Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 1: Lich Throne

Demon Cloud City is located in the middle of the vast continent, closest to the Dragon and Phoenix Valley in the south.

More than ten years ago, Demon Cloud City was nothing more than a fortress named Chiyan in Phoenix Valley.

The red rock fortress, because it is located in the area where the fire element riots, the sand covered on it is all red in color, and the name of the fortress comes from this.

It is also because of this that the entire fortress is barren and deserted.

However, Emperor Mo Yun killed the 36 main city owners around the Red Rock Fortress. After the Moyun City was built, the endless snow-capped mountains around the Red Rock Fortress melted, and the snow water flowed into the Red Rock Desert, bringing a large area around the Red Rock Desert. Irrigation has become an oasis!

And in the middle of the oasis is the core city of the Magic Cloud City today!

Of the thirty-six city masters who were beheaded by Emperor Mo Yun that year, more than half of nearly thirty were either from the power category of Phoenix Valley, or from the small power that only the head of Phoenix Valley looked forward to.

Back then, Phoenix Valley had no hatred for Emperor Mo Yun. Such behavior is tantamount to a slap in the face to Phoenix Valley, which makes Phoenix Valley lose face among Yun Miao's many forces.

Phoenix Valley would naturally not swallow this breath. Ever since, relying on his profound background and the strong like a cloud, Phoenix Valley called many peerless strong men to destroy Demon Cloud City for revenge.

However, Phoenix Valley never expected it. Such behavior almost killed the entire Phoenix Valley!

It was also from that time that the entire Yunmiao's many forces have all talked about Demon Cloud City fading!

As the lord of Moyun City, Emperor Mo Yun's name moved Yunmiao and became Yunmiao's most mysterious existence!

Now, more than ten years later, the territory of the Demon Cloud City is even more different than before. Seventy-two main cities, three hundred and sixty king cities, countless fortresses in the territory. Its sphere of influence has surpassed Shuanggu, and Faint has a tendency to compete with the Holy City!

It is rumored that Emperor Mo Yun had little regard for these forces, and had seldom expanded his territory in recent years. If he is committed to Yunmiao, he is now afraid that the entire Yunmiao belongs to him alone!

Behind the endless loft palace of Magic Cloud City, is a fairyland scene.

Snow-capped mountains, clusters of peaks, clouds and mist, dreaming of this rough outline. The waterfall in the distance flows down from the sky, Bailian 3000, and falls into the green ancient forest below. The fine water droplets set up a rainbow of seven colors among the clouds and mist in the sun...

Heads of colorful spirit beasts flew across the rainbow, leaving a crisp chirping sound, echoing in the valley.

At this time, there is a mountain breeze, rising clouds and mists, rolling clouds and mists, as if the blue sea is growing on the endless ocean.

The snow on the snow-capped mountains turned into small streams, flowing in the mountain stream like silver dragons. The surrounding flowers are in full bloom and fragrant.

The peaks are tall and straight, like a great sword thrusting into the sky, and on the mountainside, the clouds and mist are lingering, and the scenery at the top of the peak cannot be seen from the bottom up.

Among the mountains, on the highest broken peak, a black palace stands, like a giant, facing the breeze, facing the cliff!

In the Demon Cloud Palace, Emperor Mo Yun sat on the exquisite and domineering throne chair at the top. The throne was glowing with light purple, and on the armrests of the unicorn beast head, the scales rose up, and the emperor's air was revealed in the ferociousness!

"Report to the Lord, there was a vision of heaven and earth not long ago on the ancient forbidden area of ​​the Western Desolation, and it may be that a palace buried underground is about to appear!" Below, the person reporting the report is a black tights with a cold temperament like ice. .

Leng Yue bent down and bowed her head respectfully.

After listening, Mo Yunhuang placed one hand on the head of the unicorn beast, sitting lazily, the deep purple light flowing through his eyes, which made people unable to peek into any thoughts.

Following Emperor Mo Yun for many years, Leng Yue quite understands the temperament of her own lord. The Lord has always been calm and calm, foresight, hearing any news is a deep and incomprehensible appearance, joy and anger are not revealed in his form.

This calm, calm, strategizing, mysterious, and unpredictable temperament made him even more charming!

