Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 114: The most unruly posture

Zihou The eyebrows faintly jumped, and a little bad premonition surged in my heart.

this is…

She tried her best to perceive the surrounding environment, and her vague premonition gradually became clear at this moment.

Having absorbed the energy of the crystal heart of the dark thunder element, now she is not only able to summon and use thunder element, but also extremely sensitive to thunder element!

She could clearly feel the thunder element's riot in the air at this moment!

The eyes of Zihou flickered, staring into the depths of Yun Ling's eyes on the opposite side, there was an undercurrent surging.

The corners of Yun Ling's lips hidden in the shadows slowly evoked an arc of evil spirits, which made people feel frightened.

She was hanging her hand on her side and gradually raised it above her head. The red long sleeves fell, revealing her slightly slender arms.

However, the energy gradually filling between her hands was not like her delicate arms.

Outside the barrier, all 100,000 cultivators waited with bated breath, looking up one by one, with shocked emotions on their faces.


Suddenly, Yun Ling's red lips squirmed, and two unusually cold words overflowed from her mouth.

When everyone heard it, the apex of their hearts trembled involuntarily.

Zihou also changed her complexion again. Upon closer inspection, she could see her white forehead faintly beating!

"Furious!" With a big turn of 180 degrees, Yun Ling suddenly raised the pitch, increasing his momentum even more. When these two words fell, it exploded like thunder!

The voice fell, but Yun Ling suddenly threw off the violent energy above his head with a thunderous speed!




Many sounds are deafening, but they are still intertwined, it is almost like a magic sound, people just listen to it, almost deaf and distracted.

The sky cyan energy mixed with silver and white thunder and lightning in the entire void crashed down, and the violent energy was huge, spreading, and fast, all of which were unprepared!

Many cultivators were dumbfounded when they saw this, except for their dumb eyes and fright, there was no more reaction.

Some relatively sane cultivators, with a cold sweat on their backs, thought in their hearts: If they were the one facing Yun Ling's attack today, where should they go and how should they face it?

With such terrifying energy, how can a Xuanzun who does not have a holy body of God rank in Zihou bear?

From the horrible energy from Yun Ling's hands to the submersion of Zihou, all this is nothing but lightning and flint!

All this happened so suddenly that most people have not yet reacted to it. Look again, the figure in Zihou has been drowned in the violent azure power and thunder and lightning!




The terrifying energy exploded soon after submerging Zihou. The effect of the explosion of the magical power combined with the power of thunder is absolutely unimaginable horror!

The flames in the sky flicker continuously, light and dark, and the energetic wind is even sharp enough to cut iron like mud! What's more terrifying is that the enchantment that can withstand the peak energy of the king is embarrassed and almost torn apart by the explosion of violent energy!

After a long time, the explosion subsided.

Although the violent energy finally subsided, the smoke and black clouds produced by the explosion were still shrouded in this void, and they did not disperse for a long time.

"She, is she still alive?"

"No, it's impossible, right?"

"! If this is still alive, it would be too bad!"


Staring at the devastation in front of him for a long time, many cultivators found their voices from the deep shock.

Even though most people are resistant to the fall of Zihou, after witnessing the scene just now, they have no hope that Zihou will survive!

Because that strike by Yun Ling just now was horrible! Many of them at the Xuanzun level had evaluated in their hearts, and thought that if they were replaced by them, let alone impossible to survive, even the corpses would have been broken into powder!


Such a stunning person, just such a fall?

This is too... a pity? !

Many cultivators all shook their heads, with strong regrets in their hearts. In my mind, I recalled the woman's gesture of asking Leng Auran, what a pity she thought and how. After all, a woman as stunning as Zihou is really rare in this world!


Yun Ling stared at a large pit left after the smoke and dust gradually dispersed in front of him, and the light and shadow in his eyes flickered, dark and unclear.

Although she desperately desires that her conjecture is correct, and she has reasons to think that her conjecture is correct, but for some reason, she always feels that something is wrong!

Outside the enchantment, the face of Emperor Mo Yun, who has formed a world of its own, was a cold and silent face, and those purple eyes were unfathomable, making people afraid to look!

Not only that, the cold aura around him at this moment is almost real, and people don't dare to approach at all. Even the cultivator who was ten feet away from him has already retreated to a greater distance without knowing it, far away from him, so as not to be frozen to death by his cold air.

Really dead? !

After another moment, Yun Ling didn't see any movement, and his heart moved.

Upon closer inspection, Yun Ling found that even her spiritual consciousness did not find the breath of Zihou!

That should be really dead, right?

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Ling couldn't help but jump for joy.

The more I thought about it, the happier and happier, Yun Ling's face for a long time seemed to have a tendency to laugh, but at this moment, a familiar cough sound came into her ears, and she almost didn't let her vomit out blood!


Yun Ling was familiar with this cough, and it was even her nightmare to some extent.

If she can, she really doesn't want to hear this coughing sound in her life!

The reaction was quite different from Yun Ling's. Many cultivators almost didn't stare out a pair of good eyes when they heard this familiar coughing sound!

I rely on!

Their hearts are broken at this moment, if they can, they also want to explode!

Didn't even die like this?

A Xuanzun actually survived such a terrifying attack by a god-ranked king? !

Is this a rhythm against the sky? !

Many cultivators almost use worshiping eyes to find the owner of the voice.

On the ground, because of the energy of the riot, a pit with a diameter of several feet was left. At this moment, a hand stained with thick dust stretched out from the deep pit, and the picture had a sense of immediate sight of a horror movie. Then, that hand firmly grasped a bump on the edge of the pit...

