Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 3 Chapter 65: Broken Soul Flower Sea

The previous memory tide generally hit, Zihou eyes slightly stared, a carp struck up, and sat up.

The surrounding sky is still full of blue light, like a blazing flame. However, it seems to be weaker than before. She could even vaguely see the many disciples of the Holy Hidden City tens of feet away through the bursts of green light!

The tingling sensation from the skin made Zihou draw attention. Raising his hand, the goal is a scorched and bleeding wound!

These wounds were all burned by the life force riot just because of the exhaustion of the power of chaos!

Zihou didn't pay too much attention to the injuries on the hands, but instead moved his eyes to the palms he was holding tightly.

The palm of his hand gradually spread out, and a green fruit in the palm of his hand appeared impressively.

The size of an egg is the same, except for its volume, no different from ordinary lotus seeds.

"Is this Qinglianzi?" Zihou trembles lightly, and mumbles in disbelief.

The fruit in his hand is too ordinary. It is not so much the lotus seed of the ancient god, Chaos Qinglian, but a fruit picked casually by the roadside!

I couldn't even see the magic and special that belonged to the ancient gods.

However, Zihou also knows that under this ordinary appearance, there is the most magical and magnificent road!

The small, emerald green figure of Qinglianzi was reflected in his eyes, and Zihou couldn't help shook his head. For such a thing, she has suffered a lot!

bitter? !

Zihou seemed to have suddenly thought of something, his complexion changed and he looked around strangely.

But seeing that, despite the cyan light surrounding the sky, flying like flames, this chaotic green lotus platform seems to be a space of its own, and there is no cyan light, not to mention the uncomfortable feeling like roasting!

Zihou eyes trembled!

Only then did she realize that there was no vitality riot in the area on the lotus platform of Chaos Qinglian!

No wonder, after exhausting all his energy, he can still wake up safe and sound!

Zihou has a heart move, and suddenly feels very lucky. If she didn’t stick to the end just now, she now...

At this moment, she didn't know whether to be thankful for her luck, or to thank Chaos Qinglian for the magic.

At this moment, the mood of Zihou moved, it was a kind of enlightenment that seemed to touch the avenue. She seems to understand something, but can't fully capture...

Zihou shook his head and didn't think too much.

She had consumed too much physical energy just now. Although it was no longer a major problem, both the exhaustion of profound energy and the exhaustion of mental energy were extremely serious. If she wants to go through the sky again, she must regain her strength first!

However, the idea of ​​Zihou did not last long, and she finally discovered that things did not seem to be as simple as she thought!

This sky full of blue light seemed to weaken a lot at this time. Even in the most central part, the vitality riot seems not as intense as at the edge of the pit just now!

How is this going?

Zihou stood up abruptly, with surprise in his eyes. She looked around, but found nothing unusual!

After a while, the sky full of blue light, like a thick fog blown away by the breeze, only a little remained in the end. At the same time, a weak voice came from below the Qinglian Terrace!

"Little Queen~"

"younger sister!"

Zihou stiffened.

This voice...

Hua Changjin and Xiao Rulie? !

As soon as the sound fell, two figures slowly rose from below and appeared in front of Zihou.

There were two people, one in purple clothes and the other in red clothes.

Who are they if they are not Xiao Rulie and Hua Changjin?

However, when Zihou saw the situation of the two at this time, their hearts trembled fiercely.

But seeing the naked skin of the two of them was either scorched black or rolled, which was extremely horrifying, and it was no longer as delicate as jade in normal days.

The breath of the two is also extremely weak, it seems that they have exhausted all their strength, and they will die in the next moment.

Zihou doesn't know how to describe my mood at this moment. Undoubtedly, when she saw the appearance of these two people, she immediately guessed the reason!

Xiao Rulie and Hua Changjin now look like this, it must be because of her!

Just now she fainted at the moment when she climbed the Qinglian Platform, but they didn't know that the Qinglian Platform could be protected from the burning of the life force riot, so they must be anxious at that moment. She can even imagine that at the moment they saw her fall, they must have no hesitation at all, and flew to rescue her as soon as possible!

