Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 61: Ancient treasure? ! (modify)

this is…

A halo of white shimmer, but the size of a standard football. Suspended on the stone platform, up and down slightly, like a mysterious force lifted.

This halo...

It was exactly the same as what she saw in the second stone room!

It's exactly the same!

If there is any difference, it is that the halo on this stone platform is missing the background of the dark night stars. Without the halo of the other six groups, floating here so lonely, a little abrupt.

Zihou was stunned in the same place, his face was shocked, and his eyes were full of complex emotions.

If her guess is correct, the seven halos represent the seven treasures of ancient times, then is the halo in front of them one of the seven treasures?

Could it be said that what she sees is really an ancient treasure?

This thought crossed the mind of Zihou, even after thinking about it, Zihou felt a puff of blood rushing to the brain, causing her to breathe faster and her heartbeat to speed up uncontrollably!

Ancient treasure?

Is it really that no effort is needed to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere?

At this moment, Zihou is also a little confused.

I don't know if it was the faint green light just now, or why, she was a little confused in her mind and couldn't think clearly!

The eyes of Zihou are filled with so many emotions. I don't know when it will start to have a faint red dark light. The faint dark red sometimes disappears, it is terrible!

I don’t know when the original white light dimmed a little bit, but at this time, in the eyes of Zihou, a layer of mist was gradually engulfed...

Zihou shook his head, the fog in the fundus of the eyes disappeared instantly, and he recovered a bit of clarity. However, he returned to his confusion in a short time.

Zihou frowned fiercely, looked up around, but found that it couldn't focus properly!

The world around her is all white, everything is blurred, except for the halo that is more than ten feet away from her...

At this time, there seemed to be a ray of sky light from top to bottom, hitting the halo, making the light around it more gloomy.

At this moment, the five senses of Zihou are all chaotic. The divine consciousness can't even play a role, and the eyes can hardly see things, except for her own messy heartbeat and her breathing that is gradually increasing.

"Go take it down..."

"Hurry up..."

"go with…"

There was an indistinct voice that sounded without a source, echoing in every corner of the stone room.

Hearing this, the eyes of Zihou flashed.

"That is the ancient treasure..."

"The Creation God..."

"Infinite power..."


Ancient treasure!


The omnipresent thing with supreme power is derived from gathering heaven and earth!

With ancient treasures, you can command countless cultivators in the world, be able to slay gods and demons, and dominate the mainland!

In my mind, I was flooded with such messages. Zihou's complexion brightened, and when he looked up at the halo on the stone platform again, the eyes of Zihou were very strange!

At the same time, the static steps under her feet also slowly moved towards the halo on the stone platform...

The walking speed of Zihou is very slow, and the walking posture is also a bit strange. Even when she was walking, there was no expression on her face, and the bottom of her eyes seemed to be separated by distant mountains...

As he approached the stone platform step by step, the two hands that were originally hanging on his side in Zihou were slowly raised, and they stretched out to make a forward grasping motion!

Soon, Zihou came to the edge of the stone platform.

A stone platform more than a foot high is as high as two (Zihou). Zihou was standing under the stone platform, and the line of sight that was originally head-up mechanically lifted up, little by little, to look up at the halo on the stone platform!

"Ancient treasure." Zihou spit out without blinking, red lips wriggling.

Her expression was dull, her tone of voice was blunt, and her tone of voice was very robotic.

When the voice fell, Zihou was a little underfoot, and his figure jumped towards the sky.

She was floating in the void, keeping level with the halo.

Immediately, Zihou approached the halo with the hand that had been extended a long time ago at an extremely slow speed!

Moving inch by inch, even if the speed is very slow, it will soon touch the halo...


At this moment, a humming sound centered on Zihou, and the sound wave spread towards the surroundings, like ripples suddenly started on calm water...

The buzzing sound came to the ears of Zihou for the first time. After thinking about that voice, Zihou was originally a dull expression and the eyes without focus returned to normal in an instant!

The dull expression returned to the usual coldness in the blink of an eye, and the eyes without focus were instantly clear and sharp and wise.

That feeling is like a puppet without a soul being given a vivid soul!

"Hiss~" At the moment when Zihou recovered, he took a breath, and suddenly retracted his hands, and moved a few meters away behind him!

Zihou put his hand in front of his eyes, moved his fingers, looked down, the expression on his face relaxed, and he exhaled!

