Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 30:

"Ziyun, you go and leave Longgu with Brother Yun." Long Qianxun lowered his eyes and said again.

Zihou pursed his lips, but the hand holding the book was tight. What Long Qianxun was thinking, she knew.

Long Qianxun slowly turned his head and looked at Zihou. The dim fundus of his eyes, his pupils were a little dilated, no longer the blue color before. She squinted her eyes, trying hard to see Zihou, but she couldn't do it anyway!

Long Qianxun felt a pain in his heart, and simply closed his eyes tightly.

"Ziyun, tomorrow is the seventh day! I can't see you clearly now, I am afraid I will be completely blinded tomorrow! I don't want you and Brother Yun to see me blind..." She wanted to be in their minds Leave the most beautiful side.

That Long Qianxun with a pair of blue eyes and bright eyes! Whenever, the arc of the eyes when you laugh is like a crescent moon, Dragon Chihiro!

Long Qianxun said, two lines of clear tears snaking down his cheeks.

At that moment, Zihou had a sore nose, almost crying!

"Ziyun, please, you will leave with Big Brother Yun early tomorrow morning!" Long Qianxun shook his head, begging in his tone! She still closed her eyes, as if she was running away.

"Okay!" Zihou raised his head and forced back the tears that were rolling in his eyes.

The voice of Zihou is very soft but firm. It was like a gust of breeze, blowing away the panic and impatient emotions that lingered in Long Qianxun's heart.

It seems that I didn't expect Zihou to promise so decisively. Long Qianxun stiffened. After she was dazed, she slowly opened her closed eyes.

Eyelashes were stained with tears, and Long Qianxun's eyes were misty and hazy like distant mountains separated by clouds.

At that moment, Zihou felt that Long Qianxun was fragile like a newborn baby, fragile and distressing.

She wanted to give her a hug, to give her warmth and encouragement.

She did the same.

"Ziyun, I knew that in this world, the person who knows me best is you!" Long Qianxun stiffened his body by the sudden embrace from Zihou, but instantly relaxed.

Taking a deep breath of the light smell of Zihou, Long Qianxun's mouth raised a satisfied smile.

Stretching out his hands, I also gave a big hug in Zihou, conveying warmth to each other. that moment. Long Qianxun even felt that he was very lucky to know Zihou in this life!

"Ziyun, go to the summit with me to watch the sunset?" Long Qianxun asked like this after a long time.

"Yeah!" Zihou nodded and agreed.

When the setting sun went west, it finally hovered above the sea of ​​clouds in the west mountains, sinking little by little. The sky full of colorful clouds, transpiring, makes this beautiful world colorful.

At the top of the setting sun, the breeze is slowly blowing.

On a smooth and flat boulder, Zihou and Long Qianxun stand side by side. The evening wind, with a little coolness, blew from under the ten thousand-foot cliff below, hunting and hunting the two men's robes.

"Ziyun, this is the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen on Sunset Peak." Long Qianxun looked into the distance with a light voice. At this time, her eyes appeared pale gray.

The colorful sunset in the distance and even the sinking red sun reflected in her eyes, it was actually gray!

However, Long Qianxun laughed, smiling satisfied.

She suddenly understood that perhaps most of the landscapes in this world are beautiful. Because, whether it is beautiful or not, it really doesn't care about the scenery itself, but care about the mood of the people watching the scenery.

She watched the sunset at Sunset Peak for many years. Even if you look at it every time, it is as beautiful as a picture scroll. However, everything in the past is not as good as today.

Even though all the colors are gray and white, it is the most beautiful scenery she has ever seen!

"This is also one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen!" The red lips of Zihou were slightly bent, and a faint smile appeared on the stunning face.

I have seen the sunset countless times, and most of them are easily forgotten in memory. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, if you don't want to appreciate it, you won't be unforgettable.

Now think about it carefully, those majestic, graceful and beautiful, like clouds of smoke passing by, like fireworks! The rest is unforgettable.

Speaking of sunset, she and Mo Yunhuang once left many fond memories in Xiliang City, in the free land of thousands of miles, in Moyun City...many places. Those are one of the most beautiful scenery.

