Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 988 Loyalty is discovered! Li Dae is too dark 2 more

The crouching demon seal in the empress' body suddenly became agitated! She was about to rush out of the Empress's body, but she suppressed it forcefully, and not only did she suppress it, she even touched the fat golden dragon and said, "Fatty, let's go out."

"Ah?" Fat Jinlong blinked, scratched a piece of crystal ore and stuffed it into his mouth, and continued scratching if he didn't want to leave, as if he just came in to find something to eat.

"You can't eat too much mine here, just eat a few pieces, or you will have a stomachache." After cooperating with the persuasion, the empress took the fat golden dragon away, and Moses followed without saying anything.

This made De Yunzhong, who was already preparing to attack, gradually dissipate the killing intent in his eyes, but the speed at which he absorbed the extreme crystal energy was accelerating!

Although the empress hadn't found him just now, De Yunzhong, who had always been cautious and cunning, was worried about changes, so he naturally wanted to speed up the absorption.

But the empress who has withdrawn from the mine at this moment can be sure! There are monsters at the bottom of the mine, and they are related to the demon ancestors, otherwise the crouching demon seal would not be so excited.

"Ma'am, is there a problem?" Slaughtering Sirius immediately asked from the side when he saw that the Empress' expression was not right, and at the same time sealed off the surrounding area to prevent the walls from having ears.

The Empress said what was in her heart, and the eyes of the Sky Slaughter Wolf darkened when she heard it, and then she thought of its perception before, and explained the situation.

"That is to say, it just came in, but it didn't startle or disturb Ming An and them." The empress made a conclusion, and she already knew in her heart that the other party was probably coming for the energy of the extreme crystal mine.

"That's right." Sirius Slaughter also said with certainty, and at this moment, Ming An just woke up, and saw that Sirius Slaughter, the Empress, and Moses' expressions were not quite right.

After asking about the situation, Ming An suggested that everyone exit the mining area in a silent, orderly and unintentional manner, and at the same time arrange for absenteeism in the mining area to exit the mining area one after another.

The empress who heard that she had already left the mining area asked, "Do you want to explode the mine?"

"That's right." Ming An said without concealing it, "If there really is a big demon inside, who can avoid the perception of Sirius Slaying Wolf and lurk in the center of the main mine, then it must not be an ordinary big monster. Can't work."

"Then Li'er, how did they come back?" The empress asked, after all, Feng Yuan Tianzun only told her that the children are fine, but they will have to wait a little longer before they can get out of Hell.

Therefore, in the view of the Empress, if the tunnel at the bottom of the mine is blown up, her daughter and little grandson will not be able to come back. This is the reason why she quit the mine and did not continue to search for demons.

She was afraid that the big commotion would destroy the "Yin-Yang" channel at the bottom of the mine, and her daughter and grandson would not be able to come back, but Ming An said clearly, "It won't be affected, don't worry."

"What do you mean?" The empress didn't quite understand, and she was usually very serious when it came to matters related to her daughter, and she didn't make it clear that she would never agree to mine explosion.

"They have a very close relationship with Hades, so whether or not there is this passage has no effect on their entry and exit from Hell." That's all Ming An can say.

Because he was entrusted by Ye Batian, he must not reveal the identity of the latter to the empress, otherwise he will be killed! He didn't dare to fight against the Prison King.

"The relationship is very close?" The empress was a little surprised.

"That's right! I can't say exactly how, but you just have to rest assured that your subordinates will not murder the master." Ming An promised.

The empress nodded without further questioning and said, "Okay, then you can make arrangements."

Ming An hurriedly withdrew, but went to find Ye Wuji, and even whispered to the latter, which made the old man startled for a while! Didn't even understand what he heard.

"Old man, can you hear clearly?" Ming An was afraid that Ye Wuji would not be able to accept it, so he had already said it more tactfully, but he still seemed to be frightened by the old man.

"Listen clearly." Ye Wuji replied clearly.



"The subordinate is busy, you digest it."


After Ye Wuji answered clearly, he squatted on the ground and drew circles, obviously shocked by the dark news, "mentally disturbed"...

The youngest son "did not die"! ?

He even became Lord Hades! ?

And asked him to help look after his daughter-in-law! ?

He also said he would be back soon! ?

Ye Wuji: ...

Even if he is very powerful! With a very good heart and brain, he was also stunned by a few dark news, and he was stunned for a long time, but he couldn't come back to his senses.

This made the empress, who had noticed it, come over and asked, "Elder-in-law?"

But the empress called out several times, but Ye Wuji didn't respond, she looked lost. The key is... the empress saw that when he was drawing circles, he kept writing a name, "Batian".

As for this name, it made the empress' pupils shrink slightly, and she stretched out her hand to hold Ye Wuji's wrist, preventing him from continuing to write, and said, "Elder-in-law, are you alright?"

"Ah?" Ye Wuji was interrupted to draw a circle, and then he came back to his senses in a daze, but felt that there were still many mosquitoes "buzzing" in his mind.

Where is he?

who is he?

Who is talking to him?

This is Ye Wuji's state at the moment.

Seeing that the empress was quite worried, he gave him a soul-suppressing pill, and after being stupid for a long time, he basically regained his senses and looked at the empress.

Seeing that he was still in a trance, the empress ordered someone to invite Tianzun Ziyuan to come, fearing that he was corrupted by the devilish energy, otherwise how could he have been in a daze?

"No, no..." Ye Wuji stopped his voice and said again, and beat his head again, trying to get rid of the "buzzing" in his head.

"Eunuch, do you feel a headache?" the Empress asked.

"No, it's just a little buzzing." After Ye Wuji said, he looked at the empress seriously, and then looked at Moses behind him, and he felt his brain was even more "buzzing".

How can this be done! ?

The youngest son is really coming back! ?

That Moses has paid so much and treated the Empress pretty well, so it seems unkind to kick her like this?

And when Ye Wuji was in trouble, Ming An had already arranged a detonation array, and then asked all the absentees to leave the mining area to avoid being hurt.


Mo Lin from the Tokugawa Society quietly came to Wangyue City, she was seeking to see Wu Men, she wanted to see the Empress or Ye Wuji, but the people in the City Lord's Mansion said that no one was there.

"Then who is in charge of your Mochiyue City now? I am the master craftsman of the Tokugawa Society, and I have something important to report!" Mo Bian was in a hurry, she had already received news that their president had a big conspiracy! She was eager to tell the people on Ye Qianli's side.

Fortunately, as soon as Mo Ju finished his urgent words, Moon God, who had just returned to the city lord's mansion and was about to go to secluded cultivation, overheard him, and he came forward and asked, "Master Mo?"

"Moon God!" When Mo Ju saw the acquaintance, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How is your mining area? Who is in charge, take me to see you."

Hearing that Luna was on WeChat, he said, "There is a problem in the mining area, and it may be detonated."

"What!?" Mo Silk's expression changed on the spot, "No! Absolutely not!"

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