They don't have the power of Chaos, and some can only rely on their own profound shields to resist the power of life riots! You know, even if the powerhouse of Xuanzun's peak level wants to get close to Chaos Qinglian, it is undoubtedly moths fighting the fire. The strength of the two of them is far from even the peak of Xuanzun, but for her, they don't even want their lives? !

In Zihou, the eye sockets are a little red, and the tip of the nose is sour, almost crying. At this moment, if you say you are not moved, it is absolutely false.

In each person’s life, there are thousands of people encountered. How many people are willing to pay the price of their lives for you?

Some people get along with you day and night and stay with you. They seem to have a deep friendship, but they avoid you when a disaster strikes; some people, even if they meet you in peace and don’t know much about each other, they can still cut your teeth , Protect life!

Xiao Rulie and Hua Changjin are the latter.

Some people are destined to be best friends for life, time will prove everything!

"Are you okay?" Xiao Rulie and Hua Changjin's eyes fell on Zihou, their eyes full of worry.

They don't care about their terrible situation at this time, but they are all concerned about themselves! This recognition warms the heart of Zihou.

Zihou shook his head, his lips trembled, and then he found his own voice, "It's okay, you guys come up soon!" After saying that, he extended a hand to each of them.

The profound energy consumption of Hua Changjin and Xiao Rulie has reached the extreme. Had it not been for their firm willpower, they would have fallen into the pit long ago. After all, floating in the air also consumes profound energy.

Hua Changjin and the substitution nodded, took the hand of Zihou, and took advantage of the force to go to the Qinglian Terrace.

"The life force of Chaos Qinglian riots and burns, and the pill will not cure it. You first take this pill that strengthens the foundation and cultivates the vitality, then meditate and adjust your breath. I will treat you later."

Chaos Qinglian is an ancient divine object, burned by its vitality riot, unless the god-ranked pill, otherwise the general pill, even the 9th rank healing pill, will not help! However, if the burn is not cured, it does not mean that the profound strength cannot be recovered.

"How about you?" Xiao Rulie asked in a low voice, with worries in his star's eyes under his frowning thick eyebrows.

"I'm fine, as long as I adjust my breath and recover, I can heal." Zihou raised a comforting smile at Xiao Rulie.

Hua Changjin and Xiao Rulie are already at the end of the battle, and they don't have any profound energy on their bodies. The two of them took the medicine of Zihou and nodded, without saying anything, and immediately meditated and adjusted their breath.

Zihou saw Hua Changjin and Xiao Rulie sitting down to adjust her breath, and she also took a Huixuan medicine. Just about to sit down next to the two of them to adjust their breath, at this moment, something happened again!


As soon as Zihou closed his eyes, there was a slight sound in his ears, like the sound of a breeze blowing over branches and leaves.

Zihou was shocked. This voice, close at hand, made her heart flustered for no reason.

Opening her eyes suddenly, Zihou looked towards the sound source, the scene in front of her almost suffocated her!

But see, in a corner of the Chaos Qinglian Lotus Terrace, the cyan Lotus Terrace is turning into black sand grains bit by bit. A gust of wind blows, flying with the breeze!

this is…

Chaos Qinglian is... vanishing into ashes!

Zihou is so shocking, a heart almost jumped into the throat!

She never expected that Chaos Qinglian would suddenly die! And looking at this trend, within a quarter of an hour, the entire chaotic green lotus will disappear!

How could this be?

Didn’t it say that Chaos Qinglian could survive for a hundred years?

"Brother, Xiao Hua'er, look at it!" Zihou was also completely panicked at this moment. Even if she broke the barrier before and took lotus seeds, she could remain calm and calm. However, when a life gradually died out before her eyes, she was really at a loss!

Especially this so-called life is still an ancient god!

Ordinary and ordinary lives are as difficult as reaching the sky if you want to save them, let alone ancient gods?

Hua Changjin and Xiao Rulie were disturbed by the panicked sound of Zihou, and immediately regained consciousness from the state of meditation. When they saw the Chaos Qinglian disappearing little by little, their reaction was extremely shocked!

The movement here, even if it is far apart, can still be seen clearly for the cultivator.

Especially the scene where the Chaos Qinglian disappeared in ashes, it was too frightening. Among the strands of soft blue light, strands of black smoke are particularly conspicuous. Strands of blood went straight up with the wind, like the death sickle harvested, splashed into ashes of blood!

