Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Phoenix Valley that wants to swallow it alone

As the first son of Phoenix Valley, he was influenced by Phoenix Valley's exquisite pill since he was a child. Feng Xianyu has no deep knowledge of pill!

It can be said that as long as there is no pill that a mainstream alchemist on the mainland can refine, there is no such thing as Fengxianyu who does not know it!

And at this time, the bursts of medicinal fragrance in the air, he knew even more to his bones!

Fengxianyu's face, as white as jade, tended to gradually turn blue. As for the face that was calm and quiet most of the time, it had already begun to crack!

Not waiting for Feng Xianyu to say anything, but seeing the dozens of fiery lion roar monsters that were still fighting against many practitioners of the Sanxiong League, the beasts turned red one after another, turning their heads and staring at Feng Xianyu. Bangziren's direction, that hideous expression, and the hatred in his eyes, it was like seeing an enemy who killed his father!


Dozens of lion roars and monster beasts raised their heads and roared, and the sound of the sky shook a group of low-level cultivators to the ground!

The lion roar has thick and thick skin, and even the sound of the roar attacks with profound power. If you are continuously immersed in the roar of the lion roar, it is easy to make people mentally disordered.

After a roar, dozens of lion roar beasts rushed towards Fengxianyu...

"Damn it!" Feng Xianyu cursed, almost crushing a bit of silver teeth. He glared bitterly at Zihou, and the hatred in his eyes was so strong that it could almost turn into a sharp edge, and a piece of meat was cut from Zihou!

"Ah! My god! These animals are crazy!"

"Run, **** it!"

"My God, what are they doing?"


The reversal of this situation was too sudden. As a result, whether it is the Flying Eagle Tribe, the Star Alliance, or the Mad Lion Mercenary Group, there is no time to react!

When dozens of lion roars, monsters and beasts rushed towards them and approached in front of them, they later realized that they scattered and fled...

For a time, a group of people who were comfortably watching a good show and fled, the scene is simply not too embarrassing!


The surprise of many adventurers in the Sanxiu League is no less than that of that group of people.

One or two of them still maintain an offensive or defensive posture. A person's face was even more staring, his mouth was open, and he looked astonished.

"What happened?"

"I don't know! Could it be... the hell?!"

"This group of roars... crazy? Stupid? Or did the conscience discover it?"


After blinking his eyes, many adventurers in the Rogue Alliance were still at a loss.

Not to mention these adventurers, even Mulie, the so-called experienced leader, had no clue.

On the contrary, it was Lu Guang and several people who suddenly realized after a brief stupor.

Think of that feather arrow, and think of the ability to control this group of monsters without knowing it. I'm afraid it's just a little abnormality like Zihou!

As for why this group of lion roar beasts suddenly went crazy and attacked the mobs in Phoenix Valley? It is probably the elixir of Zihou!

The identity of the alchemist in Zihou, whether it is Lu Guangmu Changfeng, Long Mocang and many other Longgu disciples, or Jifeng, all know.

After he figured it out, Lu Guang twitched his mouth and glanced at Zihou silently.

He thought to himself, this girl is indeed a black-bellied lord. Without knowing it, they placed the gang of Phoenix Valley together.

However, Yin is so good!

Haifeng raised his eyebrows. Although he was right, he didn't know much, but he was really curious. What kind of medicine did their great demon concubine use?

So he got to Zihou and asked the doubts in his heart.

Zihou glanced at the gust of wind, smiled mysteriously, and said slowly, "Well, it's nothing more than some pills that can make monsters go crazy, and then make a lot of them!"

The tone of Zihou is very flat. However, after listening to Haifeng, the corners of his eyes twitched, and silently moved away from his feet to keep a certain distance from Zihou.

In other words, the monster beasts have no intelligence, they are already frantic enough, how can they make them more frantic?

Okay, forget it. Actually let the powerful Lion Roar beast...

Haifeng silently mourned for the people in Phoenix Valley.

Offending their demon concubine is also a trick to die!

"These monsters won't come back to attack us again?" When Mu Lie asked this, his expression was colorful.

The chat between Zihou and Hayate was not kept secret. So that Mu Lie on the side just listened to their conversation.

He was shocked in his heart first, and probably guessed the identity of the alchemist in Zihou. What he never expected was that all this was a masterpiece of Zihou!

His forehead kept twitching, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was witty and didn't make enemies with this boy!

He also almost figured it out, why these people are centered on Zihou, and they follow their words...

"Difficult!" Zihou shook his head and spat.

difficult? !

The corner of Mu Lie's eyes twitched again. This answer basically made him sure enough of his conjecture. For a moment, he suddenly felt that the people in Phoenix Valley were so pitiful!

The wailing, screaming, screaming, and blasting sounds of battle, all kinds of sounds collided together, and staged a wonderful fight between humans and beasts in this ancient forbidden.

