Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Taming the Beast

The weather around Endless Forest is always extremely cold at night. It's not the early autumn season, even if it is wrapped in thick cotton, the night wind blows, often people can't help but shiver.

As night fell, when the last gleam of light was swallowed by the night, and the Chinese Lantern of the Spark Fortress first came on, a more lively and prosperous scene was staged.

On the brightly lit streets, large and small wooden houses or tent-built taverns, on cold nights, practitioners who are always wandering in the endless forest, or called adventurers, are more suitable and the best place.

These adventurers went to the Endless Forest in droves to explore the treasure hunt and improve their cultivation. Fortunately, it often takes several months to return here. Therefore, every time they return from a mission, they will spend a long time celebrating.

Next to the brightly lit street, in a brand-new wooden tavern, Zihou and several fiery mercenaries of Divi are celebrating their reunion.

Zihou holds a transparent wine glass in his hand, which is filled with amber liquid, which reflects a beautiful color under the light. This wine, called rum, is the favorite wine of adventurers in the endless forest.

Zihou took a sip of the wine in the glass, looked at the people around who were talking loudly and performing the wine order, and finally turned his eyes back to Diwei, "Uncle Wei, is Brother Qin not in the fortress?"

Di Wei's eyes flashed, and after a long silence, he nodded, "Yes, he went to Yunmiao. But he was afraid of missing your reunion, so he said he would come back as soon as possible before he left. It will be more than half a month. If you come, I hope you can wait for him. But now it has been almost a month, and the head of the team has not returned..." At this point, Dewey sighed, frowning. In time, it is not difficult to see deep worries.

Not only Diwei, but also several other mercenaries from Agni.

Zihou twisted the eyebrows. She guessed that Qin Liehuo's life experience was not simple, and she also thought about Yun Miao's side. However, in any case, since he said he would come back as soon as possible, but was delayed for so long, could it be that something happened?

"Then do you know where Brother Qin went to Yunmiao?"

"Holy City!" Diwei said with a straight look.

Holy city?

Zihou complexion changed.

She knew the holy city that Diwei said.

Yunmiao Holy Land has a vast area, and its forces are divided like stars, and there are countless large and small forces. However, among the many forces, there are only a few top ones.

The Lich tribe in the Great Wild West, the ancient hermit tribe in the misty sea in the east, the Dragon and Phoenix Double Valley in the middle, and of course, there has been a sudden rise in recent years, and the limelight has even faintly surpassed the Devil Cloud City with the Dragon and Phoenix Double Valley at the end of 10,000!

As for this so-called holy city, it is located in the north of Yunmiao Holy Land, adjacent to the endless sea in the north.

The foundation of the holy city is extremely deep, no one knows its bottom! The time of establishment cannot yet be traced, just because it has existed for too long. Therefore, its status is far superior to other forces, and it is the most mysterious existence of Yunmiao Holy Land.

The holy city is almost isolated from the world at ordinary times, except for the holy city convention held every ten years, which will be open to the world.

Every ten years in the Holy City Convention, the Holy City will recruit disciples from the entire Yun Miao. However, all young people with extraordinary talents and extraordinary strength have the opportunity to become a member of the Holy City.

The people in Yunmiao call the disciples of the holy city a holy monk. Being able to become a holy monk is the greatest glory of Yunmiao's cultivators!

However, these are only the most superficial phenomena. However, what she learned from Emperor Mo Yun about the holy city is not so simple!

Zihou has collected thoughts, and already has a plan in my heart. She could tell that Divi was hiding something from her. But since he didn't want to say, she certainly had her own difficulties, she wouldn't force it. But no matter what the relationship between Qin Liehuo and the holy city is, he is considered a brother and sister to her. Even if there is no blood relationship, it is rare that she has such a strong desire for the first time to have an older brother like Qin Liehuo. So, in any case, Qin Liehuo, she decided!

