Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 977 Moses begged the Empress for her heart! Xiaoxiang 1176 Plus

at the same time.

In the moon-watching city of the heavenly realm.

The Empress, who is handling political affairs for her daughter, has just confirmed the strength of the troops with Ye Wuji, because she plans to lead the troops to the Shenwen Teachers' Guild in person.

"Can't you calm down?" Moses wanted to say, why is this empress different from other women? At this time, shouldn't she wait anxiously and be anxious every day?

Why is it that as soon as Ming An's group of people left, she began to calmly deploy and train troops, deploying this deployment and that non-stop?

"No." The empress only answered two words at this meeting, and her mind was still devoted to the defense map of the god tattoo master in front of her. This was the information provided by Feng Yuan Tianzun.

These bastards from the Shenwen Masters' Union didn't accept her daughter's crystal? Why! She has to take someone to beat up these psychopaths.

But she only looked at it for a while, and Moses covered the defense map with his hands, preventing her from seeing it. This made her raise her eyes in displeasure and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Let you see me!" Moses said bluntly, why he stayed, he didn't believe that this woman would not know, he was for her.

Just last night! He thought for a long time, he thought! It's all because of this woman that he became such a sick person, as for why! He also wanted to understand.

"I'm sick." But the empress didn't want to talk to Moses at all, she was about to wave his hand away, but just as she waved her hand, it was held tightly by Moses, "I'm sick, and it's not serious. "

"Ziyuan Tianzun is still in the backyard." The empress responded, implying that Moses should go to Ziyuan Tianzun when he was sick, and she was not a person who could see a doctor.

But Moses was so easy to dismiss, he just bent over! The one who bullied the Empress said, "I won't look for that old man! I'll just look for you, and you can cure me."

"..." The Empress stopped talking, she was so smart, of course she knew what Moses meant to her, and she was not unmoved.

In Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate, she knew that it was for her that Moses was so stubborn, otherwise, with his temperament, he would never have made it to that point.


Before the empress finished "but" in her heart, Moses was already very active! Holding the empress's hand in front of his chest, he said against his heart, "Qianye, what do you think of me now? Isn't it good and responsible?"

Empress: "..." This old shameless... And! Who allowed him to call his name? he……

"If you don't speak, that's acquiescing." As for Moses, seeing that the Empress hadn't said a word, he quickly continued talking to himself—

"Really! I don't look like a demon from my Heavenly Demon Clan anymore. Originally, our Demon Clan is for cultivation, but we treat everything as a dog. Why do we care about other people's life and death?

It's because of you! I will do those shitty things that almost cost me. I changed for you, so you have to be responsible. You have to let me marry you and be my wife, okay. "

Empress: "..." What nonsense! ?

"If you don't speak, then..." Moses looked at the empress and remained silent! He wanted to continue talking by himself again, but it was a pity that it was useless to speak quickly this time.

"Shut up!" The empress forbade him to say it without authorization, and she pulled her hand back and said, "I made you change?"

"No." Moses answered honestly, and he wanted to say, "But..."

But the empress interrupted him and said, "Then I made you sacrifice?"

"No." Moses felt a little bad, it was a sign of being rejected! ? How can this work, absolutely not, he cannot be rejected, so...

Don't wait for the empress to say something! Moses clutched his chest with an "ouch" and said, "Old wounds reappear! I'll go to recuperate first, so think about what I said!

I think it's quite appropriate. If you don't want to think about your own happy life, you should also think about your daughter, right? How good is my stepfather, who has money and advantages, and is not weak, think again! "

As soon as these words were finished, Moses turned and ran away! How embarrassing he would be if he resolutely refused to say anything to the Empress! He is the suzerain of the Demon Sect, a new generation of Eight-Feathered Heavenly Demon, and he can't even ask for a wife for no reason.


That's right!

That's it!

Although they used to have a lot of grievances, it was all a bastard thing when they were Ximo, and he could use Ximo's life to repay it.

in spite of!

Even if he hasn't paid it off, he still owes her, so let her bully him in the future, anyway, he's going to get this daughter-in-law! Must marry back.

Think about it! Moses left in high spirits, as if his daughter-in-law had already been married, and hummed a ditty foolishly. He also looked at the other two Heavenly Venerables of their Demon Sect with black lines on their faces, and felt speechless.

As for the empress, she seemed to be running away! When Moses flew away, she subconsciously smiled, but felt a little heavy in her heart.

She knew that she had a crush on Moses, and if Xiaoqianli's father hadn't been in front of her, she might have accepted Moses' proposal, and it would be easier for her to be with him, and he also leniently accommodated her.

As for the past, she has avenged all those blood feuds. If she really wants to marry him, she doesn't have any psychological burden, but...she doesn't want to marry.

Maybe one day, when she really let go completely, she will marry; but not now, so...

The empress still stood up and was going to go to Moses to explain clearly, she knew that this kind of matter could not be delayed, since she knew how she felt in her heart, she couldn't let Moses continue to deceive herself, especially after he had already made his words so clear.



"Madam Qi! The army of the Abyss Ye family came outside the city. The leader of the army is the abolished mistress Dao Yun of the Abyss Ye family. She said that she wants us to release her people from Wangyue City."

There is a hasty herald! Immediately, she interrupted the way of the Empress, making her eyes freeze, and she frowned displeasedly and asked, "Dao Yun? That bitch who indulged her daughter and always bullied my daughter?!"

The reporter choked for a moment before reporting, "... Ma'am, that's right."

The empress's person disappeared! Obviously, she has gone to Dao Yun to settle the score. Although she came to heaven late, it does not prevent her from knowing what her daughter has experienced.

She knew how Abyss Ye's people bullied her daughter! She will remember how that Dao Yun raped her daughter and her father-in-law! this! indivual! female! people! up!

And when the empress broke out of the city! In hell—

Seeing that Ye Batian's soul has not been reunited for a long time, it seems that he has really disappeared completely! Ye Qianli said, she said to the void suddenly and seriously——

"Ye Batian! Can you hear me? Let me tell you something. My mother has a very good suitor now. He looks no worse than you. He also listens to my mother and treats me very well. Let your mother marry him, you can go at ease, someone will take care of your wife and daughter."

As soon as this statement comes out!


Ye Batian, who has not gathered his soul for a long time! Immediately gather the soul! That's not to mention, he hadn't gathered his soul yet, and he had already said, "Who are you talking about!? Who wants to take care of my wife and daughter?!"

ps: As of press time, the book city is still short of dozens of votes, and it will be 1764! Then you can summon the third plus more! Come on! Aww~ [Xiaoxiang's babies also come on! There are still three hundred tickets left, and Xiaoxiang's babies can also summon the third plus update! Aww~]

Alright~ I'm going to eat first, okay~

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