Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Give me the Haotian Tower

A silver figure seemed to pass by, leaving a long silver arc behind him.


Zihou can only hear such a sound, a large silver-white light flashes in front of my eyes, and the halo disappeared in the blink of an eye!

what? !

The hand that Zihou had just stretched out just froze there, his eyes staring slightly, his face inevitably showed a look of error.

However, Zihou quickly reacted, his face stern, and suddenly turned his face to the silver figure and followed it...

The silver figure quickly stopped, floating in the void a dozen feet away from Zihou.

A piece of silvery white as ice-colored clothes floated slowly in the void, and upwards, it was a slender and arrogant figure.

The tall man, with ice silkworm and silver clothes added to his body, was engulfed in a layer of silvery white light, making it more holy and lofty.

A mask of the same color quietly covered the man's face, revealing a white forehead and a perfect chin curve.

In a pair of deep silver eyes, the fine silver light flickered, as if hiding a night sky in it.

In the man's hand, holding the halo.

It's him!

When Zihou saw this man clearly, his eyes stared slightly, and the tip of his heart felt a pain for some reason.

The person who robbed her was the Son of the Holy City!

Zihou frowned slightly, with obscure eyes looking up at the silver-clad man above the void.

For a while, her thoughts were a little difficult to straighten out.

Just now, when the Lich clan wanted to sacrifice her, this person stood up and tried to save her. For the time being, let's not mention what the man is doing. However, at least in her opinion, in the deepest part of her heart, she believed him!

Without knowing the reason, she could not convince herself.

After all, this man is the holy son of the holy city, and she has never met him. Of course, except for the strange familiarity in her heart.

However, it was such a person, but also the one who grabbed things in her hands!

"Haotian Tower?!" A low, magnetic voice escaped between Shengzi's lips.

Because the mask covers the face whose expression cannot be seen clearly, he can vaguely see the curve of his chin pulling gently, as if he is smiling.

The halo floated up and down in a small range on his slender fingertips, and the faint white light flickered and dimmed.

Across the halo like a cloud, it is easy to feel a very thick and mysterious atmosphere...

It was not obvious, as if it was blocked by something, only the slightest leaks.

"You are not allowed to **** things from your sister!"

At this time, an angry voice sounded through the entire stone room.

Before the sound fell, a ray of light around Zihou lit up, turning into a streamer and heading towards the holy child in the void...

It's Luo Junlin!

Luo Junlin's speed was extremely fast, he was close to the Saint Child in the blink of an eye, and without a word, he immediately started to grab the halo from the hands of the Saint Child!

Luo Junlin's whole body was filled with a layer of azure light.

King Realm? !

After seeing the cyan light that day, Zihou's eyes trembled, and he naturally thought of Luo Junlin's level of strength!

It is said that the level of the gods, once the divine power is stimulated, will form a circular pattern under the feet. The specific strength level of the cultivator will appear in the formation pattern. However, because the formation pattern is transformed by heaven and earth, the energy form formed is subtle, and people who have not yet reached the **** level can't see it!

However, even so, Zihou can pass the richness of Luo Junlin's body and guess the strength level of Dao Luo Junlin!

I'm afraid it's at least the fifth grade king!

With Luo Junlin's strength, Zihou is not too shocking. After all, these people of the Lich clan have different talents.

Among the hundreds of people, there are many gods. As the young master of the Lich clan, Luo Junlin's talent is naturally not bad.

However, the face of Zihou changed drastically in the next moment.

But seeing that when Luo Junlin fiercely attacked the Saint City Shengzi, the sudden loud momentum around the Shengzi was not worse than Luo Junlin!

Immediately afterwards, the azure light burst out from the Saint Child!

The strands of azure profound strength are terrifying!

Turns out to be another king!

Zihou is not without shock.

The holy child of the holy city, who seems to be no more than the age of Emperor Mo Yun, is already a powerhouse in the monarch realm!

Is this holy son too enchanting, or is the water in the holy city too deep?

Shengzi didn't seem to be willing to fight Luo Junlin. Facing Luo Junlin's attack, Shengzi has been defending and avoiding.

And Luo Junlin's goal is also very clear, he is only to **** the halo from the hands of Shengzi.

"Give it back to me! This is what I gave to my sister!" Luo Junlin wrinkled his face angrily, with an angry expression on his face.

"Oh, if you want, just grab it!" Shengzi laughed, disapprovingly.

"You bad guy!" Luo Junlin gritted his teeth and shouted, "I'm angry!" After roaring, a burst of golden light shot out from Luo Junlin's body, and Luo Junlin's attack speed and strength seemed to change suddenly. A lot stronger.

The battle between two powerhouses of the god-ranked monarch realm is undoubtedly a disaster for the tens of thousands of adventurers below.

The attack of the gods, not to mention completely hitting them, even the aftermath of the battle and the fierce wind are enough for them to suffer.

"Oh, hey, hurry up and hide, it's terrible!"

"My God, it's so strong!"