Leng Yue's quiet eyes revealed depressed love. She lowered her eyes, not daring to be discovered.

"Western Wilderness Ancient Forbidden?" When the wind on one side heard these words, he couldn't help but shiver, and the pores on his body were erected.

Looking at the entire Yunmiao, the most terrifying area, except for the most core area of ​​the endless forest, is the Western Wilderness Ancient Forbidden!

There are rumors that there are countless high-level monsters there, and they are dangerously all over them. What's more, rumors are full of curses from the ancients. Even if the powerhouse of Xuanzun's pinnacle steps into it, it is very likely that they will be killed in seconds!

"There, isn't it the site of the ancient Lich race?" Although his heart was hairy, the wind still couldn't conceal his curiosity.

The ancient lich clan is the descendant of the Lich Throne in the ancient gods and demons period.

The Lich Throne, that was a man in the ancient gods and demons period, second only to Emperor Xuanyuan, the demon God Jiaye.

The Lich Throne, the God of War Killing the Sky, the Sky Demon Blood Wind trio and the Xuanyuan Emperor Demon God Jiaye were named the first of the five ancient gods and demons by later generations! Compared with Emperor Xuanyuan and Demon God Jiaye, these three were not inferior at all, but they were not as famous as the former.

Today, the mysterious ancient clan of Lich hidden in the ancient forbiddens of the Western Wilderness is the descendant of the Lich Throne.

In the ancient forbidden underground palaces in the Western Wilderness, is it not the Lich Throne?

The people in the main hall are the most central figures in Magic Cloud City. Among them, the lowest strength is Xuanzun's ninth rank! Not only that, these people are all well-informed, and Haifeng thought of this possibility, they also thought of it. Ever since, many soldiers under Moyun Emperor took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the Western Wilderness Ancient Forbidden City!

"This matter, the deity has its own plan!" Mo Yunhuang's low voice, casually with irresistible majesty.

As soon as this statement came out, there was a silence below, no one dared to say anything. No one can provoke the majesty of the Lord. Not only because his aura is too strong, but also because the Lord's decision has always been right. For at least ten years, I have never missed it.

"Boom~" At this moment, a slight energy fluctuation came from outside the hall, like a breeze, gently moving the clothes and long hair of everyone in the hall!

"The breath of the avenue rune!"

"Someone has advanced to Xuanzun!"


After feeling this wave of energy fluctuations, everyone in the hall was only slightly surprised for a while, and did not feel much.

After all, a powerful person at the Xuanzun level is nothing compared to the powerful Magic Cloud City. At least, no one in the crowd is under Xuanzun!

However, what shocked them was that their Lord...

After Mo Yunhuang felt the energy fluctuations, his firm and cold facial lines were instantly soft. Those purple eyes, deep as deep as deep eyes, shone with soft colors. The blushing thin lips lightly tick, and the cold emperor's aura changes instantly!

Suddenly Mo Yunhuang stood up, his body turned into a flash of light, and disappeared from the throne in the next instant.

From the moment Mo Yunhuang showed that gentle smile to when he disappeared, the core soldiers of Demon Cloud City below were dumbfounded, and their jaws dropped to the ground!

Did they read it wrong?

They actually saw the Lord smile? ! The Lord could laugh, and laugh so...gently? !


Compared to the restlessness of other people, Haifeng put his hands around his chest, and smiled, "Look at you, you can't accept it like this?!"

Everyone returned to their senses, and looked at Haifeng with curiosity, "What's wrong with Lord?" The style of painting changed so fast before and after, they really accepted badly!

"What else? The energy fluctuations of the rune on the road just now must be the demon concubine who left the gate!" Haifeng glanced at the crowd with disdain, and then sneered as they slowly opened their mouths, "Except for the demon concubine, Who else has the ability to make the Lord laugh? Leng Yue, don't you think?" Hai Feng throws a corner of his eye toward the ugly face Leng Yue, and the handsome face smiles as Merry Wushuang.

"Hmph!" Leng Yue snorted heavily, turned and walked outside the hall. On her side, her hands just clenched into fists, then let go, and so on...

Haifeng's gaze followed Leng Yue's fading back, the smile on the corners of her lips gradually dissipated, and a dark color passed through her eyes, and she soon returned to her usual dangling.

