Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 76: I'll go if you don't go!

The departure of Mo Yunhuang and Zihou was too sudden. As a result, when everyone present reacted, the two of them had already disappeared.

Seeing Mo Yunhuang left with Zihou, he didn't say hello, and the old man of the Lich clan didn't care. The deep eyes stared at the direction where the two disappeared for a long time, and finally shook his head gently and sighed.

"The door to leave here is there, it has been opened for you, please!" The clan elder pointed to a void in the corner of the stone room, and said in a loud voice.

"After going out from here, it's beyond the ancient prohibition, you don't need to worry about going back the same way!" The middle-aged man behind the clan elder added.

After saying this, the clan elder of the Lich clan waved his hand.

But seeing a burst of golden light shining in the Lich family, just like when it came, after the golden light flickered, the group of people disappeared without a trace...

Countless adventurers looked at the void where the Lich tribe people disappeared, and their eyes were all in a dreamlike sleepiness.

If it were not for the broken altar in the stone room, the stone statues of the twelve gods and witch guards were in a mess, showing what had just happened. I'm afraid they might even think that everything is just an illusion!

As soon as Emperor Mo Yun left, the gust of wind, as the protector of the Devil Emperor, naturally followed up immediately.

"Friends, Haefeng is one step ahead, goodbye!" Haefeng clasped his fists and nodded towards Long Mocang.

"Slow wind protector!"



Several people in Long Mocang also clasped their fists and nodded towards Haifeng.

With a beckoned hand, Haifeng led hundreds of people from Demon Cloud City through the gate, and in a soft light, the figures disappeared.

Looking at Zihou and the direction where Mo Yunhuang disappeared, Mu Changfeng's gaze did not take back for a long time.

Those quiet eyes were dark, containing countless deep emotions.

Lu Guang was behind Mu Changfeng, and when he turned around, he saw Mu Changfeng's lonely back.

Slender posture, standing straight, even if he just looked at it, he could be sure that Mu Changfeng's body was stiff at this moment. Not only that, but a strong feeling of loneliness and disappointment lingered all over him.

Lu Guang's eyes flashed slightly.

He has been with Mu Changfeng for more than 20 years, and he treats Mu Changfeng as his own. Therefore, he also knew Mu Changfeng very well.

In his impression, Mu Changfeng had never been as lost and lonely as this time.

Even though the child is very indifferent when facing strangers, yet his heart is hot.

At this moment...


Lu Guang shook his head lightly and sighed.

"Let's go!" Lu Guang walked a few steps to Mu Changfeng's side, patted Mu Changfeng's shoulder lightly, and said lightly.

Mu Changfeng was unmoved.

"Child, that girl will go to the wider sky!" Lu Guang said in a deep thought.

In this world, some people have certain things, they have their own definite numbers, and they can't force them!

He hopes that this child can cross this hurdle and understand this truth!

Hearing this, Mu Changfeng's body trembled almost invisibly.

He turned his head slightly and looked at Lu Guang with trembling eyes.

Lu Guang smiled lightly and nodded slightly.

"Yeah!" Mu Changfeng pursed his lips for a long time, nodded, and responded softly.

"Let's go!" Lu Guang smiled comfortedly, patted Mu Changfeng's shoulder, and then left first.

Mu Changfeng followed, but after taking two steps, he stopped again and turned around to look at the void where Zihou had just left. In the depths of his dark eyes, infinite determination emerged at this moment.

The blue sky is cloudless.

Although it was noon, the sun's rays were neither dazzling nor burning.

This is the place bordering the endless wasteland outside the ancient forbidden area of ​​the Western Wilderness.

To the east, there are endless deserts. Large tracts of red and yellow gravel cover the vast area without end. Above this desolate area, dots of oasis are scattered like stars. Add a little bit of life to this desolate scene.