"Uncle Wei, I plan to go to Yunmiao tomorrow, and I will definitely go to the holy city to find Brother Qin as soon as possible!" Zihou promised firmly.

"Little girl Yun, don't worry. Although the head may be in trouble, he won't worry about his life. You can rest assured!"

"I see!" Zihou nodded. Now that Divi was so sure, she could feel relieved.

"By the way, girl, don't go in such a hurry. There will be a beast taming convention here tomorrow. You can stay and have a look. It will definitely be very exciting!" A mercenary man was excited to stay Zihou.

"Yeah, it's a coincidence that you came here, girl, this beast taming conference is not often there. At that time, all the beast trainers who can come in the alliance will gather in Xinghuo, and they will tame spirit beasts in public. The scene is spectacular. Now!" A mercenary sitting across from Zihou also echoed excitedly. Obviously, he was looking forward to the so-called Beast Taming Conference tomorrow.

When Zihou heard the word tame the beast, I was already interested.

The last time in Floating Clouds Holy Realm, after the seal of Chaos Power was lifted, too much information emerged in her sea of ​​consciousness, but most of them were only short-lived and soon fell silent again. However, in all kinds of information, some mention the ancient method of controlling the heart of beasts. If she can tune out this part of the information completely and use it, can she also become an animal trainer?

When I thought of being able to domesticate spirit beasts and have my own spirit beast partners, Zihou was very much looking forward to...

Early the next morning, the central square of the Spark Fortress was overcrowded.

The Beast Taming Conference is held about once a year, and the specific time is uncertain. As long as the adventurers who go out on a mission can capture enough spirit beasts, they can hold the Beast Taming Conference!

On the square, the onlookers formed a circle after another, blocking the entire central square.

On a large open space in the middle of the crowd, there are neatly placed large or small cages or nets, all of which are captured spirit beasts.

Zihou, led by Diwei and his uncle of the Fire Mercenary Corps, occupies a position with good vision.

Most of the spirit beasts to be domesticated range from Tier 4 to Tier 5, and there are even Tier 6 holy beasts. Of course, holy beasts are rare, so there is only one holy beast among all the spirit beasts on the square. !


The cheers were louder than ever, and the sound waves were deafening.

"This year's Beast Taming Conference, the leader of Qin League is not in business, so I will preside over it." In the central clearing, a silver armored Samok waved to the many adventurers onlookers, his loud voice mixed with profound energy. , Even suppressed those cheers...

Shamoko is the deputy leader of the Freedom League, one person is more than ten thousand people. In addition, Samok is a man of integrity and bravery, and his strength is amazing, and he is greatly respected among countless adventurers in the Freedom League.

Therefore, as soon as Shamoko's voice fell, he won the warm cheers and applause of many adventurers in the audience. The adventurers who have been in the endless forest all the year round have been born to death, and have witnessed too much life and death. Most of them are people with unrestrained minds. They admire the strong and the brave, as long as you have enough courage and ability, you can be respected by them.

"During this time, thanks to everyone's hard work, we have gained a lot." Samoko pointed to dozens of spirit beasts around him, with a proud expression, "So today's domesticated spirit beasts will be distributed to those who need it most..." Sha Mo Ke's words immediately drew cheers.

Being able to contract with spirit beasts is undoubtedly an exciting thing.

"As for those who are not assigned to spirit beasts, don't be discouraged. I believe that as long as our trainers have time, they will tame spirit beasts for everyone, right?"


All the adventurers were passionate one by one, raising their arms and shouting to the sky.

"Okay, then hand over these spirit beasts to the trainers from the various branches of the Freedom League!" After Samoko finished speaking, he took the initiative to retreat, and then seven or eight people walked out of the crowd and walked to The very center of the central clearing.

The seven or eight were all dressed in crimson red cloaks. The cloaks were embroidered with a three-point flame pattern, which was the symbol of the Freedom League.

