Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 992: Father Li is the sky! You He Loves Daughter 1 More

Hearing that, Ye Qianli was startled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The seal of the ghost domain has been torn open, and there may be some evil spirits that have escaped." During Ye Batian's statement, he quickly blessed and arranged a defensive formation in front of Rong Mo.

Even though he had set up a triple defense before, he felt it wasn't enough! Because the rift in Huangquan was too weird, as the prison king, he couldn't find anything?

It feels so much like it! Someone took advantage of his inattention and secretly "opened" the seal of Huangquan. This was not a good sign, even though he had gathered the power in time to seal the gap.

But Ye Batian had an intuition! There must be a vicious evil spirit that has escaped from the ghost domain, even if he didn't feel it personally, but he has this intuition.

And he trusts his instincts to be right! Facts soon proved that Ye Batian was right.

"Ah!" Just as Ye Batian was setting up the defensive formation, Xiao Rongyi had already screamed! Pointing to the gap, followed by——


There are a few huge green eyes, which have already appeared outside the gap, and what follows! It's the ultimate fierce aura, which makes Ye Qianli feel like it! It was as if he saw countless ferocious monsters attacking her.

She was so shocked that she immediately covered Xiao Rongyi's eyes, and protected his consciousness to prevent him from being affected by these vicious auras, and the magic box, it had already said solemnly, "It's the devil."

Disha, an aboriginal creature born in Hell, absorbs the unique evil spirit of Hell, and forms the ominous breath of resentful ghosts. It is the most ominous spirit in Hell.

When Earth Sha formed, there was no ghost domain in Hell! It was the King of Hades, with the power of the Jiezhu! Cutting out an area from Hell, and forcibly sealing the earth evil, only then did the later ghost domain come into being.

But that King of Hades planned to seal the earth evil! After dying, I never thought that the earth would not be damaged in the seal, but instead opened up the sealed place into a cave, constantly absorbing the breath of the ghosts of the underworld, and gradually became stronger.


There are many vicious ghosts and evil spirits, and they continue to seek refuge in the earth, which makes the ghost domain gradually become, the hell is the most chaotic! The most vicious area, but because of the Jiezhu, Disha has been unable to leave the ghost domain.


It has come.


Ye Batian didn't know what to say anymore, he knew much more about Earth Sha than Ye Qianli and the magic box, so he knew very well how strong this Earth Sha was.

Di Sha has been imprisoned in Huangquan, at least for hundreds of thousands of years! Over the years, it has been getting stronger and stronger. If it hadn't been for the force of hell to keep suppressing it, it would have devoured hell and broke out of hell long ago! It's gone.

If there is anything that scares Ye Batian in the whole Hell, it is definitely this earth demon, it is the real king of Hell, the king born and bred in Hell.

Therefore, Ye Batian urged earnestly, "Li'er, the five defense formations I set up have a certain deterrent effect on Earth Sha due to the aura of Shiyuan power. As long as you don't go out, you will be safe."

"What about you?" Ye Qianli asked.

"Of course we have to go out to fight, drive it back to the ghost domain, and continue to seal it." Ye Batian calmly replied, and was about to walk out of the crack.

"Father!" Ye Qianli called him anxiously.

This made Ye Batian stop, and looked back at Ye Qianli, his daughter. He knew that this battle was dangerous, but he still promised, "Don't worry, dad will be fine."

Ye Qianli just looked at him, vaguely! He seemed to have seen that twenty years ago, when she was still in her infancy, he said the same thing before "leaving".

This scene of "seeing" came in a daze, and Ye Qianli couldn't be sure whether Ye Batian had said such words when he left.

Only the person involved, Ye Batian, knew it himself. He said that when he stood in front of his little daughter, he made a promise to her, but he didn't go back.

At that time, he broke his promise.

This time, he won't break his promise.


Ye Batian looked deeply! In front of her eyes, she looked exactly like his daughter, and then she withdrew from the gap, confronting the evil spirit Earth Sha face to face.

"..." Ye Qianli hugged Xiao Rongyi tightly and looked beyond the gap, at Ye Batian and the one in front of him! That gigantic earth demon.

With the insight of her right eye, she was able to see clearly that this earth demon was at least as big as a mountain in the dark hell environment, and it was covered with green ghost eyes, which were extremely penetrating.

The key is the breath it exudes! It can no longer be measured by the level of human cultivation. It is not enough to see a strong person in the altar state or a saint in heaven.

very strong...

This is the strongest creature Ye Qianli has encountered after the Demon Ancestor, and it is probably no worse than the Demon Ancestor at his peak, which makes Ye Qianli feel like an ant.

Such a humble and insignificant sense of powerlessness is the second time Ye Qianli has felt this way in the years since she came to this world. The first time was when she was in Yefu. The superpowers of the Xuanwu Dynasty crushed and abused them.

But at that time, she could still risk her life, but now! Looking at this Earth Sha, Ye Qianli knew that she didn't even have the cards to fight for her life.

"Liangqin, don't be afraid!" But this time, Xiao Rongyi, he had already broken away from Ye Qianli's "protection", climbed onto her shoulders, hugged her neck and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Daddy, Hit it."

Because he swallowed a ray of Shiyuan's power, Xiao Rongyi's pronunciation was really standard, he told his mother not to be afraid to say that that fake grandpa would beat the big villain.

"Yeah." Ye Qianli kissed the little boy's bald head, still worriedly looking out of the gap, but didn't realize that Xiao Rongyi's fluff was a little thicker again.

after all……


Ye Batian, who has already sacrificed a huge Qinglong Yanyue knife! He had already assembled a super-tyrannical boundary force, and first slashed at Di Sha.

And this knife appeared! Ye Qianli suddenly realized that this was the same as the first time she had used a magic box to conjure it up! Qinglong Yanyue Broadsword is exactly the same.

But it's too late! then soon-


The moment Ye Batian attacked! Di Sha let out a piercing and sharp scream, raging dark green evil spirits all over his body, corroding the space so much that it sizzled, and easily eroded Ye Batian's sword strike.


Ye Batian, who seemed to have expected it a long time ago! At the moment when the earth demon slashed the blade, he slammed the sky with his palm and shouted, "Heavenly judge! Lei Ju."

All of a sudden!


There is Zilei, the heavenly judge who once split into Ye Batian's body! It was summoned by Ye Batian, and hit Di Sha directly from the air! Abrupt and domineering.


Naturally, there is no way to hide from Earth Sha! It was struck by the purple thunder of heaven on the spot, causing its green energy to scatter, and the ghost's breath to riot, but this is not counted!

"Boundary Slash!" Ye Batian was still in nothingness at the moment he pulled out Zi Lei! Transformed into a Xumiao Yanyue Saber that shot out across the sky, and slashed down from it towards Disha! There is a tendency to split it into two.

At that time...

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