Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 954: Emperor Shennong! Prince issued an order 1 more

Otherwise, how could he be willing to die? This kind of self-sacrificing quality will be carried forward in him, Moses, and he may become the most ridiculous death of the Demon Sect Sect Master.

"..." When Moses' pupils were dilated, he only had the thought of being laughed at, and he vaguely heard the voice of the empress scolding him again?

It doesn't matter, this crazy woman has never given him any good looks, she either abuses him, beats him, or hates him, is he used to it? There was no resistance, which was simply unbelievable.

And if it wasn't for her being a fool, he wouldn't have fallen to the point where he died here. If he could not lose his soul, after being reincarnated, he would be determined! You must never meet this crazy woman again.

Meeting her was the beginning of his illness...

But why does he feel uncomfortable when he thinks that he will never meet this crazy woman who tortured him again? Could it be that he has a tendency to be masochistic and wants to be imprisoned by her! Can't it be banned?


The magic breath that fell into deep thought never found out! When he was on the verge of death, there was a mighty pale yellow aura that had poured into his body from the top of the main cave.

"Shua!" His vitality, which was about to be slackened, was immediately stimulated by the infused power! As if being beaten with chicken blood, from sluggishness to extinction, it exploded into excitement.

That's not even counting...

"I, Shen Nong, taste all kinds of herbs, draw fire from heaven, grow five grains, and spread to the world. I only wish that in my great world, all living beings will prosper, and all ethnic groups will continue to thrive, no longer chaotic, and they can live in peace."

There is a voice of true kindness and compassion, which is still coming out of the world at this moment! Shrouding the hearts of everyone in the cave, like a spring breeze full of vitality, it healed many people's internal injuries that had been shaken out before.

"Earth Emperor! Shennong."

"Shen Nong's..."

This let everyone in the cave know that the inheritance from the Emperor Shennong has ended, and Hua Qianfang who has obtained the inheritance! With the last power of the God's Tomb, he invited the Emperor Shennong to heal everyone present, including Moses and the Empress.


Whether it is the empress or Moses, their bodies are seriously injured! All were restored in an instant, this is the power of the Emperor Shennong.

Since Pan Gu created the world, there have been three emperors and five emperors in this world! None of them are ordinary people, but try a hundred herbs! The Emperor Shennong, who cultivated alchemy and cultivated the land, focused on the reproduction of various ethnic groups, has boundless love! His selfless dedication made him the Emperor of the Earth.

His combat achievements are not as good as the Human Sovereign, but his dedication to the creatures of all races is far above the Human Sovereign! If the human emperor is the belief of the human race, then the earth emperor is the god of all races.

Shennong with the head of a cow! Under the gaze of everyone in the cave, he loomed on the top of the cave, healed everyone who was injured here, and also helped Rong Mo recover his body that was exhausted due to the formation.

It's not over yet!


With the power of Shennong lingering in Rong Mo's body, he also tried to help Rong Mo heal those viscera that had been broken into a bloody mess, and help him completely restore the four-image divine body.


"Ah..." Shennong didn't get what he wanted in the end, because his residual power in the inheritance, after healed everyone in the arena, was actually very little left.

As for Rong Mo's injury, if he had treated it exclusively from the beginning, there would still be hope for it to heal, but now he can only sigh in vain.

"May I live forever in the world..." Before Shennong left completely, he only gave Hua Qianfang this last remembrance, which was what he wished for! Those who inherit from him can inherit it together! His will.

Unlike Renhuang, Shennong never forcibly broke the way of heaven! I swear, after all, he tasted a hundred herbs and was poisoned to death, and he didn't have time to do anything before he died.

The last power he retained has been turned into remnants with the tomb of the gods, helping Hua Qianfang understand his inheritance, and helping Hua Qianfang save the people in the cave.

When the Shennong clan completely dispersed, there was still the endless remnants of life, permeating the main cave, but Moses, who had come back to his senses, knew that the Shennong clan "appeared" and he did not die! ?


And there was a stronger bombardment, which woke Moses up at this moment! Tell him to defend with all his energy, lest the Demon Realm is really shattered, and then he is really going to die.

But Moses was too worried this time! Because at this moment, not only Hua Qianfang was out, but Dao Yuan, Gong Liuyun, and Liao Zongming were also out.

"Eastern Emperor rises, the stars gather, the four seas are flat, and bless our people." The Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who exists like a god, immediately shattered countless fragments of Buddha statues blasting towards the demon world into powder, Let the devil world be free from destruction.

"The Seal of the Qing Emperor extends to the east, rejuvenates the grass and trees, and strengthens the common people." The remnant breath of the Qing Emperor invited by Daoyuan also settled on the rickety floor of the main cave, stabilizing the entire demon world from its foundation.

"When the chaos first opened, the divine fire began to be laid, and it was derived from the chaos. In the first nine days, all powers were refined and turned into nothingness..." The nine-day mysterious fire emitted by the nine-day mysterious girl in the most condensed form has been scattered in the main cave In addition, all the Buddha energy that came from the explosion was refined.


What space is unstable? There is Dijiang.

What is powerless? There is Shennong.

What clutter is too much? There is Donghuang.

What is the unstable boundary? There is Emperor Qing.

What turbulent current disability? On Xuanhuo.


A large number of powerful people who were terrified not long ago suddenly discovered that they were well protected and nothing happened.

No matter how "stormy" the outside world is, they have been sheltered by this demon world, free from wind and rain! Free from destruction, it feels like a fucking thief!

"What about me? What am I going to do?" Hong Xiaodao was confused, because he found that he was useless? This is unreasonable, the Chihuang inheritance he accepted is also very good! Can't use it? !


"Well, it seems that you don't need to do something." Everyone in the cave said, as if there is really no need for this little brother to do anything, let him rest.

Hong Xiaodao: "..." He felt unconvinced.

"Get ready and take us out later." Ye Qianli arranged tasks for Hong Xiaodao, lest he feel too useless and be hit by his self-confidence.

Hong Xiaodao still didn't raise his spirits, he thought that he should be taken with him when he went out? Everyone will run fast, okay? This task is not challenging at all, but isn't the most useless inheritance belonged to Liao Zongming?

"Go out quickly! Very fast!" Ye Qianli emphasized, this is what the magic box told her, because when Rong Mo activates the formation, the consumption will be very high! The faster everyone runs, the less energy he consumes.

"Okay, I have no problem with this." Hong Xiaodao was always ready, and everyone was a little nervous again because of Ye Qianli's words, for fear of running too slowly! won't be able to get out.

And at this meeting, Rong Mo also said in advance, "Small knife, speeding soldiers, go out according to the direction I set, and don't deviate by half, otherwise it will be a disaster."

"Received!" Hong Xiaodao replied, the huge double axes summoned from his inheritance! Immediately appearing on the top of the main cave, Rong Mo asked everyone to go up, because...

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