Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 981 Unparalleled Heavenly Demon Crazy Protects His Wife! Book City 1764

The blood-gold-colored net covered the sky, and under the cover of the sky full of arrows, it locked on the empress with ulterior motives! And this net Moses recognized, it was the Suomo Skynet that had been used to lock and kill the previous suzerain of his Demon Sect.

And that suzerain! He is a Demon Dao Tianzun with extraordinary combat power, and it is because he is too strong that he arouses the fear of various forces! It was plotted secretly, and the Mozong was stepped on to the position of the end of the three sects in these years.

If it weren't for the magic sect protector! The Heavenly Demon Clan is too frightening, the Demon Sect has been cleared long ago, and now! Such a web reappears...

"Shua!" Moses almost didn't even think about it! He had already unleashed all his magic powers, transformed into a demon with eight feathers, and shot straight into the sky! She sheltered the empress.

In an instant—


At the moment when the Demon Locking Sky Net fell, Moses was there in time to protect him! Above the empress's head, there was no delay, no hesitation.


Suomo Skynet naturally covered him, there was no suspense at all! The array practiced on it aimed at demonic cultivation was even more devastating to Moses immediately.

And all this! It only happens in an instant, and the empress wants to fight! What she saw was that Moses blocked the scene of locking the Demon Skynet for her.

The key is--


As soon as the net catches Moses, it will be fast! It was being recovered, and it was about to disappear from the Empress' sight, because the plan of this net was to capture the Empress alive.

After all, Ye Qianli and Rong Mo are too scary, even though they have disappeared! But it's really hard to say whether it will come out, after all, they are the creators of legends.

But if the empress is caught! Everything is easy to talk about, but now, even though things backfired, he became the new suzerain of the Demon Sect, which is not bad! This guy's combat power is extraordinary, and he's mixed up with Mochiyue City, so it's good to catch him.


People in the dark think beautifully, but the reality is not so perfect! Because their nets could not be retracted, they were blocked by the eight gods and demons of the empress.



"Is this woman dying? The altar is the foundation of monks' survival. How can anyone use the altar like a weapon like her?"


There was an uproar immediately at the scene, and many of the altar-level powerhouses in the Abyss Ye's army only thought that Ye Qianli's mother was a psychopath.

"Destroy her altar!"

"Come on! Take her down!" Abyss Ye's foreign aid Tianzun also shot one after another! Immediately blasted a critical blow towards the altar of the empress.

Seeing that Moses was caught in the net, he wanted to vomit blood, but he knew it very well! At this time, even if the altar might be smashed to pieces, the empress would never withdraw from the altar, and she would not just watch him being taken away.


Moses continued to exert strength at the same time! Stirring up his trapped eight-feathered magic wings again, "Heavenly Demon Transformation! The four seas are split, and the eight wildernesses are shattered!"

"Boom!" There was a billowing magic breath! Immediately, it exploded out of Moses' body. Not to mention the pureness, the sky and the earth changed color because of it, and the mountains trembled! The city swayed.

for a while...

"Shua, Shua..." Countless strong men came out of the forest immediately! The one who came out of the hiding place shouted loudly, "Let's attack together! Hurry——"

These powerhouses are all shocked! Even though they knew very well that Moses was already a pure-blooded demon before they made their move, they thought it was a good time to strike since he hadn't recovered after the Wanfomen incident.



"Hurry up—"

Seeing that the mountains and rivers have changed color! The space was trembling, and the strong men knew very clearly that they were all wrong. Moses has fully recovered, okay?

For now! You can only smash the altar of Ye Qianli's mother immediately, and quickly close the Suomo Skynet, otherwise everyone will die! Omen! The big devil who almost wanted to unite all the tribes and complete the plan of the demon domain to annex the world.

Such a monster...

Back then, he was able to fight the Emperor for thousands of years! If it weren't for the emperor's infatuation, he would cultivate both gods and demons! Even if they can't take down the Heavenly Demon, how can they not be afraid?


"Quick kill—"

Countless super bombing kills! At the moment when these strong men panicked, in no particular order! Haohao exploded towards the altar of the empress.

But even so! This deity is the empress standing on Wangyue City, and she has no color change, nor does she have any intention of shrinking back, her altar! Just like a real mountain, surrounded by the Suomo Skynet, it remains motionless.



Gods! The critical attack from all the powerhouses of the altars has exploded! It hit the altar of the Empress, blasting the entire space, making all kinds of cracking sounds.


The empress herself was also under this wave of crit! Inevitably, she was seriously injured and vomited blood, but she was still standing in front of Wangyue City, and her eight altars, which were crushed on the Suomo Skynet, remained motionless.

"This silly woman..." Moses' eyes were red! The terrifying magic energy in the body is condensing crazily and surging! Then……


The strongest magic explosion in the world! It exploded.


The strongest net in the world! Broken into slag.


The siege of countless powerful men! The world-shattering magic energy that was destroyed on the spot swept in all directions, some exploded and died on the spot, and some were directly abolished meridians and dantians! The lightest one is serious injury and vomiting of blood.


The majestic demon madness! Annihilated half of the sky outside Mochiyue City, not only swept away the besieging powerhouses, but also swept the army of millions into the abyss.


"Quickly retreat—"

The strong men of the abyss army were so frightened that they hurriedly ordered their troops to withdraw! Because this wave of magic explosion is too terrifying, once it is affected, everything will be wiped out.


They only want to withdraw now, it's too late.


The rolling magic explosion has swept out the world! It dyed the sky black, and let the hollow scorching sun change from scorching white! Evolved into a penetrating black.

Unparalleled Demon! So domineering.


The six seriously injured Abyss Ye's Tianzun were all stunned! Now they have witnessed the tyrannical words of the heavenly demon written in the history books.


He is really strong.

No wonder even the Heavenly Demons have not awakened the pure-blooded Heavenly Demons in the past few years! But no big force has dared to put forward the idea of ​​completely eradicating the Heavenly Demon Race.

The Emperor of the Year! It is impossible to slaughter the Heavenly Demon Clan, and today's people naturally cannot, especially when the Heavenly Demon Clan has reappeared a new generation of Heavenly Demons.


Moses of the eight-feathered celestial demon! He is the most powerful fighter in the world, and he is alone! Sweeping away the six heavenly deities, tens of thousands of powerhouses in the altar realm, and hundreds of thousands of abyssal troops.

Everywhere! A scene of howling ghosts and howling wolves...


The empress vomited a mouthful of blood at this time, but the altar she crushed out was already dissipating and returned to her body, but although she retracted the altar very quickly.

But Moses had seen it! There are many cracks in her altar, this silly woman...


But when Moses also fell back to the side of the empress——

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