Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 925: Mo Wants To Be... A Conspiracy Empress 2 More

The Kunlun God will definitely not wake up for a while, but the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate will only be open for one month, because the Buddhist relics and the energy resources provided by the Tokugawa Society can only support the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate for one month.

This made Luna bluntly say, "Princess, you go first, and the subordinates can stay here."

"No!" Xiao Rongyi yelled, unexpectedly he did not agree with Moon God's proposal, and also made the group of people look at this little guy in bewilderment.

"Tch!" Xiao Rongyi pointed to the outside of the Buddhist cave and said, meaning to walk together, and waved at the Kunlun God who was sitting cross-legged, meaning to ignore him.

Ming An explained from the side, "The meaning of the little master is that after the inheritance is opened, the remnant power of King Wutian has spontaneously activated the barrier of the Buddhist cave, and outsiders can't get in. Let us go together, don't worry."

"Wow." Xiao Rongyi nodded immediately, indicating that he meant it.

"And you know!" Ye Qianli patted his little head lightly, not wanting him to perform so well, and worried that everyone was innocent but guilty.

This made Rong Mo, who seemed to be aware of her worry, squeeze her hand tightly, signaling her not to worry too much, while Xiao Rongyi pointed out of the Buddhist cave to urge her completely unaware.

"Then let's go together?" Liao Zongming was a little worried. After all, if Kunlun God was attacked by someone, he would be finished.

"Let's go, there's not much time." Ye Qianli saw that Rong Mo didn't have any other proposals, so she listened to Xiao'er Shui's "suggestion" and took everyone away, leaving Kunlun God alone in retreat, as if a bit miserable.

But Moon God also tried after leaving the Buddhist cave, and then she found that she really couldn't get in, and Ye Qianli also said that she couldn't get in either.

Only then did everyone leave with peace of mind. Naturally, people from other forces also tried to break into the Heavenly King Cave, but unfortunately they all failed.


As for Ye Qianli's and his group's journey, Xiao Rongyi was naturally in the lead, and everyone was very convinced.

However, in the following Buddhist caves, Ye Qianli and the others only collected some treasures, but did not encounter any inheritance visions.

During the intermission, little Rongyi had already fallen asleep, Ye Qianli touched the little guy's tender face, then looked at Rong Mo and asked, "Is it because of Shiyuan's divine body?"

"Not all." Rong Mo said, holding his wife and children in his arms, "Buddha Sakyamuni is also a legendary figure of a generation. Although he has passed away and returned to the ruins, there must be remnants left in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate. He sensed Yi'er."

"What do you mean?" Ye Qianli became a little nervous! In view of the fact that the old Living Buddha was too bad, she felt that the Buddha Sakyamuni was not a good thing, and it seemed that it was not a good thing for Xiao Rongyi to be targeted.

Rong Mo said reassuringly, "Don't worry, it seems that he has no malicious intentions at present."

"Currently?" Ye Qianli asked with focus.

"Yeah." Rong Mo touched her waist and explained, "At least what he's giving now is good things. As for the final decision, it's up to us."

"What did you do?" Ye Qianli could hear something tricky, and whispered in Rong Mo's ear.

Rong Mo was touched by her breath in his ear, and the hand around her waist tightened, and the scene of her stripping for him before his eyes, the palm of her hand also subconsciously rubbed That intoxicating waist.

"Your Highness?" Ye Qianli, who couldn't get an answer, called out.

"En." Rong Mo answered absently.

"Well, hum..." He hesitated a few times in protest against the little one that was held in Ye Qianli's arms and squeezed by his father.

Ye Qianli touched his little bald head, and Rong Mo relaxed his wife and children. Suppressing the dryness in his body, he casually picked up dead branches and threw them into the fire in front of him.

"Crackling!" The sound of burning dead branches scattered in the quiet night, and the red knife and the others were still resting with their eyes closed, so Daoyuan took a scroll and walked towards Ye Qianli and the two.

After Daoyuan said hello, he handed the scroll to Ye Qianli. After the latter opened it, he could see that it was a map of Wanfo Gate, and it was more complete than the one sold by Tokugawa Society.

Before Ye Qianli could ask, Dao Yuan explained, "This is a map given by my senior brother. It's hard to say the exact source, but it's absolutely true and credible."

"Sect Master Dao means..." Ye Qianli asked.

"My brother doesn't mean anything, he just let me figure it out. If everything goes well, he suggested that we can go to the main cave, which is here." Dao Yuan pointed to a large cave on the map.

And this Buddhist cave is definitely not one of the maps sold by Tokugawa Corporation! It seems that the scale is not small, and the path to it is also complicated.

Daoyuan said, "You have not been in the heaven for a long time, and there is one thing that you must not know. The goal of the Nine Powers in this trip to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate is actually this big cave, because our Nine Powers have reached a consensus not to spread it. "

"Then you..." Ye Qianli was a little puzzled.

Daoyuan explained, "If you hadn't removed the Abyss Ye family, you would have replaced them as one of the nine powers. I wouldn't have told you about this, and our Daozong didn't intend to get involved."

"Very dangerous?" Ye Qianli asked again.

"Well, it is said that the biggest demon in the chaos period is sealed inside. You should know that the demons such as the sky demon are all demons that appeared one after another after the destruction of the Buddha kingdom."

"That's right." Ye Qianli did know, and the demons would eventually merge with other races, almost no longer pure, and it started after the chaos.

Of course, the big demon finally disappeared, and the demon cultivator was no longer so cruel. He had entered the "righteous way", thanks to the gift of the Human Emperor. It was he who slaughtered almost all the most evil monsters and established the era of great humans.

And what Daoyuan wants to say is, "The demon head sealed here is said to be the ancestor of demons such as heavenly demons. If the Buddha Kingdom hadn't disappeared after the chaos, no one would have been able to find out where the devil was and release him. It will be completely calmed down so quickly."

"did you mean……"

"The Demon Sect should use this to refine the demon head to improve the devil's power; the Buddha Sect should refine the seal to improve the Buddha's power; the other forces want to use this to obtain the treasure inside." Dao Yuan paused when he said this. After a meal.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "All the forces feel that after so many years, the devil must be completely dead, but my brother thinks it's not that simple, so he doesn't want to get involved, but he is very worried."

This made Ye Qianli understand that Dao Sheng wanted her to stop him, but he didn't make a strong request, and Dao Yuan probably wouldn't mention it if he didn't see them playing in the Buddhist Cave smoothly, because He knows that this trip is really dangerous!


"Go." Ye Qianli awakened without thinking too much, not for anything else! Only because of her Empress Mother must have gone, that damned Moses! She finally knew his purpose.

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