Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 907: The Opening Climax! End you 3 more votes

There is no particularly complicated competition system for the selection rules of the Tianxiu list. Anyone under the age of 25 can challenge the previous top ten.

However, those who have just been challenged have the right to refuse three new challenges, so as to avoid someone launching a wheel war against the same person. In addition! It doesn't matter whether it is life or death in the Tianxiu Challenge.

There are only three days in the competition, and after three days, no one can challenge again. The challenge that is still in fierce battle can last until the winner is determined, and then a new ranking is determined.

in short……

"In the battle of the Tianxiu list, there is no draw, only winners and losers, you two understand." The old living Buddha also asked concisely at this moment, Ye Qianli and Ye Tianjiao who had already stepped onto the stage.

"Understood." Ye Tianjiao replied simply.

Ye Qianli also responded, and seeing that Ye Tianjiao had already made a gesture of "please" to her, she walked towards the middle of the martial field, which made all the onlookers who bought tickets excited.

"Ye Tianjiao! Ye Qianli, I didn't expect that the Showbiz Challenge will start today, and it will be the pinnacle battle! I didn't lose money on the tickets for this day, and I thought the grand finale was coming later."

"I guessed early that it would be the first game, so I bought it right away! I also bought Ye Qianli to win, and bet 10,000 Tiancoins, how about you?"

"I bought Ye Tianjiao!"

"I overwhelmed both, Ye Qianli has one hundred more."

"Hey! What do you mean by that?"


The voices of the live competition were already hotly discussed, but there was no one-sided bet on Ye Tianjiao's victory! And the odds of each market, no matter if you buy Ye Tianjiao to win or Ye Qianli to win, the odds are one to one.

Although no one knew or was sure that Ye Qianli had awakened the Chaos Origin Lightning talent, her performance in Abyss City made everyone in the world look up to her, even if Ye Tianjiao and Shengyuan were completely integrated into one.

In the past six months, Ye Qianli slapped the Abyss Ye family in the face and banned the far-reaching plan! The news of biting down the three cities of Mochizuki and dominating the extreme northern part of the heaven has already spread throughout the heaven.

Ye Qianli, she is already a new shining star in the heavens! Many practitioners who came to Tianfan City were actually just to admire her demeanor.


"Ye Qianli! Ye Qianli!..."

The competition was about to officially start, Ye Qianli and Ye Tianjiao stood face to face, and the people outside the field shouted the name "Ye Qianli".

And although Ye Tianjiao's voice is there, Ye Qianli is too popular! "Ye Tianjiao" was overshadowed, but Ye Tianjiao's face didn't change at all.

However, the faces of the rest of the Abyss Ye family were very ugly. After all, when the Tianxiu list started last year, Ye Tianjiao was the most vocal.

It's been less than a year and everything has changed.


The old Living Buddha shouted the order when the audience was almost shouting: "The competition! Start."


A sharp sword energy immediately emanated from Ye Tianjiao's body! All the shouts of the audience were silenced on the spot, because this sword is very domineering! Straight to the heart.

"Okay!" Someone from Abyss Ye's side shouted! Let you idiots keep yelling, now you know who is the real one.

Leaving the ancient abyss! After leaving Abyss City, Ye Qianli is nothing. This is the thinking of many people in the Abyss Ye family, but Ye Wufang and others don't think so.

And Ye Qianli...


She also showed up again at this moment, her brand new abyss dark master talent, and then there will be a stretch to the blue sky! The magnificent ancient abyss.


There was an uproar in the audience! No one expected that Ye Qianli could bring her own special effects from the abyss, and even the bosses from all parties were taken aback. After all, in Abyss City at that time, Ye Qianli's talent for the dark master of the abyss was not so impressive.

"Her talent, the Dark Lord of the Abyss, is actually a bit more tyrannical!" Qilin King was also shocked, because the audience had already been frenzied! Barbaric, domineering! Mysterious abyssal power overlays.

Zong Ye Tianjiao's sword is as powerful as a rainbow, but it can't resist this long abyss! It's just unbelievable.

"Papa..." Xiao Rongyi continued to support her! There was applause for his mother, and the audience burst into thunderous applause.

But at this moment!


The suppressed Ye Tianjiao! His soaring sword power immediately turned into a Kunpeng soaring into the water, which made the audience excited again.

Because of Kunpeng swordsmanship! It has always been hailed as the number one swordsmanship in the heavens, not to mention...

"Shengyuan! Kunpeng."

Ye Tianjiao's wide sleeves were shocked! A sky-rushing divine sword also melted into the Xiangshui Kunpeng, who immediately opened a pair of giant black hole-like pupils.

"First cut!"

Ye Tianjiao's roar! At this moment, the Xiangshui Kunpeng burst out with a roar, and immediately shook the sky and went away, skyrocketing to 90,000 li! The power of the heavens and the earth is unstoppable.


But this is the Kunpeng sword power! It had already slashed towards Ye Qianli, directly hit the dark lord of the abyss, directly hit the ancient abyss, and it exploded with majestic momentum.


But Ye Qianli's abyss dark master talent is at this moment! With a mellow scolding sound, his "principal" also opened a pair of blood pupils, and punched Kunpeng with a punch.


Fierce explosion of Gang Qi! It came out of the ancient abyss vigorously, and people seemed to see it, it was recorded in ancient books! Back then, the dark lord of the abyss fought against the glory of the five clans.

Let you fight with all kinds of strange tricks! He broke the sky with one punch! break all the way...

"So strong!"

Everyone watched this scene with bated breath! I just feel that this battle has almost reached the standard of the middle-level god stage, but this is just the beginning.

"Second cut!"

"The third cut!"


"Ninth cut!"

Ye Tianjiao shouted loudly when the dark lord of the abyss came out! That Kunpeng had already soared into the blue sky, covering most of the sky, and stunned those outside who didn't buy tickets.

At the same time—

"Deep! Abyss! World! World!" Ye Qianli said word by word, and the ancient abyss exploded on the spot! The world turned into darkness.

The Dark Lord of the Abyss stands in the darkness! Floating in the air and hitting the tyrant Kunpeng directly, everyone in the audience stopped breathing, everyone knew it! This is peak to peak.


Ye Tianjiao roared suddenly.


The unrivaled Kunpeng let out a sharp neigh, piercing through the eardrums of the audience, causing many people's ears to bleed, and that Kunpeng even suppressed the Dark Lord of the Abyss with all his might.


But is the dark lord of the abyss an ordinary person? His explosive roar! Just following his fist, Zhenli counterattacked Kunpeng and crushed it back! It is even more likely that one of the punches will explode back to Beiming.


brutal! The violent power of the abyss is unleashed! Shocked everyone, but at this most exciting moment——

"Qianli be careful!" Dao Sheng suddenly shouted in shock!

At the same moment——


Ye Tianjiao, who had already stood in front of Ye Qianli at some point, showed Shengyuan again! Stabbed fiercely at her chest, at the same moment!

"Shua!" The kunpeng on the sky suddenly dispersed, and all the kunpeng swords pierced into Ye Qianli's chest following Ye Tianjiao's thoughts.



ps: what? I went out for a trip, and our tickets fell to the pre-liberation? Babies, give me a little bit of effort, let me vote first, and send out a red envelope of 10,000 Xiaoxiang coins, okay~

Another: After a bumpy day, I finally got home and went to wash and tidy up...

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