Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 112: Zihou is dead?

"Huh~" That divine power hit the barrier behind Zihou and exploded, terrifying energy dissipated everywhere, and at the same time it made a huge noise.

Zihou has a tight heart and a solemn look on its face.

Seeing Zihou avoiding his own attack, Yun Ling was taken aback first, then relieved.

"Hidden fast!" She pulled her lips and smiled contemptuously. She didn't think much about Zihou avoiding her own attacks. After all, the blow just now was just a wave of her hand! To put it bluntly, she hasn't done anything yet!

"However, I want to see how many times you can avoid it!" Yun Ling said, with one hand into claws, the azure divine power gradually condensed in the palm of her hand, but within a few breaths, it formed an energy that compressed the divine power. ball.

The sky-blue energy ball was floating above Yun Ling's palm, floating up and down. The terrifying energy contained in it made people dare not look directly at it. No one doubted that if this energy ball exploded outside the barrier, it would definitely kill a large number of practitioners here!

Immediately afterwards, she waved her sleeves, still coming towards the facade of Zihou!

After the energy ball was thrown by Yun Ling, a gust of wind blew up, and it instantly soared into a huge energy ball with a diameter of nearly ten feet.

The strong azure divine power is like an invisible blade that is extremely sharp and can cut iron like mud!


The sound of breaking through the air was extremely sharp, and the void that the energy ball passed was faintly distorted!


"What a terrifying energy!"

"Is this the strength of the king?!"


Many cultivators can still feel the horror of the energy ball formed by this divine power even if they are separated from the barrier. They exclaimed in a low voice, holding their breath, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath!

Zihou looked like a torch, tightly locked on the energy ball that was coming towards him, dark and deep eyes with a thick black color!

This energy ball was not like a divine power attack that Yun Ling had just swung at will.

This energy ball not only condensed the divine power, the power is even more terrifying, and more importantly, the mental power is locked in it, which is almost impossible to dodge!

The so-called mental power locking means that the target of this attack is very clear. Unless a strong external force blocks this energy ball, it will not explode anywhere, it will only explode around Zihou!

When fighting with the previous Zihou and cultivators of the same level, Zihou can take advantage of the difference of mental power lock based on its keen reaction. After all, the spiritual power lock of the cultivator below the **** level is not an absolute lock, and there will be certain loopholes.

However, it is no joke to lock the spiritual power of the strong of the gods!

"Damn it!" Zihou cursed, the muscles all over his body were in a tight state. A string was stretched in her mind, and she couldn't help but relax.

"Look where you flee!" Condescendingly watched his divine energy ball rush towards Zihou, Zihou himself has a solemn expression, motionless, as if frightened Now, this recognition made Yun Ling feel very happy.

How could a small Xuanzun be able to break the attack locked by the spiritual power of a strong god?

This woman is really overpowering!

Thinking about it, the corners of Yun Ling's eyes and eyebrows were both joyful, but more disdainful and contemptuous.

However, before Yun Ling stayed in such a happy mood for long, a clear drink from her ear changed her expression.

"End of the World Sword, sacrifice!"

That clear drink, if Kunshan jade is broken, like beads falling on a jade plate, it is very soft to listen.

It is also this clear drink, like a dry earth in a moment of rain and dew, and withered trees in spring, so that many practitioners who are not optimistic about Zihou have such a moment as if they saw the dawn of hope under the haze.

In the field of vision, a silvery white light rises strongly, and if the morning light pierces the mist, it will shed a silvery white light under the sky full of blue light.

But after seeing the silver light, the white-clothed woman held a sharp and introverted peerless sword, the sword pointed at the endless boundless.

The strong wind blew her black hair and white dress and hunted. Her face was solemn, her posture was cold and stern, like a peerless **** of war!

As soon as the voice fell, she moved.

It was a slender hand, which seemed to have no power to bind a chicken, but at the moment when he swung his sword down, he moved the mountains and rivers with his hands, and cut through the universe with his hand!

Obviously, his hands are slender, but the power to turn the clouds and rain is hidden!

The silvery sky poured down with the moment she swung her sword down, like the stars that had fallen across the sky, more like the first ray of light between the heaven and the earth after the chaos was split!

The silver energy is cut from top to bottom, just on that huge energy ball!


The moment the silver-white energy collided with the azure energy, countless sparks were wiped out, and there was a deafening explosion.

The sound waves and the gang winds vibrated violently! Even the cultivators outside the barrier clearly felt the vibration of the earth!

"What a terrifying energy!"

"Oh my God! Is this the energy that Xuanzun's peak should have?"



Many cultivators couldn't believe their eyes. Because this silver-white energy clearly belongs to Xuanzun, but it has the momentum to split the emperor's divine power!

Is this situation reasonable?

Could it be that a Xuanzun can really defeat the emperor?

Thinking about this, the practitioners who are not optimistic about Zihou at all have faint expectations for Zihou in their hearts.

However, compared to the expectations of others, Zihou is not so optimistic at the moment.

Her face was exactly the same as before, a cold one, and her dark eyes were even more solemn.

‘End of the World Sword, sacrifice! This set of mysterious skills was given to her by Yun Zhongyue in order to repay her life when she was in Tianxia City.

Probably it is a unique knowledge in the world. After she has completed her cultivation, she has continued to use it and summed up her experience. Now it is not perfect, it can be said to be more and more proficient.

The three types of Tianya Sword, especially the last one, if used well, it almost has the domineering effect of slashing the sky and the earth!

