Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 3 Chapter 15: Because i am a healer

"Zihou, you sit here and rest first, I will go in and inform my father, and I will be back soon." Mu Changfeng arranged Zihou in a comfortable place in the living room of Muxing City’s City Lord’s Mansion Sit down in the position.

After finishing speaking, Mu Changfeng said seriously to a middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper, "Uncle Li, this is my friend Zihou, she is a distinguished guest of our city lord's mansion in the eyes of the people who are astonished as **** , We must treat her well and arrange the best room for her!"

After Mu Changfeng gave his instructions, he grinned at Zihou again, "Zihou, you can treat this as your own home, don’t be restrained!"

In the city lord's mansion, the eyes of those people who looked at Zihou were all elegant. They have never seen the young master bring any woman back, not only that, but the young master is so gentle to her! However, this girl is so beautiful, like a god, it's no wonder that the young master shows her love!

Thinking about it, the next people watch Zihou one by one and their eyes become respectful.

After sending Mu Changfeng away, Zihou then thought about looking around.

The marble-like smooth ground has some signs of wear and tear due to years of treading. Although the tables and chairs on both sides are plain and simple, they are clean and clean.

The tables and chairs used by the host on the upper seat are worn and smooth at the corners, which shows that they have been used for a long time.

The living room of the City Lord’s Mansion in Muxing City is very large. Although there are no luxurious decorations and luxurious decorations, it is simple and generous and makes people feel comfortable.

From these subtle tips, one could see what kind of person Mu Xiangtian, the lord of Muxing City, was.

It is said that Mu Xiangtian is chivalrous and benevolent, Zihou raised his eyebrows, thinking that this rumor is true!

Just when Zihou was playing with his fingers boringly, Mu Changfeng, who had not been away for a long time, turned back again.

"Brother Mu, what's the matter with you? So anxious? Is your father's condition worsening?" Seeing Mu Changfeng rushing towards the living room, Zihou stood up and asked in confusion.

Mu Changfeng's face dyed red, perhaps because of running, breathing slightly, his clear eyes met Zihou, his eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he hung his head quickly...

"That..." Mu Changfeng scratched his head, and the slightly messy square scarf on his head became messier, and a few strands of blue silk could be seen faintly emerging from it.

"What's the matter?" Zihou frowned, and looked at Mu Changfeng's raunchy appearance a little speechlessly, and wanted to remind him that if he scratched it again, the scarf would fall off!

It's just that Zihou has no immediate worries. Because she could see from Mu Changfeng's reaction that Mu Changfeng's strange behavior should have nothing to do with his father.

He is like this, it seems, more embarrassing!

"That's it. I went to the inner courtyard just now, only to find out that some uncles happened to rush over. They..." Mu Changfeng's eyes were filled with embarrassment, and his complexion gradually turned red.

Hearing Zihou, his eyes flashed.

She was as witty as her, although Mu Changfeng's words were intermittent and did not say the whole thing, but based on Mu Changfeng's words and his reaction, she also guessed a general idea.

Presumably the so-called uncle in Mu Changfeng's words should be the city lord of the other six main cities of the Yujian League! And they seem to know her...

"They heard the rumors on the street just now, so they thought you brought a daughter-in-law back?" Zihou is not flushed and breathless, the corners of the lips are still curved, and the eyes are full of smiles.


Mu Changfeng's eyes widened, his mouth widened, as if it were petrified.

Why is he embarrassed to say anything, Zihou said so naturally? !

After the petrochemical process, Mu Changfeng's face turned red to the root of his ears, and his eyes floated and fluttered, but he did not dare to look at Zihou. Although he is a twenty-five-year-old man, his love life is as thin as paper, and his private life is even cleaner than the water of Tianshan Spirit Spring.

"No, no, they actually heard that you are going to treat your father, so they want to see you!" Mu Changfeng waved his hand and tried to defend.

"Really?" Zihou puts both hands around the chest, and the ending is very long, showing that you don't believe it!

If it is really just for this reason, his face will be red like this?

When she is stupid? !

Zihou complained in my heart, but the more I liked this innocent guy like a big boy!

After all, Zihou was discovered by my conscience, and I didn't continue to ask questions. Otherwise, with Mu Changfeng's simple nature, I was afraid that I would be tortured crazy by Zihou.

