Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Fairy brother

"Brother Mu, just send it here!" Zihou came down from Fengkun, jumped onto a huge boulder, turned to face Mu Changfeng who jumped off the back of the dragon eagle.

Here, backed by endless wild forests, facing the vast blue sea.

The blue waves hit the shore one after another, leaving a monstrous sound. The violent sea breeze howled, bringing a faint fishy smell.

In the distance, the white mist was permeated and gradually thickened. But after tens of meters away, it was already vast, except for the boundless white, no one could see anything else!

Here is the sea of ​​fairy clouds and fog!

Mu Changfeng stood in front of Zihou, looked back at the sea of ​​fairy clouds and mist, and looked down at Zihou. On his resolute face, his sword eyebrows were furrowed, and there was too much emotion in his star-like eyes.

"Zihou, you must protect yourself!" He whispered his lips and said a thousand words, but after all, they all turned into this simple instruction.

Simple, but contains all his expectations!

Mu Changfeng is very tall, Zihou needs to look up to meet him.

"Brother Mu, don't worry, I will take care of myself!" Zihou nodded, his red lips curled up slowly, and a smile appeared.

She felt that she should try to make herself look less sad.

She hates parting, but after parting again and again, she slowly realizes the true meaning of parting

There is no permanent feast in the world, parting is for the next reunion.

But reunion after a long absence, is it another kind of happiness?

Cut his fingers and raise his hands high, the faint smell of blood drifted away with the wind, but within a moment of effort, a sweet scream came from the vast sea of ​​fog.

The green figure flew quickly between the white dew and mist, like a ghost.

Zihou raised his head, and when he saw the blurred figure, his eyebrows jumped, thinking in surprise, this method is really useful!

The Wuhai Blue Bird is a very special spirit beast, it can only survive in the cloud and mist, and will die soon after leaving the cloud and mist environment.

The huge body of Wuhai Blue Bird circled Zihou for a few times, and then gradually flew low, landing not far in front of Zihou, with its long neck raised high and turning back to the Zihou made a burst of nice and smart tweets, as if urging...

Zihou raised his eyebrows and turned around to take a look at Mu Changfeng. His figure stood straight like a pine and cypress in the sea breeze, "Brother Mu, I'm leaving, you have to take care of yourself!" said After that, he leaped on the back of Wuhai Qingniao.


The moment the Wuhai Bluebird stepped on its back in Zihou, the tune was raised, and it screamed to the sky, its wings spread out, vigorously shaken, rolled up the clouds and mist, and its light posture turned towards the distance Leaving quickly in the vastness...

Zihou turned around, letting the surrounding clouds envelop her, and kept his eyes on the figure on the boulder on the shore.

The violent sea breeze vigorously swayed the man's clothes, his long hair was messed up by the wind, but his standing body remained motionless, until it was finally covered by clouds and disappeared into the sky...

The climate of the Eastern Region is warm as spring all year round.

The hard stone steps, glowing with the color of moss, climbed from the beach to the depths of the green ancient forest. A set of low wooden houses are built along the stone steps, hidden among the huge old trees.

On the stone steps, the immature children chase me, chase and play, adding a bit of excitement to this quiet and far-reaching seaside fishing village!

This is a small fishing village by the sea, located at the extreme edge of the western part of the Eastern Region, surrounded by mountains and the sea, with picturesque scenery.

At this time, it is dusk.

A round of red sun gradually sinks westward from the distance between the sea and the sky, leaving a large area of ​​sunset. The afterglow of the setting sun pouring down, the soft light with faint gold, rendering this seaside fishing village into a peaceful world in the painting!

"Grandpa, look, what is that?" A ten-year-old boy stood on the highest stone steps, pointing at the light and shadow of the Changhong on the distant sea, his eyes filled with curiosity...

The old man with the medicine basket on his back and the little boy cautiously down the steps heard the words and looked at the direction pointed by his grandson. Astonishment suddenly surged in his eyes, and his mouth was slightly open because of surprise.

