Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 887 Stealing Daddy! Call of Heaven 2 more

ah! ah ah ah...

no more! no more...

Ye Qianli felt that she was going to be bombed by Su! It was as if a honey jar had been knocked over in her heart, it was so sweet that she was going to faint, wow! Is this really her beautiful prince?

Could this be a fake? ?

Ye Qianli thought it was! Except for that day of life and death, even though his affection and tenderness have been revealed to her, it should be impossible for him to say such sweet words of love.


The sweetness that caught him off guard was so sweet that Ye Qianli hugged him and smirked, feeling so happy in her heart! So happy, so happy.

"Fool." Rong Mo saw that she was so happy that she was obviously dizzy, and the tenderness between her eyebrows and eyes was so thick that it couldn't be melted away, so he hugged his stupid leopard tightly.

He's talking about ordinary things, she can be happy like this, silly...

Afterwards, if a certain little one hadn't lost his temper and asked Ye Wuji to remind him, the two would probably still be able to hug each other, as if they were in love.

"Hmph!" And when the abandoned little one saw its parents, it snorted unhappily! Ye Qianli immediately kissed his little bald head, then hugged him into her arms and bid farewell to Rong Mo.

Rong Mo even stepped forward to hug the mother and son and said, "Come back early."

"Okay!" Ye Qianli gave Rong Mo a kiss, and then asked Xiao Rongyi to kiss him too. Rong Mo originally wanted to refuse, but a certain little one had already kissed him quickly.

Rong Mocai raised his eyes to look at this little one, but he possessed himself and kissed his little bald head, which made little Rongyi narrow his eyes and smile.

He rarely smiles! He has never smiled so unreservedly, which makes him look more cute and cute, and he really looks like a little baby.

Seeing this, Rong Mo hugged him in a heartbeat, and knew this little Zaohui, so he whispered to him, "You should listen to your mother, you know?"

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi nodded.

Rong Mo stroked his little bald head and said, "When you come back, Dad will give you a present."

"Wow?" Xiao Rongyi immediately looked at him happily.

"Great gift." Rong Mo smiled slightly.

Xiao Rongyi immediately smiled reservedly, although he didn't smile as much as before, but he looked very happy, he went upstairs to his father's neck, and then kissed his father's face.

"Where's mother? You haven't kissed mother yet." Ye Qianli said sourly, but a certain little one kissed her generously.

Seeing Ye Wuji's jealousy, he also came to ask for it! Xiao Rongyi was probably very happy at this meeting, so he kissed him even if he was "drenched in rain and dew".

"Hahaha..." Ye Wuji laughed happily.

Ye Qianli didn't delay any longer, she carried her son and left, but she couldn't help turning her head back frequently, looking at Rong Mo standing on the top of the wall.

"Okay, it's not like I won't come back." Ye Wuji teased her.

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi shouted in protest, he was about to look at Daddy with his mother, he really wanted Daddy to come with him, he couldn't bear Daddy.

But at this moment, Xiao Rongyi stretched out his little hand towards Ye Wuji, which made Ye Wuji embrace him in a flattered manner, and asked, "It's such a good day, why did you let my grandpa hug you?"

"Wow." Xiao Rongyi nodded arrogantly, his father said, he should be hugged by his grandpa more, so as not to make his mother tired, he said that he ate too much and he was still a bit heavy.

As everyone knows! This was originally Rong Mo trying to get rid of the little problem he thought others would hold.

After all, ginger is old and spicy...

After Ye Qianlin and his wife disappeared completely, Rong Mo returned to the city, and Tianzun Feng Yuan, who received the edict over there, also happened to arrive at Wangyue City very quickly.

It's no problem to go to work secretly, so Rong Mo took Feng Yuan Tianzun to the mining area. He really planned to accompany Ye Qianli to the North Pole, but Ye Qianli was not willing, she was just acting like a baby, she hoped more Get well soon.

Although this hellish atmosphere can't make Rong Mo completely healed, it can at least make him no longer vomit blood so easily, which is what Ye Qianli wants most.


When Rong Mo started to temper the body, Ye Qianli and the others had already accelerated their speed, and Mochiyue City was adjacent to the Arctic Circle, so they only took half a day to arrive.

But except for the Snow Wolf King, the other snow wolves haven't kept up yet. After all, the speed of Killing Sirius and Ye Wuji is too abnormal! If it wasn't for the two of them waiting, the Snow Wolf King wouldn't be able to keep up.

When they arrived at the place mentioned by the Linxue Wolf King, Ye Qianli understood why the Snow Wolf King was in such a hurry! Because the phenomenon in front of them really seemed like the sky was about to collapse!

"This is……"

Ye Qianli looked at the snow-blue electric light constantly pouring down from the sky between the sky and snow in the distance, and then felt the silence coming from the pavement! The icy breath is also quite shocking.

"Snow Wolf King, are you talking about the previous phenomenon?" Ye Qianli asked confirmingly.

"That's right, it looks good from here, but when you look closely! The feeling is even more obvious, everyone, follow me." The Snow Wolf King said solemnly, and at the same time he was already walking ahead.

When they got closer and closer to that place, Ye Qianli discovered that the originally compacted ice bed and snow field showed signs of melting? this……

"Magic box, do you know what's going on here?" Ye Qianli asked the magic box with her thoughts, especially at this moment, she can still vaguely perceive an unusual coldness and scorching intent?

It's weird! The feeling of being cold and hot is like the extreme fusion of ice and fire.

"I'm not sure yet, let's take a closer look." The magic box said solemnly, it naturally has a clue in its "heart", but it still needs further confirmation.

"Little baby, let him defend himself, the environment ahead is rather harsh." The Snow Wolf King reminded him at this time.

Killing Sirius took over Xiao Rongyi and covered him in the wolf fur on his chest, so that only his little head wearing a velvet hat was exposed.

When the group of people got closer to that day's Jiangguang Waterfall, they could hear the roar of thunder and lightning more and more clearly. The key is! The glaciers below them have all melted, and the area is already a vast ocean.

The Snow Wolf King also explained from the side, "It used to be a land of ice, and it was the coldest place in the North Pole! The place where the ice and snow are the most compact, now the snow here has melted, and the North Pole will definitely disappear in a short time. The snowfields that survived are gone.”

This is why Snow Wolf King is in a hurry! After all, although they can find new snowfields, the largest snowfield in the heavens is at the North Pole! This is the hometown where their snow wolf clan has lived for tens of thousands of years.

They don't want to migrate! What's more, the newborn wolf cubs may not be able to adapt to the new environment, and the mature snow wolf may not be able to obtain enough resources to become stronger.

So when the roar of killing Sirius came out! The Snow Wolf King went to Wangyue City without hesitation, and there was no opposition from the clan.


"Magic box, it's very strange! Why do I feel that there is power calling me?" Ye Qianli was a little stunned at this moment, but she said so.

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