Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 63: Ancient Lich!

"Huh?" Haifeng stared at the foot of Zihou without blinking, but stared for a long while without seeing any golden text at the foot of Zihou turned into a trace of rope bound to Zihou.

At the moment, Haifeng was very puzzled.

I don't know if it is the wind, whether it is everyone on the altar or the tens of thousands of adventurers under the altar, all of them are very puzzled.

Why would other people be **** when they fall on the altar, but not in Zihou?

Zihou tried to walk a few steps, and found that I was agile and didn't feel restrained at all!

"Weird!" Zihou himself wondered.

Is it because of good character?

Well, after seeing hundreds of people who were forced to be restrained by the looshen stuff, but I escaped a disaster, Zihou is rare to be so narcissistic thinking...

However, Zihou naturally does not think that this is related to character.

His eyes were deep, and suddenly, a thought flashed in the mind of Zihou. But, before she continued to think, a burst of laughter came from her ears, and her expression suddenly changed...

"Hahaha~" The wild laughter, with a stretched meaning, made it easy for people to hear the joyful emotions.

This laughter is not offensive.

At least, Zihou thinks so.

However, the next sentence made Zihou frowned slightly.

"After searching for so long, I finally found it!" The voice of the old man was low and hoarse with old age. It contains infinite emotion, as mellow as aging.

Zihou The beautiful eyebrows get deeper and deeper.

The sound fell in the ears of tens of thousands of adventurers, and everyone looked in one direction neatly.

There is where the sound comes from.

In a corner of the altar of the twelve gods and witch guards, a shallow golden light was getting stronger and stronger.

The golden light gradually pierced the dark curtain, illuminating that area.


The sound of the vibration is not violent, but it is also powerful enough.

With this sound, the most remote corner of the altar, where there is no adventurer, the stone steps appeared out of thin air.

One level and two levels... all the way to dozens of levels.

At the end of the stone steps, there is a huge platform.

On the platform, as the golden light shone suddenly and in the blink of an eye, a group of people instantly appeared in the empty place.

All pale gold mixed with white sacrificial robes, looks holy and solemn, noble and clear. That posture, that color, like gods descending from the sky!

Zihou eyes suddenly deepened.

On the platform a few feet above the altar, there were about a hundred people in a group.

There are men and women, old and young.

At the forefront of the team was an old man with a childish face.

The old man also wore a sacrificial gown that contrasted between gold and white. The difference was that in front of him was a square scarf embroidered with the pattern of the fire dancing nine days.

The old man held a human-tall cane in his hand.

The so-called crutches are primitive in texture, but unfathomable, just like the old man. It is not so much a crutches, but rather the magic wand that exists in myths and stories that can turn clouds and rain!

The old man's silver hair hung down like white snow. However, his face is like a child, with delicate skin as before.

If it weren't for the white eyebrows who told me that time was long and his eyes were full of vicissitudes, no one would think he was an old man!

"It's so strong!" Zihou has dark eyes and glitters.

This old man, no matter what the appearance or the breath of the body, gave her the feeling like a fairy!

He was standing there, his whole body seemed to be immersed in a haziness, which made people feel extremely mysterious!

This is the strongest breath she has ever encountered, and the one who can't be peeped!

Zihou stared at the old man without blinking, the emotions in his eyes had not yet been hidden. At this time, the old man's eyes turned faintly, and finally fell on Zihou.

His eyes on Zihou changed and changed, but it was always the mystery of distant mountains and clouds.

He shook his head and sighed almost inaudibly.

"It's a rare seedling in thousands of years!" The old man sighed.

"It's a pity..." The old man sighed again immediately. He frowned, and his expression was just right to express that kind of regret, which made it easy to believe that what he said came from the heart.

Zihou frowned, the corners of the eyebrows exuding wisdom, "Are you... from the ancient clan of Lich?"

Although it was a questioning, the affirmation of her tone made people understand.

The sound of Zihou is neither loud nor light. Although there is no deliberate mixing of profound energy, it is easily passed into the ears of every adventurer.

At the moment, many adventurers are taking a breath.

Ancient Lich? !

The tribe left behind by the Lich Throne? The legendary tribe that inherited the blood of the Lich Throne?


Such cognition has shocked many adventurers.

Looking at the Yunmiao Continent, all bloodlines inherited, and none of the family tribes can compare with the ancient Lich race.

