Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 903 Hold the baby! Go step on the family 2 more

"Ah wow!..." Xiao Rongyi, whose mouth would be opened, kept yelling, and kept waving at his parents, disgusting! I hate it, break his mouth.

"Hahahaha..." Ye Qianli hugged the little guy and kissed, "Son, this means that you will grow your hair in the future, just slower than other children."

Rong Mo also let go at this moment, Xiao Rongyi snorted unhappily, he would have long hair in the first place! Long many, many, my mother is a fool.

If the magic box knew what Xiao Rongyi was thinking, it would definitely have a lot of conversation with him, after all, the magic box has always called Ye Qianli "the second idiot".

"Food..." Xiao Rongyi insisted on begging for rice, daddy hated it! Always do not give him a meal.

Only then did Rong Mo give his rations to his son, and asked Daoyuan to help him contact the Tokugawa Society. After Daoyuan left, Ming An also got up and resigned tactfully.

"Ah!" Xiao Rongyi pointed at him.

Ming Ming stood still and looked at the little guy, then he squatted down again, and looked at the little guy sitting on the chair, "Little master, do you want to play with me?"

"No!" Xiao Rongyi waved his hand and looked at him.

This made Ming An feel a little strange, so he looked at the little guy closer, and smiled again, "Then what does the little master want to do? Let me find food for you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Rongyi's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded, "Go..."

"Heh..." Ming An laughed, and cupped his hands, "Ming An takes orders."

Xiao Rongyi waved his little hand at him, signaling that he could retreat, but Ming An did not retreat, and stretched out his hand to the little guy and said, "Little master, look."

"?" Xiao Rongyi looked at his hand.


There is a blood-red demon flower! Immediately, it slowly emerged from Ming An's hands, and then slowly bloomed in his palm, extremely coquettish.

"Papa..." Xiao Rongyi puffed up his little palms with bright eyes.

Ming An sent the flowers to Xiao Rongyi, who picked the monster flowers and stuffed them into his mouth! Seeing Ye Qianli's eyelids twitch, this kid...

"Manzhushahua, the sacred flower of the underworld, the sacred product of dark cultivators, rich in dark energy, you are a cheap subordinate, but you are kind to your son." The magic box said on the barrage.

Ming An smiled and stood up to say goodbye, but when he walked out of the small hall, he covered his cloak and returned to a dark and gloomy state.

But as soon as he left, Rong Mo grabbed a certain little hand and told him to open his palm, and slapped his palm! Beat the little guy's leg if he is so pumped!

"Did dad let you eat?" Rong Mo asked.

"Hmph!" Xiao Rongyi turned around and didn't look at him, but threw herself into Ye Qianli's arms, not forgetting to grab a "grass" in her hand and stuff it into her mouth.

Rong Mo just slapped his little butt, and he was so angry that he turned to stare at his father! Ye Qianli just watched that the two of them didn't speak, she was also surprised, the little guy seemed to be quite close to Ming An.

"The last time I asked you to search his house, what did you find?" Rong Mo asked.

"Hi~" The little guy hiccupped, not because he was really full, but because he was answering Rong Mo that he found a lot of food somewhere in the dark.

Rong Mo pinched his face, but Ye Qianli understood that Rong Mo was telling her that her subordinates are not easy, after all, it is not unusual to have something that can feed a little guy.

"This guy must have a secret!" Magic Box said on the barrage.

Of course Ye Qianli also knew that this was actually the reason why she left everything to Ming An. She originally thought that if this person had schemes, he would definitely do something.

But Wangyue City was managed very well by him, and all the city regulations he formulated required her to sign before major events, and he had little power in his hands.

He seems to only position himself as a butler-like link between the past and the future, or it is dispensable, the kind that anyone can take over.

So the question is, what is he planning? Really just come for allegiance! ? Ye Qianli was silent for a while, only raised her eyebrows and looked outside the door.


Four days later.

Because the next day is the day when the Tianxiu rankings will be announced, and all the top forces have arrived in Tianfan City one after another. According to the agreement between Ye Qianli and Daosheng, Daosheng will wait for Ye Wuji in Daozong to come together Heaven Brahma City.

When the original scheduled time was approaching, Ye Qianli hugged her son, took her beautiful husband with her, and went out for a walk towards the location of the teleportation formation in Brahma City.

Only Dao Yuan was with their family, and secretly said that he had some personal matters to deal with, but Ye Qianli didn't ask much, and let him do whatever he wanted.

"I said, girl Li, you seem to be quite capable as a subordinate, so why don't you let him be a housekeeper?" Dao Yuan couldn't help asking.

"Then am I short of a confidant butler soon?" Ye Qianli asked back.

Daoyuan thinks about it too, after all, Ye Wuji is already in charge of Wangyue City's private army. From a general perspective, Ye Qianli only needs internal help, and it is not appropriate for someone like Ming An to help Ye Wuji.

But Daoyuan still feels that Ming An still has a lot of abilities that have not been brought into play, especially since he has often worked with Ming An these days, and his feelings are even deeper.

If it weren't for the shallow foundation of Wangyue City, Ming An would definitely be able to quickly develop the strength of Wangyue City to spread all over Tiantian Realm, but after all, Wangyue City's foundation is indeed too shallow.



As soon as Ye Qianli was about to walk to the area of ​​the teleportation array, she sensed that the people coming out of the teleportation array in front were her enemies, Abyss Ye Shi and his party! They also walked with the Holy Family.

This is in response to a saying, "It's not that enemies don't get together."

"Crooked!" Xiao Rongyi also found the people from the Abyss Ye family and the Sheng family, and he immediately pointed to them, indicating that he had found a lot of bad guys.

Ye Qianli just stroked his little bald head, then hugged her and walked forward arrogantly, like a little hen hugging a chick to find fault.

Seeing that, Rong Mo curled his lips with a smile, and naturally followed behind his wife and children, while Dao Yuan had a face of "...", he didn't really want to see the faces of these people.

Since Dao Yun colluded with Zuo Protector and let Zuo Protector frame Dao Sheng, Dao Yuan's disgust for Abyss Ye's family! It has reached an extreme value.

Even though the Zuo Guardian had already been executed and had no complaints before his death, Daoyuan was even more angry! Because he knew that Dao Sheng's guardian Zuo loved Dao Sheng and Dao Yun's mother Sheng Jin deeply in his early years, and Dao Yun! She has a face very similar to her mother.

So Dao Yuan knew without thinking about the specifics of it, Dao Yun must have used very despicable means, the key is! Abyss Ye's connivance.

But for Ye Qianli at this moment, she has already greeted her from a distance with a smile, "Master Ye! Abyss City is farewell, are you okay?"

And as soon as her voice came out! Ye Wufang and the others over there hadn't noticed her before, and their complexions immediately darkened! There were even more gloomy dark clouds floating overhead.

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