Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 68: My name is Luo Junlin

After a long time, he finally shook his head, "Fine, if you can rescue my clan young master, you can take the Haotian Tower!"

After speaking, the old man sighed. There was a sense of relief in the emotions in those eyes.

"Since the ancients have said this, I have no problem, but I don't know..." Mo Yunhuang raised his eyebrows and said, then turned his gaze leisurely and fell on Zihou in his arms.

The old man's gaze also fell on Zihou with Mo Yunhuang.

"Hou'er, are you willing?" Mo Yunhuang asked Zihou.

Zihou blinked without answering.

She glanced into Mo Yunhuang's purple shining eyes, in which she could see the sincerity.

Mo Yunhuang asked her opinion sincerely. She thought that as long as she shook her head, Emperor Mo Yun would not agree even if the ancient Lich tribe exchanged the best things in the world.

However, Zihou also saw a trace of black-bellied cunning from Mo Yunhuang's eyes.

That feeling, it’s like calculating something...

Zihou got a tight scalp, and unexpectedly thought that when they first met in Xiliang City, this guy always had this kind of cunning of a 10,000-year-old fox...

The silence of Zihou made the old man's complexion tighten.

The Lich clan almost used this girl as a bloodstained tribute just now. Although, in the end, this girl was safe and sound, but it was their fault first, would she ignore the previous complaints?

he does not know!

The old man was also a little unsure of the idea of ​​Zihou, and could only look at Zihou with expectant eyes for a while.

Zihou asked Mo Yunhuang with his eyes, "What the **** is Haotian Tower?"

"Confidentiality!" A soul voice sounded in the consciousness of Zihou.

Mo Yunhuang's owing tone almost didn't make Zihou run wild.


Keep secret your uncle!

The angry look in Zihou is extremely beautiful. That kind of coldness is always covered on weekdays, and when it suddenly retreats, the softness of the contrast is really exciting.

Mo Yunhuang likes Zihou so much, and always can't help teasing Zihou to make her angry.

"You will know soon." Mo Yunhuang said like this, but after finishing speaking, he found that Zihou was squinting, and there was an urge to kill him, so Mo Yunhuang added, " I was here to surprise you!"

Surprise? !

Sure enough, when I heard the word ‘surprise’, the anger in Zihou immediately disappeared.

After blinking, he looked at Emperor Mo Yun suspiciously.

What surprise can Mo Yunhuang give her?

But, I have to say, I look forward to it!

"Okay, I'm fine!" Zihou finally nodded under the eager gaze of the old man.

After listening, the old man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then bother you two!" The rigid and indifferent expression on the old man's face was replaced by joy at this moment. Those deep eyes contained undisguised expectations.

"What do you want me to do?" Zihou asked Mo Yunhuang puzzledly.

In the previous life, he relied on a scalpel and the drugs she had researched. In this life, although she is advanced, she only needs a pill to save people, but saving people with her own blood is really a breakthrough.

Mo Yunhuang didn't say a word, and took the hand of Zihou to the Lich Young Master.

"Forbearance." Mo Yunhuang took the hand of Zihou and placed it on his generous palm, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Yeah." Zihou nodded, a little nervous.


Along with a wind blade breaking through the air, a hole broke in the palm of Zihou instantly.

Soon, red blood came out of her palm.

"Hiss~" Zihou took a breath.

The wound cut by the sharp blade didn't hurt at first, but now the pain is a bit obvious.

However, this kind of pain is really nothing. Zihou just took a breath, without even frowning.

Yan Hong's blood dripped on Mo Yunhuang's palm, floating above his palm, wrapped in an inexplicable energy.

Zihou raised his eyes in surprise to look at Mo Yunhuang, seeing that Mo Yunhuang's face was dark and deep, and his purple eyes were deep.

But in a short while, Mo Yunhuang’s raised palm suddenly flipped, mixing the mysterious energy in his hand with the blushing blood of Zihou at a speed invisible to the naked eye and slamming toward the center of the eyebrows of the young lich master. Take it...


A passive wind whizzed out from the young lich master's body, blowing his long golden hair and hanging robe into the air.

At the same time, a visible red energy spread from the center of his eyebrows to the limbs at an extremely fast speed...

Zihou is standing next to the young lich master, and I can most feel the terrible power contained in that breath like a breeze!

Although that energy is not entirely from her blood, it is at least because of her blood.

For the first time in her life, Zihou realized that the blood shed on her body had such an incredible side.

The bloodline left by the ancient gods and demons is really strong!

The unsourced wind that suddenly emerged from the main body of the young Lich blew on the face of the old Lich clan, and gently moved his drooping eyebrows.

Under the white eyebrows, those wise eyes suddenly brightened.

His hand holding the wand was also tight.

In the mysterious stone room space, although there are tens of thousands of adventurers, the needles are quietly dropped.

Many adventurers did not dare to gasp, staring at the young lich master who was under Mo Yunhuang and Zihou.


A slight voice suddenly overflowed from Young Master Lich's mouth. The voice was not loud, even very weak, but in such a quiet environment, it clearly fell into the ears of every engrossed adventurer.

In an instant, everyone's heart moved, and a look of surprise appeared in their eyes.

From the angle of Zihou, you can even see the squirming lips of the Lich Young Master.

Woke up?

Zihou opened his eyes slightly, very surprised.