More and more people discovered the divine light-like vision from the sea, and they ran out of the house one after another, standing on a high place and looking into the distance, each of them curious and discussing in surprise.

"Look! What's that?"

"I don't know, but it's amazing, I have never seen such a sight!"

"Is it an overseas fairy?"


But above the blue sea, in the gorgeous sunset, a fiery red and blue light came quickly. A long rainbow stays behind, like a giant dragon, prancing in the colorful sunset sky, magnificent and magical!

At this moment, in the ancient forest behind this seaside fishing village, on top of an ancient tree in the sky, a man lying lazily and lying on a branch, raised his eyes and leaped to his feet, with purple clothes following His movements traversed a fascinating arc, and he looked at the swift beam of light with interest, and his slender fingers with white jade luster stroked the perfectly-lined chin, and a gleam of light flashed across his eyes.

"Overseas's surprising!"

But in the blink of an eye, the light came quickly, like a meteor falling from the sky, already at the beach. The fiery red light reflected in the eyes of the crowd, and when they finally saw what the light was, they were even more astonished.

The huge body, wide wings, faint sapphire blue, flame-like body, flying in the void, blocking the afterglow of the setting sun.

On the back of this magical spirit beast, a figure was standing against the wind. In the backlight, I couldn't see the specific appearance, but the rough outline was already graceful. With fluttering clothes and flying hair, it looks like a fairy walking in the wind!

"Fengkun, stop there!" Zihou patrolled around, pointing to an open place and said to Fengkun.

Feng Kun obediently fell, when Zihou jumped off its back, Feng Kun turned into a streamer and disappeared and entered the spirit beast space of Zihou.

Zihou looks around at the surrounding scenery.

The place where she is standing is on a high level, and the scenery below can be easily seen.

Wooden houses, stone steps, and people with plain faces and plain clothes.

Is this small fishing village by the sea the Eastern Region?

Zihou flashed lightly, not sure.

The blue bird of Wuhai carried her across the sea of ​​fog, and after flying for about two hours, the sea of ​​fog disappeared and was replaced by a clear and empty sky.

Because Wuhai Bluebird could not leave the Wuhai Sea, and she was embarrassed at sea, she was not sure whether the water below was still in the weak water range, so Feng Kun could only let Feng Kun carry her to fly along the east...

Normally, there should be nothing wrong.

"Old man, may I ask if this is in the Eastern Territory?" Zihou jumped down from that height and came to the old man carrying the basket. He raised a smile, and his face was cold because this smile didn't look good. Don't eat fireworks like just now.

The old man carrying a bamboo basket put the bamboo basket on his back on the ground. The basket full of medicinal materials looked quite heavy.

"Yes, yes, this is the Eastern Region!" The old man looked at the gentle young man who was smiling in front of him, his eyes were amazing.

He has lived in this seaside fishing village all his life and has never seen such a handsome boy!

Yes, Zihou took Yi Rong Dan while crossing the sea of ​​fog, and changed his gender again. In her opinion, the water depth of the Eastern Region is unfathomable, and walking in menswear can sometimes save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"It's really Eastern Region!" Zihou whispered lowly.

She was a little surprised. Before coming to the Eastern Territory, the Eastern Territory she had always remembered was a mysterious existence. Even if it weren't for the mysterious master Ruyun, at least such an ordinary scene would not appear-there were hundreds of people in this fishing village. Ordinary people who have no cultivation base!

"Big brother, are you a fairy from outside?" The immature boy's voice came weakly.

Zihou was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the source of the sound.

But seeing the old man's feet, standing a few years old child, no more than ten years old. He might be shy or nervous, and he hugged the old man's legs tightly with both hands, and his eyes widened and timidly looked like a pity.

Zihou was filled with mixed feelings, and was a little confused by a child when asked.