Although no one really knew the details of the ancient lich clan, let alone how powerful this clan was. But in the end, it is the bloodline left over from the Lich Throne, one of the five ancient gods and demons, and its strength can be imagined.

For many years, since the Lich Throne disappeared on the mainland, this ancient tribe disappeared and disappeared from the world's sight.

However, even if no one knows where the ancient Lich family hides, the legendary story about the Lich Throne and this bloodline has never been forgotten!

However, such a family of magical bloodlines, unexpectedly, is in front of them? !

Alive, so suddenly...

As a result, all the adventurers were stunned in place!

Zihou is probably the most calm one among tens of thousands.

However, this calmness is sometimes relative. Although she was not as scared as the others, only she herself knew how ups and downs in her heart when she said the words "Lich Old Clan"!

"Not bad!" The old man didn't have any superfluous reaction, just smiled faintly and nodded lightly to admit.

Really is? !

Many adventurers suddenly burst in their hearts.

If the words in Zihou just now made them more or less uncertain, then the old man nodded and admitted, making them have to accept this fact!

The group of people in front of them, who are dressed in a different kind, but with a very mysterious aura, are really the people of the legendary ancient clan of Lich!

Descendants of the ancient Lich Throne!

After Zihou received such a positive answer from the old man, a heart trembled inevitably!

She has heard too many rumors about the ancient liches.

Needless to say, how powerful and mysterious such an ancient bloodline tribe is.

What made her heart tremble the most was the miracle, and what she had always believed in but was uncertain about, that...conspiracy!

"You spread the news of the so-called miracle on purpose?" Zihou took a deep breath and calmed down as much as possible.

Zihou said word by word, the cold voice, like a pearl shattering.

As soon as the words of Zihou came out, a group of adventurers immediately changed from the shock of the previous second to a daze.

What do you mean by this?

The old man didn't answer the question of Zihou immediately, but looked at Zihou with a scrutiny gaze. The pair of eyes were as deep as an ancient well, full of wisdom.

After a long time, the smile on his lips deepened, and he said, "Yes!"

"Why?" Zihou asked in a low voice, squinting his eyes with a flash of light.

"Before I answer your question, I want to know, how did you discover it?"

"This doesn't seem to be an answer!" Zihou pondered for a moment, and spit out.

"Tell me..." The old man laughed.

"How can it be possible to go deep into such a dangerous place as the Western Wilderness Ancient Forbidden but unimpeded? This is one; I have asked other adventurers before, and almost no one knows the source of this news. This is the second; when entering the miracle, I feel that besides us adventurers, there are other auras in the miracle. And these auras are very strange and different from ordinary people. This is the third."

After finishing speaking, the trace of doubt that remained before the eyes of Zihou was completely solved.

The trace she had felt on the stone steps before belonged to a human cultivator, and it had a breath that was different from that of a human cultivator. It was completely similar to the group of people in front of her!

"It's a careful girl!" After listening, the old man showed no irritation or other emotions at all, and he still smiled kindly.

The kindness, the kindness, and the absence of any hypocrisy make Zihou in a daze.

She couldn't help but think of Wei Guoting, who was far away in the Four Kingdoms, the grandfather who had always shown a kind smile to her, who had been a life of hardship.

And Dong Yu's grandfather who looked serious to everyone but loved her very much.

And the person in front of her gave her a similar feeling.

"Why do you fool us here?" Zihou suppressed this chaotic feeling and frowned.

Hearing Zihou ask again, the smile on the old man's face gradually receded.

"To save someone!" The old man said in a deep voice after hesitating for a moment.

Save people?

Who to save?

In Zihou, there is a big blank in the eyes.

And the same as Zihou, there are tens of thousands of adventurers under the altar.

At this moment, they also looked blank and confused.

The conversation between Zihou and the old man just now, naturally, was all heard in their ears.

They were deceived here by people from the ancient lich tribe?

The so-called miracles are actually fake?

Why do the people of the ancient lich tribe do this?

Is it to kill them?

But the people of these ancient lich tribes didn't seem to be like that kind of vicious people?


Too many puzzles and doubts flooded the hearts of many adventurers, and they couldn't understand.

"Save who?" Seeing that the old man didn't respond for a long time, Zihou finally asked the doubts in his heart.

"Help him!" The old man took a deep look at Zihou, and when he answered, the platinum and gold long sleeves were raised and a faint golden light poured out from between his long sleeves...

Immediately, in front of the old man's eyes, in the golden light, a long container gradually appeared...

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