"Cough~" It was probably choked badly by the dust, and another cough came.

With this cough, a sullen figure finally crawled out of the pit, and after staggering, finally stood in a familiar gesture.

The long black hair covered with dust was no longer the ethereal and suppleness it was before; the white dress was jet-black, no longer the ethereal lightness. All in all, the person is still the same person, but compared to before, he is too embarrassed, like a dusted jade.

However, the jealous posture with his chest upright and the familiar elegance made it easy for people to recognize.

"Cough~" Yin Hong's blood wandered down the corners of the lips with the cough of Zihou, dripping into the mud on the ground, raising a little dust.

If you look closely at her body, you can also see that the blood stains on the dirty long skirt are seeping through the clothes.

Watching Zihou stand up under her eyelids, even if she stands under her in an embarrassing appearance, she can't conceal her unignorable grace.

"Damn it!" Yun Ling's heart was almost furious.

The anger spread, and her beautiful face was almost distorted with anger.

Zihou flicked the dust off the sleeves, then brushed the dust off the face with a slightly cleaner sleeve hem, revealing a stunning face that was embarrassing but beautiful.

She raised her eyes, looked at Yun Ling who was above the void, raised her eyebrows and said lightly, "Are you only capable of this?"

After finishing Zihou)," he lowered his eyelids.

At this moment, she thanked Yun Ling so much. Because if it weren't for Yun Ling, she might not know that she still had the ability to resist the attack of the Second Sword King with a mysterious technique!

Although her body was forged by the Nether Fire and Vermilion Sacred Fire, her physique was exceptionally strong. But she never thought it would be so tough. It was so strong that even under the mysterious attack of a Second Sword King, there was nothing serious except for some injuries!

Sure enough, a person's potential is immeasurable! And she wants to know where her limit is!

"With this ability, do you want me to go to hell?" Zihou suddenly said again. But this time, she changed her faint tone just now, and replaced it with a disdainful cold arrogance.

"Ah!" Yun Ling looked up to the sky and roared, the energy of his body was violently rising.

"Thunder's fury, crushed to pieces!" Along with Yun Ling's sharp, hateful and killing intent, a burst of energy that was more terrifying than the previous'Thunder and Lightning Fury' moved towards Zihou) "Smash it head-on!

"Come on!" Zihou was stained with a **** wildness.

She raised her head, her dark eyes reflected the terrifying energy coming quickly.

In the next moment, she was swallowed again!

The same explosion, the difference is that this one is even more fierce, and even the leaked wind and energy remnants through a layer of enchantment directly injured some nearby practitioners or seriously injured or shattered them into powder!

There was a slight commotion among the crowd, but in the end they were still drawn by the fate of Zihou.

The flames from the sky rushed straight into the sky, and the energy fragments and flames produced by the explosion resembled an atomic bomb explosion. The scope of the explosion was so wide that the consequences would be immeasurable!

After a while, everything finally calmed down.

"This time, I think you are still alive!"

"Fight me, you are destined to go to hell!"

"Overestimate bitch!"


Yun Ling's face was savage and distorted. She stepped into the void and looked at the thick black smoke in front of her eyes, her chest violently ups and downs, swearing in spite of her image.

She thinks she is going crazy, or already crazy!

If she does not vent, she will definitely lose her mind immediately!

That woman is definitely the biggest nightmare of her life! The look in her eyes, her figure, and even her coughing sound, the shadow persists, leaving her shadow like a tarsal maggot, how can she not get rid of it!

Unless Zihou goes to death!

However, now, all that is over!

Under the attack of "Thunder Fury", she didn't believe that the woman could survive!

Unlike Yun Ling's conviction, many cultivators no longer know what to guess.

Their hearts are very confused.

On the one hand, Yun Ling's move of'Thunder's Wrath' is really too terrifying. Wherever this mysterious technique has passed, life is disgraced. It stands to reason that unless he is also a powerful and powerful person of the gods, he can survive. Zihou is just a Xuanzun, how can it be done without a holy body?

However, on the other hand, Zihou refreshed their perceptions time and time again. The spirit that he can't afford is comparable to Xiaoqiang.

So they don't know whether Zihou is now alive or dead!

A pair of eyes, almost without blinking, all focused on the darkest part of the enchantment.

After another moment, the black smoke and dust were blown away by the breeze, gradually revealing that area clearly.

There was a big pit on the ground, and after a bombardment by Yunling, it was even more terrible at this time.

A circular pit with a diameter of almost ten feet is almost bottomless.

However, this time, everyone has waited for a long time but never heard the familiar coughing or the cough that marks Zihou is still alive.

Everyone's faces gradually changed...

Could it be that she failed?

She fell under Yun Ling's hands?

This kind of cognition gradually became ingrained over time.


This is the sound of a rock falling and hitting other rocks.

Although faint, it was infinitely magnified in this strangely silent Sacred Seal Square.

The eyes of one hundred thousand cultivators trembled, and the apex of their hearts twitched, and an inexplicable mood rose.

Similar to the previous scene. One hand was slowly raised from under the pit. However, this hand was not only stained with dust but also with dried blood.

A figure crawled out, a little slower than before.

Everyone watched the man from crawling out, then standing up, and finally standing with his chest out in the most awkward posture...

Something in their hearts was touched, inexplicably speechless.

It turned out that no matter what appearance she finally stood in front of them, as long as she always maintained that attitude and persistence, nothing has changed!

Zihou stood there, in a long white dress that was already invisible.

She was covered in blood stains mixed with thick dust all over her body, as if she had just crawled out of **** on countless bones!

She wiped away the blood-dust on her face as before.

"Then now, it's my turn!"

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