"My God, what's the situation?"

"Chaos Qinglian is missing a corner, could it be, could it be... ashes disappeared?!"

"What?! Didn't Chaos Qinglian still have a lifespan of a hundred years? How could it be wiped out now?"

"Could it be the reason why the green lotus seeds were taken out? Oh my god, the green lotus seeds haven't germinated yet, if this green lotus is gone ashes, then my Eastern Territory Hermit..."


The demise of Chaos Qinglian is no different from the Calamity of Extinction for the hundreds of hermit people present!

The place of thousands of miles in the Eastern Region can have today's magnificent scenery, all because of the purifying formation of the chaotic green lotus, isolating the poisonous fog. The endless force of life makes all the lives of the Eastern Region flourish and prosper. Therefore, there are countless spiritual plants and immortal fruits, which indirectly bred the hermit people to multiply and prosper forever!

And once the Chaos Qinglian is wiped out, the Eastern Region will be forever!

Zihou stared at the gray chaotic green lotus without blinking, and was still there for a while, not knowing how to react.

"Little empress, look quickly, can you activate the green lotus seed now and let it germinate and grow!" Hua Changjin's solemn voice suddenly entered into the ears of Zihou at this moment, as if to drink, let " (Zihou suddenly sober!

Yes, she still has green lotus seeds!

Zihou his eyes brightened, and his desperate complexion was full of hope.

Zihou put the green lotus seed in the palm of her hand, held it in front of her, but suddenly realized that she didn't know how to activate this green lotus seed at all!

After gritting his teeth, Zihou didn't think much about it, and injected profound energy into the green lotus seeds, but it fell to the sea without any reaction?

Profound strength is not good, what about the power of chaos?

Zihou gritted her teeth, she, who had already consumed a lot of mental energy, struggled to summon a ray of chaotic power into the green lotus seed. But after a long time, there is still no effect at all!

The power of Chaos is useless? !

What else can I do?

"Damn it!" Zihou cursed.

Thinking about it, Zihou is no other way at this moment.

Zihou was sweating on the forehead because of anxiety. The chaotic green lotus flew out very quickly, and in a short time, a half was gone!

"What else? What else? What else?" Zihou scratched her head, forcing herself to think about what else she ignored.

However, perhaps she was too anxious, and her mind was blank!

"Don't worry, think slowly!" Hua Changjin comforted softly from the side. Even though his own body is already taut into a sculpture, the tone of his speech with Zihou is as relaxed as possible and cannot be heard a little nervously.

Zihou smiled bitterly in his heart.

How can she not worry about this situation?

She is a saint, but she can't activate Qinglianzi. And all this is because of her. If she hadn't picked off the green lotus seeds, the chaotic green lotus wouldn't die early!

Once the Chaos Qinglian dies, countless creatures in the Eastern Region will all die away! And the hidden clan that has been passed down for thousands of years will be extinct from now on!

Moreover, once the Chaos Qinglian dies, this space will collapse, and all the people in it will be squeezed into the turbulence of the space and die forever!

Within a single thought, her hands would be covered with countless blood!


By the way, blood!

Zihou was suddenly taken aback, and then he patted his thigh!

Yes, she can try with blood!

Although, she is not sure that this method is unreliable, but now as long as there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, she must try it!

Zihou did not hesitate at all, cut his palm, dripping blood on the skin of the green lotus seed.

Drops of blood continued to drip on the green lotus seeds. However, the skin of the green lotus seed is like a blood insulator. After dripping on it, it immediately slid onto the hem of Zihou, and there was no trace of blood left!

As for Qinglianzi, there is still no reaction at all!

It's useless, it's still useless!

"Damn!" Zihou hit the chaotic green lotus with a fist.

Zihou almost collapsed!

In the field of vision, the Chaos Qinglian has disappeared for nearly half, and it will be truly wiped out soon, completely disappearing in this world!

Zihou has been unable to think of any other way to make the green lotus seeds break out of the shell and grow up. She still kept dripping blood, motionless.

Could everything end up like this in the end?

How can she be willing?

However, the rules of this world's avenue, after all, she still can't touch it!

She is still powerless!

"How can you be so stupid!" In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a roar of hatred for iron and steel.

