Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 972 Are you called Ye Qianli! 1 more

Don't say that Xiao Rongyi is strange! Even Ming An felt strange, he didn't know that the master's face was actually pretty on a man?

Nonsence! This is not the key point, the key point is how can this ghostly newly promoted king look so similar to his master? Except for the difference between men and women, they are simply carved out of the same mold, okay? !


"..." Ye Qianli also stared at this picture with a beating heart and said to her! It's not considered showing the front, it's just "showing" half of the face.

As for the ghost king who sensed her sight, he also turned his head to look at her, and looked at this! When we met for the first time, because the forbidden hall was too dark, he didn't take a closer look, so he missed the little girl.

If his guess is correct, if the bloodline is really amazing! So……

"Is your name Ye Qianli?" Ghost King asked clearly, no one knew how peaceful his heart was under his seemingly calm appearance.


"No." Ye Qianli replied decisively, Xiao Rongyi was a little confused when he heard it, because he knew that his mother was called "Ye Qianli"? Why did the mother herself say no?

The ghost king smiled, but he had raised his eyes to look back at the King of Hades and said, "Since you know it's me, I will challenge you face to face. I will replace you and be the King of Hades, please be judged by heaven."

"Arrogance! Do you think you can get out of this place today?" King Hades seemed to hear a joke, and felt that the ghost king in front of him was as crazy as the rumors said.

But Yan Wang also knows that this ghost king is indeed not simple. This ghost has only been sentenced to the ghost land for more than 20 years, and he has grown from a mere little ghost to a unified ghost land. Thousand years of order.

But he has been the King of Hades for so many years, so it is not for nothing! This is his territory again, is it a place where a mere little king of the other party can run wild?

Even though this little Wang is really talented! That's not OK.

Therefore, the King of Hades has ordered, "Punish the evil judge and open the gate of hell." He wants to see if this little king can even resist the gate of hell in his own dungeon.

"Yes! King of Hades." The Evil Punishment Commander has ordered to accumulate energy, and is ready to open the Punishment Division's biggest hole card - the gate of hell. Inside the Punishment Gate, there are 18 floors of prisons.

Each layer! It can torture any living being to the point of collapse. If you follow the same set of eighteen levels of punishment, you will be a god! That should cool down too.

Therefore, no matter whether it is in the human world or on any interface, the 18th hell is a place that can make all living beings fearful, and no one wants to go there.

But whether to go or not, I entered hell! It's the King of Hades who has the final say, especially those who are detained here in the Department of Punishment, they basically don't want to escape.

Because the evil division is within the adsorption range of the gate of hell! As long as Judge Cui writes your name on the shore register of hell, even if you have thousands of unwillingness, you will be sucked in.

Ye Qianli knew this statement, so when she saw that Judge Cui, who was holding the judge's pen, took out the case book and picked up the pen to write, her eyelids twitched suddenly, and her heart constricted. shrink.

"In the year of 1898, the king of Hades sentenced the king of ghosts to hell and received eighteen punishments." Judge Cui wrote a few strokes, and he also sang and preached.

At the same moment—


The punishment officer in charge of opening the gate of hell was already urging the gate of hell, and Ye Qianli's breathing became a little short of breath, but she looked at the "ghost king"! He doesn't look worried at all?

Ye Qianli: "..." She was a little speechless.

"Ah!" Xiao Rongyi yelled again, and he pointed at the punishment officer, because the latter had accumulated enough strength, but in the end he didn't open the gate of hell?


"!" King Hades frowned, but the punishment officer yelled loudly! He charged again, but no matter how hard he tried, the gate of hell could not be opened.


"Stupid!" Xiao Rongyi uttered a new voice with a mellow accent, which was obviously teasing that the punishment officer was an idiot who couldn't open the gates of hell.

He was so angry that the punishment officer, whose face was as black as pot ashes because he couldn't open the gate of hell, almost took Xiao Rongyi over and beat him up! Simply!

Don't say that Xiao Rongyi made fun of the Punisher, the King of Hades would be angry and said, "Punish the Evil, what are you doing? The gates of hell can't even be opened!? Could it be that I want the king to open it himself."

Department of Punishment: "..." He didn't know why he couldn't open it! But he never admits it, he is stupid, he usually drives like this.

And punish the criminals without saying a word! He also yelled at King Hades so angry, "Stay away, my king is here." He still didn't believe in this evil.

On the other hand, King Shura said with some understanding, "Yan Wang, this may have something to do with the ghost king challenging you. He just invited the judge."

"What do you mean?!" Yama's already dark face was about to be as dark as Hell. Although he had thought about this question, he didn't agree to the ghost king's words! Is it possible that this can also invite the judge? !

But the ghost king Shi Shiran responded, "The meaning is very simple, the heaven of the six realms! The rules of the myriad domains, it agrees to this king's challenge, so unless I lose the battle, your punishment cannot be punished by this king."

"No! Yes! Yes!" The King of Hades naturally didn't believe it. If Tiancai was such a joke, what kind of King of Hades would he be? It's over if you are challenged by evil spirits every day.

There are not many ghosts who come down to hell, are they willing to accept punishment? And his Yan family has monopolized Hell Prison for so many years, but it has never been overthrown.

Now a mere little ghost king can challenge him! ? ridiculous.

But when Hades opened the gate of hell by himself, the gate of hell did not open! It really couldn't be opened no matter what, which hit Yama's self-confidence.

King Pianguisha also raised his voice sarcastically, "King of Hades, accept the reality. Since this king dares to come to your underworld from the place of ghosts and dare to challenge you, he is absolutely sure. Yes! Should not have to be."

Such an insane talk! If the opening of the gate of hell fails, the four great underworlds and King Shura will feel that the ghost king is too frivolous.

But now, they don't think so, they all subconsciously think about it! Could it be that Tiancai thinks that the ghost king can defeat the king of Hades? At least he has a chance to defeat Hades, otherwise how could he "affirm" the ghost king when Hades didn't fight?

But Yan Wang said coldly, "Oh! Ghost King, although I don't know what method you used to prevent the door of hell from being opened, but I don't believe it! You can keep it from being opened, but you are determined Beg to die, this king can fulfill you."

Say that! The King of Hades ordered, "King Shura! Pacify this ignorant ghost for this king, and let him know! What is there is a sky beyond the sky, let alone your son Xiu Zhe, if I didn't guess it, he should have died at the hands of the ghost king."

As soon as this statement comes out! King Shura, who had been gloomy all this time, immediately glared fiercely! He stared at the ghost king and said, "The King of Hades is serious? Did you kill me?!"

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