The Hidden Clan of the Eastern Region has been called a fairyland by the people of Yunmiao for thousands of years. It is said that the Eastern Region is extremely mysterious, with countless strong people, and it is a paradise for cultivators! Any cultivator who can cross the sea of ​​immortal clouds and mists and have three thousand weak waters and reach the Eastern Region can cultivate the highest cultivation base!

However, she is now asked by a child from the Eastern Region, is she an immortal from overseas?

Zihou smiled bitterly in his heart.

The world is saying that the Eastern Region is good. For thousands of years, countless cultivators have risked their lives to come to this heaven and holy place, but they don't know that the rumors are not true!

If the countless cultivators who have lost their lives in the sea of ​​clouds and mists know the truth of this fact, are they afraid that they will be crawled out of **** with anger?

Zihou eyes flickered, looking into the expectation of the little boy's eyes, after all, he didn't want to destroy the beautiful vision. So she knelt down, touched the little boy's head, and said with a smile, "Yes, brother is an immortal from overseas."

Sure enough, upon hearing the answer from Zihou, the little boy grinned, his eyes full of worship.

However, the tip of the nose in Zihou is somewhat pantothenic.

She suddenly felt lucky. At least, she also knew the vastness of this world and had seen the magnificence of this world. And some people, throughout their lives, can only live in a square inch of land, never seeing the wonderful world outside.

For example, the people in this fishing village.

Ordinary life dollars are no more than a hundred years at most. They are accompanied by the blue sky and blue sea in this life, and the sun rises and breathes, so back and forth, maybe the overseas immortals they have been dreaming about are the most beautiful dreams in their ordinary life!

"The fairy brother, can you tell me what your place is like?" The little boy didn't seem to be as scared as before, let go of his grandfather's legs, and looked up expectantly at Zihou , with anticipation written on his face.

"Also, I also want to know what it's like overseas. Are there many immortals who can fly around in the sky and ride a **** bird, just like the one just now?" The little boy said more and more. Excited, the expectations in my eyes are getting stronger.

"Tiger, don't offend the fairy!" The old man severely criticized the little boy, looking at Zihou with awe.

Immortals overseas, they can't provoke them!

Huzi frowned when his grandfather said so, and lowered his head, not daring to watch Zihou again.

"Your name is Huzi?"

A gentle voice can drive away all uneasiness. After listening to the words of Zihou, Huzi dared to raise his head cautiously. Seeing Zihou, his brows were grinning, but he didn't feel the slightest sullenness. He became courageous again and clicked. Nodding, "My name is Xiao Hu, everyone calls me Huzi!"

Xiao Hu?

Zihou the light moves slightly.

Xiao Yi had not many surnames, let alone in the Eastern Region. Without thinking about it, you can guess where this Xiao Yi's surname comes from!

I'm afraid it's the descendants of the Xiao family who couldn't cultivate for thousands of years, right?

Zihou looked around, scanning the rough faces. After all, they are ordinary people and have no cultivation base. Because they work all the year round, they face the wind and rain, their faces are dark and rough, and all beings are in various forms.

These people are the descendants of the four great hermits in the Eastern Region for thousands of years, right? The only difference is that the descendants with outstanding talents still stay in the family, lead a life of fine clothes and food, and bear the responsibility of continuing the family's blood and incense, while those who cannot practice or have extremely poor talents , With the cruel rules, gradually reduced to a humble existence, like duckweed, drifting without roots!

The same ancestors flowed the same blood, but lived a completely different life!

The strong is respected, the strength is supreme!

This is the cruelty of this world!

"Big Brother Fairy, where are you going?" Xiao Hu blinked, the light in his eyes flashed.

Zihou The corners of the lips deepen. How can she fail to understand this kid's mind? He asked her where to go, just because he wanted her to stay!

Zihou did not try to reveal his cautious thoughts, touched his head, pretending to be helpless, "I wanted to go to the Holy Hidden City, but it was too late, plus the long journey, I I really don't know what to do?"