However, she couldn't help but think about it. After Mo Yunhuang placed his hand above the eyebrows of the Lich Young Master, more violent energy was injected into the eyebrows of the Lich Young Master.


A blast of wind swept toward the surrounding like a shock wave, blowing many adventurers backwards.

At this time, Emperor Mo Yun's palm suddenly closed, and he stepped back a few steps, leaving Zihou alone and standing next to the young lich master...

Zihou has not yet figured out why Mo Yunhuang suddenly took a few steps back, but before she could figure it out, the thick eyelashes of the man lying in front of her quivered slightly, and then opened his eyes...

Zihou only feels that there is a golden light shining in my vision, like the sun, holy and bright!

It was a pair of golden eyes. The pupils showed a faint golden light, with fine golden light, little by little, lingering in his eyes.

The fine gold, not dazzling, not high-key, but low-key dignity and enthusiasm, which makes people involuntarily attracted by looking in...

The eyes of Zihou have amazing colors.

In this world, colored eyes are not uncommon. However, most colors are not pure, even if there are rare pure colors, the colors are dim after all. However, these golden eyes made her amazing.

She always thought that Mo Yunhuang's purple eyes were the most beautiful eyes in the world. The golden eyes of this person are not too much!

Just as Zihou was amazed by the golden eyes that inadvertently broke into her field of vision, the owner of those eyes returned to focus after a brief period of confusion, and his eyes were clear.

The handsome blond man looked at the young man standing beside him with a puzzled expression, and his golden eyes blinked in puzzlement.

Then, the golden eyes suddenly lit up, and an innocent smile appeared on the handsome and innocent face, "Sister!"

This ‘sister’ shout is pure and pure, which is obviously the deep and **** voice of an adult man, but it carries the simple and lovely feelings of a child.

The expression on the face of Zihou was so rigid.

Sister... Sister?

Staring wide-eyed at a certain young lich master who had already sat up, Zihou almost broke his tongue.

This man seems to be older than Mo Yunhuang, at least twenty-four or five years old, is she calling her sister who is only seventeen or eighteen years old and looks like a man? !


Zihou eyes twitched.

Regardless of how this guy knows her gender, is she so old?

For the first time in my life, Zihou wondered whether his appearance was more anxious? !

Otherwise, why was called a sister by a man in his twenties!

Not only Zihou himself, tens of thousands of adventurers around also pulled their mouths after hearing this "sister".

My heart silently wiped out the experience of Zihou.

It's uncomfortable for an eighteen-year-old boy to be called his sister in public like this? Moreover, the instigator is still a mature male!

However, unlike everyone's reaction, the clan elder of the ancient Lich clan returned to his usual expression after a brief daze.

"Young Master..." The clan elder was excited with a childlike face, and wanted to go up and say something to the Lich Young Master, but was ruthlessly thrown away by the Lich Young Master.

"Sister, you are so beautiful, you are the most beautiful sister I have ever seen!"

But seeing the young lich master just sitting there, looking at Zihou.

is it?

Hearing such enthusiastic compliments, Zihou felt a little buoyant, and almost asked a question like that.

However, it was reason that defeated impulse.

Zihou cleared his throat, feeling very contemptuous of what he had just thought.

In this situation, Zihou also sees some clues.

Although the man in front of him is as tall and mature as Mo Yunhuang, the innocence that only children use is revealed in those golden eyes.

This... is obviously a child!

The look in her eyes was similar to that of her Zihuang child. Of course, if you ignore the arrogant Zihuang.

How could this happen, why is there such an immature soul in the body of this mature man?

"Sister, is your hair different from King's Landing?"

"Ah, one pair is different!"

"Hey, sister's hands are so small!"


The young lich master blinked a pair of clear golden eyes, and looked at Zihou curiously, the expression on his face full of doubt.

Zihou had no choice but to look at Mo Yunhuang with questioning eyes.

"This guy has inherited the purest blood of the Lich family, and his intelligence has been temporarily sealed. It will take some time for him to grow into adult intelligence!"

Mo Yunhuang's soul is transmitted in the consciousness of Zihou.

The doubts in Zihou disappeared.

She got it.

As she said before, everything in this world is balanced. Between gains and losses, there is always a balance.

Young Master Lich inherited the purest blood of the Lich family, and his lack of intelligence was the price he needed to pay.

This is balance.

After solving the puzzle, Zihou, looking at the simple face in front of him, there is still a trace of pity in his eyes.

Although the contrast between such a mature appearance and an immature soul is really weird, it is a pity for a person to be incompatible with ordinary people and it will more or less affect a person's psychological growth.

"What's your name?" Zihou curled his lips, showing a slight smile.

"Wow, sister laughs so beautifully!" The young lich did not answer Zihou, but opened his mouth in an O shape, the expression on his face seemed to be shocked.

So exaggerated, but sincere!


Zihou didn't hold back a laugh.

This guy is so funny!

"You haven't answered your sister's question!" Zihou raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, my name is Luo Junlin, and my sister can call me Junlin." The young lich smiled sweetly and looked at Zihou. The golden eyes looked like the last quarter moon, and the light shattered from it...

Luo Junlin?

Zihou put this name on the tip of the tongue, nodding his head thinking, the original surname of the Lich clan was Luo!

Could it be that the surname of the Lich Throne is also Luo?

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