Following Mu Changfeng all the way into the inner courtyard, and before he stepped into the courtyard where Mu Xiangtian lived, Zihou felt a powerful breath emanating from the courtyard, covering the entire courtyard with an extremely frightening atmosphere. In the spirit of people!

The seven city lords of the Yujian Alliance are all in the same courtyard, and they are all high-ranking powerhouses of Xuanzun. You can imagine such a momentum!

However, Zihou sighed for a moment and calmed down. After all, there are many experts at the Xuanzun level in Demon Cloud City, and the strength of Emperor Mo Yun seems to be much stronger than the peak Xuanzun!

As soon as he stepped into the hospital, Zihou felt a lot of attention. Lifting his eyes and sweeping, Zihou brows moved.

Lots of people, it's quite lively!

In the yard, there are a few people sitting or standing around a stone table. Those few people are different in height, short, fat and thin, with different temperaments and appearances, but they have the same deep breath and unfathomable strength. They must be the six city masters of the Yujian Alliance, the high-level powerhouse of Xuanzun!

As for the group of people standing around those few people. Most of them are dressed as guards, either as entourages, or as servant girls who add tea and water.

All the people who looked at Zihou curiously looked at Zihou with a lot of speculations in their hearts, but the six city masters were doing their own things, as if no one came in...

"Several uncles." Mu Changfeng first stepped forward and bent over and greeted him with a rather respectful attitude. Immediately, he turned his body sideways and pointed to the introduction of Zihou, "This is Zihou..."

"Hmm..." Responding to Mu Changfeng's greetings casually, the few people talked together, and they didn't seem to care about the meaning of Zihou at all.

Mu Changfeng blinked in surprise, his resolute face filled with puzzlement. He remembered that his uncles were witty and hearty people, why are they so... strange today!

Casting a calm look at Zihou, Mu Changfeng was about to speak again, but he heard a lazy voice, and said slowly, "I heard that you are a alchemist, and he threatened to cure it. The injury of City Lord Mu?" The speaker was a tall and thin middle-aged man. His original face was not exquisite, but he had a rugged handsomeness. It could be seen that he was a handsome man when he was young.

It's just that a three-inch, thumb-wide scar spans the bridge of his nose from the corner of his left eye and extends to the corner of his right mouth. It has a dark and purple color with weird lines on it. It looks terrifying and hideous!

Zihou raised his eyes to a pair of deep eyes, but was attracted by the scary scar of that centipede for the first time.

But, after all, she had seen countless injuries and was not shocked by the scars of the person in front of her!

Lu Guang’s gaze fell on the unparalleled girl opposite, wanting to see something on her face, but to his disappointment, the girl’s innocent eyes only flashed, except for indifferent. No fear at all!

Lu Guang was surprised.

He knew how terrible the scar on his face was. That has scared countless people, even his biological daughter has been scared sometimes after seeing him for so many years!

However, this girl...

"Not bad!" Zihou generously asked the other party to look at it, nodded, and admitted.

"Aren't you afraid of the scar on my face?" Lu Guang put down the shiny knife in his hand and asked with interest.

Zihou smiled and said calmly, "It's just a scar. I've seen something more terrifying. What's so scary?"

As a ghost doctor Shura in his previous life, he has seen countless intractable diseases and various injuries and illnesses. The scar on this person's face, although terrifying, does not scare her!

"Oh?" Lu Guang became interested. In the depths of his deep eyes, there was a sharp jump, "You said you have seen something more terrifying? Why is this?" A teenage girl actually said so. Big words, he would like to know the reason!

"Because I am a healer!" Zihou shrugged, of course.

There are countless cultivators in the vast continent, but most of them are ordinary people. Ordinary people will grow old, sick and die, get sick and get injured, and they need doctors. But the injuries and illnesses of cultivators cannot be cured by ordinary healers. At this time, an alchemist is needed.

The alchemy master Lingzhi medicinal materials refining into the pill, the mysterious road is difficult to peek, but the power of the pill is obvious to all, otherwise it will not have been passed down thousands of years ago!

"Then you know how my injury left?" Lu Guang smiled. He actually didn't expect this girl to answer this question. After all, even Rank 8 alchemists can't see the answer just by looking at it like this!