Many people even feel that facing dozens of frenzied and intensified lion roar monsters, Phoenix Valley and this temporary alliance will suffer heavy casualties.

However, in the end Fengxianyu still showed the profound background of Phoenix Valley to many adventurers with practical actions.

Whether it is a high-level pill, or a magic weapon, or a secret technique, Fengxianyu seems to hide countless treasures...

Moreover, what Fengxianyu showed was just the tip of the iceberg!

After more than an hour, everything finally settled.

The ancient forest in this large area was completely destroyed. All the ancient trees, vines and shrubs in the sky are dazzlingly invisible. The ground is also pitted and blackened. You can think of the dire situation of the battle.

Dozens of lion roars and monsters fell scattered in every corner, most of them were dying, not yet extinct. There are also a few heads that are completely devoid of vital signs.

Feng Xianyu landed from above, his white clothes were still slender and dusty, like a blooming white lotus, but his expression was a bit embarrassing.

He dusted his wide sleeves and glanced at the roar beasts all over the place. A dark light flashed across his eyes, and his cold voice was not as gentle as jade, "cut off the fangs and tails of these roars. under!"

The lion roar's fangs are very strong. If they are ground into powder and used for refining, the forged weapons are much tougher than ordinary weapons.

As for the lion roar's tail, it is full of deadly venom, which can refine extremely deadly pill. For alchemists, especially dark alchemists, it is undoubtedly a huge wealth!

After Fengxianyu gave his instructions, a group of disciples from Phoenix Valley immediately started with sharp daggers.

"Wait!" Before the disciple of Phoenix Valley approached the Lion's Roar, a clear voice fell in like a jade.

Everyone was stunned.

"Little Brother Ziyun, what do you mean?" Feng Xianyu twitched the corners of her lips, barely pulling out an arc of a smile.

However, his voice is not hard to hear coldly.

"San Gongzi, do you want to swallow these roar beasts alone?" Zihou puts his hands around his chest, and his eyes are slanted across Fengxianyu.

Feng Xianyu narrowed his eyes slightly and chuckled, "These lion roar beasts were killed by our Phoenix Valley, the flying eagle tribe wild lion mercenary group, and the allies of the Star Alliance. How can we say it alone? "

"Not bad!"

"We agree to dispose of all the corpses of Lion's Roar beasts!"


The heads of several major forces mentioned by Fengxianyu echoed one after another, expressing their willingness to hand over these lion roars to Fengxianyu.


Zihou sneered in his heart. He curled his lips and glanced at those people, Zihou said heavily, "Do you agree? Why do you agree?"

"Not to mention that many friends from the Free Cultivator Alliance have participated in the battle before. Just now, friends from other forces seem to have participated, right?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Xianyu didn't seem to want to wear that hypocritical mask.

"Don't you understand what I mean, San Gongzi?" Zihou sneered, "Since everyone killed them together, they must be divided equally. What do you think?" Zihou waved his sleeves and looked There are tens of thousands of adventurers on his side.


"Listen to Master Ziyun!"

"well said!"


As soon as the words of Zihou came out, countless adventurers echoed them. All of them are in favor of Zihou.

Not to mention that Zihou is justified. Coupled with the generosity of Bloody Crescent Bay Zihou, many adventurers are grateful.

After all, if it weren't for Zihou, tens of thousands of them are still trapped outside of ancient and modern!

"Thanks to the fact that Phoenix Valley is still the top power in the mainland, even this thing must be taken as one's own!" Lu Guang disdainful.

Although the people from the Free Cultivator Alliance did not participate in the battle behind, some small forces bravely stepped forward and helped the gang of Phoenix Valley.

But now, Fengxianyu actually wants to take these lion roars as his own!


Others began to complain.

The corpses of these lion roar beasts are treasures. Of course, it is not a big deal for forces like Phoenix Valley, but for many small forces and casual practitioners, it is a huge asset.

The voices of the crusade were higher and higher, and Fengxianyu's complexion was very ugly.

"Why, Phoenix Valley shouldn't be too poor to **** things from small forces like us?" Zihou sneered at this moment. The word "grab" is very clear.

Feng Xianyu's throat choked, only to feel the blood surge in her chest, almost vomiting blood.

"My Phoenix Valley is naturally not like this." Feng Xianyu calmed down and finally said calmly.

"What Xianyu wants is for the venom of these roar beasts to refine alchemy. After all, not everyone is qualified to use the venom of the roar beast to refine alchemy!"

Fengxianyu's words are very obvious.

------Off-topic ------

Because I'm not sure whether there will be a time codeword tomorrow, I wrote more today. So it can be guaranteed that tomorrow's will be uploaded early. If you want to see the follow-up early morning, you can probably see it. It depends on the editor's review...

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