Of course, she is a Xuanzun, currently she can't display such terrifying strength.

Therefore, with her Xuanzun's strength, wanting to use the Tianya Sword to deal with a Second Sword King, this situation is not very optimistic!

However, in the end, it was a mysterious technique with explosive attack attributes, coupled with ancient magic weapons like Feng Xuanjian, the effect would naturally not be too bad.

Just don't know...

In fact, Zihou itself is not sure about this contest between the "End of the World Sword, Sacrifice" and the supernatural energy ball of the King of Swords, who will be better!

The Tianya Sword splits on Yun Ling's divine power energy ball, like a watermelon cut with a knife, especially the Tianya sword is silvery white, the phantom of Fengxuan sword illusion, and the divine power energy ball is sky blue. The contest between the two, let alone, is full of the instant sense of cutting watermelon with a big knife!

Although there is a sense of joy, Zihou can't laugh at all at this time. She didn't dare to take it lightly until the outcome was divided.

Besides, there is already a guess in her heart!

"What!" Yun Ling stared at the scene where the long sword phantom slashed on his divine energy ball and prevented the energy ball from moving towards Zihou, his expression a little triumphant for a while Blackened.

"I didn't expect this woman to use such a domineering mysterious technique!" Yun Ling gritted his teeth bitterly.

With such a powerful and domineering mysterious technique, even their holy city can't get a few sets!

"But, what?" After a few breaths of effort, Yun Ling returned to the calmness and pride of the previous moment.

Because, between the two, the sword-cut watermelon contest between Tianya Sword and Divine Power Energy Ball seems to have come to fruition!

After the threatening Tianya Sword cut nearly half of the energy balls, its momentum gradually weakened and weakened at an extremely fast speed. Almost when the energy ball was cut into three-quarters, the energy phantom of the Tianya Sword was like a shattered mirror, instantly disintegrating, turning into shreds of light and then disappearing into the void little by little...

The remaining divine energy balls, although their size and speed have a certain degree of attenuation, but this does not hinder her determination to blow Zihou into powder!

"Hurry up!"

"Oh my God!"



Seeing that the terrifying energy ball slowed down for a while, it continued to pounce towards Zihou like a crazy beast, and many onlookers were secretly anxious for Zihou!

Zihou's eyes trembled, and there was no time to think about it. With a movement, he retreated quickly toward the rear. It's just that without waiting for her to retreat too far, she hit the barrier of the barrier!

Although this enchantment can remove most of the fighting energy, it can also prevent combatants from escaping from it.

It can also be seen from the layout of the enchantment alone that Yun Ling's calculations are very deep!

With his back attached to the enchantment, Zihou's complexion was condensed. At this moment, she was able to feel the energy of the divine energy ball almost cut her cheek!

"Come on!" However, in the next instant, Zihou clenched its fists and let out a low growl.

As the words fell, her whole body suddenly sank, and all the energy belonging to the peak of Xuanzun was released, forming a thick shield!

At the same time, she raised her bare hand and shouted, "Falling Stars!"

As soon as the sound sounded, in front of Zihou, something exploded and turned into little by little, like diamond particles. Every fine particle reflects a dazzling light in the sun.

That scene is really like a spectacular scene of stars falling from the sky!

Falling stars are a kind of magical medicine recorded in the fragments of ancient times.

This kind of pill, after exploding, can weaken a specific area. But the energy in this field will be weakened to a certain extent! Even living things, such as human cultivators and spirit beasts, will be suppressed by a certain amount of strength if they are in this area!

Opposite the fallen stars is a pill called the ‘light of the rising sun’.

One gain and one debuff are the existence of innate attributes.

Just moments after Zihou dropped the fallen star, the divine energy ball passed through the weakened area by the fallen star and hit the defensive shield on Zihou!

"Huh~" there was another creepy explosion.

Countless flames rose into the sky, and spread in all directions.

The barrier trembles violently, especially the barrier in the corner where Zihou is located.

It seems to be broken in the next moment!

The flames soared into the sky, swaying diffusely, and most of the entire enchantment was chaotic, and the people or things inside were not visible.

Yun Ling retreated back, flying and standing in the void away from the explosion, frowning and staring at the center of the explosion.

Is that woman dead?

Yun Ling was very puzzled.

On the one hand, she can't wait for Zihou to be bombed to death, but in her heart she vaguely feels that it is not that simple!

On the other hand, she doesn't want Zihou to die so quickly, after all, she hasn't abused enough! Before Zihou dies, she must be abused enough!


not dead?

The cultivators outside the barrier were filled with these two kinds of guesses. They craned their necks and stared wide-eyed to peer into the smoke, but they couldn't see clearly anyway.

There were nearly 100,000 onlookers, and there was a trend of increasing. However, none of these people is as calm as Mo Yunhuang.

Emperor Mo Yun stood with his hand holding his hand outside the barrier, his tall figure standing straight. There was a square meter around him, and there was no one magically, so he was out of step with the crowded square.

His face was cold, and the dark purple eyes flashed unfathomable.

Mo Yunhuang knew about Zihou. He knows that Zihou will be fine, and no one is more certain than him. However, even so, he is still not as good as it seems on the surface.

If you look closely, you can see that Mo Yunhuang's hand behind him is gradually clenched into a fist at this moment, and blue veins appear on it.

Although I believe, I still can't bear to hurt my beloved a little bit!

"Cough cough..." Just as everyone was eagerly waiting and guessing in their hearts, a somewhat embarrassed coughing sound came from the smoke...

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