At this time, she will remember such a scenery and the people around her until her life is gone, and her soul is gone!

‘Chihiro, you have to persevere and wait for me to refine the Peerless Pill! I will do my best to restore you to the beginning! ’

Zihou turned his head and swears silently in my heart. The soft light shines on the face of Zihou, beautiful and suffocating. She looked at Long Qianxun’s eyes, full of determination...

The Dragon Valley in the early morning is extremely quiet.

The shallow mist was dispersed by the soft light of the rising sun. The seventy-two peaks are shrouded in the sea of ​​clouds, like a peerless sword, and more like heroic guards, guarding the Dragon Valley motionlessly.

In the distance, the huge square is endless, winding stone steps like dragons, and pavilions hidden in the morning mist.

Everything is so beautiful.

Zihou descended from the sunset peak and walked along the wide avenue to the entrance of Dragon Valley at the forefront.

In front of the entrance of Dragon Valley, there is a huge square. One end of the square is close to the Seventy-two Peak, and at the other end are three huge cylindrical plateaus. This high platform is the gate to and from Dragon Valley.

Zihou deliberately slowed down, but even so, she quickly walked under the platform.

It is too early, and there are not many people in the square.

Zihou looked at the huge platform tens of feet in front of him, standing like a giant. She hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around.

Familiar scenes came into view, and Zihou scratched his eyes.

More than ten days' time, fleeting. For cultivators, the short-term is almost negligible. However, in this short time, she has experienced a lot.

Regardless of whether it is a person or a thing, no matter how much it is, it stimulates growth. In her life, it is a precious asset.

Zihou took a deep breath, turned around, and was about to fly to the high platform to leave, but a familiar voice came from behind.


Zihou heard the words, his body was slightly stiff.

There is no doubt who the person is.

Zihou smiles helplessly. She had chosen to leave in a low-key manner, but in the end she encountered the most feared scene.

Parting from her, after all, is a long-term practice.

"Ziyun!" Long Qianxun stared at that figure from a distance. Even though everything in his eyes is blurred and everything around is gray, the familiar figure from his back is extremely clear.

"Chihiro!" Zihou took a deep breath and turned around.

A distance of a square, she could clearly see Long Qianxun's figure in a blue dress swaying in the wind.

Looking from a distance like this, Long Qianxun is still as good as he first saw, as beautiful as an elf in the wind.

Behind Long Qianxun, there was a large group of people.

At the front of the crowd were Long Aotian and Long Sufeng. As for the two behind them, there are a group of Dragon Valley elders and disciples.

There are hundreds of people! And it doesn't include people in the corner looking at the distance.

Zihou was slightly surprised, wondering why Longgu, which was still peaceful at the moment, became so lively.

"Girl, why don't you tell me if you want to leave?" Long Sufeng asked like this. But my heart was relieved.

He was very lucky that he caught up! Otherwise, if he misses it like this, he will definitely leave a deep regret.

"Hey~" Long Sufeng suddenly sighed, feeling a little depressed.

Say goodbye today, I don't know when we can see each other! He could see that Zihou is not a thing in the pool. In the future, there will be traces of her in the boundless universe. Want to see you again, I don't know how long.

"You saved me Longgu, we haven't thanked you very much yet!" Long Aotian said rarely.

Countless people behind him nodded in agreement.

Everyone knows that Zihou domesticated the dragon, and even more that Zihou unlocked Dragon Chihiro's seal and saved Dragon Valley!

Perhaps without Zihou, Dragon Valley would not be out of business. However, if there is no Zihou, Dragon Valley will gradually decline in the next ten or even years, and eventually disappear.

Zihou in Dragon Valley is tantamount to remaking!

"Chihiro and I are friends, and what we did is what we should do. Besides, Chihiro is the one who really saved Dragon Valley!" Zihou shook his head and said with a smile.

Long Aotian's face tightened slightly, but he insisted, "In any case, you will never change that you are my benefactor of Dragon Valley!"

"Yes, Master Ziyun is our benefactor of Dragon Valley!"