"Hurry up, they are here!"


For a time, tens of thousands of adventurers were too busy to stay away from the two, for fear that one would become cannon fodder if they were not careful.

"Ah! Give me back!" Luo Junlin hit the Saint Child with a punch full of energy, and at the same time did not forget to grab the Haotian Tower in the hands of Saint Child.

Facing Luo Junlin's punch, Shengzi only measured his body for a while, and even directly used his right shoulder to receive the punch!

what? !

Seeing such a detail in the eyes of Zihou, a thick and unbelievable suddenly appeared in the eyes.

If Luo Jun came down with this punch, even the son of the same king would be seriously injured, right?


The fist collided with the shoulder of the son, making a violent crash. The divine power of body protection between the two collided with violent sparks, and even the void between the two had a faint tendency to collapse!

For the cultivators who have not yet reached the level of the gods, many things have hidden attributes in the battle between the gods. To put it bluntly, there are many things that the eyes of ordinary cultivators can't see at all!

Therefore, Zihou can observe only these.

He really completely withstood Luo Junlin's punch!

Zihou eyes widened slightly, observing the Holy Child of the Holy City without blinking.

But seeing Shengzi's body is like a ball of water, ripples rippling on his body surface. And after receiving that punch, he was able to stand there safe and sound!

Why is that?

"Empty physique..." Mo Yunhuang's voice sounded in the ear of Zihou at the right time.

Ethereal physique? !

Zihou has these words in mind.

She knows that the Son is an ethereal physique. But what she didn't know was that the ethereal physique actually had such a terrifying side!

It was able to remove the damage from the outside world!

What a terrifying physique this should be!

Luo Junlin didn't seem to expect that Shengzi would take his punch so directly, and what made him even more unexpected was that his powerful punch wouldn't work for him!

"Return the things to me soon, otherwise Junlin will be really angry!" Luo Junlin clenched his fists into his chest, his face still extremely angry.

If you observe carefully, you can actually see that Luo Junlin's golden eyes are faintly filled with white fragments!

"Oops!" The old man of the Lich clan didn't let go of the few invisible white fragments in Luo Junlin's eyes. His expression changed and he exclaimed.

"Junlin, come back soon!" The old man shouted towards Luo Junlin.

However, Luo Junlin ignored him.

Shengzi also saw the shattered white lines in Luo Junlin's golden eyes. Gradually, his silver eyes sank.

"Boy, I'll play with you next time!" The frivolous voice was evil, and the voice of the holy son sank after speaking, "Let's go!"

"Want to go?" Tyrannical voice sounded at the moment when Shengzi's voice fell.

Obviously the voice is not loud, but the two words are full of coercion and momentum. Hearing to everyone's ears, a heart is like being pressed by an endless mountain, breathless.

The Saint didn't say anything, but with a wave of his hand, his whole body was enveloped in silver light in the next instant, and his whole person gradually faded...

"You can leave Haotian Tower if you want to go!" Mo Yunhuang said again, and at the same time, when he lifted his right hand, a stream of ink shot at the holy child at an incredible speed.


The sound similar to the breaking of glass sounded at the moment when Shengzi's figure was about to disappear. The figure that had completely faded away was restored to its essence again.

The holy son's eyes looked faintly towards Mo Yunhuang, and there was a moment of astonishment in the eyes of those silver white rays.

"Haha!" A deep laughter came from the mouth of the saint son. The line was cold and charming, very strange.

"I want to take the Haotian Tower!" Shengzi placed the halo in front of him, cast his eyes down, then threw his hand forward, and his figure disappeared at that moment.

"Small bugs!" The purple eyes on Mo Yunhuang's hands were deep. The dismissive tone carried the arrogance of the world.

When the voice fell, Emperor Mo Yun's figure flashed, flying towards a corner of the stone room space...

Zihou suddenly raised its head and moved with Mo Yunhuang's movements.

In the end, when Emperor Mo Yun came to the void, the halo that was thrown by the holy son in the direction of Zihou appeared there!

And next to Emperor Mo Yun is the Saint Child who disappeared a second!

For a time, the two were not more than two meters apart, facing each other.

"Originally, if you left the Haotian Tower, let you go, now..."

Mo Yunhuang's cold voice did not carry the slightest emotion. Even his face that was so handsome that it eclipsed the heavens and the earth is not expression at all.

After finishing speaking, before Shengzi hadn't reacted, he waved his sleeves again, and a stream of ink came towards the facade of Shengzi...

Shengzi's reaction was very fast, incredibly fast; however, Mo Yunhuang's attack was even faster and unpredictable!


The sound of broken jade is very clear in the quiet stone room.

Shengzi tilted his body slightly and backed away, his ink flow spread out behind his head, that silver-white robe was still extremely holy...

The two-petal silver mask slipped from the face of the son, and the jade-like mask reflected bright silver light.

The gaze of Zihou chased the holy child who flew out, and through a few strands of flying ink hair, the face that entered the goal made Zihou almost forget to breathe!

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