To the west, there are endless vast ancient forests, which is what people call the dangerous land and ancient forbidden land. The further west, the ancient forest is faint, the giant wood is in the sky, a dark and mysterious scene.

The endless green and the endless red and yellow formed a sharp contrast. In this sparsely-traveled western barren land, an eternal landscape that remains unchanged for thousands of years is formed.

At this moment, above the void outside the ancient forbidden area, there were waves of ripples suddenly oscillating, and then like glass shattered, two figures appeared in the void.

One black and one white. The man in black is tall and tall, while the woman in white is petite and slender.

Two figures appeared from the void and stopped there.

"Emperor Mo Yun, what are you doing!" Zihou stopped at Emperor Mo Yun and slammed away from Emperor Mo Yun's embrace.

Her eyebrows were cold, and her beautiful eyes stared at Emperor Mo Yun with anger.

Mo Yunhuang's handsome and innocent face was also cold. Especially the pair of purple eyes, there are deep emotions hidden in them, as if a storm has condensed, it will erupt in the next moment!

Zihou got out of shape and left Mo Yunhuang several feet away.

Mo Yunhuang's deep gaze watched Zihou move away from him at an extremely fast speed. The anger and boredom on his face made his hard heart throb.

"Come here!" Mo Yunhuang pursed his resolute lips, and his spit was extremely overbearing.

Zihou frowned sharply. She hates others ordering her most, and Mo Yunhuang can't do it either!

Moreover, Emperor Mo Yun clearly knew her temperament, so she even stepped on her bottom line today. Such Emperor Mo Yun annoyed her!

Zihou didn't want to talk, snorted coldly, don't look away.

"I'll let you come over!" The attitude of Zihou made Mo Yunhuang's heart more uncomfortable.

For the first time in his life, he finally felt a lot of feelings of incomparable heartache and fear and panic!

He didn't want to be so fierce to Zihou, but he couldn't help it!

"Why? Mo Yunhuang, don't go too far!" Zihou also broke out, a pair of beautiful eyes almost breathed fire!

Mo Yunhuang, the bastard, is actually doing this to her?

"Do you care about him?" Mo Yunhuang's body was tight. When he asked this, he almost watched Zihou without blinking, for fear of missing any point on Zihou's face mood.

He doesn't trust himself so much?

Zihou has a heart sinking.

She has enough trust between them. But Emperor Mo Yun actually did this to her for some inexplicable people and things!

"Yes, I care about him a lot, what's the matter?" The temperament of Zihou is not as sensible as expected. Especially when facing feelings, it is often impulsive.

Zihou lifted his chin, and a nameless flame burned in his heart.

The words of Zihou seem to be inserted into Mo Yunhuang's heart ruthlessly. No, Mo Yunhuang would rather have his heart pierced and bleed by a sharp blade than listen to such words in Zihou!

Zihou is tantamount to Ling Chi to him! It even made him almost crazy!

The tall body is tight, the lines on Mo Yunhuang's face are extremely cold and hard, his thin lips are pressed tightly, and his eyes are even more sinking!

"Dare you!" Mo Yunhuang suddenly said in a tone that has never been heard in Zihou.

That tone made Zihou a heart shake.

"I don't allow you to care about him!" Mo Yunhuang said again, before the voice fell, Zihou felt that his body fell into a generous embrace.

In the next instant, endless enthusiasm came with almost crazy kisses like a gust of rain.

The consciousness of Zihou is momentarily blank.

The breath of Emperor Mo Yun is overwhelming, and Zihou can only bear it passively.

Mo Yunhuang’s kiss was as overbearing as him, so that Zihou soon felt the **** smell!

Zihou took a deep breath and felt even more annoyed.

"Get away!" With enough strength, Zihou even used its profound energy to forcefully push away the irrational Mo Yunhuang.

"What kind of wind do you draw?" Zihou roared loudly, and after roaring, Zihou fell downward and fell on top of the yellow sand and walked towards Jianyu City without turning back.

