Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 968: The little bald-headed play punishes the villain! [60,000 red envelopes]

Leaving behind the masked black shadow that was besieged, the underworld and ghosts who fought hard there, the shadow in their hearts is probably quite big! You know, he was the one who came first, and the layout was really good.

Who would have thought that it would be just a matter of falling short, and would end up being besieged! ? Um……

"Then who is really miserable." The magic box felt unlucky for the other party, if they hadn't met this robber family, even if they couldn't steal the Jiezhu, they would have escaped unscathed. Now it's all right, it's probably about to be caught.

While the magic box was conscientiously remembering the black shadow, Rong Mo had already flashed out of the teleportation array with his wife and children, and swaggered out of the forbidden area.

After all, he had already swallowed the Jiezhu, and there was no pressure for Taiyi Zhenshui to cover them, so no one would be able to detect this thief's family at all, okay?

But wait for Rong Mo to hold his wife and children all the way unimpeded! When he walked to the gate of the underworld, he saw Ming An who was captured by heavy soldiers and shackled?

"What's going on?" Ye Qianli instinctively asked the magic box.

"How do I know?" The magic box is also very confused! But it turned to find clues and said, "He is different from you. He is in the state of soul body. He should have come to Hell through other channels. He should come to you."

"Could it be that he was the one who lured Hades away just now?" Ye Qianli thought of what the ghost messenger said to Hades in the Forbidden Palace just now.

In this way, Ming An could be considered to have saved them, but he had put himself in, and now he couldn't leave, so he couldn't just ignore it.

But Rong Mo really didn't intend to stop, he kept walking forward, and he was about to pass by Ming An's group.

Ye Qianli thought about it, Rong Mo should have other arrangements, so she didn't say much, but she was somewhat nervous! Because she could perceive that the underworld master who was holding Ming An had a very high level of cultivation, and the eight ghost generals who followed him were also very strong, and a large number of ghost servants followed.

Such a lineup! Once confronted head-on, Ye Qianli felt that their family would be cold...


Just when their family was "rubbing shoulders" with this group of people, Xiao Huahua transformed into a young girl's crisp voice, and once again in Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness, she hurriedly preached, "Boss said it can't do it."

"Let it hold it! Wait a while..." Ye Qianli wanted to say let Taiyi Zhenshui hold it for a while, but she never thought that she hadn't finished speaking, and she was afraid that something would happen.


The invisible power of Taiyi Zhenshui is very cheating! It just happened to fail in front of that underworld boss, directly exposing Rong Mo, Xiao Rongyi, and Ye Qianli to each other.

It also stunned Rong Mo who was strolling in the yard! He didn't receive the reminder, so he naturally didn't expect that his little leopard's talent would be so bad! It's so hard to die, just to expose them in front of other big bosses?

Even if it lasts for three more breaths, it will be fine! At that time, it will be out of the locked range of the leading punishment department, even if it is discovered! He can still run away completely with his wife and children.



Not to mention that Ye Qianli's family was completely dumbfounded, and they were detained in the dark! As well as the boss of the Punishment Division, one of the four great underworld divisions of the underworld, who detained him, and a group of ghost generals, they were all dumbfounded.

After all, in order to avoid being noticed, Rong Mo walked slowly and did not cause any disturbance, so their family "appeared" without warning! And they are all human beings, real people with the breath of life and flesh, not souls! ?



The confrontation between the two sides! Invisibly, time seemed to stand still, people on both sides remained motionless, even Xiao Rongyi looked at each other in shock.


"Take it!" Punishment Division was the first to attack! Towards Rongmo's family, he threw out his magic weapon - the heaven and earth net, and directly locked the square space where Rongmo's family was located.

Immediately, Ming An felt a headache and raised his forehead, thinking that this is all about what! He couldn't find this family, but met in such an inappropriate situation? drunk.

But it's too late! then soon-


At the moment when the Punishment Division attacked, Rong Mo forcibly distorted the space, releasing a destructive blue light all over his body! escaped into the void.

It can be seen that the punishing evil commander immediately speeded up to cast the net! He roared angrily, "Bastard! Don't even try to escape."

"Slightly slightly slightly~" Xiao Rongyi made a strange face at him, because his father had already taken him and his mother, and escaped directly into the void, and was not caught by the net.

"Damn it!" Punishment Division almost vomited blood in front of so many of his subordinates! It's just that he didn't catch anyone, yet he was despised by a child?


The Punisher felt that the anger in his chest had been ignited! Only by catching this family of three can he be calmed down, he is so angry.

Therefore, Rong Mo fled to the gate of the underworld! The Department of Punishment immediately threw the net and attacked again, he had already yelled, "Close the gates of the underworld! There are thieves trying to escape."

Punish the wicked quickly! Rong Mo was faster, he was like a shooting star, piercing through the void and flashing out of the underworld. Before the two ghost generals who guarded the gate of the underworld could react, he flashed out and closed the gate ?

"You bastard! Damn it—" The punishment officer was so angry that he died! But he also knew that it was no wonder that the gatekeeper was a general. The thief was so fast that he couldn't even catch up.

Seeing that he was about to chase him down, he yelled again and again, "The thieves don't stop quickly! Otherwise, even if you escape to the underworld, our company will definitely send you to the eighteenth level of hell, where you will be burned by karma every day." The soul will never be reborn!"

But Rong Mo didn't care, he just ran away with his wife and children, and the speed was 666, which shocked Ye Qianli, she didn't even know it! Her highness can run so fast! ?

"Papapa~" Xiao Rongyi became a little supporter, and immediately applauded his father, which made the punishment officer who was chasing after him feel angry in his heart! A little more vigorous.

Fuck! This family, this is the rhythm to piss him off! ? No, even death! He also wants to catch up with this family, and must bring them to justice.

hateful! Damn ah ah ah ah ah ah

"Okay, Yi'er, stop applauding, the uncle behind will be mad at you." Ye Qianli saw that the punishment officer's anger was swelling, and there were signs of speeding up, so she hurriedly told Xiao'er to stop clapping.


"Slightly slightly slightly!" The little guy is not afraid of big things when watching a play! They also had to make faces at the criminal punishment officer who was chasing after them madly.

"..." Ye Qianli supported her forehead.

"You bastard! You bastard——" The Punishment Division was really furious, and he felt like he was going to explode! As a criminal punishment officer, he was already jealous of evil, and his personality was quite hot, but now Xiao Rongyi kept irritating him! He exploded even more.

"Slightly slightly slightly~" Xiao Rongyi continued to get mad at him! However, the punishment officer who was angry again did not grow angry, but showed a strange smile.

Rong Mo even stopped suddenly in the air, because...

"Fuck! There is Lord Hades ahead!" The magic box was stunned.

ps: 6 more! There is another 2 more in the afternoon to post, there is a plot to be changed, my mind is confused, I will change it tomorrow~【Then! Highlights - National Day seven days, every full 588 monthly tickets + 1 change! Every full 588 monthly pass +1 change! Every full 588 monthly pass +1 change! 】Important things to say three times! Regardless of Xiaoxiang or Shucheng, every 588 monthly tickets can call 1 plus change! [There is no cap on the top! There is no ceiling! How many monthly passes do you have! I will add a few more! 】Double monthly tickets are still going up~


Another: 60,000 coin monthly ticket red envelopes will be issued during the day, please vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket that the system rewards you! Aww~


Number 1 is up! Babies who participated in the Brain Hole activity all the way in September remember to leave a message. After the statistics are completed, 128 coins will be rewarded~

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