Huzi heard the words, his eyes brightened, and hurriedly answered, "Brother fairy, my family is my grandfather and you can live in our house! Grandpa caught a lot of fish today, and Huzi also picked a lot of fresh fruit today. You can eat it for your elder brother..." Tong Yan Wuji, childlike innocence is the most true.

For those they like, they are always willing to come up with the best, without thinking about it!

This fishing village is located in the most remote area of ​​the Eastern Region. It is rarely visited by people. Except for dozens of families in the village, no other people can be seen all year round.

The news of the immortal arrival in the village spread. Many people in the fishing village were extremely excited. They took out the best things they had collected in their homes, saying they would give them to Zihou!

That night, this small fishing village by the sea was more lively than ever.

When the night is getting dark, the village names all go back to their homes, and then Zihou can enjoy a trace of peace.

In the fishing village at night, the sea breeze slowly carries a faint fishy smell. The sound of the waves hitting the shore was heard constantly, every night, like an eternal song.

Zihou sits cross-legged on the bed. In fact, this so-called bed is just a few wooden boards put together on top of which is covered with worn but clean quilts.

However, this is already the best bed in Huzi's house.

Huzi said that he usually sleeps on thatch.

With eyes closed, Zihou fell into practice.

Although this is only a small fishing village in the Eastern Region, it belongs to the category of Eastern Region. For some reason, the spiritual source here is a bit richer than Yunmiao Continent. In addition, the whole environment is filled with a breath of life...

Is it because of Chaos Qinglian?

Zihou also guessed this way, but didn't think much.

Today, she also asked Xiao Lao about the four great hermits in the Eastern Region, but Xiao Lao didn't know the Holy Hermit City, but knew that there was a huge city far away in the east, which was far away from here. , Xiao Lao doesn't know how far it is, after all, he is just an ordinary person.

Zihou thinks that it is very far in their concept, and sometimes it is nothing for cultivators.

As for other news, they also know very little.

However, what is certain is that the huge city in Xiao Lao's mouth must be the holy hidden city!

Since there is no useful information to ask, Zihou intends to leave here early tomorrow morning and head to the Holy Hidden City.

Zihou thought for a while, then began to meditate.

With her current situation, if she takes good control of it, she will soon be able to advance to the third rank Xuansheng!

Early the next morning, outside the fishing village

"Brother Xianren, don't go, okay, Huzi will pick you a lot of fruit and a lot of fish!" Xiao Hu's tearful eyes were full of reluctance.

For Hu Huzi, Zihou is tantamount to the most dazzling light shining into his ordinary life.

Zihou knelt down and touched Huzi's short hair, "My brother promises you, he will come back to see you, OK?"

"Really?" This promise was tantamount to a glimmer to Huzi.

"Of course!" Zihou nodded.

"When will you come back, brother fairy?" Huzi raised his head, his eyes full of expectation.

Zihou thought for a while, "When Huzi has cultivated to the black color according to the method that my brother taught you last night, my sister will be back!"

Last night, she accidentally discovered that Huzi is not incapable of practicing. His talent was simply because no one had discovered, cultivated, or was buried.

In fact, there may be some people in the entire fishing village who can cultivate, even if they are not talented, at least they can become profound masters. It's just that they were buried because of environmental problems!

Not only is Huzi able to cultivate, he is also very talented. Presumably, with such superior conditions in the Eastern Region, it would not take long to cultivate to Mo Xuan.

Ten years is enough!

In fact, she doesn't know what to do with the future, how can she make promises to others? She said this, nothing more than to give Hu Zi a hope that he could cultivate and live with motivation.

After waiting for ten years, Hu Zi has grown up, and some things will naturally understand. Perhaps, within ten years, she will be gradually forgotten by the tiger.

However, Zihou does not know that a seed she planted today will grow into a towering tree in many years!

In a thought, the trees are in shade!

------Off-topic ------

The beautiful girl who delivered the ticket, thank you ↖(^ω^)↗

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