Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 868 Let the big thief go! Conspiracy Living Buddha 1 more

A golden fruit fell to the ground, and the pure energy aura emitted by this fruit! That moved all the bosses present.

"Could this not be the Golden Yang Fruit? A Golden Yang Fruit that can awaken talented people above the seventh level, a golden talent with a gold system?!" Ziyuan Tianzun also discerned.

And his discernment! Naturally, more people looked at the golden fruit on the ground, and at the fat little kitten in Xiao Rongyi's arms, as if they understood something.

"Heh..." Ye Qianli squatted down with a smile, picked up the golden yang fruit and said, "Little meow is greedy, and it will work for you, but Patriarch Ye should not care about it, let alone ask for it back." Right? Take it as compensation for it."

Ye Wufang wanted to care about it! But he was not in the mood, he was thinking that although the golden yang fruit was extraordinary, the cat must have stolen one from somewhere, so it didn't matter.

Moon City is gone, what fruit do you care about? Ye Wufang didn't want to care anymore, so he waved his hand to let Ye Qianli go, still not wanting to say a word.

Ye Qianli gave the fruit to Xiao Rongyi, and stared at the little Baimao who was covering her mouth, she probably knew why it was so fat!


let's go now.

Ye Qianli said to Daoyuan and Daosheng, "Let's go together?"

"Alright." Dao Sheng nodded in response. Although he was knocked out earlier, he naturally woke up later, but he didn't say anything the whole time.

Hong Tianbing and others in the hall, as well as the people in Tianmen, all left the table one after another, leaving with Ye Qianli's family, and Ziyuan Tianzun also left.

However, the group of them stepped out of the banquet hall, and Ye Tianjiao's voice sounded from the hall, "Ye Qianli, I hope you can come to the Tianxiu list in half a year."

"Tianxiu list?" Ye Qianli said she didn't understand.

De Yunzhong immediately stood up and explained, and by the way, he promoted the Deyun Society, and explained, "This Tianxiu list will be held in the Buddhist sect's ancestral city - Tianfan City, and it is hosted by my Deyun Society. The 1,008th Tianxiu list co-organized by the Buddhist sect."

Having said that, De Yunzhong also said succinctly, "The top ten members of the Tianxiu list can be admitted by our Dechuan society and the Buddhist sect! There are also countless treasures from the ancient Buddhist kingdom, suitable for Miss Qianli to raise her son."

"Okay, I'll definitely come." Ye Qianli immediately agreed when she heard that she could raise her son.

Xiao Rongyi pursed his lips and smiled reservedly, he likes mother! Love mother.

"Excellent! See you in half a year." De Yunzhong said with a smile, he knew that Ye Qianli would come to raise his son, and her son was not easy to raise.


"What are the conditions for participating?" Rong Mo suddenly asked.

uh uh uh...

"Mr. Rong Xiaolang is also going to participate?" De Yunzhong couldn't help laughing, after all, if Rong Mo went, he felt that no one else had anything to do.

"President De, tell me about the conditions. I may have a few friends who will also participate." Ye Qianli explained, which comforted De Yunzhong a little.

"There are no conditions, only saints are not allowed to participate, and even those over fifty are not allowed, of course! Even those who have the combat power of saints cannot participate." De Yunzhong immediately stated.

However, his words also caused some sneers who didn't know the truth. After all, how could a person under the age of fifty have a combat power that surpassed that of a saint? No good!

It's Ye Lao Liu, he's actually in his fifties, okay? In order to awaken the talent of the dark lord of the abyss, he was already in his thirties, and he was still an eighth-level talent, so in the end he was "seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence".

It can be seen that those who have seen Rong Mo's combat power obviously know it! De Yunzhong's words are not ridiculous, if Rong Mo is allowed to participate in the Tianxiu list, no one else will have anything to do with it.


"It's not fair." Rong Mo said, the son's rations can't always be earned by his daughter-in-law, and it's not a problem for him to do nothing all day long.

De Yunzhong couldn't laugh anymore! Feelings, this little gentleman, really fucking wants to participate in the Tianxiu list, this is really...too bullying.

"It's all right, but Mr. Xiaolang wants to swallow a pill prepared by my Buddhist sect. It will make you unable to mobilize certain powers." The Living Buddha said kindly.

Hearing that Ye Qianli instinctively wanted to refuse, but Rong Mo already agreed, "Yes."

"Aww!" A certain little one looked at his father with sparkling eyes, and he liked his father very much! love daddy.

"You!" Ye Qianli pinched his little face, and stared at Rong Mo in disapproval. He just agreed, and he would take the poison if he was given it?

This living Buddha looked kind and kind, but she always felt that he had a dark heart! This constant staring at her always made her feel hairy.

But Rong Mo had already agreed, and Ye Qianli couldn't say anything, not to mention that the Living Buddha had already said, "After that half a year, I will welcome Mr. Rong and Mrs. Rong to the whole city of Brahma City."

After such an agreement, Ye Qianli and his party completely walked out of the banquet hall and walked towards the gate of Ye Mansion! Leaving the Abyss Ye's Mansion.

After they left, Ye Chongde and Ye Wufang broke up the banquet, closed the gate of the mansion, and held an emergency family meeting! Sheng Fa temporarily stayed in Ye Mansion, he wanted to wait for Ye Tianjiao.

At this emergency clan meeting, only Ye Wufang and the others knew about it! The mother was sealed into Ye Wuji's body, and everything that Ye's painstaking efforts in their abyss were all in vain.

"Patriarch, just let Ye Qianli's family go like this?" Ye Fanqing couldn't help asking, really! It's too aggrieved, so he suggested, "We can do something in the teleportation array, so that their family will die in the teleportation array."

"Based on Rong Mo's cultivation level, there is still Sirius Slaughter, what do you think! Even if the teleportation array collapses, will they die?" Ye Wufang asked back.

Ye Fanqing was speechless, Ye Chongde was also gloomy, he is a saint! He naturally knew that the failure of the teleportation array would not kill that family.

But Ye Wufang said, "This family won't last long, you don't need to worry about it. Now we have to worry about those training rooms and the wolves below. This is related to the follow-up development of my Ye family."

"Do you have arrangements for that family?" Ye Chongde asked with a slightly different look.

Ye Wufang glanced at Ye Laoliu, but didn't reveal his plan. He only said, "My abyss, Mrs. Ye, has always bullied people. Now that I have been bullied so far today! It makes no sense not to get back. If they If I can avoid it, I, Ye Wufang, will not be convinced."

These words made Ye Laoliu's expression change slightly, he raised his eyes to look at Ye Wufang! The latter also looked at him and said, "Sixth brother, now that the mother's seal is gone, it is your heart and your wish."


"Don't say it anymore, since the mother seal is gone, everything you resisted has also disappeared, so you should serve the family?" Ye Wufang asked.

It was only after he finished asking this question that there was panic from outside to report, "Patriarch! Something is wrong, something is wrong——"

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