Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Murphy? Demon concubine?

As soon as the voice fell, a gust of wind blew in from outside the door, and in the blink of an eye, an extra figure appeared in the restaurant.

But seeing this person is slender and tall, with a pure black cloak, with a mysterious breath. As he turned his face slightly, half of his face was revealed.

The handsome face and the skin are so delicate that women are jealous. His facial features are very delicate, especially the pair of peach eyes, in which the waves are flowing, the spring is three thousand, which is enough to make countless women fall for it!

Zihou saw that Sao Bao's profile face, his eyes twitched.

This hormonal aura, and the appearance of this pouch, isn’t it just the wind!

The colors in the eyes of Zihou are bright. The gust of wind is here, does it mean Emperor Mo Yun is also here?

"Who are you?" Lian Chengbi stood up from the ruins of sawdust and looked up at the wind with a look of horror.

"Who am I?" Haifeng lifted his slightly messy long hair, and the corners of his lips twitched. Although the iconic smile was still brilliant, it was bloodthirsty and cold.

"I am the one who wants your life!" A low voice spit out from Haifeng’s mouth, the voice has not yet fallen, Haifeng raised his hand and waved...

But in the blink of an eye, Lian Chengbi, who was originally lying on the ground, turned out to be...

Broken into scum!

Even the screams are too late!




On that ground, there was a **** flesh and blood in the restaurant hall. After accepting weak people, they turned pale and couldn't help but vomit...

They couldn't imagine that they were a good person at the first moment, and they became scum in the next moment! And this person is not an ordinary person, but a seventh-rank Xuanzun, and even one of the six major city masters of the Star Alliance!

What is the origin of this mysterious man?

"I've seen'Murphy'!" After Haifeng resolved Lian Chengbi, he clapped his hands and wiped the non-existent dust on his body at the same time. Then he turned around and bent over towards Zihou with his face With a flattering smile.

The corner of his mouth twitched in Zihou, and he was speechless as he watched Hayate's smiling romantic appearance.


Could it?


What the **** is it!

"You came alone?" Zihou naturally knows that "Murphy" is inconvenient for her now wearing men's clothing, and Haifeng gave her the homophonic...

Murphy, the devil...

However, she now has no extra thoughts to pay attention to these, she only cares about Mo Yunhuang.

"The Lord will be here soon!" Haifeng hesitated for an instant, but soon he recovered his unparalleled appearance.

Zihou after seeing the moment of hesitation in Haifeng, he understood what must have happened to Mo Yunhuang. But even if I feel anxious, this is not a place to talk.

She nodded and did not ask any more questions.

"Who are you? You dare to kill our city lord!" Behind Jifeng, an elder from Julu City stood up and asked Jifeng.

"It's just a city lord of Julu City. If you kill it, you will kill it!" Hai Feng raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

Is it just the lord of Julu City?

Everyone was choked by the words of Haifeng.

Although Julu City was placed among the many main cities of Yunmiao, it was not outstanding. But behind them is the entire Star Alliance! Offended the Star Alliance, unless you are a giant force like Dragon Valley or Phoenix Valley, don't think about it!

Where does this man's courage come from?

The elder of Julu City was almost not angry. One of his old faces was flushed red, gritted his teeth and stared at the gust of wind, his nose flared and gasped. Although he couldn't hate it in his heart, he could clearly see the method that Hayate used just now. Being able to drop a seventh-rank Xuanzun in a second, his strength is too terrifying!

He dare not provoke!

But because he didn't dare to provoke, it doesn't mean that others were afraid!

The elders of the Julu City turned their eyes on Fengxianyu. He then came to Feng Xianyu in a few steps and cried out, "San Gongzi, we are now allies. I, the City Lord of Julu City, was killed by this person. The San Gongzi saw it with his own eyes, and asked the San Gongzi to avenge our city owner. !"

Phoenix Jade's complexion changed slightly.

"Under Fengxianyu, dare to ask your honorable name?" Fengxianyu hesitated for a while, walked to the front of Jifeng a few steps, smiled faintly, and said politely.

Haifeng Peach Blossom squinted her eyes and swept Fengxianyu.

"It turns out to be the third son of Phoenix Valley! Why, the third son doesn't remember me?" Haifeng wrapped his hands around his chest, and his gestures were full of evil.

Fengxianyu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the gust of wind more carefully.

Haifeng's handsome face looked like a smile but she stood there and let Fengxianyu look at it.

As if thinking of something, Feng Xianyu's complexion changed drastically. The smile on his face was gone, replaced by a chill.