Zihou but smiled silently, his eyes moved slightly, and once again fell on the scar on Lu Guang's face.

The wide scar on the thumb is black, but hidden under the black, there is a deep purple. The purple color sticks to the skin, and there are tiny pores in subtle places...

The smile on the corners of the lips in Zihou is deep, and the red lips are hooked, a clear voice in the smile of Lu Guangbu Da's eyes...

"If I didn't guess wrong, this scar is caused by strange poison!"

Lu Guang's face changed slightly, but he listened to Zihou and continued, "Every poison in this world has its own characteristics, even the traces left on people are different. Your face There is no one else except the claws of Firefox!"

The clear voice fell to the ground without rushing, but Lu Guang's slightly changed face suddenly changed, and his deep pupils shrank severely, but he listened to the girl’s smiling and indifferent voice, "Poisoning for ten years , I'm afraid it was done by the holy beast!"

As soon as these words came out, let alone Lu Guang, the other City Lords of the Imperial Sword Alliance couldn't sit still, and looked at the white-clothed girl in front of them with strange expressions. The emotions in their eyes were more than shocked?

Lu Guang's indifferent smile disappeared at this time.

Ten years ago, he was already a powerful person with high spirits. He was seriously injured on the way to the endless forest. On the way back, he was seriously injured and met a fire fox that was still a holy beast. It was left by that Firefox!

It's just that there are very few people who know about this. Except for the city lord of the Imperial Sword Alliance, even Chang Feng doesn't know it. Because the Firefox's claws were painted with poison, which made him suffer. For a long time, his strength could not be improved, so he didn't want to mention it!

How did this girl know?

"Hahaha~" The look on Lu Guang's face changed and changed, and after all he laughed three times up to the sky, "Girl, how did you know?" This time, the smile in his eyes was kind. a lot of.

"I said, I'm a healer!" Zihou disagrees, and still replied just now.

"Uh..." This answer choked Lu Guang, "Well, that girl, tell me, is there any help for my injury?" Lu Guang's eyes showed some expectation. Although he is a big man, he doesn't care much about this face, but the scar is a little ugly after all, even his daughter and wife will be frightened. Not only that, but every time he sees it, it reminds him of the past that he didn't want to recall!

However, in the past few years, he has searched for a cure, but he died without a problem. Phoenix Valley may have a way to save, but the attitude is too arrogant and the demands are high, he is not willing to bow his head to ask!

At this moment, the girl who was insulted and humiliated on the opposite side seemed to have a ray of light behind her, but it made him feel a sense of hope for no reason!

"Then it depends on the sincerity of the Lord of the City!" Zihou raised its eyebrows, and there was a queen aura in its momentum.

Lu Guang was stunned for a rare stun, staring at Zihou for a long time before realizing it, then laughed again, pointing at Zihou and screaming, "You girl!" Then he shook his head slightly. Seemingly helpless, "As long as you can remove my scar, you can say anything!"

Zihou's eyes lit up, "Since the Lord of the City has said so, I am afraid that this injury will not be cured!"

"Hahaha~" Lu Guang was amused, "Girl, you have a temper, I like it! Don't worry, as long as you can cure my injury, as long as the conditions are not excessive, you can do it!"

There is no difference between making a public promise and making an oath.

The guards and servants around, all looked at Zihou with envy. That was the city lord of Danfeng City. What an honor would it be to get a promise from him?

Mu Changfeng also had a big grin, his smile filled with his handsome face. Although he knew that Zihou was great, this was the first time he saw Zihou show off her talents. He also knows the scars of Uncle Guang. For many years, how many alchemists have been helpless, and in the hands of Zihou, they can easily solve it?

This is simply a god!

Zihou is too powerful!

His father’s injury, under Zihou, will surely heal soon!

"Girl, since you have the ability to heal my scars, why don't you come and see how the other physical conditions are?" Lu Guang thief smiled and pointed to the other Sword Alliance City Lords beside him. .

"Lao Lu Si!" someone shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Brothers, I think this girl is magically tight, maybe your old illnesses are all right!" Lu Guang completely ignored the beard blowing of several people, and he laughed and persuaded...

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