"Master Ziyun, thank you!"

"Ziyun, thank you for your great grace..."


After Long Aotian said this, whether it was the elders or disciples of Longgu, they all echoed, and the expressions were basically the same.

"Since you insist on thinking so, so be it, but I really want to go now!" Zihou shrugged and did not intend to discuss with these people whether she was the life-saver of Dragon Valley.

Yes or no, it doesn't make much sense to her.

"Girl, can't you stay longer?" Long Su asked carefully, Fengyanhan expecting.

Zihou heard the words, his eyes flickered, looked at Long Qianxun who was silent on the side, raised his lips and smiled, "The miracle of the ancient forbidden area in the Western Wilderness will be born soon. Break your word!"

"This..." Long Sufeng was speechless. Even if there is no reluctance in my heart, I can't let people be that dishonest!

Zihou is a mixed truth. It is true that those miracles that were forbidden in the Western Wilderness are indeed about to be born soon. She received the news from Demon Cloud City two days ago, there will be no falsehoods. As for making appointments with people, this is false.

Although he had agreed with Emperor Mo Yun that it would be forbidden to see him in the Western Wilderness, he did not agree on a specific time, so he did not break his promise.

Long Qianxun pursed his lips and said nothing.

Zihou took a deep look at Long Qianxun, the equipment turned around, but heard Long Qianxun's voice saying, "Ziyun, why isn't Big Brother Yun with you?"

"I told him yesterday, he said he would leave this morning, but he would not be with me. Maybe he has already left now!"

Because of Yun Zhongyue's temperament, he is also used to acting alone. So she did not find it strange that he rejected himself.

"He's gone?" Long Qianxun's face changed slightly, and he whispered. Those eyes, which were already hazy, were even more dim.

"Perhaps!" Zihou nodded.

After finishing Zihou, he jumped up to one of the stone pillars and was about to leave. But when Long Aotian suddenly said loudly, "Hold on!"

Zihou turned around in confusion, but saw Long Aotian suddenly kneeling. Seeing Long Aotian kneeling on the ground, a group of Longgu tribesmen behind him knelt down, and even a group of disciples in the distance knelt down toward Zihou.

"I swear here as the lord of Dragon Valley. From today onwards, all the people of Dragon Valley must obey any instructions of our savior and be loyal to her! If there is any violation, the heaven will die!"

Long Aotian's voice was loud and deep. The sound mixed with profound energy spread to every corner of Longgu.

As soon as his voice fell and disappeared, a golden rune mark flashed away under his feet. That's the oath. If it is violated, all the creatures in Dragon Valley will really die!

There is no doubt about this.

Everyone in Longgu obviously didn't expect Long Aotian to say that. However, not everyone is so surprised. For example, all the elders seemed to be very calm. Obviously, this incident was not an impulse act of Long Aotian on a whim. It was discussed with the elders.

So Long Aotian finished speaking, and many elders agreed, all agreeing.

Many disciples, like the people of Longgu, saw that the many respected elders all agreed, and the few resistance emotions in their hearts disappeared without a trace.

If such an oath is in exchange for the prosperity of Dragon Valley, then everything is worth it!

Zihou didn't expect Long Aotian to come like this at all, and was shocked by the people of Longgu who knelt before him.

However, she quickly calmed down.

"Lord Dragon Valley, why is this?" Zihou sighed a little helplessly, "I have said that everything I do is nothing. Besides, I will do it because I am friends with Qianhir !"

"No matter what your original intention is, you are still our lifesaver in Longgu, as I said, this will never change!"

Looking at the sky in Zihou is really weak.

However, she is not a hypocritical person, and since the matter is over, she can accept it calmly.

"Whatever you want!" Zihou raised an eyebrow, "If it's okay, I'm going to leave!" Zihou pointed to the entrance in front.

Zihou said, turned around and left. Every time I turn around and leave, I am called to a halt. Zihou hopes to be more decisive this time.

However, such an idea was never realized.

"Ziyun!" Long Qianxun's voice came again.

Before Zihou turned around, the figure of Long Qianxun flew towards her!

"what happened?"

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