"You are... Hayate?!" Although it was a question, the tone was full of certainty.

"It's memorable!" Hayate shrugged and didn't care much.

It really is him!

Feng Xianyu's complexion changed again. He could no longer see the gentle and casual side of his smile, but rather gloomy and cold as if he had changed himself.

Fengxianyu's reaction like this is not surprising in the eyes of Zihou. She also knew the grudge between Phoenix Valley and Demon Cloud City.

If it is said that among the many forces in Yunmiao, the one that hates Demon Cloud City most is Phoenix Valley.

After all, the Magic Cloud City, now known as the largest city in Yunmiao, was a small border fortress in Phoenix Valley more than ten years ago!

"It turns out to be a friend of Demon Cloud City!" Feng Xianyu twitched the corners of her lips, and said in one sentence a bit of gritted teeth.

As soon as this statement was made, the noisy crowd around instantly fell silent, and the needles were really audible!

The cultivators around, their pupils tightened, and their expressions were shocked. Each motionless posture, as if being frozen!

Haifeng twitched the corners of his lips, but romantically smiled, turned around, and did not continue to take care of Fengxianyu.

"You should be fortunate that our Lord is not here today, otherwise it will be not just a Lianchengbi who will die, but... the entire Star Alliance!" Haifeng glanced at the petrified Julu City elder, and said quietly.

With the Lord's love for the demon concubine, he naturally reluctant to let the demon concubine suffer the slightest grievance. What's more, Lian Chengbi, who is not long-sighted, actually wanted to kill their great demon concubine. Such behavior is undoubtedly seeking death!

The sound of the gust of wind is like the whisper of death, word by word is like a huge rock on everyone's heart!

They couldn't help thinking of that demon-like man, that Yunmiao's first person in thousands of years!

Even though the vast majority of people have never seen the true face of the Devil Emperor, it is rumored that everyone who has seen the Devil Emperor himself is overwhelmed by his peerless demeanor and is not impressed by his powerful strength.

They didn't doubt Hayate's words. Because that man has the strength to turn his hands for the clouds and hands for the rain, as long as he wants to, the Star Alliance is just an ant to him!

What's more, the whole Yun Miao is just a plaything in his palm!


The Elder of Julu City, who was still begging Gaofeng for an explanation, fell to the ground at this moment, his body trembling.

His complexion was gray, and after the loose gaze under his eyes, he was full of deep fear from the depths of his soul!

He just passed by with death!

"Murphy, the others are already waiting outside the city, are you ready to set off now?" Haifeng asked respectfully Zihou.

"City Lord Lu, the third elder, how are you going now?" Zihou did not immediately answer Haifeng, but turned to ask Lu Guang and Long Mocang's opinions.

"Naturally!" Lu Guang nodded. Their Royal Sword Alliance is already ready to go.

"Since Young Master Ziyun is ready, I can leave at any time!" Long Mocang nodded.

They came to the Western Wilderness Ancient Forbidden City not for the miracle, but just to protect Zihou. This girl who once saved the entire Dragon Valley! So when they set off, they all listen to the arrangement of Zihou.

"Then go!"

After the voice of Zihou fell, Dragon Valley, the mighty team of the Imperial Sword Alliance walked out of Jianyu City.

It was a restaurant where many practitioners gathered, but it seemed deserted because of the departure of the group of Zihou.

Looking at the backs of people leaving in Zihou, many cultivators finally recovered from the shock just now.

The man just now was actually the wind protector of Demon Cloud City! An existence that can come into contact with the Devil Emperor at the closest distance!

Everyone was excited. They have never seen the Devil Emperor see the guardian beside him, and it makes them feel extremely honored!

But, who is the boy named Ziyun?

Why did Hayate Protector change him as "Murphy" again?

Why can he be treated so respectfully by the protector of the wind?

Looking at the backs of the people in Zihou, Fengxianyu's face was gloomy as frost. On his side, the hands hidden in the sleeves of his large sleeves are tightly clenched into fists...

"Magic Cloud City..." Feng Xianyu grumbled his teeth low, with bone-eroding hatred in it.

"Young Master Feng, shall we... set off?" The leader of the Mad Lion Mercenary Group retracted his gaze and asked with a slight frown.

"Natural!" Feng Xianyu squinted her eyes slightly, and the corners of her lips slowly conjured a strange curve.

A hundred miles westward from Jianyu City is the ancient forbidden boundary of the Western Wilderness.

The large western area of ​​Yunmiao is mostly desert. Even if there are countless oases, it cannot hide the desolation here.