Zihou was taken aback.

This voice is the Purple Emperor!

"Do you have a way?" The spirit of Zihou was shocked, and my heart was hopeless.

"Quickly put the green lotus seed back to his original place! Quick!" Zi Huang urged eagerly.

The place where Qinglianzi was originally located was in a circular pit in the center of Chaos Qinglian.

Seeing that the pit immediately turned into ashes and disappeared, Zihou didn't think much about it, and returned the green lotus seed to its original place at lightning speed. At the moment when Zihou had just put down the green lotus seeds, the central pit that was about to become ashes was a miraculous escape!

However, after bypassing the area around Qinglianzi, Chaos Qinglian is still dying soon!

"How could this be?" Qinglianzi has been put back to its original place, but Chaos Qinglian is still dying, but the strange thing is that the trajectory of this death is really puzzling.

"You are so stupid to say you are stupid! I wasted so much blood before, why don't you drop it now?" When talking to Zihou, the voice of Zihuang always contemptuously.

In his eyes, he only worships Emperor Mo Yun!

How can Zihou care so much now? Besides, being despised by the Purple Emperor is not once or twice. She hurriedly moved the hand that was still bleeding to the top of the green lotus seed, and drops of bright red blood fell on the green lotus seed. This time, there was a violent reaction!

A beam of light shot out from the green lotus seeds, pointing straight to the sky!

In an instant, the entire space trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Immediately after that, the beam of light gradually dimmed, but the green lotus seeds in the center of the Chaos Qinglian Lotus Platform were still intact. Layers of green faint light came out from the green lotus seed, and enveloped the entire green lotus platform in a dreamy faint green.

When the faint green light completely enveloped the Qinglian Terrace, a miracle happened!

But see, the Chaos Qinglian, which was already half wiped out in ashes, has gradually grown a new body!

But in a moment, Chaos Qinglian returned to its original state! That vigorous posture is actually more charming than before!

"Success!" Zihou couldn't help but whispered, but also secretly relieved!

At the side, Hua Changjin and Xiao Rulie also took a long breath, and their tight bodies slowly relaxed. All this happened so suddenly that they really couldn't understand the mystery. However, this is not important. As long as Chaos Qinglian is safe and sound, that's enough!

The hundreds of disciples in the holy hidden city in the distance were all filled with joy after seeing such a miracle and shocked. Chaos Qinglian did not die, they finally survived!

"Well, you can take out the green lotus seeds now!" In the sea of ​​consciousness in Zihou, the voice of the purple emperor came again.

Zihou was taken aback for a moment, and did not go directly to fetch green lotus seeds. After experiencing the scene just now, she has lingering fears.

"Purple Emperor, why do you know so much about Chaos Qinglian?" After Zihou pondered for a moment, the Soul Transmission asked. The purple emperor turned into an adult who was only a few years old, and it was probably a minor beast. How does he know so much?

"Inheritance of memory!" After a while, the voice of the purple emperor came when the Zihou thought the proud Zihuang would not answer her.

Zihou frowned slightly when he heard the words, and in the depths of his eyes, which were as clear as a cold pool, there was a ripple that was fleeting.

Memory inheritance, this is a special ability that only spirit beasts with extremely high bloodlines are qualified to possess. Even the ancient mythical beasts have no such qualifications!

Then Zihuang...

Zihou was silent and did not continue to ask. Zihuang didn't say it, maybe he had his own thinking. Furthermore, if she asks, with the arrogant temper of Zihuang and his contempt for herself, she is afraid that she can't ask why!

Zihou suddenly felt that she was very bitter, and she didn't even understand her contract beast. And people still disdain her!

Zihou looked at the sky, thinking silently in his heart, when I saw Emperor Mo Yun, we must let him teach the Purple Emperor a lesson!

Zihou removed the green lotus seeds again. This time, the phenomenon did not happen again. Chaos Qinglian still floats there quietly, no different from the original.

However, Zihou frowned, and Soul Transmission asked the Zihuang again, "Zihou, do you know, how long can this chaotic green lotus survive?"

"Not more than three years!" Zihuang answered quickly.

"Three years?" Zihou whispered, very surprised. Before, several old patrons also said that this green lotus can survive for a hundred years, so why has it only been three years since the Purple Emperor?

