Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 23: For the magic dragon, or for the dragon ball!

The scenery of Dragon Valley is always particularly charming.

The quaint attic palace, the bluestone steps winding like a dragon, and the 72 peaks like a peerless sword. Many scenery, all are beautiful.

Sunset peak

The afternoon sun was a bit scorching, and the dazzling light shining slightly obliquely, through the lush foliage, cast mottled shadows on the ground.

Under the tree, a black figure belonging to a young man sat cross-legged.

Her back is straight, like green bamboo. Mottled light and shadow danced on her beautiful white face, and the bright and dark light deepened the charming outline.

At this time, a breeze blew in, and set off the young man's long black hair to dance gently. A few leaves fluttered down like butterflies, falling among the young people's green silk.

When Long Qianxun came in from outside the courtyard, he saw this picture. For a while, the steps she lifted silently retracted, and a stunning color appeared in her eyes.

Looking at it at a distance of more than a dozen steps, fallen leaves, old trees, young a picture scroll, beautiful and unwilling to break!

After a while, Long Qianxun shook his head, rolled his eyes, and cursed, "Fortunately, it's men's clothing!" Otherwise, it is really a disaster!

Long Qianxun curled his lips and smiled.

"Come!" Without waiting for Long Qianxun to continue to approach Zihou, Zihou was like an unknown prophet, closing his eyes and saying.

"I'm afraid you don't know where Grandpa Sufeng’s Dian Cangfeng is. I came here to show you the way, how about it, right?" Long Qianxun was not surprised, and strode towards Zihou. Sit down at a stone table under the tree.

"I know where Dian Cangfeng is!" Zihou said lightly, but the corners of his mouth bend.

"Humph!" Long Qianxun snorted, then gritted his teeth a bit, "Yes, what do you don't know! Become an animal trainer inexplicably!" He is still a master beastmaster who can domesticate the Ninth-Rank Supreme Beast!

Long Qianxun really couldn't understand that after Mao disappeared for a few months, Zihou became a trainer! She is sure and certain that before Zihou leaves the world, she will definitely not tame beasts!

Of course, this is not the point. The point is, this guy didn't tell her!

I knew that Zihou was such a great master of beast tamer, she would never take Zihou to the Flying Dragon Field!

"Has a convulsion?" Zihou also slowly opened his eyes at this time, but still sitting on the ground, raising his eyes to look at Long Qianxun, raising his brows and teasing.

"You just got a convulsion!" Long Qianxun stared at Zihou, reaching out to the void, grabbing a leaf and smashing at Zihou.

How light is a fallen leaf? In addition, Long Qianxun just shook it casually, so he fell to the ground before he even touched Zihou.

"Tell me, what's the matter with beast taming? Why don't you play it like this!" Long Qianxun asked bitterly.

"Well, tame the beast..." Zihou touched his chin, but told Long Qianxun about something in the Starfire Fortress. Of course, she naturally did not tell Long Qianxun about the power of chaos, but attributed the source of the beast-taming mind to Emperor Mo Yun.

Naturally, Long Qianxun would not have any doubt that such a powerful Beast Taming Mind Technique came from Emperor Mo Yun.

After all, in Long Qianxun's mind, the male **** is omnipotent!

"But I have this beast taming ability in three months. Isn't that too much?" Long Qianxun frowned, and looked up and down Zihou, his eyes were no different from watching a monster.

"I have been studying for so many years but I can only domesticate high-grade sacred beasts..." Long Qianxun squeezed his fist and hammered the tabletop as if venting his anger, then glared at Zihou and added, "It's just barely!"

She has been studying for so many years, is she not better than Zihou for three months? !

Do you want to be so pitiful?

Zihou raised his eyebrows, just smiled, and said nothing.

In fact, most of her beast-taming skills are due to the power of chaos and ancient mind-taming methods. If the two are missing, she is afraid that she will not have this ability now.

In fact, the idea of ​​Zihou is really despising myself. If another person has the power of chaos and the ancient beast-taming mind at the same time, if there is no comprehension ability and strong spiritual power like Zihou, it is just a display!

In other words, the current strength of Zihou for beast taming, apart from the power of chaos and ancient beast taming mentality, is more because of her own excellence!

"Let's go, don't let Elder Su Feng wait for a long time!" Zihou stood up, patted the dust on his body, and changed the subject by the way.

"Yeah!" Long Qianxun nodded, and for the time being no longer entangled in this topic that hurt her extremely.

Dian Cangfeng is Long Sufeng's training place.

Because Long Sufeng is a low-key person like quiet, so Dian Cangfeng is far away from the rest of the fairy peaks, alone in a corner of Longgu.

However, this does not affect its uniqueness.

The sky was blue and washed, and above the sea of ​​clouds, two long rainbows passed through the sky, and finally fell on Diancang Peak.

"Grandpa Sufeng must be at the Rainbow Observatory in the west!" Long Qianxun's eyes swept around, and then said to Zihou.

