Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 884: Your Highness is bullying! The wolf army near the city 2 more

Rong Mo raised his eyebrows, and said meaningfully, "Looking at me like this, do you want to fool me?"

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli understood in seconds, and said sincerely, "I know I was wrong, so why don't you dance?"

"Not good." Rong Mo ruthlessly refused.

Ye Qianli just hugged his hand without moving, and then plunged into the bed, "Your Highness..."

"It's useless no matter how nice it sounds." Rong Mo kissed her on the head, and then coaxed softly, "Hey, let me see, okay?" But just at the moment——


A certain little cute voice came out at this very inappropriate time, and Ye Qianli secretly breathed a sigh of relief!


A certain little one yawned a little, not only moved towards his parents, but also stared wide-eyed, seeing his father blocking his mother, he stretched out his hand and hit his father .

But Rong Mo didn't get up, he just raised his eyebrows and looked at the little leopard approaching!


When Xiao Rongyi saw that his father didn't let him see his mother, he yelled in displeasure, his little hands were still clenched into fists and wanted to hit his father again.

Ye Qianli stretched out her hand to hold his tender little hand, then pushed away the child's father in front of her, turned over and pressed the little guy on purpose, and then kissed his little face, "Yi Er Yi Er..."


Xiao Rongyi hurriedly covered his face, wanting his father to keep stopping his mother.

Ye Qianli smiled and kissed his little bald head, and then said, "Yi'er, call Liang, you have called before, if you call again, mother will not bully you."

"Wow?" Xiao Rongyi let go of his hand and looked at Ye Qianli in a daze, with an expression of "Did you call? When".

"When you were in the mine, don't say you don't remember." Ye Qianli said to her son seriously. At that time, she was very heartbroken when she was called out. Looking back now, her heart still hurts.

This made her couldn't help but kissed her son's forehead tenderly, then caressed his little bald head and said softly, "Our Yi'er has suffered."

"Ah wow..." Xiao Rongyi said that he was fine.

Ye Qianli couldn't help but shed a tear, which surprised the little guy, so he reached out and clumsily wiped his mother's tears, mother really loves to cry.

And feeling Ye Qianli, who was disgusted and distressed by the child, she laughed and cried. This kid disliked her at such a young age, and he will be fine when he grows up.

Xiao Rongyi wiped it a few times, but he really couldn't wipe it off, so he waved to his father, asking his father to come and help, which made Ye Qianli laugh out of tears.

Rong Mo hugged their mother and son, and after kissing his little wife's hair on the temples, he looked at the little guy who was still lying down. The latter looked at him with a sullen face, and pointed at his little bald head, as if Calling him daddy.

"Pfft~" Ye Qianli laughed, and she looked sideways at Rong Mo.

Rong Mo flicked his son's bald head with his fingers. Although the strength was not strong, it was not small. The pain caused the little guy to get up on his stomach and hug his father's hand and bite it!

Ye Qianli couldn't help laughing, Rong Mo let his son bite, and he stroked the back of the person in his arms with one hand, which seemed to comfort her, and naturally comforted her still aching heart.

Ye Qianli leaned into his arms, watched him fight with his son, hugged his narrow waist tightly and asked, "When are you going to practice?"

"Let's go there tonight and make some preparations." Rong Moying said, smashing the child down with one hand, imitating his father's ability to bully him back then.

"Ah!" Xiao Rongyi became very angry, and immediately turned around and bit him! Already he bit his hand to make alveolar marks, luckily he hasn't teeth yet, otherwise Rong Mo might be bitten and bleed.

"What do you need?" Ye Qianli patted his son's bald head and asked him to bite it lightly, but how could a young man know how to listen? When his temper came up, he basically didn't listen to anyone.

Ye Qianli said with some headaches, "Your son has a big temper, did you have the same temper when you were young?"

"No." Rong Mo immediately denied it, and then said: "You take your son first, and you don't have to worry about my place."

"Yeah." Ye Qianli went to hug the little guy who was about to explode in his arms to comfort him. The little guy was still glaring at his father angrily, angry at him for molesting him.

Rong Mo flicked his forehead again, then pinched the child's mother's face and said, "Clean up and go out, the wolf is coming."

"What?" Ye Qianli was a little puzzled.



There were wolves howling one after another, but they roared at this moment! It sounds like it's still a little far away, but the roars are one after another, and there are so many! The magnificent battle that gallops into momentum.

It was heard that Ye Qianli also exuded the perception of divine consciousness, and the magic box was no exception. After all, it went to the ancient battlefield without seeing anything evil, and it will just come out.



Under Ye Qianli's perception! There is a towering figure with hair like snow! A giant wolf with clear eyes, it has appeared outside the gate of Wangyue City.

"Ho! Ho!..."

Behind Snow Wolf! Then there are countless white-haired wolves with extraordinary aura and ferocious breath, even more like a wolf army suddenly approaching! They are arranged in a mighty way outside Wangyue City.

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