Just now, she was only one centimeter or less from the halo!

Zihou gazed at the halo of mysterious light on the stone platform with sullen eyes. The color under his eyes was no longer the same as before, but a calm and wise, almost cautious look!

"What a wicked thing!" Zihou frowned, secretly said.

Now, she dared to be 100% sure that the halo on the stone platform was definitely not an ancient treasure!

As for what it was, she didn't know.

But, even so, the energy hidden in this halo is also terrifying!

That is a power that can confuse people!

Just now, she almost lost in this mysterious power!

Fortunately, the Donghuang Bell vibrated inexplicably at the last moment, and the energy sound waves emitted pulled her mind back. She even...

Zihou took a deep breath with lingering fear.

She felt that her xinxing was already tough enough. It is difficult for ordinary things to have any effect on her character.

However, she was almost planted in the mysterious psychedelic power emanating from this halo...

Who arranged this halo here? What is the purpose?

In Zihou, the eyes flickered slightly, and the color under his eyes became deeper and deeper.

She suddenly felt that all this was a conspiracy!

This conspiracy seems to have started from the moment the news of the ancient forbidden miracle in the Western Desolation reached the mainland...

I don’t know the source of the news, all the way, besides encountering some innocuous little troubles, they were unimpeded in the dangerous place called the cultivator in the ancient forbidden area of ​​the Western Wilds?

And the mysterious light guide in the mist...

The strange breath in the miracle...

She has always been very accurate intuition, as well as the stone room placed in front of her, none of them told her that all of this seems to have been planned by someone!

Zihou thought of this, shook his head, and temporarily left this idea behind. She looked around and found that this space was very strange. It feels like in a dream.

Even though everything in front of her is vivid and lifelike, the feeling she gave her is unreal!

"Try it!" Zihou finally set his eyes on the halo on the stone platform.

After finishing talking, Zihou gradually condenses a sub-xuan power in his hands. After condensing to a certain point, she waved her hand and threw the profound strength in her hand towards the halo on the stone platform...


With a sound like thunder and lightning, the halo trembled. After almost three seconds of calm, like a ball pulled by a lot of external forces, there were many bumps.


There was a loud noise, and the halo exploded, like a bomb exploding, but it didn't have much power.

A burst of light fragments scattered like stars, endlessly spreading towards the surrounding...

Zihou was suspended in the void, swept by a wave of air, and she stretched out her hand to block her eyes.

After Zihou felt a bright light flickering in front of her eyes, before she opened her eyes to see the things around her, a noisy sound poured into her ears...

In the huge boundless space, the dome was stained with ink like the sky of dark night.

Below, twelve giant stone statues stand on the ground, like guardians from ancient times, full of endless power.

Around the twelve stone statues, many people were surrounded at this time.

If you look carefully, you can see that most of these people are actually the group of adventurers who were turned away by miracles because of insufficient strength levels!

"Gosh, where is this? How did I get in?"

"Twelve gods and witch guards? Why did that altar come here?"

"What the **** is this place?"

The crowd of tens of thousands is extremely noisy. The faces of the adventurers were puzzled. Their eyes are also at a loss!

However, just at this moment, on the huge altar surrounded by twelve gods and witch guards, after a burst of light flashed, a few more figures suddenly appeared on the altar!

"Ah, those holy monks in the holy city!" someone whispered.

But seeing the altar surrounded by the twelve gods and witch guards, after the light dimmed, six silver figures appeared instantly.

That is the unique color of ice silkworm silver.

Who is the holy monk who is not in the holy city?

However, why did the holy monks of the holy city appear here?

Many adventurers have not yet figured it out, they saw that the surface of the dark altar was suddenly lit up with bits of rose gold!

Those tiny bits of golden light seemed to spill the weird words on an altar.

That is to say, at the moment when the golden light was on, a string of weird words spread upward along the feet of the holy monks, and in the end they seemed to be bound by golden ropes!

The few holy monks had just landed, and the scared expressions on their faces hadn't faded yet, but they were still locked by the sudden golden rope.

The golden words are connected together, flashing and shimmering, also like a withered vine.

The confusion on the faces of many adventurers suddenly turned into shock. Some people even look at their feet subconsciously. After confirming that there was no strange text rope under his feet, they breathed a sigh of relief!

what is happening?

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