Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 919 Eat Children! Seriously sick 1 more

"Slap!" Rong Mo slapped the little guy's butt, and the little Rong Yi, who was actually a little dazed after the slap, deflated his mouth, looking like he was about to cry because of grievance.

"Let mother take a look!" Ye Qianli hurriedly hugged the little guy, and quickly checked him, her face turned pale, obviously frightened.

"How is it?" Ye Wuji and the others were even more anxious, fearing that something might happen to the little guy! After all, this fact is too weird, why did the pill go into the little guy's mouth by itself?

"Living Buddha, how do you explain this?" The Daoist also questioned the Living Buddha, only thinking that this is absolutely fraudulent! The elixir that was originally given to Rong Mo to eat, why did it get into the baby's stomach?

But the Living Buddha explained, "As the old monk said before, little benefactor Rong has a predestined relationship with my Buddha, and Buddha Dan in the ancient Buddhist kingdom has existed for many years and has his own spirituality. It just wants to get close to little benefactor Rong.

You don't have to worry, this buddha has no poison, and it only has a banning effect on the combat power of saints and above, and the banning effect can only last for one month. "

"Can it still be like this?!" Hong Xiaodao murmured, he didn't believe that Fo Dan could be eaten casually, but he had overheard it recently! This Buddhist sect is not only an evil sect, but the old Living Buddha is said to eat children!

"Ah?" As for Xiao Rongyi, who seemed to have just "reminisced", he covered his mouth and looked at his mother in horror. Seeing Ye Qianli hugging him tightly, his face was very pale. ugly.

"Li'er, how is it?" Ye Wuji asked anxiously.

But Ye Qianli shook her head and said, "It's fine now."

Ziyuan Tianzun also took a look, but he also didn't see anything wrong with the little guy, and took the opportunity to touch the little guy's bald head, which made the little guy hug his own little bald head immediately.

"The child should be fine, don't worry too much." Tianzun Ziyuan could only comfort him, and now he could only believe the Living Buddha's words, but he found that the little guy's body was very powerful.

But the old living Buddha at this meeting said, "Since Tianzun Ziyuan is sure that there is no problem, then please ask Mr. Rong to swallow Buddha Dan again, so that I can work together with President De to open the Gate of Ten Thousand Buddhas."

"There is a conspiracy! Brother, don't eat it. Anyway, they say that the father should pay the debt, and your son has already swallowed Fodan for you. There is no need for you to swallow it." Hong Xiaodao immediately protested.

"It makes sense!" Dao Yuan immediately agreed.

"Not bad!" Liao Zongming and others also agreed.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate, and it's not fair to other sects." The old Living Buddha said, and he also said bluntly, "If Lord Rong doesn't swallow the Buddha Dan, I will never open the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate."


People from all sides looked at Rong Mo eagerly. After all, the opening of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate really depends on the old Living Buddha. If he refuses to open it, De Yunzhong can't help it.

But Rong Mo was straightforward, he had already stretched out his hand, obviously indicating that the old Living Buddha would give Fo Dan quickly, and after taking over again, he directly swallowed Fo Dan.

This caused Qilin King and other forces to immediately urge, "Living Buddha, President De, you two can start." They were afraid that there would be something extraneous.

"President De, please." The old living Buddha didn't hesitate at this meeting, he invited De Yunzhong to the martial arts field together, and at the same time opened the taboo that had been set in the martial arts field long ago.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate is right above the Heavenly Brahma City! Everyone knows this. The Tokugawa Society was the first to discover the clues back then, but over the years, it has only been opened three times.

Because the price of opening the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate is very high, the Tokugawa Society will lose a lot of wealth, and the Buddhist sect will sacrifice a lot of relics, of course! The number of people who can enter the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect and the Tokugawa Society is twice as many as the rest of the forces.

These two major forces can send twelve people respectively, but this is also their due share. The various forces have nothing to say, after all, they have contributed money and efforts.


When the Buddha Sect and the Tokugawa Society were busy, Daosheng reminded him from the side, "Young Master Rong, it will take about an hour for the opening of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate, so you can feel it yourself and show your son a good look." .”

Xiao Rongyi swallowed Fo Dan, this was something Dao Sheng never expected beforehand, he was really afraid that something might go wrong! But now the old living Buddha has been abolished by 30% of his cultivation, and the Buddhist sect has also lost 108 eminent monks, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Okay, Sect Master Dao, don't worry." Rong Mo agreed with Dao Sheng's kindness.

Ye Qianli is arranging candidates to enter the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate. After all, the Ye family is over, and their places will naturally be counted to her. She will let Ming An, Moon God, Kunlun God, Hua Qianfang, Liao Zongming and Gong Liuyun went in together.

However, she also seriously declared, "While Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect has a chance, it is definitely in danger. You all have to be aware of it. If you don't want to go in, it's still too late."

Ye Qianli knew that Ming An, Luna God, and Kunlun God were still able to protect themselves to a certain extent, but Hua Qianfang and the three young men were obviously not strong enough.

But Ye Qianli still chose them, and looking at other forces, she also chose two or three talented juniors to enter the arena. After all, Wanfomen has a chance to become a god.

You know, Shengfa who once entered the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate! When he entered Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate, he was just a talented person, when he came out! However, he is already a strong man of the seventh-level divine platform, and the Holy Family has been able to prosper and revive through this.

Since then, Shengfa has become famous in one fell swoop! Later, he realized the complete set of Kunpeng swordsmanship lost by the Holy Family, and people believed that all of this was a chance obtained from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect.

In fact! Wanfomen has indeed achieved the Holy Fa, so he let Ye Tianjiao lose a place in the Holy Family, but at the same time he also confessed, "Tianjiao, stop thinking about competing with that Ye Qianli, you have to be yourself! Do you know?"

"Grandpa..." Ye Tianjiao, who was seriously injured, actually wanted to refuse. He didn't want to be on the same stage with Ye Qianli again. He really didn't want to! He just wants to leave.

But Shengfa refused, and he said in a deep voice, "Tianjiao! Go in." He knew that Ye Tianjiao had been hit hard today, but it was precisely because of this that he wanted Ye Tianjiao to enter the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate, otherwise the child would really ruined.

Of course, if Ten Thousand Buddhas can't get the child back, then he can only give up. This is his last chance for Ye Tianjiao, but his last wish for Ye Tianjiao.

Kunpeng swordsmanship! Not everyone can comprehend, Shengyuan! It is also the first time to merge with a human being, Shengfa believes that this is not a coincidence! He believes that Ye Tianjiao has the potential to become a generation of Sword Saint Tianzun.

"Grandpa." Ye Tianjiao could see what his grandfather had expected of him, but could he really be okay? He didn't think so, but he agreed anyway.

But when the Ten Thousand Buddha Gate was opened and Ye Qianli and others wanted to enter together with the crowd, the living Buddha stopped the couple and said, "Mr. Rong Lang, Mrs. Rong, make Xiao Lang not allowed to enter."

As soon as this statement came out...

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