"Guanhongtai?" Zihou repeated.

"Yes." Long Qianxun nodded, "Although Dian Cangfeng is remote and the scenery is not as good as the other fairy peaks, but this is the only place to observe Hongtai, but it is excellent." Long Qianxun said with joy in his eyes. He nodded and added, "Even the old man in my family likes it!"

Zihou is towards, since so many people like it, the scenery at Hongtai must be really good.

As a result, the two walked around a loft towards the West Peak.

On the way, a few Longgu disciples with white robe cuffs embroidered with blue thread came towards the Zihou. Seeing Zihou and Long Qianxun, several Longgu disciples stopped greeting.

Long Qianxun also greeted them before leaving.

"Hey, did you know? That boy in black is Ziyun!"

"What? He is the Ziyun that domesticated the nine-headed Nine-Rank Supreme Beast in one hour?"

"Gosh, he really is so young!"


Before I walked far, there was such a voice behind him.

"Ziyun, look at it, you are now famous!" Long Qianxun quipped Zihou.

"..." Zihou rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"Really! I'm on the road today, but I hear people talking about you more than once or twice!" Long Qianxun continued.

What she said is true.

Since yesterday's Zihou domesticated the nine-headed Nine-Rank Supreme Beast in the Flying Dragon Field, the name Ziyun has spread throughout the Dragon Valley at the speed of light.

From the elder Gu, down to the disciples who boiled water and beat them, undoubtedly did not know the name Ziyun!

"Why are there so many disciples here?" Zihou changed the subject, but was really curious.

Generally, these seventy-two peaks, if not special, are not allowed for disciples to come up at will. But there are more than a dozen on Diancang Peak.

"Because Grandpa Sufeng has a large collection of books on Diancang Peak. And he is a very generous person, and he often opens up his collection for many disciples to read."

Hearing this, Zihou flashed his eyes, and he felt clear.

She had a much better impression of Long Sufeng.

The so-called Guanhong Terrace is actually a huge boulder extending outwards on Diancang Peak.

However, the boulder is flat, surrounded by green trees, and there is flowing water not far away. The environment is quiet and very pleasant.

Not only that, looking at the sky to the west, above the abyss, a rainbow is hazy, dreamlike!

Watching the Rainbow Terrace, it really looks like a rainbow!

The two of Zihou stopped not far from Guanhongtai. From here, they could already see the two sitting opposite each other on the Hong Kong Platform.

One is Long Sufeng, and the other is Long Aotian.

"Uh... why is he here?" Long Qianxun was shocked when he saw Long Aotian, his eyes were wide.

Zihou naturally knows who Long Qianxun is talking about. In fact, she didn't expect Long Aotian to be there. It seemed that things were not as simple as she thought.

Long Sufeng looked for her for other purposes!

"Ziyun, my old man is here, I won't go with you!" Long Qianxun dropped these words and waved to Zihou and hurried away. The look of anxious panic, as if there are wolves and tigers chasing after him...

"Since it's here, why don't you come?"

Zihou watched Long Qianxun leave, and while thinking, suddenly heard such a voice.

Zihou raised his lips and smiled, and walked towards the Guanhong Terrace.

Both Long Aotian and Long Sufeng watch Zihou. A cup of tea was placed in front of each of them, steaming mist from above. There was a breeze, and the fragrance of tea could be smelled in the breath.

"Valley Lord, the elders!" Zihou said hello out of respect.

"That girl Qianxun ran away?" Long Sufeng asked.

"Run!" Zihou nodded.

"Haha, brother, look at you, that girl Qianxun really runs away every time he sees you!" Long Sufeng laughed when he got the answer from Zihou.

"Humph!" Long Aotian snorted pretendingly.

"Don't talk about her, come, sit here, girl!" Long Sufeng patted the position beside him. There is no one else on the viewing platform, so Long Sufeng does not care about the gender of Zihou.

Zihou nodded and sat down beside Long Sufeng. Long Sufeng immediately poured a cup of tea for Zihou.

The tea is clear and fragrant.

Zihou thanked him, rubbing the tea cup and tasting it by himself without speaking.

After a while, Long Aotian and Long Sufeng looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

Long Sufeng was relieved immediately, smiling and shaking his head helplessly, "You girl, really smart! Why don't you ask me why I am looking for you today?"

Zihou put down the cup in his hand and replied with a smile, "I believe the elders of Su Feng will say."

"Then you know, why I am looking for you today?" Long Sufeng narrowed his smile and asked again.

"For the Devil Dragon, or for the King's Dragon Ball!"

This answer in Zihou did not surprise Long Aotian and Long Sufeng. After all, they also know that Long Qianxun told Zihou about the magic dragon. Furthermore, in the Flying Dragon Field yesterday, this girl also found the three of them...

"Since you already know it, let me just say it straight." Long Sufeng's expression was serious, his expression a bit solemn. And Long Aotian, who was opposite him, still had that deep look...

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