's offensive is also at this moment! All of them hit the different blue light mask, and Ye Qianli's eyes flashed into the sky when he saw it!

PS: It's the 27th, the tickets are cleared! No matter what kind of ticket, it will be invalid after one month~

Another: "The Mad Doctor and Waste Material Concubine" list of handsome guys is being serialized on the "Lian Jue" job account~

Ximo is here, hey, it ranks 7th for being so coquettish, is it scientific?

Everyone v. xSearch for "lianjue521" or "Lianjue", follow my rebellious job number, and reply to "Ximo".

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