Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 890: Adorable Treasure Township! Passionate Allegiance 2 more

In Ye Qianli in the North Pole, once she awakens the Chaos Source Lightning, it is not a matter for her body to become a saint. Most importantly, this will lay an extraordinary foundation for her to become a god.

The magic box believes that as long as Ye Qianli awakens the Chaos Source Lightning, no matter what her ninth Taiyi series talent is, she can become a ninth-level altar.

strongest! The strongest and most powerful altar, when she becomes a god... I am afraid she will be invincible in the altar realm. This level of combat power and explosive power are not in the dark lord of the abyss! Under the Immortals such as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

The premise is! She wants to wake up.

"Second idiot, it's up to you!" The magic box said silently "in its heart", and Ye Qianli entered the state of epiphany again while it was praying.

Her consciousness has spread all over the snow-blue light and thunder, almost merging with them, and slowly feeling their power, even their core power.


At the same time, the elders of the Snow Wolf clan also joined the Snow Wolf King. When they learned that this "ghost thing" was the power of thunder from the source of chaos, they had the same idea as the Snow Wolf King, let's migrate.

Even if the consequences of migration, they can't evaluate at all, but at least they can save the seeds! But under the chaos source thunder, there must be nothing left.

Before the power of Chaos Origin Thunder erupts, let's go! As for the future, let the people of Jiushi worry about it.

"Wait a minute, someone has already entered, and she is going to awaken the Chaos Origin Lightning talent." The Snow Wolf King suggested that it actually thought it was crazy, and it actually began to believe it a little bit, maybe that little girl can?

"What?" The elders of the Snow Wolf clan were very confused, even the two old wolf kings were stunned, thinking that the Snow Wolf King might be crazy.

As for the people who went in, it wasn't possible that they were crazy, they must be crazy! The Snow Wolf King actually advised them to wait, it was really crazy.

But Killing Sirius asked from the side, "Didn't you feel that the energy of these light thunders is softer than before?" Although they are separated by a defensive cover, they can't hear the movement outside, and they won't be caught. The thunderstorm was so loud that I couldn't speak.

But Sirius Slaughter's consciousness can still make it perceive that the power of light and thunder outside the defensive formation has actually eased a little, even if it is very weak! But this is also progress.

As for killing Sirius, it would naturally startle the experts of the Snow Wolf Clan! But they all sensed it carefully, unfortunately...

"No!" Many snow wolf clan elders didn't notice anything, only felt that the outside was still so scary, so hot and cold, it felt like the end was coming.

But Snow Wolf King and the two old old wolf kings have perceptions! Because of this, they all looked at Killing Sirius with bright eyes, and the Snow Wolf King couldn't help asking, "So, is there really hope?"

"Wait a minute, my master has always been creating miracles." Sirius Killing Wolf said in a strict voice, and as soon as it finished speaking, a certain little animal immediately applauded for its words.

This little guy can't speak yet, he can only say "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh")."

In fact, as soon as Killing Sirius appeared, they noticed this little baby, and now that he was acting so smartly, everyone naturally paid more attention to him.

"This child is really energetic." The oldest wolf king said kindly, and felt from the bottom of his heart that this little thing was full of spiritual energy, and it must be extraordinary when it grows up.

"It's the child's mother who wants to awaken Chaos Source Lightning." The Snow Wolf King said from the side, and the old wolf king grinned suddenly, but said, "If it's the child's mother, maybe it's really possible."

"Lang Zu, you are..."

"Little baby is not simple." Old Wolf Ancestor squinted his wise wolf eyes, carefully looked at Xiao Rongyi, and knew in his heart that this child possessed a transcendent innate divine body.

And the mother who can give birth to this kind of child must have extraordinary talent! After all, whether a child is good or not has a lot to do with his parents.

"Wow!" The little Rong Yi also nodded at the old wolf ancestor, with a small look of "appreciating his vision", the arc of the old wolf ancestor's grin became wider, this little elf.

Even the elders of the Snow Wolf clan who were restlessly about to migrate felt a little more at ease, and decided to pay close attention to the Snow Blue Thunder Waterfall, waiting for a possible turnaround.

Time is waiting, ten days have passed...

Many powerful wolf beasts of the snow wolf clan can basically sense it! These lightning energies have really stabilized a lot, but the ice bed is still melting, but not as quickly as before.

"This is a turning point!" The Snow Wolf King said happily, he only hoped that Ye Qianli could really save the North Pole where the Snow Wolf Clan depended for survival.

"Waiting like this is not an option. Snow Wolf King, organize members of your clan. Anyone who has combat power can be mobilized. You can divide the groups according to their strength, and first protect the areas that have not been melted." Ye Wuji said. mentioned.

"Okay! I'll organize it now." The Snow Wolf King didn't ask too much, because Ye Qianli brought it hope, and it didn't care what Ye Wuji was going to do, it just felt it subconsciously! Ye Wuji can definitely help.

And the fact is indeed the case, Ye Wuji let the Snow Wolf Clan set up a protective array, not only can effectively delay the ablation of the ice bed by the chaotic source thunder breath, but also can continue to exist for a long time.

"If you had appeared in our Snow Wolf Clan early in the morning, this ice bed wouldn't have been melted so much!" Snow Wolf King couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It's an exaggeration. It's just a bit of a delaying effect. My granddaughter is still powerful. If these powers were not relatively stable, the effect of this formation would not be so good." Ye Wuji said realistically.

"The old man is modest." After the Snow Wolf King finished speaking, he asked about Ye Wuji's blood. He felt that Ye Wuji had the blood of their wolf clan in Ye Wuji's body.

Ye Wuji couldn't explain clearly, he thought that his behavior was caused by cultivation, but Snow Wolf King firmly believed it! Ye Wuji has the blood of the wolf clan, so he recommended him to be the snow wolf king, and told the clan elders that he agreed to Ye Qianli's conditions in Wangyue City.

"If my North Pole can be protected, this great favor will naturally be repaid. There is absolutely no problem in being loyal to Wangyue City, but I hope that Wangyue City will also cherish our wolf cubs, and let us go if we can't suffer heavy casualties." The old wolf ancestor said. road.

"Of course not. After you form an army, I will be your general. As long as you obey my orders, the casualties can definitely be minimized. After all, if there is a war, it is impossible that there will be no casualties." Ye Wuji also said frankly.

"Okay! Then wait for City Lord Li to awaken, otherwise our Snow Wolf clan will have to change places to survive, and I'm afraid we won't be able to serve Wangyue City." Old Wolf Ancestor also said.

"Understood." After Ye Wuji said, he suddenly sensed a certain little guy who was eating fruit! Look towards the snow-blue light thunder.

same moment!

"call out!"

There is a primary color blu-ray! It was clearly leaking from the center of the waterfall of light, suddenly like a brighter lightning bolt! It slashed straight at Ye Qianli who was in the center of the light and thunder.

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