"The animal trainers of the Freedom League all have their own red shirts, which are a status symbol." Diwei beside him explained to Zihou in due course after several animal trainers came out.

Zihou nodded with comprehension, his eyes swept across several animal trainers one by one. But when he saw the last person, he raised his eyebrows.

Standing on the far right side of the team, the woman with her chin raised and a face of arrogance, who was Sha Ling who prevented her from entering the city repeatedly yesterday?

She didn't expect this woman to be an animal trainer!

Sha Ling is the only female among the eight animal trainers. The other seven animal trainers were all male, and except for one young man who seemed to be less than 30 years old, the other six were quite old, and some even had white beards. Sha Ling stood there, it was particularly prominent and easily became the focus.

In Starfire Fortress, most of the adventurers are men, and a few women also look rough because of their occupations. But Sha Ling is quite special, she is naturally beautiful, and she is very concerned in the Starfire Fortress.

Therefore, most of the cheers of many adventurers are heading towards Sha Ling!

Sha Ling enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by hot gazes, and proudly casts provocative eyes on Zihou...

Several trainers began to choose the first subject to be domesticated according to their abilities.

The domestication ability of the animal trainer is limited. An excellent animal trainer can only domesticate two to three low-level spirit beasts a day. As for the high-level beasts, it is good to be able to domesticate one a day.

Taming beasts is also a gradual process. Every time an experienced trainer starts to train beasts, he will start from the simplest, from easy to difficult. After a process of adaptation, it will be relatively simple to domesticate high-level beasts. .

At the beginning, the eight male beast trainers uniformly selected low-level Tier 4 spirit beasts, and only Sha Ling chose high-level Tier 4 spirit beasts.

It is conceivable that Sha Ling, who was already very conspicuous, won a lot of applause because of this move.

"Hey, Ling'er girl, she loves to be able to do it!" Sha Mo Ke, who joined Diwei at some time, frowned and sighed with some worry.

"Ling'er this girl is aggressive and brave. This is a good thing, but it needs to be polished!" Although the bearded Han Diwei looks rough, he is a rare and careful person.

"Indeed..." Samoko nodded in agreement, but his eyes closed unconsciously, and he looked at Zihou standing next to him. He didn't think he thought of what happened yesterday, his face suddenly became a little bit. awkward.

Thinking that his dignified deputy leader of the Freedom League, the powerhouse of the Third Stage Profound Sage, was chased by a teenage girl, if Diwei hadn't asked for pleading, his fate would be terrible!

However, even so, not only did he not resent this girl, he admired her a lot. This girl looks young, but she is extremely restrained and calm, and her temperament is mature, so that he can't understand her! Not only that, the strength and talent of this body made him want to know, where did the evildoer come from?

Feeling the resentful look beside him, Zihou directly chose to ignore it. At this time, she was observing the process of those animal trainers taming the beasts intently, and in her mind the ancient beast control method that emerged at the moment the seal was lifted that day!

The square of Nuo Da is crowded with people, but it is strangely quiet at this moment. But seeing those animal trainers, one by one first sat down cross-legged in front of the spirit beast that he wanted to tame, and then put his palms against the eyebrows of the spirit beast, tightly closed his eyes, squirming lips, and muttering words, but I don’t know what they are. What are you reading.

However, what is certain in Zihou is that these animal trainers have a unified mental formula! Not only that, Zihou also felt the fluctuations of the mental power around the trainers. The spiritual power of the trainers and the spiritual power of the beasts are mixed together, and the fluctuations are very strong. It seems that the process of taming the beast is also a process of mental power interaction. If the mental power is strong enough, then it will be dominant to a large extent, and the beast taming will be easier!


Mental force interaction.

Zihou murmured to herself, thinking back and forth in her mind, faintly, she seemed to have caught something, but she was not very sure. Just as she was silent in her thoughts, the corner of her eye swept a bright light, and then cheers rang out again...

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