"The green lotus has inherited all the essence of the chaotic green lotus. This green lotus can survive now because of the energy provided to him by the green lotus. If you take the green lotus, it will naturally die without a source of energy!" The emperor's voice was somewhat contemptuous, but he was very patient. The purple emperor's voice paused, and then continued, "The beam of light just now is part of the energy released by the green lotus seeds, enough for this green lotus to live for another three years. After three years, it will definitely be wiped out!"

That's it!

Zihou suddenly realized.

However, she was a little worried in the next moment. In three years, she didn't know if she could let this green lotus seed germinate and grow?

If not, after three years...

However, such negative thoughts still exist in Zihou. Zihou shook his head and discarded such thoughts.

Three years is enough!

She will surely make Qinglianzi bloom into the next generation of Chaos Qinglian within three years!

After Zihou succeeded in obtaining green lotus seeds, they returned to the edge of the pit with Xiao Rulie and Hua Changjin.

"His Royal Highness, you are great!"

"The Saintess election is mighty!"

"His Royal Highness, you are really amazing! With Qinglianzi, our Yin Clan finally don't have to worry about perishing!"


Seeing Zihou came back safe and sound with Qinglianzi, hundreds of disciples of the Holy Hidden City approached one after another, expressing the excitement in your heart.

Zihou got the green lotus seeds, which means that their hermit is saved!

Zihou smiled faintly, instead of telling them the truth that Zihuang told her just now, but raised her voice and said, "Under this deep pit, there is a sea of ​​broken souls..." Zihou said Here, I did not go on.

Broken Soul Flower Sea? !

When they heard this term at first, everyone was taken aback and then took a breath.

Broken Soul Flower, although the name sounds very awkward. But it is an extremely rare spiritual plant.

If you can harvest the Soul Breaking Flower cultivation and absorb the essence of the Soul Breaking Flower, your cultivation level will be greatly improved!

Even in the Eastern Region, affected by the power of life, various spiritual plants are everywhere, and the Soulbreaking Flower is extremely rare.

However, Zihou tells them that there is a sea of ​​broken souls!

"My god! It really is!" Just when everyone was shocked, someone ran to the pit and looked down...

Before, maybe it was because everyone's attention was on the chaotic green lotus, or the light below was too dim. In short, no one noticed the huge sea of ​​broken soul flowers!

Now, when they saw that sea of ​​flowers, they were simply dumbfounded. After sighing, hundreds of people went crazy and flew towards the bottom of the pit...

"Let's go, let's get some too!" Zihou smiled at Xiao Rulie and Hua Changjin beside him.

For the rest of her life, she found that the relationship between them seemed to be a little different.

Zihou glances over Hua Changjin, and then Xiao Rulie. The skin on the face of the wicked is scorched black, there are still broken wounds, the flesh is rolled, and even horrible, where is the usual handsomeness?

"You... so ugly!" Zihou pointed at the faces of the two, and suddenly smiled. The smile in Zihou is very pure, like a spring breeze, blowing into the two people's hearts; and like the brightest warm sun in spring, shining into the deepest of their hearts.

Xiao Rulie and Hua Changjin couldn't help being stunned by such beautiful smiles.

However, after turning around, Xiao Rulie frowned fiercely, with a look of disgust, "You don't look at yourself, it's ugly!" Although he said ugly, he wouldn't admit it to death but he felt that smile. It is the most beautiful smile he has ever seen!

"Little empress, each other!" Even if the beauty is temporarily ruined, it does not prevent Hua Changjin's enchanting charm. His enchanting red lips are hooked, and he is full of grace, making people directly ignore his looks!

"Hahaha~" The three of you look at me, I look at you, and then they all laughed together!

The cheerful laughter, with the breeze, went straight up and spread to the distance. These bursts of laughter were pure and clean, without the slightest impurity, as witnessed by the breeze.

Even many, many years later, when a few people in Zihou meet again and occasionally talk about the past, they will surely think of being here that year with a hearty laugh!

------Off-topic ------

Although according to the outline, the male lead will come out tomorrow. However, I can't guarantee it! Who knows if I can change the outline with a single brainstorm? Come on, bribe me, this person is very unsteady and easy to be bribed...

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