"What are you still doing here? Don't go out to meet the demon concubine!" With a cold call, the wind flew out of the hall first. He couldn't wait to see the scene where the Lord and the Demon Consort show their affection. Although such a scene, for him who is still single, it is a bit sadistic. But it's worth it to see the high-cold male **** of the abstinence department play rogues or something!

Everyone watched the gust of wind to leave, you look at me, I look at you, looks tangled.

Although they want to join in the fun, they dare not. If the Lord is unhappy, they can't bear the anger.

But, they really want to see...

How to do?

After a long struggle, everyone finally gritted their teeth and stomped their feet and decided to fight. Seeing the different side of the Lord, they died without regrets!

So, in the Demon Cloud Hall, a crowd of people flocked to the outside...

In front of the Demon Cloud Palace, separated by a cliff of ten thousand meters, are two lonely peaks next to each other. The lonely mountain is sharp, like two peerless swords pointing directly at the sky.

Halfway around, clouds and mist circulate, transpiring a misty mood.

Various flying spirit beasts shuttled past the clouds and mists from time to time, leaving a long roar.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew, and a white figure fell from the sky in the vast clouds.

White clothes, black hair, and ribbons flying, look from a distance, as if the Nine Heavens Profound Girl came to the world, with a beautiful and picturesque mood.

The landing figure suddenly stopped and stood on the wind. The stunning appearance is hard to describe. Under her feet, the lines of the avenue runes were bright and dark, clear and mysterious.

Zihou feels the extremely powerful breath in the body, and has an urge to vent.

She suddenly raised her hand, and in the blink of an eye, she condensed a rich silver profound energy in her hand, and screamed, "Go!"

With a sudden wave of his hand, a silver ray of light came out, like a huge and brilliant lotus moon scimitar, slashing towards a huge stone ahead with a gesture of splitting the void...

"Rumble~" The muffled sound of thunder rang out after the attack of Zihou hit the boulder. It was a huge boulder with a diameter of several feet, and it instantly turned into pieces or even powder!

"So strong!" Zihou stared, looked at the huge boulder that turned into smoke, and looked down at the hand that he had just waved, and whispered.

Is this the bonus effect of Dao Rune? This is too strong! This feeling is like carrying a gain halo anytime, anywhere, continuously providing energy bonuses!

If there is a gap between Xuansheng and Mo Xuan, then there is simply a moat between Xuansheng and Xuanzun!

Zihou was secretly shocked and sighed.

After a month of retreat, she successfully cultivated the Dao rune and advanced to Xuanzun! Before, for the Dao rune, she only stayed at the description stage of others, and she didn't understand it deeply. Now, when she cultivated the Dao rune by herself, she discovered the horror of the Dao rune!

Every time she stimulated her profound strength, the Dao rune under her feet would automatically form a domain within her body. In this field, she has absolute control. More able to suppress opponents in the field through mental power!

"Come!" A familiar voice came from the ear. Zihou turned around and saw Mo Yunhuang standing on the edge of the cliff facing the wind below. Behind him, there were dozens of people standing. Although she is not familiar with these people, she also knows that they are the core figures in Demon Cloud City.

"Emperor Yun?! Why are you here?" Zihou looked happy, and flew towards him uncontrollably.

She was so excited just now that she didn't see so many people here, or even noticed Emperor Mo Yun!

Zihou flew down and came to Mo Yunhuang, a little distance away from him. She didn't directly plunge into Emperor Mo Yun's arms as usual because there were too many people here, and they were all powerful subordinates of Emperor Mo Yun. She was really afraid that she would ruin Emperor Mo Yun's cold image in his subordinates.

However, Emperor Mo Yun obviously had no such concerns. In Mo Yunhuang's view, nothing is as important as Zihou.

Mo Yunhuang grabbed Zihou by the waist and couldn't wait to carry it in his arms. That eager action tells of a month's longing.

"Finally can you give it up? Huh?" Mo Yunhuang leaned in front of Zihou, their noses pressed against their noses, their voices low and dull.

The last upturned ending, with **** sexy for no reason, made the heart that was rippling at that moment in Zihou, it was crisp!

------Off-topic ------

A brand new beginning... beautiful girls with ideas, you can leave a message, if you want to name future characters, you can also...

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