Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 937 The cutest and warmest little leopard! 2 more


Rise silently! A layer of strange blue light like a sky screen has blocked the exit of the main cave, leaving no gaps, want to run? There are literally no seams.

So this rolling mana! In the end, they were all gathered back to the inner cave, and gathered around the empress, so that Moses could swallow some of what the empress left.

"Shua Shua" The magic energy pouring into the Goddess's Goddess Table like a tide is constantly tempering the Queen's Goddess's Goddess Table, making her cultivation base also rise with the tide.

It's not over yet!

"call out."

The human emperor's soul also pointed a golden light towards the female emperor, and then he faded away as if he had exhausted everything, but his finger! The great benefits have been pointed out to the empress.

After all, the golden light pointing to the empress is wrapped in a set of mental techniques—the mental techniques of gods and demons!

This is the divine-and-devil double-cultivation method that the Emperor painstakingly researched and crafted himself. It can balance the power of the gods and demons, and can prevent the empress from having too much magic power, which would lead to an imbalance between the gods and the demons.

And this is definitely what the Empress needs most at this moment! Therefore, the inheritance of the human emperor's soul is a timely rain for the empress.

"..." The empress immediately comprehended this set of mental methods with a deep heart, and quickly balanced what was brought by the abundant pure magic energy! A sign of imbalance between gods and demons.

But advance quickly in the Empress! Rong Mo was coaxing his son when he was devouring mana crazily. After all, after the little guy yelled to death, he still refused to stop, he was still yelling.

It's just that the movement of the battle covered up the little guy's cry, and his voice was really hoarse! He really yelled too much, and he looked like he was about to die.

"Rong Yi! Be obedient, stop barking." Rong Mo stroked his son's bald head, with warm four-color light shining from his palm, helping the little guy to calm down.

And Ye Qianli, who had already finished slaughtering the devil, also came to coax her son, so she hugged the little guy's twitching body tightly, and coaxed her distressedly, "Yi'er, be good, mother is fine now. Stop yelling, okay?"

"Ah—" the little guy yelled hoarsely, his eyes were still purple! There was still anger in it, Ye Qianli's heart was clenched together, her lips fell on the big eyes of the little guy, and she kept kissing him softly.

"Ah—" Xiao Rongyi continued to scream! But after he yelled this time, his father crushed a layer of force into his bald head, directly knocking him out.

"..." The little guy was quiet now, but he was sobbing instinctively, and his little face was blushing because he was screaming too hard.

"Yi'er..." Ye Qianli's heart ached to death, this was the third time she had scared her son, and she would not bring her son to such dangerous occasions in the future.

But if you think so, how can you rest assured if you don't take it with you? It can't be done at all, but it's also cruel to bring it by your side, which makes Ye Qianli's heart ache.

"Okay." Rong Mo put his arms around the mother and comforted the two, "His physique is destined to be extraordinary. He has experienced a lot since he was a child. There are only advantages and no disadvantages for him."

"I know." Ye Qianli replied with a choked voice, she naturally understood the reason, but she still felt sorry for her son.

It's just that Ye Qianli and Rong Mo, who are feeling sorry for their son, didn't realize that the blood of the Buddha who fell to the ground and was blown up was slowly gathering! And finally merged into a rune-shaped strange existence.


"Huh?" Rong Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at it, and he saw this strange blood pattern that had already formed, but it could also swallow mana! ?

This streak of blood! It is also devouring mana! ?

"This..." I also found something wrong with the magic box, it was a bit unbelievable! Hurry up and say to Ye Qianli, "Wake up! There are undead magic patterns."

"Undead magic pattern?" Ye Qianli looked at the formed blood pattern while hugging her son, only felt that the pattern of the blood pattern was very strange, and it was quite different from the divine pattern, as if, as if it was a reverse stroke Engraved?

"It's the magic pattern of the Demon Realm, which is similar to the divine pattern, but it is the characters of the ancient demon race! It has a terrifying demon nature, and they can even cultivate themselves into independent evil existences." The magic box explained.

Hearing Ye Qianli's face change suddenly, because she suddenly had a bold guess! For example, this magic pattern is actually the body of the Buddha?

This kind of thought made Ye Qianli's expression suddenly serious, because she knew it! If her conjecture is true, then the Living Buddha is probably manipulating the disciples of the Buddha! The mastermind behind the operation of this magic pattern.

The key is--

"How to destroy it?"

When Ye Qianli asked the magic box solemnly, the magic box replied calmly, "It cannot be destroyed, unless the person who wrote the magic pattern dies, otherwise the magic pattern will never be destroyed, full of magic. "

That is to say! If the magic pattern was carved by the Living Buddha, then the Living Buddha who is not in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate at this moment is the object that neither Ye Qianli nor Rong Mo can do anything about.

Unless they go out and kill the Living Buddha! But the entrance of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate was closed again shortly after it was opened, and it will only be opened again on the agreed opening day.

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli subconsciously looked at Rong Mo. She wanted to tell him what the bloodstains were and how magical they were.

But when she called out "Your Highness", she saw that Rong Mo had already made a move! A ray of dark blue light that he picked out from between his brows hit the bloody magic pattern with a "swoosh".


But the magic pattern let out a strange scream! And quickly ran towards the empress, as if about to rush into the empress' body, which also shocked Ye Qianli a lot.

However, although Ye Qianli was shocked, she did not delay her attack because of this! The Taiyi True Water scattered towards the magic pattern by her has quickly covered the magic pattern under the charge of the chaos source thunder.



Ye Qianli, who was exhausted from the beginning, spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time as she delivered this blow. If Rong Mo hadn't hugged her, she might have collapsed to the ground.


But the power of Taiyi True Water has already played a role, and it quickly blocked the magic pattern! Not letting it get close to the empress allowed Rong Mo, whose face was obviously pale, to attack again.

"Heaven! Banned."

Rong Mo breathed out the room calmly, and there were some very subtle forces in all directions, as if they were summoned by him and converged towards the magic pattern, which was derived from the dark blue glow he emitted before, forming a small mysterious formation.

And as soon as this small blue formation appeared! Indeed, after the magic pattern, the living Buddha who manipulated the magic pattern opened a pair of all black eyes! No pupils, no whites, just evil blackness...

at the same time!


The completely blocked magic pattern, it can't devour the magic energy, it is firmly fixed in place! He couldn't move at all, and could only keep screaming "chichi".

Hearing this, Ye Qianli frowned, thinking that this ghost thing is really evil! But this time the magic box is also screaming, because it sees what Rong Mo is going to do!



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