However, unlike the endless yellow sands of the Western Wilderness, the Western Wilderness is forbidden in ancient times. From the outside, it looks like a reckless ancient forest!

The green color contrasts sharply with the yellow of the sandy soil.

At this time, the Western Wilderness and Ancient Forbidden City were crowded with people, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was crowded.

"Father, when are we going in?" At the front of the crowd, near the end of the ancient forbidden area, a young man asked the middle-aged man beside him sideways.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man did not immediately respond, but slightly raised his head and looked at the vast ancient forest ahead. Deep in a pair of dark eyes, the light is restrained.

"Wait." After a while, the middle-aged man said.

"Why?" the young man asked with a frown, puzzled.

"Today's ancient forbidden looks very strange, we can't act rashly. We will talk about it after other forces come." The middle-aged man's voice was very low, giving a sense of calmness.

"Weird?" The young man murmured incomprehensibly. He turned around and took a closer look at the ancient forbidden in front of him. After all, he died without a problem.

Forgive him for his clumsy eyes, I really can't see anything weird!

But he believed in his father's judgment!

"Look, someone is coming!" An exclamation came from the crowd.

Countless lights looked eastward. There was a thick and deep breath, and it came quickly toward the ancient forbidden side.


"I do not know!"

"Is it from Phoenix Valley?"


Several changhong pierced down from the sky, and finally landed in front of the crowd.

Zihou raised his eyes and looked at the crowd in front of him, and was taken aback. Unexpectedly, there would be so many people at the entrance of the ancient forbidden city.

With a glance, there are tens of thousands of people!

Moreover, most of these people dress casually, and it is easy to tell that they are mostly casual practitioners. Of course there are some small forces.

Zihou stared into the distance after a daze. But seeing the wild and wild ancient forest at the end of the yellow sand, lush and boundless, dormant there, connecting the world, like a huge and incomparable ancient beast!

Just looking at it gives people a creepy sense of oppression!

"The front is the entrance to the Western Wilderness Ancient Forbidden." Lu Guang walked a few steps to the side of Zihou and said at the right time.

Zihou nodded.

Lu Guang had visited here a few days ago, so it is not surprising that he knows this well.

"Hahaha~" A bold laugh came from the crowd in front.

The crowd voluntarily separated towards the sides, giving way to a road. Surrounded by several people, a middle-aged man strode towards the group of Zihou.

"Brother Lu, don't be unharmed!" The headed middle-aged man strode like the wind to the front of the Zihou. When he saw Lu Guang, he was slightly taken aback, and then the smile on his face increased. Strong.

"Brother Mu!" Lu Guang was also taken aback.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Lu's demeanor is even better!" Mu Lie stared slightly, and looked at Lu Guang's face carefully, and said in surprise, "Brother Lu's injury..."

It's better!

At the beginning, he had heard that Lu Guang’s stubborn illness was difficult to cure. He did not expect that the scar had disappeared in the past few years. If you don't look closely, you can hardly see the traces left on it.

"Haha, I met a nobleman!" Lu Guang replied with a laugh, too.

"Oh? What nobleman?" Mulie was curious.

"Brother Mu, come, let me introduce you." Lu Guang shook his head lightly, temporarily changed the subject, and pulled Mu Lie closer to the people in Zihou.

"Everyone, this is Mu Lie, the leader of the mainland's largest freelancer alliance, and also my good friend." Lu Guang introduced Mu Lie to several people in Zihou.

"Brother Mu, this is the young master Mu Changfeng of our Royal Sword Alliance." Lu Guang pointed to Mu Changfeng.

"The genius young master of the Imperial Sword Alliance is indeed a talent, much better than the dog!" Mu Lie nodded and exclaimed.

Mu Qing curled his lips on the side.

He didn't say anything and was shot?

"This is the Three Elders of Dragon Valley!"

As soon as Lu Guang said this, Mu Lie's smiling face was obviously stagnant. There was a look of surprise in his eyes, but it quickly returned to normal.

"It turned out to be the third elder of Longgu, so lucky to be here!"

"Leader Mu is happy to meet!" Long Mocang nodded, his attitude was neither salty nor indifferent.

"This is..." Lu Guang looked at Haifeng and opened his mouth, but found that it was difficult to speak.

------Off-topic ------

Who said Nanzhu came out? Drag it out... Based on my urine, it definitely won't be this point. Well, it's actually coming soon. I thought that many things, such as internship trips and papers, were cut off. It will recover slowly in the future.

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