This place is exactly where they entered the ancient forbidden place in the Western Wilderness.

"We need time to calm down and give each other some space!" Zihou said without looking back.

"You are not allowed to go!" Mo Yunhuang's voice followed.

In the next instant, Emperor Mo Yun blocked the path of Zihou.

"What do you want..." Before Zihou was finished, Emperor Mo Yun was held in his arms.

The hard chest was full of strength, and the Zihou almost strangled out of breath!

"You let me go!" Zihou struggled, but in vain.

In Mo Yunhuang's arms, she would never have the ability to break free!

Mo Yunhuang held Zihou tightly in his arms, the expression on his face was unprecedented panic.

At the moment when Zihou left without looking back, his heart fell to the bottom. He even thought that if Zihou left like this, he would never return to him again!

He doesn't allow this to happen!

If Zihou doesn't want him, he will ruin the world!

In the invisible corner of Zihou, deep in Mo Yunhuang's purple eyes, there is a faint red blood floating. From the beginning, the strands evolved into strands, gradually occupying the entire eye, until finally Mo Yunhuang's purple eye turned into a terrifying dark red!

If you see such a scene in Zihou, you will definitely be shocked!

Because, in her impression, Mo Yunhuang has never been like this before!

However, what does Zihou feel...

"You... why is your body so hot?" Hidden in the arms of Emperor Mo Yun, Zihou can most feel the change of Mo Yun's body temperature at this moment.

At first, she just felt that Emperor Mo Yun's body was a little hot. One is the cause of this guy's anger. However, now, in just a few minutes, she even felt that the side face of Mo Yunhuang's chest was a little hot.

That feeling is more obvious than a high fever!

Mo Yunhuang said nothing, let alone move.

"What's the matter with you?" Zihou frowned, thinking that it must be Mo Yunhuang something wrong. Otherwise, why does the temperature keep rising...

However, Emperor Mo Yun still held Zihou with great strength, just didn't let go or talk!

"You quickly let go and let me see!" The tone of Zihou was harsh, but it was also less angry.

"Uh-huh~" Mo Yunhuang snorted with pain in the answer to Zihou.

When Zihou heard this very faint muffled hum, his pupils shrank sharply.

She knew Mo Yunhuang, this man was like an iron man, and could hardly feel the pain. But now, he actually groaned because of the pain, that must have happened to Emperor Mo Yun!

Zihou worries so badly in his heart, struggling hard, but in the end he can't get away.

As a result, the eyes of Zihou flashed, calmed down, and said softly, "Emperor Yun, you hurt me!" The voice of Zihou was very soft and delicate.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Emperor Mo Yun's body became stiff, and a lot of the strength in his hands was relieved!

Zihou was overjoyed. Just after leaving Mo Yunhuang’s arms, he saw Mo Yunhuang turn around before seeing Mo Yunhuang’s face...

"Emperor Yun, you..." Zihou looked at Mo Yunhuang's undulating back in a daze, stretched out a hand to touch his shoulder, but heard Mo Yunhuang's violent roar.

"Go! Stay away from me!"

Zihou changed his face severely, opened his mouth, and finally couldn't say a word...

What did she hear just now?

He...let her go? !

Emperor Mo Yun actually let her go? !

Zihou feels that my eyes are as uncomfortable as sand has gone into it, and a heart is even more pinched, unable to breathe.

"What did you say?" In the end, Zihou didn't believe her ears heard it, or that she didn't believe Mo Yunhuang would say such things to her.

When I finished asking this, Zihou was hopeful.

However, Mo Yunhuang's next words have thrown all hope in Zihou into the abyss!

"You won't go? Okay, let me go!"

After Mo Yunhuang said in a cold voice, his figure flashed and disappeared in place...

Leaving Zihou alone there, the eyes that have always been bright and smart, as dead as if they have lost their lives...

------Off-topic ------

Actually not abuse.

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